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  1. martin

    Serial Port /COM Port UDF

    Although serial ports are disappearing, they can still be useful. Here is a COMMs UDF. It provides an easy way to use serial ports without the restrictions and problems some methods have. USB to serial is ok, binary data is ok. This UDF requires my comMG.dll which can be in either the script folder or the Windows folder by default, or in the path specified using the function _CommSetDllPath. Note the following shortcomings: the dll link below is 32 bit so it will not work with a 64 bit apps, but there is a 64 bit version in my post around 25th March 2018 for people to try. The strings and character functions are all AnsiChar. Functions in the UDF are _CommVersion _CommListPorts _CommSetPort _CommPortConnection _CommClearOutputBuffer _CommClearInputBuffer _CommGetInputcount _CommGetOutputcount _CommSendString _CommGetString _CommGetLine _CommReadByte _CommReadChar _CommSendByte _CommSendBreak; not tested!!!!!!!!!! _CommCloseport _CommSwitch _CommReadByteArray _CommSendByteArray _CommsetTimeouts _CommSetXonXoffProperties _CommSetRTS (NB these will not work if Hardware handshaking is selected because _CommSetDTR then these lines are controlled by the data being sent.) _CommSetDllPath _CommGetLineStates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Download Page For Commgv2 Download includes the dll and udf. Most recent changes 28th March 2014 - dll V2.83 Correct error setting 6 data bits as 7. 11th March 2014 dll V2.82 Allow data bits of 4 to 8 instead of only 7 and 8. 19th August 2013 dll v2.81 removes some unwanted eroor message popups. Might not remove popups for some Windows versions. 27th September 2012 Correct error closing port. New version of UDF if V2.90, new dll is commg.dll V2.79. Thanks to tfabris. 18th January 2012 Corrected typo in UDF V 2.87, and uploaded as V2.88 Increased max baud allowed by the dll from 200000 to 256000. New version now V2.78 17th January 2012 Modified thesleep addition to _CommGetLine so that reading data is not slowed down. 14th January 2012 Corrected _CommReadByte in UDF. Added sleep(20) to while loop in _CommGetLine to reduce CPU usage 20th December 2011 UDF version 2.86. - Changed function GetByte so it returned the error string given by the dll. Dll version 2.77 - removed an unwanted erro message dialogue from GetByte function. (Thanks funkey) 4th December 2011 New dll and example versions. Dll function SetPort corrected because it was not using the parameters passed for DTR and RTS. The example was setting flow control incorrectly: the settings for hardware handshaking and XON./XOFF were reversed. 25th August 2011 corrected function _CommClosePort. Example corrected for setting parity and flow 22nd December 2013 (thanks to MichaelXMike) mgrefcommg CommgExample.au3
    1 point
  2. Zedna

