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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2015 in all areas

  1. wakillon


    Bitmap2AscII use Lucida Console font with a size set to 8, so Windows 8/8.1 users need to change their notepad font and size for get a correct display. Image Rescale slider is only available when saving as image. A click on the "PreviewEdit" open AscII string in Notepad. You can save as Text, Html or Image (add the extension you want) Each setting change is immediately applied. Downloads available in the download section Hope you like it !
    4 points
  2. I wrote this very simple functions to parse command line arguments. It can get: Simple key/value Example. The following code: #include "cmdline.au3" MsgBox(0, _CmdLine_Get('color')) Will return "white" if you run the script in one of these ways (quotes are optional but mandatory if you're going to use spaces): script.exe -color "white" script.exe --color white script.exe /color white Existence Example. The following code: #include "cmdline.au3" If _CmdLine_KeyExists('givemecoffee') Then ConsoleWrite('You want coffee.') Else ConsoleWrite('You do not want coffee.') EndIf Will return "You want coffee." if you run one of these: script.exe -givemecoffee script.exe --givemecoffee script.exe /givemecoffee And the following code: #include "cmdline.au3" If _CmdLine_ValueExists('givemecoffee') Then ConsoleWrite('You want coffee.') Else ConsoleWrite('You do not want coffee.') EndIf Will return "You want coffee." if you run one of these: script.exe givemecoffee script.exe "givemecoffee" Flags Example. This script: #include "cmdline.au3" ConsoleWrite("You want: ") If _CmdLine_FlagEnabled('C') Then ConsoleWrite("coffee ") EndIf If _CmdLine_FlagEnabled('B') Then ConsoleWrite("beer ") EndIf ConsoleWrite(" and you do not want: ") If _CmdLine_FlagDisabled('V') Then ConsoleWrite("vodka ") EndIf If _CmdLine_FlagDisabled('W') Then ConsoleWrite("wine ") EndIf ConsoleWrite(" but you did not tell me if you want: ") If Not _CmdLine_FlagExists('S') Then ConsoleWrite("soda ") EndIf If Not _CmdLine_FlagExists('J') Then ConsoleWrite("juice ") EndIf Will return "You want: coffee beer and you do not want: vodka wine but you did not tell me if you want: soda juice" if you run: script.exe +CB -VW Getting argument by its index You can also read the $CmdLine (1-based index) through this function. The advantage is that if the index does not exist (the user did not specify the argument), it won't break your script. It will just return the value you specify in the second function parameter. #include "cmdline.au3" $first_argument = _CmdLine_GetValByIndex(1, False) If Not $first_argument Then ConsoleWrite("You did not specify any argument.") Else ConsoleWrite("First argument is: " & $first_argument) EndIf Just a note: The second value of _CmdLine_GetValByIndex function can be an integer value, a string, a boolean value, an array or anything you want it to return if the index does not exist in $CmdLine array. This parameter is also available in _CmdLine_Get() function, also as a second function parameter. In this case, it will return this value if the key was not found. Example: #include "cmdline.au3" $user_wants = _CmdLine_Get("iwant", "nothing") ConsoleWrite("You want " & $user_wants) So, if you run: script.exe /iwant water It will return "You want water". But if you run just: script.exe It will return "You want nothing". Please note that, as these two are the only functions in this library meant to return strings, the second parameter is not available for the other functions. By default, if you do not specify any fallback value, it returns null if the wanted value could not be found. Also, please note that this UDF can NOT parse arguments in the format (key=value). Example: script.exe key=value IT WILL NOT WORK Here is the code: #include-once #comments-start CmdLine small UDF coder: Jefrey (jefrey[at]jefrey.ml) #comments-end Func _CmdLine_Get($sKey, $mDefault = Null) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If $CmdLine[$i] = "/" & $sKey OR $CmdLine[$i] = "-" & $sKey OR $CmdLine[$i] = "--" & $sKey Then If $CmdLine[0] >= $i+1 Then Return $CmdLine[$i+1] EndIf EndIf Next Return $mDefault EndFunc Func _CmdLine_KeyExists($sKey) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If $CmdLine[$i] = "/" & $sKey OR $CmdLine[$i] = "-" & $sKey OR $CmdLine[$i] = "--" & $sKey Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func _CmdLine_ValueExists($sValue) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If $CmdLine[$i] = $sValue Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func _CmdLine_FlagEnabled($sKey) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If StringRegExp($CmdLine[$i], "\+([a-zA-Z]*)" & $sKey & "([a-zA-Z]*)") Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func _CmdLine_FlagDisabled($sKey) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If StringRegExp($CmdLine[$i], "\-([a-zA-Z]*)" & $sKey & "([a-zA-Z]*)") Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func _CmdLine_FlagExists($sKey) For $i = 1 To $CmdLine[0] If StringRegExp($CmdLine[$i], "(\+|\-)([a-zA-Z]*)" & $sKey & "([a-zA-Z]*)") Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc Func _CmdLine_GetValByIndex($iIndex, $mDefault = Null) If $CmdLine[0] >= $iIndex Then Return $CmdLine[$iIndex] Else Return $mDefault EndIf EndFunc
    1 point
  3. DllCall is a powerful way to use AutoIt code to run functions that were created in other languages and are stored in shared libraries outside of AutoIt. With DllCall, you can call Windows APIs directly, execute pieces of code that shipped with another vendor's product, and pass information between that code and your own script. However, DllCall is intended for the advanced user who is already familiar with how that stuff works. That definitely isn't me, and I find the process of converting variable types, handling ByRefs with odd syntax, and keeping track of return values in an array cumbersome. So I wrote a script to help me with it. It should help beginners get started with DllCall too. I was a little surprised that I didn't find something like this on the forum already. Maybe the intended audience doesn't have the same trouble that I do, or maybe those who don't "get" it don't care enough to. I'm hoping to bridge that gap a little. With this script, you can input the information from the MSDN documentation on a DLL function straight into the GUI and it will generate AutoIt code to call it and return its data. You can choose whether to report debugging information via ConsoleWrite or MsgBox or neither. It doesn't handle fancy things like DllStructs and callbacks, but it may help you get started. A great tutorial I used when I was starting to learn this stuff myself is Dealing with DLLs in AutoIt by Andreas Karlsson. My script is intended as a programmatic approximation of the concepts on pages 1 to 8 of that document. It is not a replacement for a good tutorial and self-learning. I wrote it as a shortcut for my own future use because I only wanted to learn it once. :-) Here it is. I'm curious to know what you all think. #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <ListViewConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Library\Repositories #NO BACKUP#\Google Drive - Toastyking\Development\Snippet Library\AutoIt\CodeWizards\DllCallCodegen\FormMain.kxf $FormMain = GUICreate("DllCall Code Generator", 825, 421) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("DLL Name", 16, 32, 55, 17) $InputDll = GUICtrlCreateInput("user32.dll", 120, 29, 121, 21) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Function Name", 16, 59, 76, 17) $InputFunc = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 120, 56, 121, 21) $RadioFuncAnsi = GUICtrlCreateRadio("ANSI", 256, 57, 49, 17) $RadioFuncUnicode = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Unicode", 312, 56, 73, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Return Type", 16, 85, 63, 17) $InputReturnType = GUICtrlCreateInput("int", 120, 82, 121, 21) $ComboCallConv = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 120, 110, 121, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "stdcall|cdecl") $ListViewParams = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|Type|Value|Method", 16, 245, 362, 126, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_LISTVIEW,$LVS_NOSORTHEADER)) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, 50) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, 50) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, 50) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 3, 50) $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("For all types, use the type name specified on MSDN.", 16, 8, 251, 17) $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Parameters:", 16, 136, 60, 17) $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Type", 24, 157, 28, 17) $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Value (0 for null)", 152, 157, 80, 17) $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Method", 280, 157, 39, 17) $InputParamType = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 24, 176, 121, 21) $InputParamValue = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 152, 176, 121, 21) $ComboParamByref = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 280, 176, 89, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Input/ByVal|Output/ByRef") $ButtonParamAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Parameter", 24, 213, 91, 25) $ButtonParamDelete = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear All", 128, 213, 107, 25) $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Calling convention", 16, 112, 91, 17) $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Generated AutoIt code:", 409, 8, 115, 17) $EditCode = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 408, 29, 401, 342, BitOR($ES_READONLY,$WS_HSCROLL,$WS_VSCROLL)) $ButtonTest = GUICtrlCreateButton("Test Code", 344, 381, 107, 25) $ButtonCopy = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy to Clipboard", 464, 381, 107, 25) $ButtonInsert = GUICtrlCreateButton("Insert in SciTE", 586, 381, 107, 25) $ButtonGenonly = GUICtrlCreateButton("Nothing Else", 704, 381, 107, 25) $ComboOutput = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 98, 383, 121, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "ConsoleWrite|MsgBox|$vDllCallReturn only") $Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Output method:", 16, 387, 77, 17) $Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Generate code and:", 232, 387, 99, 17) ;~ GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Global $aParams[1][3] GUICtrlSetData($ComboParamByref,"Input/ByVal") GUICtrlSetData($ComboOutput,"ConsoleWrite") GUICtrlSetData($ComboCallConv,"stdcall") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $ButtonParamAdd _ConvertType(GUICtrlRead($InputParamType)) ; Use the parameter type selected If @error Then If MsgBox(49,"Unrecognized Type","Unrecognized parameter type """ & GUICtrlRead($InputParamType) & """. Make sure you are using an MSDN return type." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you are certain that the parameter type is correct and you happen to know the equivalent AutoIt parameter type, click OK. You will be prompted later for the AutoIt parameter type.",0,$FormMain) = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ComboParamByref) = "Output/ByRef" And StringLeft(GUICtrlRead($InputParamValue),1) <> "$" Then MsgBox(48,"Error","To use this parameter value as a ByRef, you must specify the name of a variable used in your AutoIt script, which must begin with a '$' symbol.",0,$FormMain) ContinueLoop EndIf ; Input seems okay; proceed. ReDim $aParams[UBound($aParams) + 1][3] ; Add a "row" to the array $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][0] = GUICtrlRead($InputParamType) $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][1] = GUICtrlRead($InputParamValue) $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][2] = GUICtrlRead($ComboParamByref) ; Clear