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  1. kaesereibe

    Convert Temp

    Convert Temp MsgBox(0, "Convert Temp", ConvertTemp(80, "C", "F")) ; ==> 176 MsgBox(0, "Convert Temp", ConvertTemp(212, "K", "Ra", 2)) ; ==> 381.6 MsgBox(0, "Convert Temp", ConvertTemp(22.7, "N", "Re", 4)) ; ==> 55.0303 Func ConvertTemp($D, $F = "C", $T = "F", $R = 2) $D = ($F = "K") ? (($D - 273.15)) : (($F = "F") ? (($D - 32) / 1.8) : (($F = "Ra") ? (($D + 5 / 9) - 273.15) : (($F = "Re") ? (($D * 1.25)) _ : (($F = "De") ? ((100 - $D) * 2 / 3) : (($F = "N") ? (($D * 100 / 33)) : (($F = "Ro") ? (($D - 7.5) * 40 / 21) : $D)))))) return round(($T = "C") ? $D : (($T = "K") ? (($D + 273.15)) : (($T = "F") ? (($D * 1.8) + 32) : (($T = "Ra") ? (($D + 273.15) * 1.8) : (($T = "Re") ? (($D * 0.8)) _ : (($T = "De") ? ((100 - $D) * 1.5) : (($T = "N") ? (($D * 1 / 3)) : (($T = "Ro") ? (($D * 0.525) + 7.5) : "" ))))))), $R) EndFunc ;==> ConvertTemp() AutoIt v3.3.12.0 ConvertTemp(Temperature in Degrees, From, To, Round by) Celsius --> C Kelvin --> K Fahrenheit --> F Rankine --> Ra Réaumur --> Re Delisle --> De Newton --> N Rømer --> Ro
    2 points
  2. Trax, I agree with JLogan3o13. I allowed the thread to continue because I assumed that network policy would provide sufficient control for you. But the vagueness of your replies is reigniting my initial concerns - please provide some specifics or I will be forced to do what I have been trying very hard to avoid. M23
    1 point
  3. water

    Reading Excel cells

    Works as designed. That's the way Excel returns a range. I suggest to use the Excel UDF that comes with AutoIt. If you run AutoIt or later then function _Excel_RangeRead will do what you want. Please have a look at the example _Excel_RangeRead.au3.
    1 point
  4. DatMCEyeBall, Seeing as you took over a year to notice the inconsistency, I would say you have proved that beyond any reasonable doubt. M23
    1 point
  5. Bert

    Example of Image Search

    umm, seeing you are new, and just to let you know, we do not support game automation here. I have no idea if you are doing that or not. If that is not what your doing, may I inquire on the name of the app? There may be a better way to do what you have in mind instead of searching for an image.
    1 point
  6. This isn't true. AutoIt code could be "compiled" into dll, but doing so wouldn't make much sense because such dlls would suffer from all the defects current interpreter does (emphasis is on speed here). Serious developer wouldn't have use for them. It has been done, and the results were just as expected - bad. Btw, to be more correct it would be better to say that AutoIt is just language. Execution technique is matter of implementation.
    1 point
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