I have given up thinking about this and started writing all my single (EOL) statements using lower case without full stops - like in a list. If it requires more than one sentence, then I would probably create a comment block and write normal English. Func _OverflowDetect($sOperator, $iOperand_1, $iOperand_2)
If Not StringRegExp($sOperator, '\A\s*[\+\-\*]\s*\z') Then Return SetError(1) ; operator not recognized
If Not StringInStr(VarGetType($iOperand_1), 'Int') Then Return SetError(2) ; meaningless request
If Not StringInStr(VarGetType($iOperand_2), 'Int') Then Return SetError(3) ; ditto
; execute the expression
Local $iExecute = Execute($iOperand_1 & $sOperator & $iOperand_2)
; execute the expression with the operands converted to doubles
Local $fCompare = Execute('Number(' & $iOperand_1 & ', 3)' & $sOperator & 'Number(' & $iOperand_2 & ', 3)')
; the results should be approximately equal
Return StringFormat('%.15e', $iExecute) <> StringFormat('%.15e', $fCompare)