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@anhyeuem: I think we need to solve the language problem before solving the programming problem I'm Vietnamese and you can send a message to me (view my profile and you will see a 'Send me a message' button. I cannot help you until I understand what you ask.1 point
FileCreateShortcut(@ScriptFullPath, @StartupDir &"\Indicator.lnk") You can also use @StartupCommonDir......but in win7 or win8 @StartupDir is best because no need to run as Administrator...... Edit:: Copy and past this line in your Indicator code.....or put in to any au3 file code that you want run at windows startup {Every time you start your operating system this will automatically run your specific file(here Indicator)}..... ......Tested in win7......1 point
Doing so many parts of your homework is not only unfair to your classmate but also unfair to you. Yes, you need to thinking and try to doing the tasks yourself if you want to learn to program the right way. I replied to you right after waking up this morning and my brain is not fully well performed . Now I understand what you means Did you mean, you don't know how to implement the "new" functionality? (Implement is not equal to create, you created the menu, but after that did not know how to do with the menu you have created to make it works, right?) When your new button is clicked, execute a function: If the current work is not saved yet, then display a dialog to ask users to save first. The remaining tasks is so simple, clear all input fields, to make your program like the one the user saw right after he/she run your program. The idea of ML is nice. For each language, you should store the translated sentences in a separated file, and read from that file to display the right sentences. Maybe I'm little curious, but I wonder what school teaching AutoIt in Vietnam? I think AutoIt has become more and more popular, but it's still not the chosen programming language to teach at school, and Pascal is the one, right?1 point
Look in my signature for the keyword Language.1 point
These Const are ridiculous. How are you going to name the 16 - 2 = 14 next possible dimensions? The parameter is an integer denoting the dimension index. My (late) $0.021 point
@anhyeuem: So, first, I want to clarify exactly what you want to acquire: When you open your program and select the File menu, there are some menu items which you can use to open recently file, as my suggestion, or When you open your program and select the menu item Open from the File menu then a dialog will open, and you can select your previous opened file from it, like this link: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Case 2, the question in that link has already an answer. You need to follow the answer's instruction to get what you expected. What exactly is your question? Case 1, something like this: ; When you create the window ;$idMnuRecent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(...) Local $aFiles = GetRecentlyOpenedFile() Local $aidRecent[0] If ($aFiles[0] > 0) Then ReDim $aidRecent[$aFiles[0]] For $i = 1 To $aFiles[0] $aidRecent[$i - 1] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($aFiles[$i], $idMnuRecent) Next EndIf ; And the function to get and save the file list: Func GetRecentlyOpenedFile() Local $sFiles = IniRead($CONST_SETTING_PATH, 'General', 'RecentlyOpened', '') If ($sFiles == '') Then Local $aRet[1] = [0] Return $aRet EndIf Return StringSplit($sFiles, '|') EndFunc Func AddRecentlyOpenedFile($sFile) Local $sFiles = IniRead($CONST_SETTING_PATH, 'General', 'RecentlyOpened', '') If ($sFiles == '') Then IniWrite($CONST_SETTING_PATH, 'General', 'RecentlyOpened', $sFile) Else Local $aFiles = For $sFl in $aFiles If ($sFl = $sFile) Then Return Next IniWrite($CONST_SETTING_PATH, 'General', 'RecentlyOpened', $sFiles & '|' & $sFile) EndIf EndFunc I think it's enough example. You will need to calm down and exercise if you want to get A mark (not A+, it is usually only given to a unexpected smart solution PS: If you find it hard to write your question in English, than use Google translate don't trying to "simplize" your sentences and we must use 1000% BPU (brain processing unit ) to try to understand what you try to ask1 point
These are regEx Modifiers I almost always use them to make my regular expressions more explicit and they enable one to modify what a given regEx is doing mid-expression e.g. ignoring the case of letters until you get to a certain point then turning case sensitivity on OR ignoring line returns/carriage returns until a certain point then recognising them again. As one of the worlds top experts - Jan Goyvaerts explains: (?i) Turn on case insensitivity for the remainder of the regular expression. (Older regex flavors may turn it on for the entire regex.) te(?i)st matches teST but not TEST. (?-i) Turn off case insensitivity for the remainder of the regular expression. (?i)te(?-i)st matches TEst but not TEST. (?s) Turn on "dot matches newline" for the remainder of the regular expression. (Older regex flavors may turn it on for the entire regex.) (?-s) Turn off "dot matches newline" for the remainder of the regular expression. (?m) Caret and dollar match after and before newlines for the remainder of the regular expression. (Older regex flavors may apply this to the entire regex.) (?-m) Caret and dollar only match at the start and end of the string for the remainder of the regular expression. (?x) Turn on free-spacing mode to ignore whitespace between regex tokens, and allow # comments. (?-x) Turn off free-spacing mode. (?i-sm) Turns on the options "i" and "m", and turns off "s" for the remainder of the regular expression. (Older regex flavors may apply this to the entire regex.) (?i-sm:regex) Matches the regex inside the span with the options "i" and "m" turned on, and "s" turned off.1 point
T0M50N, In Vista+ SoundSetWaveVolume changes the volume only in the script in which it is used - not the overall system volume. In XP it changes the overall system volume and thus the volume of the script itself. So you can use the function to adjust the volume of the sound in the same script in all OSes. M231 point
I will not do your complete homework - that would not be fair to the other classmates. Br, UEZ1 point