    Resources UDF

    Link to pages with general resources description MSDN - Resources OverView & Reference You can embed any binary data into your AutoIt compiled EXE files in it's resources at compile time. As opposite to FileInstall() with resources you can use your embedded data directly without any temporary files on disk. If you wish you can save resources to disk with _ResourceSaveToFile() however. Adding data to resources can be done simply by AutoIt3Wrapper directive: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=FileName, ResType, ResName As data can be used for example images,cursors,texts,sounds,videos,binary files etc. For loading/using data from resources at run time I made this tiny helper Resources UDF. Functions inside UDF: _ResourceGet($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) _ResourceGetAsString($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) _ResourceGetAsStringW($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) _ResourceGetAsBytes($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $ResLang = 0, $DLL = -1) _ResourceGetAsImage($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $DLL = -1) _ResourceGetAsBitmap($ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $DLL = -1) _ResourceSaveToFile($FileName, $ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $ResLang = 0, $CreatePath = 0, $DLL = -1) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($CtrlId, $ResName, $ResType = $RT_RCDATA, $DLL = -1) _SetBitmapToCtrl($CtrlId, $hBitmap) _ResourcePlaySound($ResName, $Flag = 0, $DLL = -1) Notes: * to compile all script examples you must have installed Scite4AutoIt3 --> you must compile script by F7 from full Scite * for using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add directive you must have AutoIt3Wrapper at least version (it's part of latest Scite4AutoIt3) * to compile all script examples must be apropriate resource data files in script directory (from resource_data.zip) * _ResourceGet() always returns pointer to data (for RT_BITMAP returns hBitmap), returning other types can be done by additional wrapper functions like _ResourceGetAsString() or _ResourceGetAsBytes() * _ResourceGetAsStringW() is for Unicode strings (Widechar) * you can use also #number instead of resource name, see examples * general supported resource types are listed in UDF as constants ($RT_BITMAP, $RT_RCDATA, ...) * information about playing video files (AVI) from resources is here thanks matrixnz * information/examples about using animated GIFs from resources is here and here thanks smashly/ProgAndy * information about running EXE files/DLL functions directly from resources is here thanks trancexx/Ward Known problems/limitations: * _ResourceGet() returns resource size (in bytes) in @extended macro but not for resource type RT_BITMAP * _ResourceSetImageToCtrl() works with "static/button" type of controls (picture,label,icon,button,checkbox,radiobutton,groupbox) * _ResourcePlaySound() plays only WAV files (not MP3 files) * _ResourceGetAsBytes() doesn't work for RT_BITMAP type because _ResourceGet() returns hBitmap instead of memory pointer in this case there could be used _ResourceGetAsImage() as workaround * _ResourceGet() has potential memory leak releasing of resources UnlockResource,FreeResource (opposite of LoadResource,LockResource) is not done because it must be done after using of resources at the end and not inside UDF * _GDIPlus_Startup() is called once at start of whole include --> no _GDIPlus_Shutdown() is called History: 2011-06-20 - fixed x64 compatibility (type: int->ptr) - internal change: FindResourceA -> FindResourceW (& type: str->wstr) - _SetBitmapToCtrl() --> $CtrlId parameter now supports also -1 (thanks guinness) - _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($DLL, $LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE) instead of _WinAPI_LoadLibrary($DLL) (thanks arcker) - added au3.user.calltips.api, au3.userudfs.properties (thanks guinness) - merged resource_au3.zip + resource_data.zip to one file resources.zip 2010-02-12 - all examples now use fixed #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add directive from latest Scite4Autoit3 (no need for ResHacker.exe) - added support for buttons (also checkboxes,radiobuttons,groupboxes) in _ResourceSetImageToCtrl()/_SetBitmapToCtrl() thanks Melba 2009-08-25 - fixed corrupted topic (appeared after forum upgrade) - removed some AU3 tags from topic, note: all AU3 code is untouched inside attached ZIP 2008-11-27 - added _ResourceGetAsStringW() --> for Unicode strings (Widechar) 2008-11-10 - added two very simple examples 2008-08-14 - change: _GDIPlus_Startup() is called once at start of whole include--> no _GDIPlus_Shutdown() is called - fixed support for animated GIFs in _ResourceGetAsImage() --> removed_MemGlobalFree($hData) - used simpler UDF syntax (from WinAPI) instead of DllCall() where possible - added new example for animated GIF image 2008-07-08 - just corrected some typos in this topic (no code changes) 2008-06-25 - big thanks to ProgAndy for ideas,improvements! - added _ResourceGetAsImage(), _ResourceGetAsBitmap() - added optional $DLL parameter to all functions - for loading resources from external EXE,DLL files - fixed previous limitation in _ResourceSaveToFile() - now supports also RT_BITMAP type - new examples in resource_test.au3 2008-05-02 - added new RT,SND constants - fixed bad order of parameters ResName x ResType in FindResourceExA (thanks SmOke_N) - added DeleteObject of oldBmp from STM_SETIMAGE in _SetBitmapToCtrl (thanks ProgAndy) - added settinng SS_BITMAP style to control before STM_SETIMAGE in_SetBitmapToCtrl (support for labels) 2008-04-24 - added support for JPG,GIF,PNG in _ResourceSetImageToCtrl() using GDI+ - thanks ProgAndy - reverted all examples back from #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add= to#AutoIt3Wrapper_run_after=ResHacker.exe -add - updated both ZIP archives 2007-10-16 - added _ResourcePlaySound() - thanks Larry - corrected local declaration of $struxt - was problem when Opt("MustDeclareVars",1) - updated resource_test.au3 and resource.au3 in resource_au3.zip 2007-09-14 - added optional parameter $CreatePath in _ResourceSaveToFile() - updated resource_test.au3 and resource.au3 in resource_au3.zip 2007-09-11 - in examples used new AutoIt3Wrapper directive#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add from latest Scite4AutoIt3 (instead of #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_after=ResHacker.exe -add ...) - updated resource_test.au3 and resource_test_ie.au3 in resource_au3.zip 2007-09-05 - in #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_after=ResHacker.exe -add ... directive can be resource type in text form -->rcdata instead of 10, bitmap instead of 2 and so on (note: but for htmlmust be used 23 still) - updated only resource_test.au3 in resource_au3.zip 2007-09-04 - added description at top of this topic - added _ResourceSaveToFile() - source is also example for using _ResourceGetAsBytes() - more error checking in UDF and error codes are now differrent todistinguish possible problem - default ResType = 10 ($RT_RCDATA) in all functions - updated both ZIP archives 2007-08-29 - added TODO list - removed not used local variables in _ResourceSetImageToCtrl() - ziparchive not updated yet - revisited WWW links and TODO list and added list of functions 2007-08-10 - first version resource_test_min1.au3 - very simple example script of using UDF #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=image3.jpg, rt_rcdata, TEST_JPG_1 #include "resources.au3" $gui = GUICreate("Data from resources simple example 1",400,150) $pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("",0,0,400,150) _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($pic1, "TEST_JPG_1") ; set JPG image to picture control from resource GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = -3 Then Exit WEnd resource_test.au3 - complex example script of using UDF #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=test_1.txt, rt_rcdata, TEST_TXT_1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=image1.bmp, rt_bitmap, TEST_BMP_1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=image2.bmp, rt_bitmap, TEST_BMP_2 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=image3.jpg, rt_rcdata, TEST_JPG_3 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=binary1.dat, rt_rcdata, TEST_BIN_1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=C:\WINDOWS\Media\tada.wav, sound, TEST_WAV_1 #include "resources.au3" $gui = GUICreate("Data from resources example",820,400) $pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("",0,0,400,300) $pic2 = GUICtrlCreatePic("",400,0,400,150) $pic3 = GUICtrlCreatePic("",400,150,400,150) $pic4 = GUICtrlCreatePic("",600,320,400,100) $label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",20,320,380,100) $label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",400,320,200,100) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; get string from resource $string = _ResourceGetAsString("TEST_TXT_1") GUICtrlSetData($label1, $string) ; set BMP image to picture control from resource bitmap _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($pic1, "TEST_BMP_1", $RT_BITMAP) ; get bitmap from resource (as pointer) $hBmp = _ResourceGet("TEST_BMP_2", $RT_BITMAP) ; and use it for whatever you like _SetBitmapToCtrl($pic2, $hBmp) ; set JPG image to picture control from resource _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($pic3, "TEST_JPG_3") ; set image to picture control from external DLL resource _ResourceSetImageToCtrl($pic4, "#14355", $RT_BITMAP, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll") ; get/use picture from resources as hImage type $size1 = _ResourceGetImageSize("TEST_BMP_1", $RT_BITMAP) $size2 = _ResourceGetImageSize("TEST_JPG_3") GUICtrlSetData($label2, $size1 & @CRLF & $size2) ; save binary data or another type (image) from resource to file and get its size in bytes $size1 = _ResourceSaveToFile(@ScriptDir & "\binary_data1.dat", "TEST_BIN_1") $size2 = _ResourceSaveToFile(@ScriptDir & "\binary_data2.bmp", "TEST_BMP_1", $RT_BITMAP) ; save binary data from resource to file (create not existing directory) _ResourceSaveToFile("C:\Dir1\SubDir2\binary_data1.dat", "TEST_BIN_1", $RT_RCDATA, 0, 1) _ResourceSaveToFile("C:\Dir1\SubDir2\binary_data2.bmp", "TEST_BMP_1", $RT_BITMAP, 0, 1) ; play WAV from resource (sync/async) _ResourcePlaySound("TEST_WAV_1") _ResourcePlaySound("TEST_WAV_1", $SND_ASYNC) While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = -3 Then Exit WEnd Func _ResourceGetImageSize($ResName, $ResType = 10) ; $RT_RCDATA = 10 ; get/use picture from resources as hImage type $hImage = _ResourceGetAsImage($ResName, $ResType) $width = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth ($hImage) $height = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) Return "Size of " & $ResName & " is: " & $width & "x" & $height EndFunc resources.zip - UDF + examples + sample resource data for examples Previous downloads: 7195 resources.zip
    1 point
  3. Melba23

