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Get Memory Adress
JLogan3o13 and one other reacted to Bert for a topic
I've been here going on 10 years. The number of times where I've seen memory reading or pixel search NOT being used for gaming - 1 out of a 100. You can throw up word walls with arguments all you want saying otherwise. For us old timers - experience says otherwise.2 points -
T0M50N, I can only suggest that there is a problem using that command on sound files - it does state " Digital-video and VCR devices recognize this command", and not waveforms. RazerM and I looked into providing a volume function many years ago (see >here) but as you can see decided that as it was not something we wanted to add for the same reasons as I mentioned above, even though that solution worked on sound files when tested. M231 point
Here some variants which came to my mind: #include <File.au3> Local $sText = "C:\folder1\folder2\img" ;variant 1 ConsoleWrite("1: " & StringRight($sText, StringLen($sText) - StringInStr($sText, "\", 0, -1)) & @CRLF) ;variant 2 ConsoleWrite("2: " & StringTrimLeft($sText, StringInStr($sText, "\", 0, -1)) & @CRLF) ;variant 3 ConsoleWrite("3: " & StringMid($sText, StringInStr($sText, "\", 0, -1) + 1) & @CRLF) ;variant 4 ConsoleWrite("4: " & StringRegExpReplace($sText, "^.*\\(.*)$", "$1") & @CRLF) ;variant 5 Local $sDrive = "", $sDir = "", $sFilename = "", $sExtension = "" Local $aPathSplit = _PathSplit($sText, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFilename, $sExtension) ConsoleWrite("5: " & $aPathSplit[3] & @CRLF) Br, UEZ1 point
Launch steam from xbmc close.......
Palestinian reacted to iamtheky for a topic
Steam is for content. This discussion should be legit.1 point -
Send SMS if PC is running, question about ie automation
czardas reacted to JustSomeone for a topic
was about to suggest this, i use something similar, that emails my phone (my carrier support free email2sms) and its like 40ish line of code .. power on the pc > run the prog > get the sms with desired text i can provide you with a working snipped here if needed (first i need to find it tho)1 point -
Embedded Window Media Player in GUI
ghost11996 reacted to dragan for a topic
It seems that the WMP can't change aspect ratio, so you can't stretch to fill both: desired width and desired height. http://www.sevenforums.com/music-pictures-video/163445-stretch-videos-wmp.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15749181/stretch-video-of-axwindowsmediaplayer-without-maintaining-aspect-ration-in-c-sha But you can stretch to the either one of those: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> Global $width = 800 Global $height = 450 Global $IEControl; = null; Global $MyGUI = GUICreate("WMPlayer Control", $width,$height,(@DesktopWidth-$width)/2,(@DesktopHeight-$height)/2, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) Global $oIE = _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer("about:blank", 0, 0, $width, $height) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $MyGUI) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SIZE, "WM_SIZE") Global $playerOBJ = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "objWMPlayer") if NOT IsObj($playerOBJ) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "WMP failed to be created."); Exit; EndIf ;~ $FileOpen = "C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Wildlife.wmv"; $FileOpen = FileOpenDialog("Open Videos", @UserProfileDir, "Movies (*.3gp;*.mp4;*.avi;*.wmv;*.flv)") If Not @error Then _wmpvalue($playerOBJ, "nocontrols") _wmploadmedia($playerOBJ,$FileOpen) $mediaName = _wmpvalue($playerOBJ, "getname"); WinSetTitle($MyGUI, "", "Playing video: " & $mediaName) Else Exit; EndIf While 1 $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $iMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit; EndSwitch WEnd Func WM_SIZE($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam Local $xClient, $yClient $xClient = BitAND($ilParam, 0x0000FFFF) $yClient = BitShift($ilParam, 16) GUICtrlSetPos($IEControl, 0, 0, $xClient, $yClient) if NOT @error Then if IsObj($playerOBJ) Then $playerOBJ.width = $xClient; if IsObj($playerOBJ) Then $playerOBJ.height = $yClient; EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;=============================================== ;=============================================== ;=============================================== #cs _wmploadmedia( $object, $URL ) $object: Object returned from the $playerOBJ = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "objWMPlayer") $URL: Path or URL of the media Return: None #ce Func _wmploadmedia( $object, $URL) $object.URL = $URL While Not $object.controls.isAvailable("play") Sleep(1) WEnd $object.controls.play() EndFunc ; Function: _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer ; Purpose: Embed Windows Media Player and play one file or one playlist only. ; Notes: PARAM NAME="url" is ReadOnly ; Authors: squirrely1 ; borderless IE embed example: GaryFrost ; Kudos - Kare Johansson, CFire ; References: ; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms930698.aspx ; http://www.w3schools.com/media/media_playerref.asp ; clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 - wmplayer latest installed version ; clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 - wmp 6.4 ;=============================================== Func _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer($movieURL, $playerLeft, $playerTop, $playerWidth, $playerHeight, _ $insetBorders = 0, $fullscreenMode = False, $showControls = True, $enableContextMenu = True, _ $LoopMode = false, $playCount = 1, $playVolume = 100, $playBalance = 0, $enableFullScreenControls = True) If $fullscreenMode Then $fullscreenMode = "true" Else $fullscreenMode = "false" EndIf If $showControls Then $showControls = "true" Else $showControls = "false" EndIf If $enableContextMenu Then $enableContextMenu = "true" Else $enableContextMenu = "false" EndIf If $LoopMode Then $playCount = 999 EndIf If $enableFullScreenControls Then $enableFullScreenControls = "true" Else $enableFullScreenControls = "false" EndIf Local $myIE_Obj = _IECreateEmbedded () $IEControl = GUICtrlCreateObj($myIE_Obj, $playerLeft, $playerTop, $playerWidth, $playerHeight) _IENavigate($myIE_Obj, "about:blank") Local $htmlWMP $htmlWMP = '' _ & @CR & '<body style="margin:0;padding:0" >' _ & @CR & '<OBJECT' _ & @CR & 'ID="objWMPlayer"' _ & @CR & 'STYLE="margin:0;padding:0"' _ & @CR & 'HSPACE="0"' _ & @CR & 'VSPACE="0"' _ & @CR & 'BORDER="0"' _ & @CR & 'WIDTH="' & $playerWidth & '"' _ & @CR & 'HEIGHT="' & $playerHeight & '"' _ & @CR & 'CLASSID="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"' _ & @CR & 'STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..."' _ & @CR & 'TYPE="application/x-ms-wmp">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="allowHideControls" VALUE="true">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="autoStart" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="audioStream" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="autoSize" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="balance" VALUE="' & $playBalance & '"><!-- -100 to 100 -->' _ & @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="bufferingTime" VALUE="5"><!-- seconds -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="clickToPlay" VALUE="false"><!-- has no effect -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="currentPosition" VALUE="0"><!-- start position within video, in seconds -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enableContextMenu" VALUE="' & $enableContextMenu & '">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enableFullScreenControls" VALUE="' & $enableFullScreenControls & '">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enabled" VALUE="true"><!-- whether controls are enabled -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="fullScreen" VALUE="' & $fullscreenMode & '">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="mute" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="playCount" VALUE="' & $playCount & '">' _ & @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="previewMode" VALUE="true"> -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="rate" VALUE="1"><!-- play speed of -.5 to 2 increments of .1 -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="sendPlayStateChangeEvents" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showCaptioning" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showControls" VALUE="' & $showControls & '">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showGotoBar" VALUE="false">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showPositionControls" VALUE="true"><!-- uiMode must = "full" -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showStatusBar" VALUE="false"><!-- has no effect -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showDisplay" VALUE="true"><!