Here is a 1 to 1 translation of the CMD code to AutoIt3 code. It is has multiple blocks of code to handle $F which you could merge into one block. Some useless code that could be removed. Perhaps enough code in it so that you can clean it up or perhaps rewrite and make something good from it. ;@ECHO OFF ;SETLOCAL ;SET "M=Autoplay.exe" ;SET "S=123\test\Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0\Setup.exe" ;SET "F=" ;SET "N=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\" ;SET "_=" $M = 'Autoplay.exe' $S = '123\test\Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0\Setup.exe' $F = '' $N = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\' $_ = '' ;FOR /F %%A IN ('MOUNTVOL^|FINDSTR [C-Z]:\\') DO (IF EXIST "%%A%M%" SET "_=%%A") ;IF NOT DEFINED _ ( ; ECHO= %M% not found ; ECHO= Press any key to exit ; PAUSE >NUL ; GOTO :EOF) $A = DriveGetDrive('ALL') If IsArray($A) Then For $1 = 1 To UBound($A) -1 If DriveStatus($A[$1]) = 'READY' And FileExists($A[$1] & '\' & $M) Then $_ = $A[$1] ExitLoop EndIf Next $A = '' EndIf If $_ == '' Then MsgBox(0x40030, @ScriptName, $M & ' not found' & @CRLF & 'Click OK to exit') Exit 1 ; Goto :EOF EndIf ;IF NOT EXIST "%_%%S%" ( ; ECHO= %_%%S% not found ; ECHO= Press any key to exit ; PAUSE >NUL ; GOTO :EOF) If Not FileExists($_ & '\' & $S) Then MsgBox(0x40030, @ScriptName, $_ & '\' & $S & ' not found') Exit 1 ; Goto :EOF EndIf ;FOR %%A IN (Client Full) DO ( ; REG QUERY "%N%%%A" /V INSTALL >NUL 2>&1 && SET "F=Yes") For $A In StringSplit('Client Full', ' ', 3) $F = RegRead($N & $A, 'Install') If $F == '1' Then ExitLoop Next ;IF NOT DEFINED F ( ; ECHO= %S:\Setup.exe=% not found ; ECHO= ; ECHO= Installing %S:\Setup.exe=%... ; CALL :PRE) If Not ($F == '1') Then SplashTextOn(@ScriptName, $S & ' not found' & @CRLF & 'Installing ' & $S) _PRE() SplashOff() Exit ; Goto :EOF EndIf ;:MAIN ;IF DEFINED F ( ; ECHO= Now Installing %M% ; ECHO= ; ECHO= Please wait... ; ECHO= ; "%_%%M%" ; PING -n 8 1>NUL) ELSE (ECHO= ; ECHO= Installation Failure ; ECHO= Press any key to exit ; PAUSE >NUL) ;GOTO :EOF If $F == '1' Then SplashTextOn(@ScriptName, 'Now installing ' & $M & @CRLF & 'Please wait...', 600, 100) ShellExecuteWait('"' & $_ & '\' & $M & '"') Sleep(8000) SplashOff() Else ; previous block of code runs installer on a Not $F == '1' condition so why message failure here? ; this code will never be run due to previous block of code that reaches :EOF at going to :PRE MsgBox(0x40000, @ScriptName, 'Installation failure. Click OK to exit.') EndIf Exit ; Goto :EOF ;:PRE ;ECHO= ;START "" /WAIT "%_%%S%" /q /norestart && (SET F=Yes) Func _PRE() SplashTextOn(@ScriptName, 'Now installing ' & $_ & '\' & $S & @CRLF & 'Please wait...', 600, 100) ShellExecuteWait('"' & $_ & '\' & $S & '"', '/q /norestart') SplashOff() ; setting $F seems useless here just before reaching :EOF $F = '1' EndFunc Happy coding1 point
Yes that's true of course (I wrote this plugin and UDF after all ), but it is worth noting that those two volume controls on XP *can* be discreet, it may depend on the sound drivers installed. So changing just one may not link the other, and manipulating both would be required to accomplish the desired effect.1 point
AutoIt Script and Selenium upload file
ManjuKb00232 reacted to PiotrK for a topic
Ok, my selenium code is run: class AutoIt { private ISelenium selenium; //public StringBuilder verificationErrors; [SetUp] public void SetupTest() { selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "http://tinypic.com/"); selenium.Start(); selenium.WindowMaximize(); } [Test] public void AutoITtest() { selenium.Open("/"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\\Selenium\\AutoIt\autotest.exe"); } } } But I don't know how to prepare Autoit script to upload image to the page http://tinypic.com. Please help me. I have something like this, but it doesn't work: WinActivate("Browse"); Local $file = "c:\selenium\pass.txt" ControlSetText("Choose file", "", "Edit1", $file ) ControlClick("Choose file", "", "Open") I have following problem: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : The system cannot find the file specified1 point -
I posted a COM phone dialer a while back as an answer to another post. It used the MSComm component and I have since learned that many people will not have the MSComm ocx file on thier system (unless they once had VB6 installed). It is a royalty component and therefore cannot be redistributed. Fortunately, there is a freeware version created to be a full emulation of that control that you can download and install from HardAndSoftware. You'll find the download link here: NetComm Update: New Location Edit: Note, this needs the post 3.1.1 beta for COM support Here is the Microsoft MSComm example: ; Set a COM Error handler -- only one can be active at a time (see helpfile) $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") $sNumberToDial = "5551212" Dial($sNumberToDial) Exit Func Dial($pNum, $time2wait = 5000) dim $FromModem = "" $DialString = "ATDT" & $pNum & ";" & @CR $com = ObjCreate ("MSCommLib.MSComm") With $com .CommPort = 3 .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = $DialString EndWith $begin = TimerInit() While 1 If $com.InBufferCount Then $FromModem = $FromModem & $com.Input;* Check for "OK". If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then;* Notify the user to pick up the phone. MsgBox(0, "Phone", "Please pick up the phone and either press Enter or click OK") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If (TimerDiff($begin) > $time2wait) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No response from modem on COM" & $com.CommPort & " in " & $time2wait & " milliseconds") Exit EndIf WEnd $com.Output = "ATH" & @CR $com.PortOpen = False $com = 0 EndFunc;==>Dial Func MyErrFunc() ; Set @ERROR to 1 and return control to the program following the trapped error SetError(1) MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error communicating with modem on COM" );& $com.CommPort) Exit EndFunc;==>MyErrFunc Here is the freeware NETComm example: ; Set a COM Error handler -- only one can be active at a time (see helpfile) $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") $sNumberToDial = "5551212" Dial($sNumberToDial) Exit Func Dial($pNum, $time2wait = 5000) dim $FromModem = "" $DialString = "ATDT" & $pNum & ";" & @CR $com = ObjCreate ("NETCommOCX.NETComm") With $com .CommPort = 3 .PortOpen = True .Settings = "9600,N,8,1" .InBufferCount = 0 .Output = $DialString EndWith $begin = TimerInit() While 1 If $com.InBufferCount Then $FromModem = $FromModem & $com.InputData;* Check for "OK". If StringInStr($FromModem, "OK") Then;* Notify the user to pick up the phone. MsgBox(0, "Phone", "Please pick up the phone and either press Enter or click OK") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If (TimerDiff($begin) > $time2wait) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No response from modem on COM" & $com.CommPort & " in " & $time2wait & " milliseconds") Exit EndIf WEnd $com.Output = "ATH" & @CR $com.PortOpen = False $com = 0 EndFunc;==>Dial Func MyErrFunc() ; Set @ERROR to 1 and return control to the program following the trapped error SetError(1) MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error communicating with modem on COM" );& $com.CommPort) Exit EndFunc;==>MyErrFunc Enjoy, Dale Edit: Added note about need for AutoIt beta and link to it Edit2: Created seperate examples for MSComm and NETComm... NETComm uses the property .InputData instead of .Input -- thanks KenE!1 point
Update 05 jan 2008 Added support for dual screen ToolbarAG.au3 #cs Sliding Toolbar Original idea: Simucal Adds from Valuater, FireFox and many others Adapted Dec 2008 - A GreenCan 03 Jan 2009 : Button now allows url shortcut #ce #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include "Misc.au3" #include <Constants.au3> ;#include <Array.au3> Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) TraySetState (2) ;HotKeySet("^s", "Settings") ;HotKeySet("^q", "Set_Exit") TraySetToolTip ("Sliding Toolbar") ; prevent 2nd launch if _Singleton(@ScriptName,1) = 0 Then Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) Msgbox(0,"Warning",@ScriptName & " is already running",3) Exit EndIf #Region ini ; startup with a new toolbarAG.ini with some stuff in it If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini") Then Create_ini() $Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label") $Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch") $Transparency = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global","Transparency",250) $Auto_appear = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global","Auto_appear",0) #EndRegion ini #Region Global Global Const $SM_VIRTUALWIDTH = 78 $VirtualDesktopWidth = DLLCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", $SM_VIRTUALWIDTH) $VirtualDesktopWidth = $VirtualDesktopWidth[0] Global $hide_state = 0, $btn_state = 0, $pass = 0, $active_window, $side = "left" Global $Button_[15], $Label_[15], $config_[12] Global $Row1 = 7 Global $Row2 = 7 Global $Button_height = 77 If $Auto_appear = 1 Then; auto_appear is True ; hide the window almost completely as the mouse over will slidein the window, no button needs to be shown Global $left_hwnd = -605 Global $right_hwnd = ($VirtualDesktopWidth -6) Global $Auto_app ="On" Else ; leave just the slide in buttons visual Global $left_hwnd = -588 Global $right_hwnd = ($VirtualDesktopWidth -20) Global $Auto_app ="Off" EndIf #EndRegion Global #Region config window $hwnd2 $hwnd = GUICreate(" Sliding Toolbar", 603, 170, $left_hwnd, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)) #Region Perforated Image ; Perforated Image # ==> Start Local $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, $_GUI_NAME $_Left_pos = 442 ; Replace with correct position $_Top_pos = 139 ; Replace with correct position _GuiImageHole($hwnd, $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, 136, 41) # <== End #EndRegion Perforated Image ; create the labels, inputs and buttons for config window $config_[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label Name", 15, 32, 60, 20) $config_[2] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 75, 30, 80, 20) $config_[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Program to Launch", 175, 32, 100, 20) $config_[4] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 270, 30, 255, 20) GUICtrlSetState( -1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED ) ; accept drops GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Drag and drop your executable here" & @CR & "The path is also the path where the application will start from") $config_[5] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 530, 5, 50, 20) $config_[6] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 530, 30, 50, 20) $config_[7] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Accept", 530, 55, 50, 20) $config_[8] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", 530, 80, 50, 20) $config_[9] = GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 500, 5, 20, 20 ) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, about()) $config_[10] = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", $_Left_pos - 4, $_Top_pos - 30, 144, 51 , $SS_GRAYFRAME) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, about()) $config_[11] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 75, 60, 73, 41, $BS_ICON) For $x = 1 To UBound($config_)-1 GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_HIDE) Next $SHOW = GUICtrlCreateButton(">", 585, 8, 17, 77 + $Button_height, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Show Toolbar") GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd) #EndRegion config window $hwnd #Region main window $hwnd2 $hwnd2 = GUICreate(" Sliding Toolbar", 603, 170, 1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW )) ; set transparency WinSetTrans($hwnd2, "", $Transparency) ; row 1 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row1 $Button_[$Row_item] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", ($Row_item * 81) -60, 35, 73, 41, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $Label_name[$Row_item][1]) If StringInStr($Launch_name[$Row_item][1], ".exe") > 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[$Row_item][1],1) ElseIf StringInStr($Launch_name[$Row_item][1], ".url") Then ; url GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "url.dll", 1) Else If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$Row_item], "shell32.dll", 50) GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item], $GUI_DISABLE ) Else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 4) EndIf EndIf $Label_[$Row_item] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[$Row_item][1], ($Row_item * 81) -60, 8, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN) Next ; row 2 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row2 $Button_[$Row_item+7] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", ($Row_item * 81) -60, 120, 73, 41, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $Label_name[$Row_item+7][1]) If StringInStr($Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1], ".exe") > 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage(-1, $Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1],1) ElseIf StringInStr($Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1], ".url") Then ; url GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "url.dll", 1) Else If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$Row_item+7], "shell32.dll", 50) GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item+7], $GUI_DISABLE ) Else GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 4) EndIf EndIf $Label_[$Row_item+7] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Label_name[$Row_item+7][1], ($Row_item * 81) -60, 93, 73, 17, $SS_CENTER + $SS_SUNKEN) Next $HIDE = GUICtrlCreateButton("<", 585, 8, 17, 77 + $Button_height, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT, $BS_MULTILINE)) GUICtrlSetTip($HIDE, "Hide") $EDIT = GUICtrlCreateButton("[]", 2, 8, 15, 77 + $Button_height, BitOR($BS_CENTER, $BS_FLAT, $BS_MULTILINE)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Config Mode") GUISetState() #EndRegion main window $hwnd2 #Region Tray settings Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_SECONDARYUP, "Maximize") ; secondary mouse button will maximize window TraySetClick(2) ; Only Primary mouse button will show the tray menu. $About_tray = TrayCreateItem("About") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Tray_About") TrayCreateItem("") $Maximize_tray = TrayCreateItem("Maximize") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Maximize") $Mouseover_tray = TrayCreateItem("Mouseover appear " & $Auto_app) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Mouseover") $Transparency_tray = TrayCreateItem("Set Transparency") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Transparency") TrayCreateItem("") $exit_tray = TrayCreateItem("Quit Sliding Toolbar") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "Set_Exit") TraySetState(2) #EndRegion Tray settings _ReduceMemory() #Region While While 1 $msg1 = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $hide_state = 1 and $msg1 = -3 ; close window on hidden window ; hide it to the tray $active_window = $hwnd GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd) TraySetState(1) $msg1 = 0 TrayTip("Sliding Toolbar","Click right mouse button to activate" & @CR & "Click left mouse button for more options",0,1+16) ; reduce the memory needed _ReduceMemory() Case $msg1 = -3 Or $msg1 = -4 ; escape key (-3) pressed, close window (-3), Minimize (-4) ; hide it to the tray $active_window = $hwnd2 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd2) TraySetState(1) $msg1 = 0 TrayTip("Sliding Toolbar","Click right mouse button to activate" & @CR & "Click left mouse button for more options",0,1+16) ; reduce the memory needed _ReduceMemory() Case $msg1 = $HIDE ; "<" button clicked If $pass = 1 Then ; return from Edit mode to menu mode WinSetTitle($hwnd2, "", " Sliding Toolbar") ; return to default tooltip GUICtrlSetTip($HIDE, "Hide") $pass = 0 ; disable all unused buttons ; row 1 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row1 If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item], $GUI_DISABLE ) EndIf Next ; row 2 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row2 If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item+7], $GUI_DISABLE ) EndIf Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwnd2) Else ; hide menu Slide_out() EndIf Case $msg1 = $SHOW ; ">" button clicked on closed menu Slide_in() Case $msg1 = $EDIT ; "[]" button clicked If $pass = 1 Then ; return from Edit mode to menu mode WinSetTitle($hwnd2, "", " Sliding Toolbar") ; return to default tooltip GUICtrlSetTip($HIDE, "Hide") GUICtrlSetTip($EDIT, "Config Mode") $pass = 0 ; disable all unused buttons ; row 1 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row1 If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item], $GUI_DISABLE ) EndIf Next ; row 2 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row2 If StringLen($Launch_name[$Row_item+7][1]) = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item+7], $GUI_DISABLE ) EndIf Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwnd2) Else $pass = 1 ; change the tooltip GUICtrlSetTip($HIDE, "Exit Config Mode") GUICtrlSetTip($EDIT, "Exit Config Mode") ; enable all disabled buttons ; row 1 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row1 GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item], $GUI_ENABLE ) Next ; row 2 For $Row_item = 1 to $Row2 GUICtrlSetState ( $Button_[$Row_item+7], $GUI_ENABLE ) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwnd2) EndIf EndSelect If $Auto_appear = 1 And $hide_state = 1 then ; mouse over will slide in hidden window If GetHoveredHwnd() = $hwnd Then Slide_in() EndIf $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd2) $a_pos2 = WinGetPos($hwnd) If $side = "left" Then If $a_pos[0] + 302 < ($VirtualDesktopWidth / 2) Then ; main window If $a_pos[0] <> 1 And $hide_state = 0 And $a_pos[0] Then WinMove($hwnd2, "", 1, $a_pos[1]) ; Left Slider WinMove($hwnd, "", $left_hwnd, $a_pos[1]) ; Left Button EndIf ; hidden config wndow If $a_pos2[0] <> $left_hwnd And $hide_state = 1 Then WinMove($hwnd, "", $left_hwnd, $a_pos2[1]) WinMove($hwnd2, "", 1, $a_pos2[1]) EndIf Else SideSwitch() EndIf EndIf If $side = "right" Then If $a_pos[0] + 302 >= ($VirtualDesktopWidth / 2) Then ; main window If $a_pos[0] <> $VirtualDesktopWidth - 609 And $hide_state = 0 Then WinMove($hwnd2, "", ($VirtualDesktopWidth - 609), $a_pos[1]) ; Right Slider WinMove($hwnd, "", $right_hwnd, $a_pos[1]) ; Right button EndIf ; hidden config wndow If $a_pos2[0] <> $right_hwnd And $hide_state = 1 Then WinMove($hwnd, "",$right_hwnd , $a_pos2[1]) WinMove($hwnd2, "", ($VirtualDesktopWidth - 609), $a_pos2[1]) EndIf Else SideSwitch() EndIf EndIf If $pass = 1 Then WinSetTitle($hwnd2, "", " Config Mode - Please Press the Button to