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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2014 in all areas

  1. MrCreatoR

    MouseOnEvent UDF!

    This UDF allows to set an events handler for Mouse device. The beginning... I searched for a way to disable the Mouse Primary click, and be able to call some function when the click event is received... Big thanks to amel27 for this one, i only organized the whole stuff to UDF style. Example: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include "MouseOnEvent.au3" HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Quit") _Example_Intro() _Example_Limit_Window() Func _Example_Intro() MsgBox(64, "Attention!", "Let's set event function for mouse wheel *scrolling* up and down", 5) ;Set event function for mouse wheel *scrolling* up/down and primary button *down* action (call our function when the events recieved) _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLDOWN_EVENT, "_MouseWheel_Events") _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT, "_MouseWheel_Events") _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT, "_MousePrimaryDown_Event") Sleep(3000) ;UnSet the events _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLDOWN_EVENT) _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT) _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT) ToolTip("") MsgBox(64, "Attention!", "Now let's disable Secondary mouse button up action, and call our event function.", 5) _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT, "_MouseSecondaryUp_Event", 0, 1) Sleep(5000) _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT) ToolTip("") EndFunc Func _Example_Limit_Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("MouseOnEvent UDF Example - Restrict events on specific window") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Try to click on that specific GUI window", 40, 40, 300, 30) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Press <ESC> to exit", 10, 10) GUISetState() _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT, "_MousePrimaryDown_Event", $hGUI) ;A little(?) bugie when you mix different events :( ;_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT, "_MouseSecondaryUp_Event", $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN MsgBox(0, "", "Should not be shown ;)") EndSwitch WEnd _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_PRIMARYDOWN_EVENT) ;_MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_SECONDARYUP_EVENT) EndFunc Func _MouseWheel_Events($iEvent) Switch $iEvent Case $MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLDOWN_EVENT ToolTip("Wheel Mouse Button (scrolling) DOWN Blocked") Case $MOUSE_WHEELSCROLLUP_EVENT ToolTip("Wheel Mouse Button (scrolling) UP Blocked") EndSwitch Return $MOE_BLOCKDEFPROC ;Block EndFunc Func _MousePrimaryDown_Event() ToolTip("Primary Mouse Button Down Blocked") Return $MOE_BLOCKDEFPROC ;Block EndFunc Func _MouseSecondaryUp_Event() ToolTip("Secondary Mouse Button Up Blocked") EndFunc Func _Quit() Exit EndFunc Available Events Constants: ------------------------------------------ CHANGELOG: Download: Attached: MouseOnEvent_2.4.zip Old version: MouseOnEvent.zip - v2.3 MouseOnEvent_2.1.zip MouseOnEvent_2.0.zip MouseOnEvent_UDF_1.9.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.8.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.7.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.6.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.5.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.4.zip MouseSetOnEvent_UDF_1.3.zip Previous downloads: 146 + 200 + 804 MouseOnEvent.zip MouseOnEvent.zip
    1 point
  2. Yashied