input fields and refocus GUICtrlSetData($InputParamType,"") GUICtrlSetData($InputParamValue,"") GUICtrlSetData($ComboParamByref,"Input/ByVal") GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(UBound($aParams) - 1 & "|" & $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][0] & "|" & $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][1] & "|" & $aParams[UBound($aParams) - 1][2],$ListViewParams) ControlFocus($FormMain,"",$InputParamType) Case $ButtonParamDelete ; Delete all items _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($ListViewParams) ReDim $aParams[1][3] Case $ButtonTest $sDllCallOut = _GenerateCode("MsgBox") ; Always use MsgBox for output when generating for testing. GUICtrlSetData($EditCode,$sDllCallOut) If $sDllCallOut <> "" Then GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE,$FormMain) GUICtrlSetData($ButtonTest,"Executing...") FileDelete(@TempDir & "\DllCallExec.au3") FileWrite(@TempDir & "\DllCallExec.au3",$sDllCallOut); Write code to temporary file to be executed. $nExit = RunWait(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & @TempDir & '\DllCallExec.au3"',@TempDir) ; Execute the temporary file. If $nExit <> 0 Then Switch $nExit Case 1 MsgBox(16,"DLL Code Generator","The AutoIt interpreter encountered an error while parsing or executing the generated code." & @CRLF & "Exit code: " & $nExit,0,$FormMain) Case Else MsgBox(16,"DLL Code Generator","There was a problem with the DllCall (possibly incorrect parameters). The AutoIt interpreter ended unexpectedly." & @CRLF & "Exit code: " & $nExit,0,$FormMain) EndSwitch EndIf GUICtrlSetData($ButtonTest,"Test Code") GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE,$FormMain) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\DllCallExec.au3") WinActivate($FormMain) EndIf Case $ButtonGenonly $sDllCallOut = _GenerateCode(GUICtrlRead($ComboOutput)) GUICtrlSetData($EditCode,$sDllCallOut) Case $ButtonCopy $sDllCallOut = _GenerateCode(GUICtrlRead($ComboOutput)) GUICtrlSetData($EditCode,$sDllCallOut) If ClipPut($sDllCallOut) Then ToolTip("Copied!") Else ToolTip("Copy failed!") EndIf Sleep(1000) ToolTip("") Case $ButtonInsert $sDllCallOut = _GenerateCode(GUICtrlRead($ComboOutput)) GUICtrlSetData($EditCode,$sDllCallOut) If ClipPut($sDllCallOut) Then ControlSend("[CLASS:SciTEWindow]","","Scintilla1","^v") Case $InputFunc If StringRight(GUICtrlRead($InputFunc),1) == "W" Then ; Check if last character of entered function name is a capital "W" GUICtrlSetState($RadioFuncUnicode,$GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($RadioFuncAnsi,$GUI_CHECKED) EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func _GenerateCode($sOutputType = "") Local $sArch, $sReturnTypeOut, $sParamTypeOut, $sDllFuncName, $sDllCallOut, $sCmdOutStart, $sCmdOutEnd, $fOutputGen Switch $sOutputType Case "ConsoleWrite" $sCmdOutStart = 'ConsoleWrite(' $sCmdOutEnd = ' & @CRLF)' $fOutputGen = 1 Case "MsgBox" $sCmdOutStart = 'MsgBox(0,"DllCall Code Generator",' $sCmdOutEnd = ')' $fOutputGen = 1 Case Else $sCmdOutStart = "" $sCmdOutEnd = "" $fOutputGen = 0 EndSwitch If GUICtrlRead($RadioFuncAnsi) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sArch = "a" If GUICtrlRead($RadioFuncUnicode) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sArch = "w" $sDllFuncName = GUICtrlRead($InputDll) & "/" & GUICtrlRead($InputFunc) $sReturnTypeOut = _ConvertType(GUICtrlRead($InputReturnType)) If @error Then $sReturnTypeOut = InputBox("Unrecognized Type","Unrecognized return type """ & GUICtrlRead($InputReturnType) & """. Make sure you are using an MSDN return type." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you are certain that the return type is correct and you happen to know the equivalent AutoIt return type, you may enter the AutoIt return type here.","","",Default,220,Default,Default,0,$FormMain) If $sReturnTypeOut = "" Then Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf $sReturnTypeOut = _ConvertTypeArch($sReturnTypeOut,$sArch) If GUICtrlRead($ComboCallConv) <> "stdcall" Then $sReturnTypeOut &= ':' & GUICtrlRead($ComboCallConv) $sDllCallOut = 'Local $aDllCallReturn,$vDllCallReturn' $sDllCallOut = '$aDllCallReturn = DllCall("' & GUICtrlRead($InputDll) & '","' & $sReturnTypeOut & '","' & GUICtrlRead($InputFunc) & '"' If UBound($aParams) > 1 Then For $x = 1 To UBound($aParams) - 1 $sParamTypeOut = '' $sParamTypeOut = _ConvertTypeArch(_ConvertType($aParams[$x][0]),$sArch) If $sParamTypeOut = '' Then $sParamTypeOut = InputBox("Unrecognized Type","Unrecognized parameter type """ & $aParams[$x][0] & """. Make sure you are using an MSDN parameter type." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you are certain that the parameter type is correct and you happen to know the equivalent AutoIt parameter type, you may enter the AutoIt parameter type here.","","",Default,220,Default,Default,0,$FormMain) If $sParamTypeOut = "" Then Return(SetError(1,0,"")) If StringRight($sParamTypeOut,1) = "*" Then $sParamTypeOut = StringTrimRight($sParamTypeOut,1) ; If the user added an asterisk to the end of the parameter type, remove it; it will be added back later if necessary. EndIf $sDllCallOut &= ',"' & $sParamTypeOut If $aParams[$x][2] = "Output/ByRef" Then $sDllCallOut &= '*' $sDllCallOut &= '","' & $aParams[$x][1] & '"' Next EndIf $sDllCallOut &= ')' & @CRLF ; Generate code to check for DllCall execution error. If $fOutputGen = 1 Then $sDllCallOut &= _ 'If @error Then' & @CRLF & _ ' Switch @error' & @CRLF & _ ' Case 1' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Unable to use the DLL file. Possibly a problem with the parameters."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' Case 2' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Unknown return type."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' Case 3' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Function not found in DLL file. Remember that function names are case sensitive."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' Case 4' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Incorrect number of parameters."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' Case 5' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Bad parameter."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' Case Else' & @CRLF & _ ' ' & $sCmdOutStart & '"DllCall error (' & $sDllFuncName & '): Unknown/unspecified error."' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF & _ ' EndSwitch' & @CRLF & _ ' $vDllCallReturn = ""' & @CRLF & _ 'Else' & @CRLF If $fOutputGen = 1 Then $sDllCallOut &= ' ' $sDllCallOut &= '$vDllCallReturn = $aDllCallReturn[0]' & @CRLF ; Generate code to assign returned ByRef values back to their AutoIt variables. If UBound($aParams) > 1 Then For $x = 1 To UBound($aParams) - 1 If $aParams[$x][2] = "Output/ByRef" Then If $fOutputGen = 1 Then $sDllCallOut &= ' ' $sDllCallOut &= $aParams[$x][1] & ' = $aDllCallReturn[' & $x & ']' & @CRLF EndIf Next EndIf ; Generate code to output values of the variables passed to the DllCall via ByRef. If $fOutputGen = 1 Then $sDllCallOut &= ' ' & $sCmdOutStart If UBound($aParams) > 1 Then For $x = 1 To UBound($aParams) - 1 If $aParams[$x][2] = "Output/ByRef" Then $sDllCallOut &= '"' & $aParams[$x][1] & ' = " & ' & $aParams[$x][1] & ' & @CRLF & ' EndIf Next EndIf $sDllCallOut &= '"DllCall return value: " & $vDllCallReturn' & $sCmdOutEnd & @CRLF $sDllCallOut &= "EndIf" & @CRLF EndIf Return $sDllCallOut EndFunc ; Convert the MSDN variable type to AutoIt variable type Func _ConvertType($MSDN_Type) Switch $MSDN_Type Case 'ATOM' Return 'WORD' Case 'BOOL' Return 'BOOL' Case 'BOOLEAN' Return 'BOOLEAN' Case 'BYTE' Return 'BYTE' Case 'CHAR' Return 'str' Case 'COLORREF' Return 'DWORD' Case 'CONST' Return 'const' Case 'DWORD' Return 'DWORD' Case 'DWORDLONG' Return 'ULONG' Case 'DWORD_PTR' Return 'DWORD_PTR' Case 'DWORD32' Return 'UINT' Case 'DWORD64' Return 'INT64' Case 'FLOAT' Return 'FLOAT' Case 'HACCEL' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HALF_PTR' Return 'ptr' Case 