Configure... Press ""<"" to Cancel") If $hide_state = 0 Then $a_mpos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hwnd2) If IsArray($a_mpos) = 1 Then For $b = 1 To 14 If $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b] And $b>=1 And $b<=7 Then If $b = 1 Then $left = 15 If $b > 1 Then $left = (($b - 1) * 81) + 15 GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 30, 83, 46) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetCursor($Button_[$b], 0) While $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b] $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $Button_[$b] Then If $pass = 0 Then Function($b) ExitLoop Else Set_ini($b) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf $a_mpos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hwnd2) If IsArray($a_mpos) <> 1 Then ExitLoop WEnd $left = $left + 5 GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 35, 73, 41) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0x000000) EndIf If $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b] And $b>=8 and $b<=14 Then If $b = 7 Then $left = 15 If $b > 7 Then $left = (($b - 8) * 81) + 15 GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 120, 83, 46) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0xff0000) GUICtrlSetCursor($Button_[$b], 0) While $a_mpos[4] = $Button_[$b] $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $Button_[$b] Then If $pass = 0 Then Function($b) ExitLoop Else Set_ini($b) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf $a_mpos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hwnd2) If IsArray($a_mpos) <> 1 Then ExitLoop WEnd $left = $left + 5 GUICtrlSetPos($Button_[$b], $left, 120, 73, 41) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_[$b], 0x000000) EndIf Next EndIf EndIf WEnd #EndRegion While #Region Functions #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func GetHoveredHwnd() Local $iRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "WindowFromPoint", "long", MouseGetPos(0), "long", MouseGetPos(1)) If IsArray($iRet) Then Return HWnd($iRet[0]) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>GetHoveredHwnd #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func SideSwitch() If $side = "left" Then $side = "right" GUICtrlSetPos($HIDE, 1, 8) GUICtrlSetData($HIDE, ">") GUICtrlSetPos($SHOW, 2, 8) GUICtrlSetData($SHOW, "<") GUICtrlSetPos($EDIT, 585, 8) GUICtrlSetData($EDIT, "[]") Else $side = "left" GUICtrlSetPos($HIDE, 585, 8) GUICtrlSetData($HIDE, "<") GUICtrlSetPos($SHOW, 585, 8) GUICtrlSetData($SHOW, ">") GUICtrlSetPos($EDIT, 2, 8) GUICtrlSetData($EDIT, "[]") EndIf EndFunc ;==>SideSwitch #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Maximize() TraySetState(2) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $active_window) ; main window If $hide_state = 1 And $active_window = $hwnd Then ; if window is hidden, then unhide Slide_in() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Maximize #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Slide_in() ; the window will appear from left to right $hide_state = 0 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hwnd) If $side = "left" Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 100, "long", 0x00040001);slide in from left Else DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 100, "long", 0x00040002);slide in from right EndIf WinActivate($hwnd2) WinWaitActive($hwnd2) _ReduceMemory() EndFunc ;==>Slide_in #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Slide_out() ; the window will disappear from right to left $hide_state = 1 If $side = "left" Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 100, "long", 0x00050002);slide out to left Else DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hwnd2, "int", 100, "long", 0x00050001);slide out to right EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hwnd) WinActivate($hwnd) WinWaitActive($hwnd) _ReduceMemory() EndFunc ;==>Slide_out #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Create_ini() IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global", "Transparency", 222) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global", "Auto_appear", 0) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 1, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 2, @SystemDir & "\osk.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 3, @ProgramFilesDir & "\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 4, @SystemDir & "\notepad.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 5, @SystemDir & "\calc.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 6, @SystemDir & "\mstsc.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 7, @SystemDir & "\cleanmgr.exe") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 8, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", 9, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch",10, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch",11, @SystemDir) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch",12, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch",13, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch",14, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 1, "IE Explorer") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 2, "Keyboard") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 3, "Media Player") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 4, "Notepad") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 5, "Calculator") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 6, "Net Service") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 7, "Clean Mngr") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 8, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", 9, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label",10, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label",11, "System Dir") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label",12, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label",13, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label",14, "") EndFunc ;==>Create_ini #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Set_ini(ByRef $b) ; slide out the config window Slide_out() ; hide the slide out button as this is only used in slide in mode GUICtrlSetState($SHOW, $GUI_HIDE) ; show all the config fields For $x = 1 To UBound($config_)-1 GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_SHOW) Next ; add the image on the button If StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".exe") Then ; exe file GUICtrlSetImage($config_[11], $Launch_name[$b][1],1) ElseIf StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".url") Then ; url GUICtrlSetImage($config_[11], "url.dll", 1) ElseIf StringLen($Label_name[$b][1] & $Launch_name[$b][1]) = 0 Then ; empty button GUICtrlSetImage($config_[11], "shell32.dll", 50) Else ; folder GUICtrlSetImage($config_[11], "shell32.dll", 4) EndIf Sleep(50) If $side = "left" Then ; move the window back to postion 1 WinMove($hwnd, "", 1, $a_pos[1]) Else WinMove($hwnd, "", $VirtualDesktopWidth - 609, $a_pos[1]) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($config_[2], $Label_name[$b][1]) GUICtrlSetData($config_[4], $Launch_name[$b][1]) GUICtrlSetState($config_[4], $GUI_DROPACCEPTED ) While 3 ; switch windows $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd) If $side = "left" Then If $a_pos[0] + 302 < ($VirtualDesktopWidth / 2) Then ; main window If $a_pos[0] <> 1 Then WinMove($hwnd, "", 1, $a_pos[1]) ; And synchronize the position of the main window too WinMove($hwnd2, "", 1, $a_pos[1]) EndIf Else SideSwitch() EndIf EndIf If $side = "right" Then If $a_pos[0] + 302 >= ($VirtualDesktopWidth / 2) Then ; main window If $a_pos[0] <> $VirtualDesktopWidth - 609 Then WinMove($hwnd, "", ($VirtualDesktopWidth - 609), $a_pos[1]) WinMove($hwnd2, "", ($VirtualDesktopWidth - 609), $a_pos[1]) EndIf Else SideSwitch() EndIf EndIf $msg3 = GUIGetMsg() If $msg3 = -3 Or $msg3 = -4 Then ExitLoop; escape key (-3) pressed, close window (-3), Minimize (-4) - same as cancel If $msg3 = $config_[5] Then ExitLoop ; cancel If $msg3 = $config_[6] Then ; browse $Find = FileOpenDialog("Please Select a Program to Launch", @ProgramFilesDir, "exe (*.exe)", 1 + 2) If Not @error = 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($config_[4], $Find) EndIf If $msg3 = $config_[7] Then ; accept $temp_name = GUICtrlRead($config_[2]) $temp_info = GUICtrlRead($config_[4]) If FileExists($temp_info) Or StringLen($temp_info & $temp_name) = 0 Then If StringInStr($temp_info, ".lnk") Then $details = FileGetShortcut($temp_info) $temp_info = $details[0] EndIf IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", $b, $temp_info) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", $b, (GUICtrlRead($config_[2]))) $Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label") $Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch") ; refresh label ConsoleWrite($Launch_name[$b][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Label_[$b], $Label_name[$b][1]) ; set the tooltip GUICtrlSetTip($Button_[$b], $Label_name[$b][1]) If StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".exe") Then ; exe file GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$b], $Launch_name[$b][1],1) ElseIf StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".url") Then ; url GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$b], "url.dll", 1) ElseIf StringLen($Label_name[$b][1] & $Launch_name[$b][1]) = 0 Then ; empty button GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$b], "shell32.dll", 50) Else ; folder GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$b], "shell32.dll", 4) EndIf ExitLoop Else MsgBox(262208, "Error", "The file location is not correct ", 4) EndIf EndIf If $msg3 = $config_[8] Then ; Delete Button IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch", $b, "") IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label", $b, "") $Label_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Label") $Launch_name = IniReadSection(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Launch") GUICtrlSetData($Label_[$b], "") ; empty the tooltip GUICtrlSetTip($Button_[$b], "") GUICtrlSetImage($Button_[$b], "shell32.dll", 50) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd For $x = 1 To UBound($config_)-1 GUICtrlSetState($config_[$x], $GUI_HIDE) Next ; hide the config window now If $side = "left" Then ; move the window back to postion 1 WinMove($hwnd, "", $left_hwnd, $a_pos[1]) Else WinMove($hwnd, "", $right_hwnd, $a_pos[1]) EndIf ; show the slide out button GUICtrlSetState($SHOW, $GUI_SHOW) Slide_in() EndFunc ;==>Set_ini #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Tray_About() TrayTip("Sliding Toolbar", "A GreenCan" & @CR & "December 2008",0,1+16) Return EndFunc ;==>Tray_About #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func About() Return "Sliding Toolbar" & @CR & "A GreenCan" & @CR & "December 2008" EndFunc ;==>About #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Function(ByRef $b) Slide_out() If FileExists($Launch_name[$b][1]) Then If StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".exe") > 0 Then $LFile = FileGetShortName($Launch_name[$b][1]) $Dir = Stringleft($LFile, StringInStr( $LFile, "\" , 0, -1)-1) Run($LFile, $Dir) ElseIf StringInStr($Launch_name[$b][1], ".url") > 0 Then ConsoleWrite($Launch_name[$b][1]) ShellExecute ($Launch_name[$b][1]) Else ; Folder Run(@WindowsDir & "\explorer.exe /n,/root, " & $Launch_name[$b][1]) EndIf Else MsgBox(262208, "Error", "Program or directory not found! ", 4) EndIf _ReduceMemory() EndFunc ;==>Function #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Set_Exit() GUIDelete($hwnd2) GUIDelete($hwnd) Exit EndFunc ;==>Set_Exit #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Set_Config() $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd) If $a_pos[0] = 3 Then Return Slide_in() $pass = 1 EndFunc ;==>Set_Config #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Transparency() Local $Msg4 Maximize() $a_pos = WinGetPos($hwnd2) $hGUI1 = GUICreate("Set Transparency", 230, 70, 185, $a_pos[1]+ 170/2 - 50, BitOR($WS_POPUP,$WS_BORDER), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $iLabel1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Adjust slider to change opacity level", 10, 10, 180, 20) $iSlider = GUICtrlCreateSlider(5, 32, 180, 40) GUICtrlSetLimit($iSlider, 254, 150) GUICtrlSetData ($iSlider, $Transparency) $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 190, 5, 25, 60) GUISetState( ) Do $msg4 = GUIGetMsg() $value = GUICtrlRead($iSlider) WinSetTrans($hwnd2, "", $value) If $msg4 = $button Or $msg4 = -3 Then $Transparency = $value IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global", "Transparency", $Transparency) GUIDelete ( $hGUI1 ) _ReduceMemory() Return EndIf Until $msg4 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE EndFunc ;==>Settings #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func Mouseover() If $Auto_appear = 1 Then ; flip/flop $Auto_appear = 0 Else $Auto_appear = 1 EndIf If $Auto_appear = 1 Then; auto_appear is True ; hide the window almost completely as the mouse over will slide in the window, no button needs to be shown $left_hwnd = -605 $right_hwnd = ($VirtualDesktopWidth -6) $Auto_app = "On" Else ; leave just the slide in buttons visual $left_hwnd = -588 $right_hwnd = ($VirtualDesktopWidth -20) $Auto_app = "Off" EndIf TrayItemSetText ( $Mouseover_tray, "Mouseover appear " & $Auto_app ) IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\toolbarAG.ini", "Global", "Auto_appear", $Auto_appear) Maximize() Return EndFunc ;==>Mouseover #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func _ReduceMemory() Local $dll_mem = DllOpen(@SystemDir & "\psapi.dll") Local $ai_Return = DllCall($dll_mem, 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @error, 1) Return $ai_Return[0] EndFunc ;==>_ReduceMemory #FUNCTION# ============================================================== #Region Perforated Image #comments-start The lines below will generate the perforated image (bewteen start and end) Move these lines into your GUI code, usually just before GUISetState() Don't forget to fill in the correct coordinates for $Left_pos, $Top_pos and enter the GUI Window Handle in the last line # ==> Start Local $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, $_GUI_NAME $_Left_pos = 10 ; Replace with correct position $_Top_pos = 10 ; Replace with correct position $_GUI_NAME = 'The name of your GUI window' _GuiImageHole($_GUI_NAME, $_Left_pos, $_Top_pos, 136, 45) # <== End #comments-end #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func _GuiImageHole($window_handle, $pos_x, $pos_y,$Image_Width ,$Image_Height) Local $aClassList, $aM_Mask, $aMask #Region picture array Local $PictArray[248] $PictArray[0] = '1,1,2,1' $PictArray[1] = '5,1,24,1' $PictArray[2] = '29,1,44,1' $PictArray[3] = '48,1,91,1' $PictArray[4] = '95,1,136,1' $PictArray[5] = '1,2,3,2' $PictArray[6] = '6,2,23,2' $PictArray[7] = '30,2,44,2' $PictArray[8] = '47,2,91,2' $PictArray[9] = '96,2,136,2' $PictArray[10] = '1,3,4,3' $PictArray[11] = '7,3,8,3' $PictArray[12] = '10,3,22,3' $PictArray[13] = '30,3,37,3' $PictArray[14] = '42,3,43,3' $PictArray[15] = '46,3,92,3' $PictArray[16] = '96,3,136,3' $PictArray[17] = '1,4,5,4' $PictArray[18] = '11,4,23,4' $PictArray[19] = '29,4,36,4' $PictArray[20] = '45,4,65,4' $PictArray[21] = '68,4,92,4' $PictArray[22] = '96,4,136,4' $PictArray[23] = '1,5,5,5' $PictArray[24] = '13,5,23,5' $PictArray[25] = '30,5,35,5' $PictArray[26] = '44,5,65,5' $PictArray[27] = '69,5,86,5' $PictArray[28] = '91,5,92,5' $PictArray[29] = '97,5,136,5' $PictArray[30] = '1,6,5,6' $PictArray[31] = '13,6,22,6' $PictArray[32] = '31,6,36,6' $PictArray[33] = '43,6,64,6' $PictArray[34] = '71,6,85,6' $PictArray[35] = '92,6,92,6' $PictArray[36] = '97,6,136,6' $PictArray[37] = '1,7,5,7' $PictArray[38] = '12,7,21,7' $PictArray[39] = '32,7,34,7' $PictArray[40] = '42,7,64,7' $PictArray[41] = '71,7,85,7' $PictArray[42] = '92,7,92,7' $PictArray[43] = '97,7,136,7' $PictArray[44] = '1,8,5,8' $PictArray[45] = '15,8,21,8' $PictArray[46] = '32,8,33,8' $PictArray[47] = '43,8,49,8' $PictArray[48] = '54,8,64,8' $PictArray[49] = '70,8,85,8' $PictArray[50] = '97,8,136,8' $PictArray[51] = '1,9,4,9' $PictArray[52] = '18,9,20,9' $PictArray[53] = '32,9,32,9' $PictArray[54] = '44,9,48,9' $PictArray[55] = '55,9,64,9' $PictArray[56] = '72,9,85,9' $PictArray[57] = '96,9,136,9' $PictArray[58] = '1,10,4,10' $PictArray[59] = '15,10,15,10' $PictArray[60] = '44,10,47,10' $PictArray[61] = '55,10,63,10' $PictArray[62] = '73,10,85,10' $PictArray[63] = '96,10,136,10' $PictArray[64] = '1,11,3,11' $PictArray[65] = '15,11,19,11' $PictArray[66] = '45,11,47,11' $PictArray[67] = '54,11,63,11' $PictArray[68] = '74,11,84,11' $PictArray[69] = '96,11,136,11' $PictArray[70] = '1,12,3,12' $PictArray[71] = '17,12,18,12' $PictArray[72] = '46,12,47,12' $PictArray[73] = '55,12,62,12' $PictArray[74] = '75,12,83,12' $PictArray[75] = '96,12,136,12' $PictArray[76] = '1,13,4,13' $PictArray[77] = '17,13,17,13' $PictArray[78] = '46,13,46,13' $PictArray[79] = '56,13,62,13' $PictArray[80] = '76,13,83,13' $PictArray[81] = '97,13,136,13' $PictArray[82] = '1,14,4,14' $PictArray[83] = '17,14,17,14' $PictArray[84] = '46,14,46,14' $PictArray[85] = '56,14,62,14' $PictArray[86] = '77,14,83,14' $PictArray[87] = '97,14,136,14' $PictArray[88] = '1,15,5,15' $PictArray[89] = '16,15,17,15' $PictArray[90] = '33,15,33,15' $PictArray[91] = '57,15,62,15' $PictArray[92] = '77,15,83,15' $PictArray[93] = '98,15,136,15' $PictArray[94] = '1,16,5,16' $PictArray[95] = '16,16,16,16' $PictArray[96] = '32,16,33,16' $PictArray[97] = '58,16,62,16' $PictArray[98] = '77,16,83,16' $PictArray[99] = '98,16,136,16' $PictArray[100] = '1,17,5,17' $PictArray[101] = '16,17,16,17' $PictArray[102] = '32,17,33,17' $PictArray[103] = '58,17,62,17' $PictArray[104] = '78,17,82,17' $PictArray[105] = '98,17,136,17' $PictArray[106] = '1,18,5,18' $PictArray[107] = '32,18,33,18' $PictArray[108] = '58,18,62,18' $PictArray[109] = '78,18,82,18' $PictArray[110] = '98,18,136,18' $PictArray[111] = '1,19,5,19' $PictArray[112] = '57,19,63,19' $PictArray[113] = '78,19,81,19' $PictArray[114] = '98,19,136,19' $PictArray[115] = '1,20,5,20' $PictArray[116] = '57,20,64,20' $PictArray[117] = '78,20,81,20' $PictArray[118] = '98,20,136,20' $PictArray[119] = '1,21,5,21' $PictArray[120] = '58,21,64,21' $PictArray[121] = '77,21,81,21' $PictArray[122] = '99,21,136,21' $PictArray[123] = '1,22,5,22' $PictArray[124] = '58,22,63,22' $PictArray[125] = '76,22,82,22' $PictArray[126] = '99,22,136,22' $PictArray[127] = '1,23,6,23' $PictArray[128] = '32,23,32,23' $PictArray[129] = '46,23,46,23' $PictArray[130] = '58,23,63,23' $PictArray[131] = '77,23,82,23' $PictArray[132] = '100,23,136,23' $PictArray[133] = '1,24,6,24' $PictArray[134] = '31,24,32,24' $PictArray[135] = '46,24,46,24' $PictArray[136] = '58,24,64,24' $PictArray[137] = '77,24,82,24' $PictArray[138] = '99,24,136,24' $PictArray[139] = '2,25,6,25