@CodeFOB: Now that is a good question!
You're quite right, that's exactly what's happening, and it's exactly what is supposed to happen to protect your script from being run in unauthorised environments. I'd never really considered the possibility that users might just want encryption without a defined targeted environment.
However, the solution is actually quite simple. You need to follow these simple steps:
1) open MCFinclude.au3 and define an encryption key as macro: @Scriptname (you can just replace an existing one, for example, number 4 (@LogonDomain). Remember/write down the key ID number you're using for later.
2) ensure your script includes the line: #include "MCFinclude.au3" (all code below it will be encrypted)
2) delete any existing CodeScanner datadump subdirectory for your script
3) Run CodeScanner on your script with WriteMetaCode=On (I'll presume no major problems are identified)
4) Start CodeCrypter, load your script, and navigate to Tab Encrypt. Select the key ID you just defined as @scriptname in MCFinclude.au3
5) Press the <Decryptor> button to redefine the expected response. As you're currently running CodeCrypter, the macro's current response is "CodeCrypter.au3". In the bottom two boxes, type the final name of your script (the name you'll use when renaming MCF0.au3 or MCF0test.au3) BEWARE: if you will be compiling your script later, then @scriptname will return <scriptname>.EXE in the compiled version (but <scriptname>.AU3 in the original version); you cannot test/use both at the same time, so the .exe name will fail to decrypt properly in the original version, and the .au3 in the compiled version!
6) Navigate to <Tab> Main and press Run.
7) rename MCF0.au3/MCF0test.au3 to the scriptname you defined earlier (and compile if you used the .exe variant)
The result should work anywhere, whereas the contents are still encrypted.
However, know that this solution is less secure than an environment-dependent or password encryption, because any hacker that is able to analyse the content of $CCkey will be able to discover that you're actually using a fixed response rather than an environment-dependent one. So you're basically circumventing the main protective feature of CodeCrypter. I guess that's not an issue for casual use, but I wouldn't recommend this approach for any commercial or sensitive material.