Yes it is possible. The script below will give you an array with all the computer information.
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
Local $GhostInfo
RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c Ghost32.exe -lockinfo > ' & @TempDir & '\GhostInfo.txt', @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE)
$CountLines = _FileCountLines(@TempDir & '\GhostInfo.txt')
For $x = 3 To $CountLines
$Line = FileReadLine(@TempDir & '\GhostInfo.txt', $x)
If $Line <> '' Then
If StringInStr($Line, 'not supported') <> 0 Then $Line = ''
$GhostInfo &= StringReplace(StringStripWS(StringMid($Line, StringInStr($Line, '"')), 3), '"', '') & '|'
$GhostInfo = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($GhostInfo, 1), '|')
_ArrayDisplay($GhostInfo, 'Ghost32 LockInfo')
GhostInfo[0] = Array Size
GhostInfo[1] = Manufacturer
GhostInfo[2] = Product Name
GhostInfo[3] = Version
GhostInfo[4] = Serial Number
GhostInfo[5] = UUID
GhostInfo[6] = Manufacturer & Product Name Combined
GhostInfo[7] = PIII Id