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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2015 in all areas

  1. I tried it and the syntax was working for me in its original form. Jos
    1 point
  2. It is good news. So keep on. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed. mLipok
    1 point
  3. You mean lines like GetFirstObjectElement = Gets the first object within the treescope of the element setfocus = Sets the focus to the element thats requestes Example 2 is doing what you asked for (at least on my system) So not sure then what your question on documentation is And what is the deffernce between Window info tool and Simple UIA Spy: IUIAutomation can catch a little more elements, AU3Inf is finished whereas simplespy is not (although I do not have much time to enhance look and feeld) Automating elements is allways a pain in the ... as control hierarchy is changing under the tips of your fingers Approach 1 step 1 hover the mouse over the taskbar over the button "show hidden items" with simplespy and press ctrl+w (put output in a text document) step 2 click on the hidden item buttons step 3 hover over the new window that appears and press ctrl+w (put output in a text document) step 4 hover over the button you want to click and press ctrl+w (put output in a text document) If you carefully analyse the hierarchies you see its not a logical way how z-orders are there (the window is child of desktop and not of taskbar) Approach 2 Download windows SDK with inspect.exe which will show you all the time the hierarchy of all elements (however I think you can not see it for this window as soon as you focus to inspect.exe the popup with your button dissapears) Approach 3 Just as in example 2 dump the information to a log.txt (this is a lot of trial and error analysing everytime the actual hierarchy of the controls)
    1 point
  4. UEZ

    Splash Image Help

    Try -1 for x and y. Br, UEZ
    1 point
  5. So, can I conclude that BitOR and '+' are not the same?
    1 point
  6. I had the same issue with Firefox. The only way I found was to select the whole code exept the last caracter (or the first), copy/paste and then enter the last caracter manually in Scite.
    1 point
  7. and thats the nice part of the simple spy hover to your element press ctrl+w and in the output you have some sample source and if you have real luck then this source directly will work please post the output of the simplespy as text in this thread and I can check a little more check if example 2 works of the iuiautomation examples (could not work to language versions of OS) check if this works "name:=KeyMagic.*" as the framework works with regular expressions internally sometimes special regexp characters in your name pattern will screw up things the ( and ) have special meaning in regular expression selecting / setting focus actions: "focus", "setfocus", "activate", "switchto"
    1 point
  8. czardas

    Wiki Challenge Part 2

    It is a difficult balancing act. In truth there should be 100% focus on the purpose of an example. If the example is to demonstrate certain facets of a particular function, minimal additional functions should be included. If the example is to teach a concept to a beginner, then attention to correct coding practices should not be allowed to compromize the main objective by overcomplicating the task at hand. As soon as a level is attained where additional information becomes relevant to the person learning, then it's time remove the armbands, otherwise development grinds to a halt. This is a classic strategy in teaching music and I see no reason why it should be any different with coding. I do not pertain to understand half of the terms used by Microsoft and I have been thinking about the Hello World example in the wiki article. What is the constant $MB_SYSTEMMODAL doing there? I think it should be removed because it is unnecessarily confusing. Having said this, I think the wiki page could also benefit from an example of a more advanced nature placed at the end.
    1 point
  9. BrewManNH

    Excel VBS to autoIt

    Have you ever used a function in VBScript, or a Sub? Calling a function in AutoIt is pretty much the same thing. You use the function _ExcelBookOpen(), which would be the exact same way to call the match() function. You give up far too easily if something as simple as calling a function is too hard to figure out, especially when practically every single example in the help file uses an Example function.
    1 point
  10. change: ReDim $a_objsclick[$i_ub + 1][UBound($a_objsclick)] to: ReDim $a_objsclick[$i_ub + 1][3] Or better yet, change: Local $i_ub = UBound($a_objsclick) If Not $i_ub Then Dim $a_objsclick[1][3]; ugh, magic numbers... fun (Not!) Else ReDim $a_objsclick[$i_ub + 1][UBound($a_objsclick)] EndIf To: Local $i_ub = UBound($a_objsclick) If Not $i_ub Then Dim $a_objsclick[1][3]; ugh, magic numbers... fun (Not!) Else If UBound($a_objsclick, 2) < 3 Then ReDim $a_objsclick[$i_ub + 1][3] Else ReDim $a_objsclick[$i_ub + 1][UBound($a_objsclick, 2)] EndIf EndIf
    1 point
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