    ControlSend problem

    232showtime, Is there a reason why you concatenate so many times rather then send the content as a single string? M23 P.S. And I amended the title of your thread as it is almost certainly not a bug.
    1 point
  4. JohnSte, I would use _FileListToArrayRec to list the subdirectories on machine #1 (the function does list subfolders as well as files) - use the option to get the full path returned. Then on subsequent machines loop through the array using FileExists (this function works for paths too) to see if they exist - use DirCreate if one does not. Good enough, or do you also need to remove any folders which should not be there? M23
    1 point
  5. LarsJ

    TriSpiral - A work in Progress

    Here's a suggestion for a solution. The examples show how the spirals are created. Spirals.7z
    1 point
  6. OK I’m not a scripter, merely a rare part time hobbyist because of the hours I work, but as I’m off work at the moment with a broken leg I was asked by one of my sons if it was possible to create an equalizer and/or audio effects with Autoit. So being a little familiar with the bass udf I came up the example below. Some of the effects are copied from the examples provided by eucalyptus so many thanks to him because it pointed me in the right direction to create more. Obviously you need at least bass.dll, bass and bass_FX.dll Please give it a try and offer suggestions for improvement. Edit: Thanks wakillon for your comments EqualizerTest.au3
    1 point
  7. Hi Everyone, I recently started using AutoIt for some development project and I've found & enhanced the OOoCOM_UDF.au3 file to work in a way that is compatible with the standard excel library. modified entries include: _OOoCalc_SheetList _OOoCalc_SheetActivate _OOoCalc_ReadCell _OOoCalc_WriteCell UsedRange The listed functions are now interchangeable between Microsoft Office (Excel) and Open Office (Calc). I've also improved the working of these functions to call the "correct" API's. In my search I've found that the OpenOffice site: http://api.openoffice.org/ was very useful. Please report back with your findings. All the best, OOoCOM_UDF_v08.au3
    1 point
  8. water

    OutlookEX UDF

    Version 0.1.0 has been released. Please test before using in production! For download please see my signature.
    1 point
  9. bo8ster

    AutoIt Vs C++

    AutoIt is not equally as powerful as C++, really the two are not comparable. Its like saying is a Semi more powerful then a F1 race car, they are different. Learn more about the features of each and you will soon see. Have a read of http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=115340
    1 point
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