'HANDLE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HBITMAP' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HBRUSH' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HCONV' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HCONVLIST' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HCURSOR' Return 'HICON' Case 'HDC' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HDDEDATA' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HDESK' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HDROP' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HDWP' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HENHMETAFILE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HFILE' Return 'int' Case 'HFONT' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HGIDOBJ' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HGLOBAL' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HHOOK' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HICON' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HINSTANCE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HKEY' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HKL' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HLOCAL' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HMENU' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HMETAFILE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HMODULE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HMONITOR' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HPALETTE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HPEN' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HRESULT' Return 'LONG' Case 'HRGN' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HRSRC' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HSZ' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HWINSTA' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'HWND' Return 'HWND' Case 'INT_PTR' Return 'INT_PTR' Case 'INT32' Return 'int' Case 'INT' Return 'int' Case 'INT64' Return 'INT64' Case 'LANGID' Return 'WORD' Case 'LARGE_INTEGER' Return 'INT64' Case 'LCID' Return 'DWORD' Case 'LGRPID' Return 'DWORD' Case 'LONG' Return 'LONG' Case 'LONGLONG' Return 'INT64' Case 'LONG_PTR' Return 'LONG_PTR' Case 'LONG32' Return 'int' Case 'LONG64' Return 'INT64' Case 'LPARAM' Return 'LPARAM' Case 'LPBOOL' Return 'int' Case 'LPBYTE' Return 'int' Case 'LPCOLORREF' Return 'DWORD' Case 'LPCSTR' Return 'str' Case 'LPCTSTR' Return 'str' Case 'LPCWSTR' Return 'wstr' Case 'LPDWORD' Return 'DWORD' Case 'LPHANDLE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'LPINT' Return 'int' Case 'LPLONG' Return 'long' Case 'LPSTR' Return 'str' Case 'LPTSTR' Return 'str' Case 'LPVOID' Return 'ptr' Case 'LPWORD' Return 'WORD' Case 'LPWSTR' Return 'wstr' Case 'LRESULT' Return 'LRESULT' Case 'PBOOL' Return 'BOOL' Case 'PBOOLEAN' Return 'BOOLEAN' Case 'PBYTE' Return 'BYTE' Case 'PCHAR' Return 'str' Case 'PCSTR' Return 'str' Case 'PCTSTR' Return 'str' Case 'PCWSTR' Return 'wstr' Case 'PDWORD' Return 'DWORD' Case 'PDWORDLONG' Return 'UINT64' Case 'PDWORD_PTR' Return 'DWORD_PTR' Case 'PDWORD32' Return 'UINT' Case 'PDWORD64' Return 'INT64' Case 'PFLOAT' Return 'FLOAT' Case 'PHALF_PTR' Return 'ptr' Case 'PHANDLE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'PHKEY' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'PINT' Return 'int' Case 'PINT_PTR' Return 'INT_PTR' Case 'PINT32' Return 'int' Case 'PINT64' Return 'INT64' Case 'PLCID' Return 'DWORD' Case 'PLONG' Return 'LONG' Case 'PLONGLONG' Return 'INT64' Case 'PLONG_PTR' Return 'LONG_PTR' Case 'PLONG32' Return 'long' Case 'PLONG64' Return 'INT64' Case 'POINTER_32' Return 'ptr' Case 'POINTER_64' Return 'ptr' Case 'POINTER_SIGNED' Return 'ptr' Case 'POINTER_UNSIGNED' Return 'ULONG_PTR' Case 'PSHORT' Return 'SHORT' Case 'PSIZE_T' Return 'ULONG_PTR' Case 'PSSIZE_T' Return 'LONG_PTR' Case 'PSTR' Return 'str' Case 'PTBYTE' Return 'BYTE' Case 'PTCHAR' Return 'wstr' Case 'PTSTR' Return 'wstr' Case 'PUCHAR' Return 'BYTE' Case 'PUHALF_PTR' Return 'ptr' Case 'PUINT' Return 'UINT' Case 'PUINT_PTR' Return 'UINT_PTR' Case 