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guinness, And after all that, here is a suggested function which will play both mp3 and wav files: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=Basic.mp3, RT_RCDATA, BASICMP3 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=Basic.wav, SOUND, BASICWAV #include "ResourcesEx.au3" MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Sound", "Play mp3") $iRet = _Resource_PlaySound_Mod("BASICMP3") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Sound", "Play wav") $iRet = _Resource_PlaySound_Mod("BASICWAV") Func _Resource_PlaySound_Mod($sResNameOrID, $iFlags = $SND_SYNC, $sDLL = Default) Local $bIsInternal = ($sDLL = Default Or $sDLL = -1) Local $hInstance = ($bIsInternal ? 0 : _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($sDLL, $LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)) If $iFlags = Default Then $iFlags = $SND_SYNC Local $bReturn ; Try to read resource into memory Local $binSound = _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID) ; Assume mp3 so look in RT_RCDATA ; Get file size Local $iFileSize = @extended If $iFileSize = 0 Then ; Assume a wav $bReturn = _WinAPI_PlaySound($sResNameOrID, BitOR($SND_RESOURCE, $iFlags), $hInstance) Else ; Convert mp3 to hybrid wav $sHdr_1 = "0x52494646" Local $sHdr_2 = "57415645666D74201E0000005500020044AC0000581B0000010000000C00010002000000B600010071056661637404000000640E060064617461" Local $sAlign_Buffer = "00" Local $sMp3 = StringTrimLeft(Binary($binSound), 2) Local $iMp3Size = StringLen($sMp3) ; Convert to required format Local $iMp3Size = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iFileSize, 8), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "$4$3$2$1") Local $iWavSize = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iFileSize + 63, 8), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "$4$3$2$1") ; Construct hybrid wav file Local $sHybridWav = $sHdr_1 & $iWavSize & $sHdr_2 & $iMp3Size & $sMp3 If Mod($iMp3Size, 2) Then $sHybridWav &= $sAlign_Buffer EndIf ; Create struct Local $tWave = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($sHybridWav) & "]") DllStructSetData($tWave, 1, $sHybridWav) ; Set flag $iFlags = BitOR($SND_MEMORY, $SND_NODEFAULT, $iFlags) ; Play sound DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "PlaySoundW", "struct*", $tWave, "ptr", 0, "dword", $iFlags) $bReturn = (@error ? 0 : 1) EndIf If Not $bIsInternal Then _WinAPI_FreeLibrary($hInstance) Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>_Resource_PlaySound_Mod Note that an mp3 needs to be inserted as RT_RCDATA and a wav as SOUND - that acts as the switch in the code. M232 points
GUICtrlSetData Flikers Label
careca reacted to AdmiralAlkex for a topic
I like to use Adlibs for that, then you can easily control how often you want updates without using timers. Example GUICreate("abc", 100, 30) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 100, 30) GUISetState() Local $iNumber = 0 ;Change adlib time to change how often control is updated AdlibRegister(_updatelabel, 500) While GUIGetMsg() <> -3 $iNumber += 1 WEnd Func _updatelabel() GUICtrlSetData(-1, $iNumber) EndFunc1 point -
I'm sorry, I was asleep No, nothing like that. It's for a card game made in AutoIt. Here is the full code. The game is called Tichu, a very fun game! Card Module to give player's a new hand #include <Array.au3> Func _CreateHands() Global $FoundCard = 0 Dim $Cards[57], $Card[57], $Player1Cards[0], $Player2Cards[0], $Player3Cards[0], $Player4Cards[0] For $i = 1 To 56 $Cards[$i] = "0" Next $Card[1] = "2C" $Card[2] = "2S" $Card[3] = "2D" $Card[4] = "2H" $Card[5] = "3C" $Card[6] = "3S" $Card[7] = "3D" $Card[8] = "3H" $Card[9] = "4C" $Card[10] = "4S" $Card[11] = "4D" $Card[12] = "4H" $Card[13] = "5C" $Card[14] = "5S" $Card[15] = "5D" $Card[16] = "5H" $Card[17] = "6C" $Card[18] = "6S" $Card[19] = "6D" $Card[20] = "6H" $Card[21] = "7C" $Card[22] = "7S" $Card[23] = "7D" $Card[24] = "7H" $Card[25] = "8C" $Card[26] = "8S" $Card[27] = "8D" $Card[28] = "8H" $Card[29] = "9C" $Card[30] = "9S" $Card[31] = "9D" $Card[32] = "9H" $Card[33] = "10C" $Card[34] = "10S" $Card[35] = "10D" $Card[36] = "10H" $Card[37] = "JC" $Card[38] = "JS" $Card[39] = "JD" $Card[40] = "JH" $Card[41] = "QC" $Card[42] = "QS" $Card[43] = "QD" $Card[44] = "QH" $Card[45] = "KC" $Card[46] = "KS" $Card[47] = "KD" $Card[48] = "KH" $Card[49] = "AC" $Card[50] = "AS" $Card[51] = "AD" $Card[52] = "AH" $Card[53] = "Dog" $Card[54] = "Dragon" $Card[55] = "Bird" $Card[56] = "Phoenix" While $FoundCard < 14 $Random = Random(1, 56, 1) If $Cards[$Random] = "0" Then _arrayAdd($Player1Cards, $Card[$Random]) $FoundCard += 1 $Cards[$Random] = "1" EndIf WEnd $FoundCard = 0 While $FoundCard < 14 $Random = Random(1, 56, 1) If $Cards[$Random] = "0" Then _arrayAdd($Player2Cards, $Card[$Random]) $FoundCard += 1 $Cards[$Random] = "1" EndIf WEnd $FoundCard = 0 While $FoundCard < 14 $Random = Random(1, 56, 1) If $Cards[$Random] = "0" Then _arrayAdd($Player3Cards, $Card[$Random]) $FoundCard += 1 $Cards[$Random] = "1" EndIf WEnd $FoundCard = 0 While $FoundCard < 14 $Random = Random(1, 56, 1) If $Cards[$Random] = "0" Then _arrayAdd($Player4Cards, $Card[$Random]) $FoundCard += 1 $Cards[$Random] = "1" EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Player1Cards) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Player2Cards) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Player3Cards) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Player4Cards) The current code that I have made up, haven't gotten very far. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include ".\Skins\Hex.au3" #include "_UskinLibrary.au3" #include "Cards Module.au3" _Uskin_LoadDLL() _USkin_Init(_Hex(True)) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $Player1Cards, $Player2Cards, $Player3Cards, $Player4Cards Global $CurrentGui, $MainGui, $HandGui, $CardCount Dim $Player1Card[20], $Player1Cards[20] _DealCards() _CreateGui() Func _CreateGui() $CurrentGui = "MainGui" $MainGui = GuiCreate("Tichu", 800,500) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GuiSetFont(11) $DisplayTeamAName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 5,5,140,20, BitOr($ES_READONLY, $ES_Center)) $DisplayTeamAPoints = GuiCtrlCreateInput("0", 50, 30, 40,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayTeamBName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 655,5,140,20, BitOr($ES_READONLY, $ES_Center)) $DisplayTeamBPoints = GuiCtrlCreateInput("0", 705, 30, 40,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Player 1:", 0, 380) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Player 2:", 0, 410) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Player 3:", 0, 440) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Player 4:", 0, 470) $DisplayPlayer1Name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Prophete", 60, 378, 100,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer2Name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Prophete", 60, 408, 100,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer3Name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Prophete", 60, 438, 100,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer4Name = GuiCtrlCreateInput("Prophete", 60, 468, 100,20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/TichuBackOfCard.Bmp", 350, 30, 80,130) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/TichuBackOfCard.Bmp", 350, 340, 80,130) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/TichuBackOfCard.Bmp", 30, 200, 80,130) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/TichuBackOfCard.Bmp", 680, 200, 80,130) $DisplayPlayer1CardsRemaining = GuiCtrlCreateInput("14 Cards Left", 340, 3,100, 20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer2CardsRemaining = GuiCtrlCreateInput("14 Cards Left", 340, 475,100, 20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer3CardsRemaining = GuiCtrlCreateInput("14 Cards Left", 20, 335,100, 20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) $DisplayPlayer4CardsRemaining = GuiCtrlCreateInput("14 Cards Left", 670, 335,100, 20, BitOr($ES_ReadOnly, $ES_Center)) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/TichuPlayingFIeld.bmp", 