' $PictArray[140] = '31,25,32,25' $PictArray[141] = '59,25,64,25' $PictArray[142] = '78,25,83,25' $PictArray[143] = '98,25,136,25' $PictArray[144] = '7,26,7,26' $PictArray[145] = '16,26,17,26' $PictArray[146] = '31,26,32,26' $PictArray[147] = '46,26,46,26' $PictArray[148] = '59,26,64,26' $PictArray[149] = '79,26,83,26' $PictArray[150] = '96,26,136,26' $PictArray[151] = '8,27,9,27' $PictArray[152] = '15,27,17,27' $PictArray[153] = '25,27,25,27' $PictArray[154] = '31,27,33,27' $PictArray[155] = '45,27,46,27' $PictArray[156] = '60,27,61,27' $PictArray[157] = '79,27,84,27' $PictArray[158] = '95,27,136,27' $PictArray[159] = '3,28,5,28' $PictArray[160] = '8,28,9,28' $PictArray[161] = '15,28,20,28' $PictArray[162] = '25,28,25,28' $PictArray[163] = '33,28,33,28' $PictArray[164] = '42,28,47,28' $PictArray[165] = '60,28,61,28' $PictArray[166] = '78,28,84,28' $PictArray[167] = '95,28,136,28' $PictArray[168] = '34,29,34,29' $PictArray[169] = '39,29,39,29' $PictArray[170] = '42,29,48,29' $PictArray[171] = '60,29,61,29' $PictArray[172] = '76,29,85,29' $PictArray[173] = '95,29,119,29' $PictArray[174] = '125,29,129,29' $PictArray[175] = '135,29,136,29' $PictArray[176] = '38,30,38,30' $PictArray[177] = '44,30,50,30' $PictArray[178] = '76,30,87,30' $PictArray[179] = '95,30,121,30' $PictArray[180] = '125,30,128,30' $PictArray[181] = '131,30,133,30' $PictArray[182] = '135,30,136,30' $PictArray[183] = '47,31,50,31' $PictArray[184] = '55,31,59,31' $PictArray[185] = '64,31,64,31' $PictArray[186] = '76,31,87,31' $PictArray[187] = '95,31,120,31' $PictArray[188] = '123,31,123,31' $PictArray[189] = '126,31,127,31' $PictArray[190] = '130,31,133,31' $PictArray[191] = '135,31,136,31' $PictArray[192] = '49,32,50,32' $PictArray[193] = '56,32,61,32' $PictArray[194] = '65,32,65,32' $PictArray[195] = '69,32,69,32' $PictArray[196] = '76,32,80,32' $PictArray[197] = '83,32,87,32' $PictArray[198] = '95,32,119,32' $PictArray[199] = '122,32,123,32' $PictArray[200] = '126,32,126,32' $PictArray[201] = '129,32,136,32' $PictArray[202] = '56,33,57,33' $PictArray[203] = '66,33,69,33' $PictArray[204] = '76,33,77,33' $PictArray[205] = '84,33,87,33' $PictArray[206] = '95,33,119,33' $PictArray[207] = '122,33,123,33' $PictArray[208] = '126,33,126,33' $PictArray[209] = '129,33,130,33' $PictArray[210] = '135,33,136,33' $PictArray[211] = '67,34,70,34' $PictArray[212] = '77,34,78,34' $PictArray[213] = '84,34,88,34' $PictArray[214] = '95,34,118,34' $PictArray[215] = '126,34,126,34' $PictArray[216] = '129,34,131,34' $PictArray[217] = '134,34,136,34' $PictArray[218] = '32,35,32,35' $PictArray[219] = '85,35,88,35' $PictArray[220] = '95,35,117,35' $PictArray[221] = '120,35,123,35' $PictArray[222] = '126,35,126,35' $PictArray[223] = '129,35,131,35' $PictArray[224] = '134,35,136,35' $PictArray[225] = '18,36,23,36' $PictArray[226] = '26,36,40,36' $PictArray[227] = '86,36,88,36' $PictArray[228] = '95,36,116,36' $PictArray[229] = '121,36,122,36' $PictArray[230] = '127,36,127,36' $PictArray[231] = '134,36,136,36' $PictArray[232] = '14,37,45,37' $PictArray[233] = '85,37,88,37' $PictArray[234] = '95,37,136,37' $PictArray[235] = '9,38,51,38' $PictArray[236] = '88,38,88,38' $PictArray[237] = '97,38,136,38' $PictArray[238] = '7,39,54,39' $PictArray[239] = '57,39,58,39' $PictArray[240] = '62,39,64,39' $PictArray[241] = '67,39,68,39' $PictArray[242] = '70,39,72,39' $PictArray[243] = '100,39,136,39' $PictArray[244] = '6,40,78,40' $PictArray[245] = '100,40,136,40' $PictArray[246] = '4,41,80,41' $PictArray[247] = '100,41,136,41' #EndRegion picture array ; get the size of the active window $size = WinGetClientSize($window_handle) $Window_width = $size[0] $Window_height = $size[1]+33 ; including the title bar ; First hide the window $aClassList = StringSplit(_WinGetClassListEx($window_handle), @LF) $aM_Mask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', 0) ; rectangle A - left side $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', $pos_x, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle B - Top $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0, 'long', 0, 'long', $Window_width, 'long', $pos_y) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle C - Right side $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', $pos_x + $Image_Width , 'long', 0 , 'long', $Window_width + 30, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; rectangle D - Bottom $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', 0 , 'long', $pos_y + $Image_Height, 'long', $Window_width, 'long', $Window_height) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) ; now unhide all regions as defined in array $PictArray For $i = 0 To (UBound($PictArray) - 1) $Block_value = StringSplit($PictArray[$i],',') $aMask = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CreateRectRgn', 'long', $pos_x + $Block_value[1] - 1 , 'long', $pos_y + $Block_value[2], 'long', $pos_x + $Block_value[3], 'long', $pos_y + $Block_value[4] -1) DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'long', 'CombineRgn', 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'long', $aMask[0], 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 2) Next DllCall('user32.dll', 'long', 'SetWindowRgn', 'hwnd', $window_handle, 'long', $aM_Mask[0], 'int', 1) $PictArray='' ; empty array EndFunc ;==>_GuiImageHole #FUNCTION# ============================================================== Func _WinGetClassListEx($sTitle) Local $sClassList = WinGetClassList($sTitle) Local $aClassList = StringSplit($sClassList, @LF) Local $sRetClassList = '', $sHold_List = '|' Local $aiInHold, $iInHold For $i = 1 To UBound($aClassList) - 1 If $aClassList[$i] = '' Then ContinueLoop If StringRegExp($sHold_List, '\|' & $aClassList[$i] & '~(\d+)\|') Then $aiInHold = StringRegExp($sHold_List, '.*\|' & $aClassList[$i] & '~(\d+)\|.*', 1) $iInHold = Number($aiInHold[UBound($aiInHold)-1]) If $iInHold = 0 Then $iInHold += 1 $aClassList[$i] &= '~' & $iInHold + 1 $sHold_List &= $aClassList[$i] & '|' $sRetClassList &= $aClassList[$i] & @LF Else $aClassList[$i] &= '~1' $sHold_List &= $aClassList[$i] & '|' $sRetClassList &= $aClassList[$i] & @LF EndIf Next Return StringReplace(StringStripWS($sRetClassList, 3), '~', '') EndFunc ;==>_WinGetClassListEx #FUNCTION# ============================================================== #EndRegion Perforated Image #EndRegion Functions1 point