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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2014 in all areas

  1. LAST VERSION - 3.0 26-Mar-12 The program is designed to synchronize two (per task) folders with fine-tuning the synchronization settings. Despite the fact that SynFolders at first sight may seem a bit complicated to learn and use, it's really pretty easy and self-sufficient tool to periodically synchronize the folders and control of the synchronization process. SynFolders can be especially useful for those who often need to copying files from work to home and vice versa. The program is completely written in AutoIt, is freeware, but closed-source (at least for now). The any questions or comments about SynFolders please post it in this thread. I will be glad to any feedback and suggestions. Major program features Important Usefulness License Supported operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7 Files to download Installer (recommended) Redirection to SynFolders_setup.zip, 1.57 MB SynFolders_setup.html Binary Redirection to SynFolders_bin.zip, 1.08 MB SynFolders_bin.html Source Redirection to SynFolders_source.zip, 1.62 MB SynFolders_source.html Note The author(s) is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damages or loss of data resulting from the use of this software. This software is provided "AS IS" and may be used AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no warranty (expressed or implied) as to the quality of this software.
    1 point
  2. @anhyeuem: What you expected may be a MRU (most-recently-used) menu, like this? (image from Google, I'm too lazy to capture my screen ) If it's what you want, you may have 2 options to produce: 1. When you open a file, save an entry (the file path) in the Regedit. The next time your program opened, retrieve info in that storage and create the MRU menu, or 2. When open a file, save an entry in a setting file. The next time, retrieve info from that file to create your menu. That's the idea, I think it's pretty simple, so may be a good exercise for you
    1 point
  3. UEZ

    File->New|Open|Save|Save As

    anhyeuem, I don't know what you want exactly because the menus are created. Br, UEZ
    1 point
  4. Gianni

    Capture/Get from Console

    You are welcome I think because RunWait stops the execution of your main script untill the exe program has finished so in this way you can not grab his output, but also because, according to the help file, RunWait does not allows Output redirection and so you can't pipe the output of the executed program to your scrpt. (this is obvious, because if the main program stops untill the launched exe has finished, then there is no way to control it in the while....) bye
    1 point
  5. Your welcome and what I posted was a gift. That is my usual custom here. If you have lots of money and wish to support AutoIt, then may I suggest a donation. Donating is entirely your choice. The other project you have, you can post that on a freelance site as you mention. Perhaps someone could be interested, though it might be nice for you to give it a try and do the conversion yourself. P.S. The variable names in the CMD script have a MSFN sequence. Like a website I know though it is probably coincidental.
    1 point
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