'PUINT32' Return 'UINT' Case 'PUINT64' Return 'UINT64' Case 'PULARGE_INTEGER' Return 'UINT64' Case 'PULONG' Return 'ULONG' Case 'PULONGLONG' Return 'UINT64' Case 'PULONG_PTR' Return 'ULONG_PTR' Case 'PULONG32' Return 'ULONG' Case 'PULONG64' Return 'UINT64' Case 'PUSHORT' Return 'USHORT' Case 'PVOID' Return 'ptr' Case 'PWCHAR' Return 'wstr' Case 'PWORD' Return 'WORD' Case 'PWSTR' Return 'wstr' Case 'SC_HANDLE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'SC_LOCK' Return 'ptr' Case 'SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE' Return 'HANDLE' Case 'SHORT' Return 'SHORT' Case 'SIZE_T' Return 'ULONG_PTR' Case 'SSIZE_T' Return 'LONG_PTR' Case 'TBYTE' Return 'wstr' Case 'TCHAR' Return 'wstr' Case 'UCHAR' Return 'BYTE' Case 'UHALF_PTR' Return 'ptr' Case 'UINT' Return 'UINT' Case 'UINT_PTR' Return 'UINT_PTR' Case 'UINT32' Return 'UINT' Case 'UINT64' Return 'UINT64' Case 'ULARGE_INTEGER' Return 'UINT64' Case 'ULONG' Return 'ULONG' Case 'ULONGLONG' Return 'UINT64' Case 'ULONG_PTR' Return 'ULONG_PTR' Case 'ULONG32' Return 'ULONG' Case 'ULONG64' Return 'UINT64' Case 'UNICODE_STRING' Return 'ptr' Case 'USHORT' Return 'USHORT' Case 'USN' Return 'INT64' Case 'VOID' Return 'none' Case 'WCHAR' Return 'wstr' Case 'WORD' Return 'WORD' Case 'WPARAM' Return 'WPARAM' Case Else SetError(1) Return "" EndSwitch EndFunc ;==> ; Some variable types should be converted from their ANSI to Unicode types or vice versa. Func _ConvertTypeArch($MSDN_Type,$sArch) Switch $MSDN_Type Case 'STR' If $sArch = "a" Then Return "str" If $sArch = "w" Then Return "wstr" Case 'WSTR' If $sArch = "a" Then Return "str" If $sArch = "w" Then Return "wstr" Case Else Return $MSDN_Type EndSwitch EndFunc Here is an example: Function: GetDiskFreeSpaceW (MSDN page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364935(VS.85).aspx) Input this: Click Test Code, and get this: Click Insert in SciTE to insert the code into your script. Updated 2014/01/28: Edit 2015/11/25: Fixed broken link
    1 point
  4. Hello, the error 87 is rightly ... 1. the data type GUID and LUID does not exist. These are own Structures. 2. the parameters for RasEnumConnections are all of type pointer and must be passed so 3. with a null pointer call you get the buffer size needed .... Try times so I could not test!
    1 point
  5. wakillon

    Transparent Rolling Text

    ​Thanks ==> Example of about
    1 point
  6. SciTE has been updated.
    1 point
  7. DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "int", 1) that one line fixes most of my redirection issues
    1 point
  8. Check this out: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384187(v=vs.85).aspx
    1 point
  9. Here is a simple example. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) $hGUI=GUICreate("test",500,420) $idListView1=GUICtrlCreateListView("Col1|Col2",10,10,200,150) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("1:Row1-Col1|Row1-Col2",$idListView1) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("1:Row2-Col1|Row2-Col2",$idListView1) $idListView2=GUICtrlCreateListView("Col1|Col2",220,10,200,150) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("2:Row1-Col1|Row1-Col2",$idListView2) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("2:Row2-Col1|Row2-Col2",$idListView2) $idListView3=GUICtrlCreateListView("Col1|Col2",10,170,200,150) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $idListView4=GUICtrlCreateListView("Col1|Col2",220,170,200,150) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"Close") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED,"DragDrop") GUISetState() While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func Close() Exit EndFunc Func DragDrop() ConsoleWrite("DragID=" & @GUI_DragId & @CRLF) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead(@GUI_DragId)),@GUI_DropId) EndFunc
    1 point
  10. wakillon

    Transparent Rolling Text

    ​And why not video game music ?
    1 point
  11. wakillon

    Transparent Rolling Text

    ​Thanks You could also add a chiptune music to it !