200, 180, 380,140) GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDIr & "/Images/Bomb.bmp", 200, 180, 380,140) $PlayButton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Hand", 240, 470, 80,30) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_HandGUI") $PassButton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Pass", 465, 470, 80,30) GuiSetState() EndFunc Func _HandGUI() $CurrentGui = "Hand" $HandGui = GuiCreate("Hand", 800,400) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") GuiSetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) GuiSetFont(11) $Cards = _ArrayToString($Player1Cards, "|") $SplitCards = StringSplit($Cards, "|") $CardCount = $SplitCards[0] $X = 15 For $i = 0 To $CardCount - 1 If $i = 9 Then $X = 185 EndIf If $i < 9 Then $Player1Card[$i] = GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "/Images/Deck/" & $Player1Cards[$i] & ".bmp", $X, 20, 80,130) $X += 85 Else $Player1Card[$i] = GuiCtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "/Images/Deck/" & $Player1Cards[$i] & ".bmp", $X, 170, 80,130) $X += 85 EndIf Next $X = 50 For $i = 0 To 8 GuiCtrlCreateLabel($i, $X,0, 80,20) GuiCtrlSetFont(-1, 12) $X += 85 Next $X = 215 For $i = 9 To 13 GuiCtrlCreateLabel($i, $X, 150, 80, 20) GuiCtrlSetFont(-1, 12) $X += 85 Next $MoveCard = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Move Card", 10,360,120,40) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_MoveCard") $TradeCards = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Trade Cards", 10,360,120,40) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_TradeCards") $RemoveCard = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Remove Card", 300,360,120,40) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_RemoveCard") GuiSetState() EndFunc Func _TradeCards() $TradePlayer1 = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the player you would like to trade with." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "IE: 1, 2 or 3") $TradePlayer1Card = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the card you would like to trade." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "0 being position 1 - 13") $TradePlayer2 = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the player you would like to trade with." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "IE: 1, 2 or 3") $TradePlayer2Card = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the card you would like to trade." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "0 being position 1 - 13") $TradePlayer3 = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the player you would like to trade with." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "IE: 1, 2 or 3") $TradePlayer3Card = InputBox("Trade Cards", "Please input the card you would like to trade." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "0 being position 1 - 13") EndFunc Func _RemoveCard() _ArrayDelete($Player1Cards, 3) GuiDelete($HandGui) _HandGui() EndFunc Func _MoveCard() $Card1ToMove = InputBox("Move Card", "Please type a number from 0-13 of the position of the first card to move." & @CRLF & "0 being position 1.") $Card2ToMove = InputBox("Move Card", "Please type a number from 0-13 of the position of the second card to move." & @CRLF & "0 being position 1.") $Card1ToMoveData = $Player1Cards[$Card1ToMove] $Card2ToMoveData = $Player1Cards[$Card2ToMove] If $Card2ToMoveData = "" Then SetError(1) Else _ArraySwap($Player1Cards[$Card1ToMove], $Player1Cards[$Card2ToMove]) GuiDelete($HandGui) _HandGui() EndIf EndFunc Func _DealCards() _CreateHands() EndFunc Func _Exit() If $CurrentGui = "Hand" Then GuiDelete($HandGui) $CurrentGui = "MainGui" ElseIf $CurrentGui = "MainGui" Then Exit EndIf EndFunc While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd There's a bunch of images and stuff related but that should be enough to prove that And thanks Shane for the info, I'll look into that.1 point
ResourcesEx UDF.
mesale0077 reacted to Melba23 for a topic
mesale0077, Do not forget UEZ's contribution. M231 point -
ResourcesEx UDF.