-- has no effect - reportedly shows filename -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="stretchToFit" VALUE="true">' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="uiMode" VALUE="full"><!-- invisible, none, mini, full -->' _ & @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="videoBorderWidth" VALUE="0"> -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="volume" VALUE="' & $playVolume & '"><!-- volume percent setting of wmplayer.exe -->' _ & @CR & '<PARAM NAME="windowlessVideo" VALUE="false"><!-- must be the default (false) for function to work in wmp 9.0, otherwise might renders video directly in the client area -->' _ & @CR & '</OBJECT>' _ & @CR & '</body>' _IEDocWriteHTML ($myIE_Obj, $htmlWMP) _IEAction ($myIE_Obj, "refresh") $myIE_Obj.document.body.scroll = "no" $myIE_Obj.document.body.style.border = $insetBorders Return $myIE_Obj EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer Func _wmpvalue( $object, $setting, $para=1 ) Switch $setting Case "play" If $object.controls.isAvailable("play") Then $object.controls.play() case "stop" If $object.controls.isAvailable("stop") Then $object.controls.stop() case "pause" If $object.controls.isAvailable("pause") Then $object.controls.pause() case "invisible" $object.uiMode = "invisible" case "controls" $object.uiMode = "full" case "nocontrols" $object.uiMode = "none" case "fullscreen" $object.fullscreen = "True" Case "step" If $object.controls.isAvailable("step") Then $object.controls.step($para) Case "fastForward" If $object.controls.isAvailable("fastForward") Then $object.controls.fastForward() Case "fastReverse" If $object.controls.isAvailable("fastReverse") Then $object.controls.fastReverse() Case "volume" $object.settings.volume = $para Case "rate" $object.settings.rate = $para Case "playcount" $object.settings.playCount = $para Case "setposition" $object.controls.currentPosition = $para Case "getposition" Return $object.controls.currentPosition Case "getpositionstring" Return $object.controls.currentPositionString Case "getduration" Return $object.currentMedia.duration Case "getname" Return $object.currentMedia.name EndSwitch EndFunc1 point -
1 point
how can I refresh GUI, button not displaying immediately
KenWCM reacted to Palestinian for a topic
You might have another GUI control over the button, check your GUI controls locations, also post your code1 point -
I don't mind at all, I did think about posting something similar using _GetOSLanguage (see signature) but didn't bother. Thanks for the comments, I just realised today those that post generally lack the basic information required to help them. #include <Misc.au3> ; Version: 1.00. AutoIt: V3.3.8.1 ; Retrieve the recommended information of the current system when posting a support question. Local $sSystemInfo = 'I have a valid AutoIt support question and kindly provide the details of my system:' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ 'AutoIt Version: V' & @AutoItVersion & ' [' & _Iif(@AutoItX64, 'X64', 'X32') & ']' & @CRLF & _ 'Windows Version: ' & @OSVersion & ' [' & _GetOSLanguage() & ']' & @CRLF & _ 'Language: ' & @OSLang & @CRLF & @CRLF MsgBox(4096, 'This info has been copied to the clipboard. Use Ctrl + V to retrieve it.', $sSystemInfo) ClipPut($sSystemInfo) ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetOSLanguage ; Description ...: Retrieves the language of the OS, this supports 19 of the most popular languages. ; Syntax ........: _GetOSLanguage() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: guinness ; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/131832-getoslanguage-retrieve-the-language-of-the-os/ ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetOSLanguage() Local $aString[20] = [19, "0409 0809 0c09 1009 1409 1809 1c09 2009 2409 2809 2c09 3009 3409", "0404 0804 0c04 1004 0406", "0406", "0413 0813", "0425", _ "040b", "040c 080c 0c0c 100c 140c 180c", "0407 0807 0c07 1007 1407", "040e", "0410 0810", _ "0411", "0414 0814", "0415", "0416 0816", "0418", _ "0419", "081a 0c1a", "040a 080a 0c0a 100a 140a 180a 1c0a 200a 240a 280a 2c0a 300a 340a 380a 3c0a 400a 440a 480a 4c0a 500a", "041d 081d"] Local $aLanguage[20] = [19, "English", "Chinese", "Danish", "Dutch", "Estonian", "Finnish", "French", "German", "Hungarian", "Italian", _ "Japanese", "Norwegian", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Romanian", "Russian", "Serbian", "Spanish", "Swedish"] For $i = 1 To $aString[0] If StringInStr($aString[$i], @OSLang) Then Return $aLanguage[$i] EndIf Next Return $aLanguage[1] EndFunc ;==>_GetOSLanguage1 point