    Animate UDF

    LAST VERSION - 1.2 27-Dec-11 This UDF helps you to create animated icon in the system tray (only one icon can be used). Very easy to use! I hope that it will be useful for someone. To work properly the example which is shown below, you need to download an archive containing the necessary icons. Any feedback and suggestions please. Available functions Animate UDF Library v1.2 Previous downloads: 1112 Animate.zip Example #Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #Include <SliderConstants.au3> #Include <StaticConstants.au3> #Include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include "Animate.au3" Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Opt('TrayAutoPause', 0) Global $Button, $Slider, $Msg _Animate_LoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & '\Flag.png') ;~For $i = 1 To 12 ;~ _Animate_AddIcon(@ScriptDir & '\Flag\' & $i & '.ico', 0) ;~Next _Animate_SetDelay(50) _Animate_ShowIcon() GUICreate('Animation Test', 400, 110) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Fast', 10, 30, 28, 14, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Slow', 355, 30, 28, 14) $Slider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(42, 25, 310, 26, BitOR($TBS_AUTOTICKS, $WS_TABSTOP)) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $TBM_SETTICFREQ, 10, 0) GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 250, 10) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 50) $Button = GUICtrlCreateButton('Start', 160, 75, 80, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, BitOR($GUI_DEFBUTTON, $GUI_FOCUS)) GUISetState() While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Slider _Animate_SetDelay(GUICtrlRead($Slider)) Case $Button If _Animate_IsAnimate() Then GUICtrlSetData($Button, 'Start') _Animate_Stop() Else GUICtrlSetData($Button, 'Stop') _Animate_Start() EndIf EndSwitch WEnd
    1 point
  3. I've learned so much from the AutoIt community and figured it is about time I start giving something back. I am open sourcing all my software and Complete Internet Repair is the first program I am releasing. Complete Internet Repair will give you a free option to attempt to repair everything internet related. With any repair utility, you will need to remember only two golden rules. Firstly; don't try to repair something that is not broken, you might break it. Secondly; Comnplete Internet Repair cannot repair it all, we are not like the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle, we cannot anticipate each and every situation, but this all said; it should be able to help with most internet issues. Complete Internet Repair could help if you are experiencing any of the following problems: Internet or network problem after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan horse, etc. Loss network connection after installing/uninstalling adware, spyware, antispam, vpn, firewall or other networking programs. Unable to access any website or can only access some websites. Pop-up error window with network related problem description. No network connectivity due to registry errors. DNS lookup problem. Fail to renew the network adapter’s IP address or other DHCP errors. Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message. Windows update does not work. You are having problems connecting to secured websites (ex. Banking). Internet Explorer stopped working or crashes all the time. A few other internet errors, but we will not discuss all here. Update 22 October 2016 Exes are now signed. New installation utility. Now built on the ReBar Framework. New Update Notification System. Resources moved to external Dll files. Added support for Windows 10. New Interface. New Logging System. New Reset Rroxy Server Configuration. New Registry based Method for configuring Services. Cleaner Optimized Code. You can download Complete Internet Repair 3 and Source Code at: http://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/complete-internet-repair/ The source code can be viewed on GitHub here. Please while you're there, give it a Star! Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear about it.
    1 point
  4. Hi there, This is a very simple code that i use for ControlClick on background windows with MouseClick cursor. To be honest i had made this for game automatation but its been very usefull to me on my latests projects with mouseclicking on background clients. Changes Added ControlClick for background windows on fullscreen or windowed modeWorks on any screen resolutionAlso added MouseClick function for windowed mode Cheers MsClick.au3
    1 point
  5. Hiya! I'm currently working on a project which involves the mouse and its properties. For this I was in need for a mouse UDF which could capture certain events. I have found some of the many here on the forums, but quite some are using DLL's. I'm not saying this is bad, it's good! But, my application crashed for unknown reasons when compiled to x64. The way this UDF works, is that it checks every tick for certain conditions to be met. For example: if you have registered a double click event, it will check every frame for double click condition and then call the given function if necessary. So I decided to write my own little _Mouse_UDF powered in autoit itself and share it with the rest of the community. Feel free to leave any feedback, negative or positive. Current events $EVENT_MOUSE_IDLE - triggers when the mouse is idle $EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE - triggers when the mouse moves $EVENT_PRIMARY_CLICK - triggers when the primary button is clicked $EVENT_PRIMARY_DBLCLICK - triggers when the primary button is double clicked $EVENT_PRIMARY_RELEASED - triggers when the primary button is released $EVENT_PRIMARY_DOWN - triggers when the primary button is pressed $EVENT_PRIMARY_UP - triggers when the primaty button is not pressed $EVENT_SECONDARY_CLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_SECONDARY_DBLCLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_SECONDARY_RELEASED - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_SECONDARY_DOWN - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_SECONDARY_UP - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_MIDDLE_CLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_MIDDLE_DBLCLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_MIDDLE_RELEASED - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_MIDDLE_DOWN - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_MIDDLE_UP - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X1_CLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X1_DBLCLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X1_RELEASED - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X1_DOWN - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X1_UP - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X2_CLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X2_DBLCLICK - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X2_RELEASED - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X2_DOWN - same as primary conditions, but for this button $EVENT_X2_UP - same as primary conditions, but for this button Current properties $MOUSE_X - current mouse x $MOUSE_Y current mouse y $MOUSE_PREV_X - previous mouse x $MOUSE_PREV_Y - previous mouse y $MOUSE_VEL_X - current mouse x velocity $MOUSE_VEL_Y - current mouse y velocity Current functions _Mouse_RegisterEvent($iEventType, $sCallBack, $avArgs = -1) - registers a function to an event, use an array for arguments _Mouse_UnRegisterEvent($iEventType) - unregister a function from an event _Mouse_Update() - the main update loop, updates the mouse udf logic _Mouse_GetColor($iColorType, $hWnd = Default) - gets the current mouse xy pixel color, in 3 different color type available; decimal, hex and rgb Mouse UDF.zip
    1 point
  6. ozmike