    1 point
  12. clarinets101, I have saved an ini file in this format named Jobs.ini - I only entered sample jobs for the first 3 depts: [Accounting] Job A=1 Job B=1 Job C=1 [Administration] Job M=1 Job N=1 Job O = 1 [Admitting] Job X=1 Job Y=1 Job Z=1 [Anatomic Pathology] [Blood Bank] [Care Management] [Carlton Breast Health Center] [CCU][Central Staffing] [Central Sterile Processing] [Continuing Medical Education] [Customer Service] [EC Registration] [Emergency Center] [Environmental Services] [Food and Nutrition] [Foundation] [GA Farmworkers Health Program Grant] [General Medical II] [General Stores] [Guest Relations] [Health Information Management] [Health Works] [Hematology/Oncology - Admin] [Human Resources] [Infection Prevention] [IP Physical Therapy] [IS Applications] [Laboratory] [Laundry & Linen] [Marketing] [Medical Staff Services] [Middle School Nurse Program] [Mother Baby] [MRI] [Newborn Nursery] [Nuclear Medicine] [Nursing Administration] [OP Hospice] [OP Surgery] [Operating Room] [Outpatient Registration] [PACU] [Patient Accounting] [Payroll] [Pharmacy] [Plant Operations] [Purchasing] [Quality Improvement] [Radiology Diagnsotic] [Respiratory Therapy] [Security] [Sleep Center] [Switchboard] [Utilization Review]And then used this code to get the data: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> $dlocation = "Hospital" $ddepartment = "CCU" $sIniPath = @ScriptDir & "Jobs.ini" ; Read the section names - they are the departments <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $aDept = IniReadSectionNames($sIniPath) ; Convert to a string for loading in the combo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $sDept = "" For $i = 1 To $aDept[0] $sDept &= "|" & $aDept[$i] Next Gui() Func Gui() Local $dlocation, $ddepartment, $darea, $dprefix, $dnumber, $dext GUICreate("AD Update", 142, 260, -1, -1) ;Location - Hospital, Family Center, Surgery/Oncology, Wellness, Biscayne, Busman, Ellaville: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Main Location: ", 5, 5) $location = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 20, 132, 5, BitOR($cbs_dropdownlist, $gui_ss_default_combo)) GUICtrlSetData($location, "Hospital|Family Center|Surgery/Oncology|Wellness Center|Biscayne|Ellaville|Busman", $dlocation) ;Department: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Department: ", 5, 50) $dept = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 65, 132, 5, BitOR($cbs_dropdownlist, $gui_ss_default_combo)) GUICtrlSetState($dept, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Disable the combo until a location is chosen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GUICtrlSetData($dept, $sDept) ; Load the department names <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;Job Title: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Job Title: ", 5, 95) $job = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 5, 110, 132, 5, BitOR($cbs_dropdownlist, $gui_ss_default_combo)) GUICtrlSetState($job, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Disbale the combo unitl a dept is chosen and the jobs are loaded ;Telephone Number: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Telephone Number: ", 5, 140) $area = GUICtrlCreateInput($darea, 5, 155, 30, 20, $ES_NUMBER) ; now you can only enter digits <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 40, 157) $prefix = GUICtrlCreateInput($dprefix, 50, 155, 30, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 3) GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 85, 157) $number = GUICtrlCreateInput($dnumber, 95, 155, 40, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 4) ;Extension: GUICtrlCreateLabel("Extension: ", 5, 185) $ext = GUICtrlCreateInput($dext, 5, 200, 45, 20, $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 5) ;OK Button: $Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 87, 225, 50, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Button_1 Case $location GUICtrlSetState($dept, $GUI_ENABLE) ; Enable the dept combo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Case $dept ; Read the dept combo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $sSelectedDept = GUICtrlRead($dept) ; Read the jobs in that section <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $aAvailJobs = IniReadSection($sIniPath, $sSelectedDept) ; If there are jobs then convert to a string <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If IsArray($aAvailJobs) Then $sAvailJobs = "" For $i = 1 To $aAvailJobs[0][0] $sAvailJobs &= "|" & $aAvailJobs[$i][0] Next ; Load and enable the combo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GUICtrlSetData($job, $sAvailJobs) GUICtrlSetState($job, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>GuiLook for the <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< lines - I made some other changes as well. Please ask if anything is unclear. M23
    1 point
  13. ChrisL

    SMART drive Analysis

    Ptrex I have modified your excellent WMI script a little I hope you don't mind. I've made it use a 2d array rather than a message box and simplified some of the creation of the data also adding in the column where the data type is to indicated if it is a predictive failure value or advisory and also the ability to specify the drive you wish to analyze if required. Chris SMART_WMI.au3
    1 point
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