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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Jon

    AutoIt v3.3.13.14 Beta

    File Name: AutoIt v3.3.13.14 Beta File Submitter: Jon File Submitted: 02 Aug 2014 File Category: Beta (2nd August, 2014) (Beta) AutoIt: - Changed: Maps re-implemented internally as hash tables. Massive performance improvements for large maps. - Fixed #2820: WinExists() and other Win functions were incorrectly converting strings containing numbers into window handles and causing false matches. UDFs: - Changed: _GDIPlus_Startup() need explicit Dll for GDI+ v1.1 support under Vista or Server 2008. - Fixed: _ArrayAdd() failing with a trailing delimiter in $vValue. - Fixed #2816: Doc precision with _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile() specifying -1 when it's 0 on failure. - Fixed: _Crypt_DecryptData() and _Crypt_EncryptData() failing with a blank string when using the RC4 algorithm. - Fixed #2821: Example comment was incorrect for _DateToDayOfWeekISO(). Others: - Added: Additional example for FileSetEnd(). Click here to download this file
    2 points
  2. @CodeFOB: Now that is a good question! You're quite right, that's exactly what's happening, and it's exactly what is supposed to happen to protect your script from being run in unauthorised environments. I'd never really considered the possibility that users might just want encryption without a defined targeted environment. However, the solution is actually quite simple. You need to follow these simple steps: 1) open MCFinclude.au3 and define an encryption key as macro: @Scriptname (you can just replace an existing one, for example, number 4 (@LogonDomain). Remember/write down the key ID number you're using for later. 2) ensure your script includes the line: #include "MCFinclude.au3" (all code below it will be encrypted) 2) delete any existing CodeScanner datadump subdirectory for your script 3) Run CodeScanner on your script with WriteMetaCode=On (I'll presume no major problems are identified) 4) Start CodeCrypter, load your script, and navigate to Tab Encrypt. Select the key ID you just defined as @scriptname in MCFinclude.au3 5) Press the <Decryptor> button to redefine the expected response. As you're currently running CodeCrypter, the macro's current response is "CodeCrypter.au3". In the bottom two boxes, type the final name of your script (the name you'll use when renaming MCF0.au3 or MCF0test.au3) BEWARE: if you will be compiling your script later, then @scriptname will return <scriptname>.EXE in the compiled version (but <scriptname>.AU3 in the original version); you cannot test/use both at the same time, so the .exe name will fail to decrypt properly in the original version, and the .au3 in the compiled version! 6) Navigate to <Tab> Main and press Run. 7) rename MCF0.au3/MCF0test.au3 to the scriptname you defined earlier (and compile if you used the .exe variant) The result should work anywhere, whereas the contents are still encrypted. However, know that this solution is less secure than an environment-dependent or password encryption, because any hacker that is able to analyse the content of $CCkey will be able to discover that you're actually using a fixed response rather than an environment-dependent one. So you're basically circumventing the main protective feature of CodeCrypter. I guess that's not an issue for casual use, but I wouldn't recommend this approach for any commercial or sensitive material.
    1 point
  3. Ill tell you that if you have a project to work on you will be more eager to learn. If you goto the general help and support and read the posts and try to understand what each line does you will get pretty good pretty quick. There is an unlimited amount of content to read and disect and eventually you can make some open source stuff and submit yourself. You can add functionality to autoit as well. All and all a really cool forum to be a part of. Read the rules and follow them. Welcome.
    1 point
  4. This thread's title is "_IsPressed loop an action until key is released (up) ...". Being pedantic, KaFu's script works when key is pressed (down). This script works when the key is released (up). #include <misc.au3> While 1 If _IsPressed(04) Then ;04 is Middle Click While _IsPressed(04) ;04 is Middle Click Sleep(10) WEnd Send("{SPACE}") EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd
    1 point
  5. Latest simple spy will give you some code to start with when you highlight object with ctrl-w
    1 point
  6. You are responsible for the content you post on this site. Most of the site is a public forum and the private sections have only limited controls over those who can access them - this is particularly true of "Chat". So treat posting here as if you were speaking in a crowded room surrounded by strangers. Recent high-profile defamation events on other sites illustrate that there are ways in which third parties can force personal data, including contents of personal messages, to be released by site owners. Be careful - libelous/defamatory posts can and have landed members of these other sites in legal hot water. Your anonymity is not guaranteed in such situations. M23
    1 point
  7. Melba23


    The Forum Rules specifically mention that "keyloggers" are a prohibited subject on this forum. Of late we have had several threads locked because they have strayed (usually unwittingly) into keylogger territory. Here is a reminder of what Jon (the site owner) has set out as the basis for acceptability: "how to check for a few keys being pressed is one thing" We are not going to define "a few" in absolute terms, but if you post any code which checks for the best part of the keyboard you can be absolutely sure that you are in breach of the rules, that your thread will be locked, and that sanctions may follow. So please do not post such scripts - we do not want to be heavy-handed, but after this announcement your excuses had better be very good ones! M23
    1 point
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