    MouseTrapEvent UDF

    Hi I have created this UDF to intercept mouse events so you can remap them ( including X buttons). - might work better on some windows versions 32/64 bit and some auto it versions. It treats mouse clicks like AutoIt hotkeys (which dosen't support mouse events). eg set up a hotkey for Right Click. _MouseTrapEvent("RClick", "_RClick", 1); single clicks Example events ; LClick - left button click (Primary) ; MClick - middle button click (Wheel click) ; RClick - right button click (Secondary) ; XClick1 - Xtra button 1 click (usually 'back navigaton') ; XClick2 - Xtra button 2 click (usually 'forward navigaton') ; double clicks ; LDClick - left button (Primary) ; MDClick - middle button (Wheel click) ; RDClick - right button (Secondary) ; XDClick1 - Xtra button 1 (usually 'back navigaton') ; XDClick2 - Xtra button 2 (usually 'forward navigaton') ; psuedo double clicks ('chords') - ; XClick12 - Xtra button 1&2 pressed at the same time. ; ; OTHER EVENTS you'll have to work out yourself eg mouse wheel scroll - see code. Borrows Heavily from JRowe's mouse event udf and (Mr)CreatoR's great work MouseSetEvent UDF's This UDF is not as comprehensive as MouseSetEvent but is simpler. The main difference to MouseSetEvent is this UDF - maps mouse events more simply than MouseSetEvent - You don't have to worry about button down and up events (which can be a pitfall with MouseSetEvent ). - Handles X buttons on side of mouse. ($WM_XBUTTONUP). - may be slower (does a lot of string handling which could be better) - might work better on some windows versions 32/64 bit and some auto it versions. - is global can't be limited to one window. - code is simpler to follow imho eg. The code needs to be optimised. Examples they use a tool tip UDF which might require at least ie8 or remove the tool tips from the example if it don't work. Enjoy V2 Left and Middle double click now work. Also note if you register a double click , the single click event will be blocked (my apols) However, you can still register the single click, and do something if you want. MouseTrapEventV2.zip MouseTrapEvent.zip 7.39KB 342 downloads
    1 point
  7. TLBAutoEnum is an extension UDF for TLIDirect.au3. It allows to use constants defined in COM type libraries as if they were declared in your script. Little example: #include "TLBAutoEnum.au3" _AutoItObject_Startup() Dim $objFSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ; here constants are imported and declared _TLBAutoEnum_ImportRelated($objFSO) ; here we use them just like native Dim $objFile = $objFSO.OpenTextFile(@ScriptFullPath, $IOMode.ForReading, False, $Tristate.TristateUseDefault) ; do something with the file ;... $objFile.Close() This UDF offers also possibility to import constants by name, import using multiple type libraries identified by path or GUID - for examples s. attached Usg_TLBAutoEnum.au3. Note: TLBAutoEnum is now integrated with TLI.au3, please download it there. Requirements AutoItObject
    1 point
  8. Well some people are not using things like teamviewer for a variety of reasons. For instance, I had to install vnc panels on school computers, so that the students could be monitored with ease.
    1 point
  9. #include <FileConstants.au3> If ProcessExists( "palemoon.exe" ) Then If MsgBox(0x24, "Problem", "Palemoon is currently running. Do you want close and continue?") = 6 Then DirCopy(@AppDataDir & "\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\Profiles\tt84i0zg.default\", @DesktopDir & "\PaleMoon Sync\profile", 9) Else Exit EndIf Else DirCopy(@AppDataDir & "\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\Profiles\tt84i0zg.default\", @DesktopDir & "\PaleMoon Sync\profile", 9) EndIf how about this?
    1 point
  10. Melba23

