The data you want are in a frame, so you must get the frame link first
The frame content has a lot of text so the Inet is a bit long, be patient
#Include <Array.au3>
$txt = BinaryToString(InetRead("", 1))
$link = StringRegExpReplace($txt, '(?s).+frame\h*src="([^"]+).+', "$1")
msgbox(0,"frame link", $link)
$txt = BinaryToString(InetRead($link))
msgbox(0,"", "loaded")
; $res = StringRegExp($txt, '(?s)tableEx1:0:text1(?:5|6).+?>([^<]+)', 3)
$res = StringRegExp($txt, '(?s)(?:indirectParitform:tableEx1:text5|tableEx1:0:text1(?:5|6)).+?>([^<]+)', 3)
To get it faster you might use an other site