mesale0077 reacted to UEZ for a topic
I like the hybrid wave method because it doesn't require an external dll to play the mp3 file. Thanks Melba23 for it! This UDF isn't designed to extract any information from a mp3 file. What you can do is to read the mp3 file from the resource and use additional UDFs which can extract the information you want from a mp3. Br, UEZ1 point -
Shane0000, I believe I have fixed the bug and now I need to test a bit more. If you (or anyone else) would care to test as well, here is the new function: #include <Array.au3> Local $aArray[4][4] For $i = 0 To 3 For $j = 0 To 3 $aArray[$i][$j] = $i & $j Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "Original") Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract_Mod($aArray, 0, 3, 1, 1) _ArrayDisplay($aExtract, "Row 0-3 column 1") Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract_Mod($aArray, 0, 3, 0, 0) _ArrayDisplay($aExtract, "Row 0-3 column 0") Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract_Mod($aArray, 1, 1, 1, 3) _ArrayDisplay($aExtract, "Row 1 column 1 - 3") Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract_Mod($aArray, 0, 0, 1, 3) _ArrayDisplay($aExtract, "Row 0 column 1 - 3") Func _ArrayExtract_Mod(Const ByRef $avArray, $iStart_Row = -1, $iEnd_Row = -1, $iStart_Col = -1, $iEnd_Col = -1) If $iStart_Row = Default Then $iStart_Row = -1 If $iEnd_Row = Default Then $iEnd_Row = -1 If $iStart_Col = Default Then $iStart_Col = -1 If $iEnd_Col = Default Then $iEnd_Col = -1 If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $iDim_1 = UBound($avArray, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1 If $iEnd_Row = -1 Then $iEnd_Row = $iDim_1 If $iStart_Row = -1 Then $iStart_Row = 0 If $iStart_Row < 0 Or $iEnd_Row < 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $iStart_Row > $iDim_1 Or $iEnd_Row > $iDim_1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) If $iStart_Row > $iEnd_Row Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) Switch UBound($avArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) Case 1 Local $aRetArray[$iEnd_Row - $iStart_Row + 1] For $i = 0 To $iEnd_Row - $iStart_Row $aRetArray[$i] = $avArray[$i + $iStart_Row] Next Return $aRetArray Case 2 Local $iDim_2 = UBound($avArray, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) - 1 If $iEnd_Col = -1 Then $iEnd_Col = $iDim_2 If $iStart_Col = -1 Then $iStart_Col = 0 If $iStart_Col < 0 Or $iEnd_Col < 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $iStart_Col > $iDim_2 Or $iEnd_Col > $iDim_2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) If $iStart_Col > $iEnd_Col Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) If $iStart_Col = $iEnd_Col Then Local $aRetArray[$iEnd_Row - $iStart_Row + 1] Else Local $aRetArray[$iEnd_Row - $iStart_Row + 1][$iEnd_Col - $iStart_Col + 1] EndIf For $i = 0 To $iEnd_Row - $iStart_Row For $j = 0 To $iEnd_Col - $iStart_Col If $iStart_Col = $iEnd_Col Then $aRetArray[$i] = $avArray[$i + $iStart_Row][$j + $iStart_Col] Else $aRetArray[$i][$j] = $avArray[$i + $iStart_Row][$j + $iStart_Col] EndIf Next Next Return $aRetArray Case Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArrayExtract_Mod M231 point
If you select "Syntax Check" in SciTE you should get error messages showing you where to change your script.1 point
gil900, You cannot save the timing in a wav header - there is nowhere to put it. What you will have to do is get the timing from the mp3 section of the resource before you play it. Anyway I have been having fun today with this! Here is my version of a script to convert an mp3 file to a hybrid wav fileL ; Basic wav header blocks $sHdr_1 = "0x52494646" $sHdr_2 = "57415645666D74201E0000005500020044AC0000581B0000010000000C00010002000000B600010071056661637404000000640E060064617461" $sAlign_Buffer = "00" ; Select mp3 file $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Select mp3 file to convert", @ScriptDir, "mp3 (*.mp3)") If Not $sFile Then Exit ; Read mp3 file $sMp3 = StringTrimLeft(Binary(FileRead($sFile)), 2) $iMp3Size = StringLen($sMp3) ; Get file size $iFileSize = FileGetSize($sFile) ; Convert to required format $iMp3Size = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iFileSize, 8), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "$4$3$2$1") $iWavSize = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iFileSize + 63, 8), "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "$4$3$2$1") ; Construct hybrid wav file $sHybridWav = $sHdr_1 & $iWavSize & $sHdr_2 & $iMp3Size & $sMp3 If Mod($iMp3Size, 2) Then $sHybridWav &= $sAlign_Buffer EndIf ; Save new file $sFile = FileSaveDialog("Select filename for new file", @ScriptDir, "wav (*.wav)") If Not $sFile Then Exit $hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 2 + 16) FileWrite($hFile, $sHybridWav) FileClose($hFile) It will take any mp3 file - even one with an ID3 tag - and convert it to a hybrid wav file by adding a valid wav header (and padding the file by one byte if required). A valid wav header contains sizing data and so needs to be calculated for each file - you cannot just add the same string to every mp3. And then I developed this script to play the hybrid wav file from the resource table - reading the timing from the file itself: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=Sound.wav, RT_RCDATA, SOUND #include <Date.au3> #include <Resources.au3> _Play_Resource_Sound("SOUND") Func _Play_Resource_Sound($sName) ; Read resource into memory $pResPointer = _ResourceGet($sName) $iResSize = @extended $tResStruct = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iResSize & "]", $pResPointer) $sSound = DllStructGetData($tResStruct, 1) ; Calculate CBR timing $iTrackLen_CBR = _CBR_Timing(StringLeft($sSound, 5120), $iResSize) $iBitrate = @extended ; Look for VBR timing $iTrackLen_VBR = _VBR_Timing(StringLeft($sSound, 5120)) ; Play sound Local $SND_NODEFAULT = 2 Local $iFlag = BitOR($SND_MEMORY, $SND_ASYNC, $SND_NODEFAULT) DllCall("winmm.dll", "int", "sndPlaySound", "ptr", $pResPointer, "UINT", $iFlag) ; Show results If $iTrackLen_VBR = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "CBR", _Convert_Timing($iTrackLen_CBR) & @CRLF & $iBitrate & " - " & Hex($iBitrate * 100, 8)) Else MsgBox(0, "VBR", _Convert_Timing($iTrackLen_VBR) & @CRLF & $iBitrate & " - " & Hex($iBitrate * 100, 8)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Play_Resource_Sound Func _Convert_Timing($iMs) Local $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs _TicksToTime($iMs, $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs) Return StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $iHours, $iMins, $iSecs) EndFunc ;==>_Convert_Timing Func _CBR_Timing($sSound, $iResSize) ; Look for start of MP3 header Local $iMP3_Start = StringInStr($sSound, "FFF") If Not $iMP3_Start Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Local $sSound_Header = StringMid($sSound, $iMP3_Start, 8) ; Create look up table (this is only filled for MPEG-1 layer III) Local $aBit_Table[14] = [32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320] ; Look up bitrate $iBitrate = $aBit_Table[Number("0x" & StringMid($sSound_Header, 5, 1)) - 1] ; Length in ms Return SetExtended($iBitrate, Int($iResSize * 8 / $iBitrate)) EndFunc ;==>_CBR_Timing Func _VBR_Timing($sTag) Local $iXingPos = StringInStr($sTag, "58696E67") ; Xing If Not $iXingPos Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf ; Read fields flag Local $iFrames, $iFlags = Number("0x" & StringMid($sTag, $iXingPos + 14, 2)) If BitAND($iFlags, 1) = 1 Then $iFrames = Number("0x" & StringMid($sTag, $iXingPos + 16, 8)) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0); No frames field EndIf ; Now to find Samples per frame & Sampling rate ; Go back to the frame header start Local $sHeader = StringMid($sTag, $iXingPos - 72, 8) ; Read the relevant bytes Local $iMPEGByte = Number("0x" & StringMid($sHeader, 4, 1)) Local $iFreqByte = Number("0x" & StringMid($sHeader, 6, 1)) ; Decode them ; 8 = MPEG-1, 0 = MPEG-2 Local $iMPEGVer = BitAND($iMPEGByte, 8) ; 2 = Layer III, 4 = Layer II, 6 = Layer I Local $iLayerNum = BitAND($iMPEGByte, 6) Local $iSamples Switch $iLayerNum Case 6 $iSamples = 384 Case 4 $iSamples = 1152 Case 2 Switch $iMPEGVer Case 8 $iSamples = 1152 Case 0 $iSamples = 576 Case Else $iSamples = 0 EndSwitch Case Else $iSamples = 0 EndSwitch ; If not valid return If $iSamples = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; 0 = bit 00, 4 = Bit 01, 8 = Bit 10 Local $iFrequency, $iFreqNum = BitAND($iFreqByte, 12) Switch $iFreqNum Case 0 $iFrequency = 44100 Case 4 $iFrequency = 48000 Case 8 $iFrequency = 32000 Case Else $iFrequency = 0 EndSwitch ; If not valid return If $iFrequency = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; MPEG-2 halves the value If $iMPEGVer = 0 Then $iFrequency = $iFrequency / 2 ; Duration in ms = No of frames * Samples per frame / Sampling freq * 1000 Return Int(($iFrames * $iSamples / $iFrequency) * 1000) EndFunc ;==>_VBR_Timing Do not cancel the MsgBox if you want to verify the duration as the sound will stop immediately! Looking forward to some feedback. M231 point