    Need help with script

    Kraviks, I do not appreciate you opening a new thread when I have just locked your previous one on the same subject. And as for sending me a PM explaining that "it was only for learning" - how many times have I heard that one. Consider yourself lucky that I am not sanctioning you - but do NOT open a third thread on this matter. M23
    1 point
  11. I think he is asking about grouping icons from different scripts. Turns out it's much easier that I thought it would be Compile, copy and run both exes and they group= #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (Beta) Author: myName Script Function: TEST SCRIPT An application must provide its AppUserModelID in the following form. It can have no more than 128 characters and cannot contain spaces. Each section should be camel-cased. CompanyName.ProductName.SubProduct.VersionInformation #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $sAppUserModelID = "IHaveNoCompany.Food.Pizza.one1" DllCall("Shell32.dll", "LONG", "SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID", "WSTR", $sAppUserModelID) GUICreate(@ScriptName) GUISetState() Do Until GUIGetMsg() = -3And for the ones that want to read more, see Application User Model IDs
    1 point
  12. MHz

    @ComSpec character problem

    Open a CMD prompt Type CMD /? Look for parameter of /U The description of /U is: So use the below code. Run('"' & @ComSpec & '" /u /c dir /b > file_names.txt', '', @SW_HIDE) Tested with ççūūşş.txt. With /U returned ççūūşş.txt. Without /U returned ‡‡uuss.txt.
    1 point
  13. Melba23

    BitXOR overflow problem

    BernyHsu, As the Help file clearly states: As the max size of a 32 bit integer is: 2147483647 it is hardly surprising that 1064432088155062 causes a problem. M23
    1 point
  14. WhatTicking, Your posting history to date: You post a game-bot request - >I tell you we do not permit the discussion of such things here and point you to the Forum rules. Despite the extremely plain English used in those rules: you start another thread asking if you can post the code again as "automation is explicitly permitted in the game in question" - another Mod >tells you quite clearly "No". (Note: threads were later merged) Now, despite another perfectly clear section of those rules that you claim to have have read: you do post the same question again, just removing the game references. And to top it all you argue with one of the MVPs who gives you chapter and verse as to why this is not permitted. I see that despite your apparent rational exterior lurks the standard botter persona - "I am a special case and the Forum rules do NOT apply to me". Well, despite your seeming belief in this fact, I am here to tell you that they do - and that you have far surpassed any flex that we are prepared to show you. Behaviour like this was one of the reasons that the current draconian rules were introduced - botters just cannot accept limitations on their conduct. > So to explain what will happen now: Usual scenario: Post a game-bot, get pointed the Forum rules, accept error. This is very common and results in no further action. This scenario: Post a game-bot, get pointed the Forum rules, argue that the game allows it, get told "No" a second time, post the question again without the game references. This is much less common, but alas still too frequent, and always results in sanctions. Given that you appear either incapable or unwilling to understand that our simple rules apply to you as much as any other member, even if you do not agree with them, there seems little point in temporarily banning you as in my opinion you would only return and restart the whole process. However, rather than immediately taking the nuclear option and removing you permanently from this community, I am going to limit my actions to a final warning. If you post this question again, in any form, or if you break any more of the rules you will be immediately removed without warning or appeal. If you try to argue against any of this by opening yet another thread, the same fate will befall you. So you can leave of your own volition, suffer an enforced departure, or possibly even accept that as part of a community you must follow their rules. Your choice - choose wisely. M23
    1 point
  15. Does this work? #include <File.au3> $aFileList = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir) ; requires #include <File.au3> $hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\myfiles.txt", $FO_UTF8_NOBOM + $FO_OVERWRITE) For $i = 1 To $aFileList[0] FileWriteLine($hFile, $aFileList[$i]) Next FileClose($hFile)
    1 point
  16. Hi Melba. Yes, the purpose is to post to multiple groups and other fb pages. No, it is not spam,because the post is about 3 kindle books which my wife wrote and that we intend to publish for FREE for a limited time. That is using Amazon KDP SELECT promotion program. The groups to publish to are groups which their aim is to publish such free items or to help authors to publish their books. So, there is no fear of spamming. I am sure that if facebook will think I am spamming, they will handle it. But be sure they won't. Thanks!
    1 point
  17. dushkin, That sounds a lot like a spam script - would you care to explain why it is not? M23
    1 point
  18. Bert

    Get Link Google

    huh? What the hell is "Code web"? If you want to learn how to make websites then go here
    1 point
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