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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2013 in Posts
I'm basing the basics (mostly just the XML structure) of this script off one of FireFox's: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I felt the need to make it more flexible, via the Microsoft.xmldom. Using this object, not only can you create excel XML files, you can also update them. XPaths are used for everything, so it's easy to add additional rows/columns/sheets on the fly...I'll add another function to read in an already present file in a bit (just added in), but that function would be as simple as loading the contents into the object. Multiple internal functions, but all you need are: Func EXml_LoadFile($sCallersFile) Func EXml_CreateFile() Func EXml_AddCell($oCallersXML,$sCallersSheetName,$iCallersCellCol,$iCallersCellRow,$sCallersCellData)...this one creates the cell, or updates it if already present Func EXml_SaveFile($oCallersXML,$sCallersFileName) Example Usage #include "EXml.au3" ; Set for overwrite of variable ;~ Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Author = "someAuthor" ;~ Global $gsEXml_DocProp_LastAuthor = "LastAuthorText" ;~ Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Created = "CreatedText" ;~ Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Company = "CompnayText" ;~ Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Version = "VersionText" $oXML = EXml_CreateFile() ; Can load, if the XML file is already present ;~ $oXML = EXml_LoadFile(@DesktopDir & "\test.xml") ; Add cell params: $oXMl, $sSheetName, $iColumn, $iRow, $sCellContents EXml_AddCell($oXML,"SheetName",5,10,"SomeValue1") EXml_AddCell($oXML,"SheetName",5,9,"SomeValue2") EXml_AddCell($oXML,"SheetNameTWO",1,2,"SomeValue3") EXml_AddCell($oXML,"SheetName",5,10,"SomeValueEDIT") EXml_AddCell($oXML,"SheetName",15,6,"SomeValue4") EXml_SaveFile($oXML,@DesktopDir & "\test.xml") Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & @DesktopDir & "\test.xml") ;~ ConsoleWrite(StringRegExpReplace($oXML.xml, "><",">" & @CRLF & "<") & @CRLF) Exit Notice, that you can add cells in at any order, you are not constrained to add everything in order. Where EXml.au3 is: #include-once #include <File.au3> Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Author = "AuthorText" Global $gsEXml_DocProp_LastAuthor = "LastAuthorText" Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Created = "CreatedText" Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Company = "CompnayText" Global $gsEXml_DocProp_Version = "VersionText" Func EXml_LoadFile($sCallersFile) Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.Load($sCallersFile) Return $oXML EndFunc Func EXml_CreateFile() ;~ _FileCreate($sCallersFile) Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.LoadXML('<?xml version="1.0"?><?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?><Workbook />') Local $oWorkBook = $oXML.selectSingleNode("/Workbook") Local $oDocumentProperties = EXml_CreateFile_DocumentProperties($oXML,$oWorkBook) Local $oOfficeDocumentSettings = EXml_CreateFile_OfficeDocumentSettings($oXML,$oWorkBook) Local $oExcelWorkbook = EXml_CreateFile_ExcelWorkbook($oXML,$oWorkBook) Local $oStyles = EXml_CreateFile_Styles($oXML,$oWorkBook) With $oWorkBook .setAttribute("xmlns","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet") .setAttribute("xmlns:o","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office") .setAttribute("xmlns:x","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel") .setAttribute("xmlns:ss","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet") .setAttribute("xmlns:html","http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40") .appendChild($oDocumentProperties) .appendChild($oOfficeDocumentSettings) .appendChild($oExcelWorkbook) .appendChild($oStyles) EndWith Return $oXML EndFunc Func EXml_AddCell($oCallersXML,$sCallersSheetName,$iCallersCellCol,$iCallersCellRow,$sCallersCellData) Local $oWorkBook = $oCallersXML.selectSingleNode("/Workbook") Local $oWorkSheet = $oCallersXML.selectSingleNode("//Worksheet[@ss:Name='" & $sCallersSheetName & "']") If Not IsObj($oWorkSheet) Then ; Create Worksheet, as needed $oWorkSheet = EXml_AddCell_CreateWorkSheet($oCallersXML,$sCallersSheetName) $oWorkBook.appendChild($oWorkSheet) EndIf Local $oTable = $oWorkSheet.selectSingleNode("./Table") Local $oRow = $oTable.selectSingleNode("./Row[@ss:Index='" & $iCallersCellRow & "']") If Not IsObj($oRow) Then ; Create Row, as needed $oRow = EXml_AddCell_CreateRow($oCallersXML,$oTable,$iCallersCellRow) $oRows = $oTable.selectNodes("./Row") If $oRows.length Then For $o In $oRows If Number($o.getAttribute("ss:Index")) > $iCallersCellRow Then $oTable.insertBefore($oRow,$o) ExitLoop EndIf Next Else $oTable.appendChild($oRow) EndIf EndIf Local $oCell = $oRow.selectSingleNode("./Cell[@ss:Index='" & $iCallersCellCol & "']") If Not IsObj($oCell) Then $oCell = EXml_AddCell_CreateCell($oCallersXML,$oTable,$iCallersCellCol,$sCallersCellData) $oCells = $oRow.selectNodes("./Cell") If $oCells.length Then For $o In $oCells If Number($o.getAttribute("ss:Index")) > $iCallersCellCol Then $oRow.insertBefore($oCell,$o) ExitLoop EndIf Next Else $oRow.appendChild($oCell) EndIf Else EXml_AddCell_UpdateCell($oCell,$sCallersCellData) EndIf Return $oCallersXML EndFunc Func EXml_SaveFile($oCallersXML,$sCallersFileName) $oCallersXML.save($sCallersFileName) EndFunc #region INTERNAL Func EXml_CreateFile_DocumentProperties($oCallersXML, $oCallersWorkbook) With $oCallersXML Local $oDocProps = .createElement("DocumentProperties") Local $oAuthor = .createElement("Author") Local $oLastAuthor = .createElement("LastAuthor") Local $oCreated = .createElement("Created") Local $oCompany = .createElement("Company") Local $oVersion = .createElement("Version") EndWith $oAuthor.text = $gsEXml_DocProp_Author $oLastAuthor.text = $gsEXml_DocProp_LastAuthor $oCreated.text = $gsEXml_DocProp_Created $oCompany.text = $gsEXml_DocProp_Company $oVersion.text = $gsEXml_DocProp_Version With $oDocProps .setAttribute("xmlns","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office") .appendChild($oAuthor) .appendChild($oLastAuthor) .appendChild($oCreated) .appendChild($oCompany) .appendChild($oVersion) EndWith Return $oCallersWorkbook.appendChild($oDocProps) EndFunc Func EXml_CreateFile_OfficeDocumentSettings($oCallersXML, $oCallersWorkbook) With $oCallersXML Local $oOfficeDocumentSettings = .createElement("OfficeDocumentSettings") Local $oAllowPNG = .createElement("AllowPNG") EndWith With $oOfficeDocumentSettings .setAttribute("xmlns","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office") .appendChild($oAllowPNG) EndWith Return $oCallersWorkbook.appendChild($oOfficeDocumentSettings) EndFunc Func EXml_CreateFile_ExcelWorkbook($oCallersXML, $oCallersWorkbook) With $oCallersXML Local $oExcelWorkbook = .createElement("ExcelWorkbook") Local $oWindowHeight = .createElement("WindowHeight") Local $oWindowWidth = .createElement("WindowWidth") Local $oWindowTopX = .createElement("WindowTopX") Local $oWindowTopY = .createElement("WindowTopY") Local $oProtectStructure = .createElement("ProtectStructure") Local $oProtectWindows = .createElement("ProtectWindows") EndWith $oWindowHeight.text = 8160 $oWindowWidth.text = 21570 $oWindowTopX.text = 0 $oWindowTopY.text = 0 $oProtectStructure.text = "False" $oProtectWindows.text = "False" With $oExcelWorkbook .setAttribute("xmlns","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel") .appendChild($oWindowHeight) .appendChild($oWindowWidth) .appendChild($oWindowTopX) .appendChild($oWindowTopY) .appendChild($oProtectStructure) .appendChild($oProtectWindows) EndWith Return $oCallersWorkbook.appendChild($oExcelWorkbook) EndFunc Func EXml_CreateFile_Styles($oCallersXML, $oCallersWorkbook) With $oCallersXML Local $oStyles = .createElement("Styles") Local $oStyle = .createElement("Style") Local $oAlignment = .createElement("Alignment") $oAlignment.setAttribute("ss:Vertical","Bottom") Local $oBorders = .createElement("Borders") Local $oFont = .createElement("Font") $oFont.setAttribute("ss:FontName","Calibri") $oFont.setAttribute("x:Family","Swiss") $oFont.setAttribute("ss:Size","11") $oFont.setAttribute("ss:Color","#000000") Local $oInterior = .createElement("Interior") Local $oNumberFormat = .createElement("NumberFormat") Local $oProtection = .createElement("Protection") EndWith With $oStyle .setAttribute("ss:ID","Default") .setAttribute("ss:Name","Normal") .appendChild($oAlignment) .appendChild($oBorders) .appendChild($oFont) .appendChild($oInterior) .appendChild($oNumberFormat) .appendChild($oProtection) EndWith $oStyles.appendChild($oStyle) Return $oCallersWorkbook.appendChild($oStyles) EndFunc Func EXml_AddCell_CreateWorkSheet($oCallersXML,$sCallersWorkSheetName) With $oCallersXML Local $oWorkSheet = .createElement("Worksheet") Local $oTable = .createElement("Table") EndWith $oWorkSheet.setAttribute("ss:Name",$sCallersWorkSheetName) With $oTable .setAttribute("ss:ExpandedColumnCount",0) .setAttribute("ss:ExpandedRowCount",0) .setAttribute("x:FullColumns",1) .setAttribute("x:FullRows",1) .setAttribute("ss:DefaultColumnWidth",60) .setAttribute("ss:DefaultRowHeight",15) EndWith $oWorkSheet.appendChild($oTable) Return $oWorkSheet EndFunc Func EXml_AddCell_CreateRow($oCallersXML,$oCallersTable,$iCallersCellRow) Local $oRow = $oCallersXML.createElement("Row") With $oRow .setAttribute("ss:AutoFitHeight",0) .setAttribute("ss:Index",$iCallersCellRow) EndWith If Number($oCallersTable.getAttribute("ss:ExpandedRowCount")) < $iCallersCellRow Then $oCallersTable.setAttribute("ss:ExpandedRowCount",$iCallersCellRow) EndIf Return $oRow EndFunc Func EXml_AddCell_CreateCell($oCallersXML,$oCallersTable,$iCallersCellCol,$sCallersData) Local $oCell = $oCallersXML.createElement("Cell") Local $oData = $oCallersXML.createElement("Data") With $oData .setAttribute("ss:Type","String") .text = $sCallersData EndWith With $oCell .setAttribute("ss:Index",$iCallersCellCol) .appendChild($oData) EndWith If Number($oCallersTable.getAttribute("ss:ExpandedColumnCount")) < $iCallersCellCol Then $oCallersTable.setAttribute("ss:ExpandedColumnCount",$iCallersCellCol) EndIf Return $oCell EndFunc Func EXml_AddCell_UpdateCell($oCallersCell,$sCallersCellData) With $oCallersCell.selectSingleNode("./Data") .text = $sCallersCellData EndWith EndFunc #endregion INTERNAL Debugging is still required when working with > 1 Sheets. Things to add...styles on sheets, rows, cells.1 point
SciTE v 3.3.6 available in Beta for testing.
DatMCEyeBall reacted to Jos for a topic
Updated the Beta version of Tidy in which I removed the extra debug console lines. It seems the issue is isolated to m23's setup and we will take this offline for now. Thanks all for testing, Jos1 point -
A Non-Strict JSON UDF (JSMN)
level20peon reacted to Ward for a topic
The $auction you get from Jsmn_ObjGet($objJson, "a") is an object, not an array. Your code should be modified like this: #Include <JSMN.au3> $JSON='{"a":{"742597609":{"v":673,"p":4.91,"lb":"test1","av":58,"sl":11.6},"534165346":{"v":777,"p":5.66,"lb":"test2","av":58,"sl":13.3}},"b":16092018}' Local $objJson = Jsmn_Decode($JSON) If Jsmn_IsObject($objJson) Then Local $auctions = Jsmn_ObjGet($objJson, "a") Local $Keys = Jsmn_ObjGetKeys($auctions) For $i = 0 To UBound($Keys) - 1 Local $objJson2 = Jsmn_ObjGet($auctions, $Keys[$i]) ConsoleWrite(Jsmn_ObjGet($objJson2, "p") & @LF) Next EndIf1 point -
What am i doing wrong with my script?
Rafaelinio reacted to Melba23 for a topic
Rafaelinio, You were declaring $CheckActivation as Global - I know you had declared it as Local, but as it is outside a function is is forced to Global by AutoIt. You then redeclared it as Local inside the function which created a new variable - and it would always be set to "". I would also use a single function and just amend the controls depending on the activation state. This works for me: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Global $checked, $CheckActivation $CheckActivation = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Simple Script Generator", "Activation Key") Gui() Func Gui() Local $msg, $Button1, $MsgTitle, $Message, $ChckBox1, $Button2, $AutomationText, $Button3, $Activation, $Label1, $Label2 GUICreate("Simple Script Generator", 400, 400) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Create a simple message box", 0, 0, 400, 50) $ChckBox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Loop (Warning: Loop is Endless.)", 0, 50, 172, 15) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad Automation", 1, 65, 400, 50) $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Beta V1.0", 360, 385, 60, 15) ; Create the controls as required <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $CheckActivation = "Activated" Then ConsoleWrite(1 & @CRLF) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Product is Activated", 0, 385, 100) $Button3 = 9999 Else ConsoleWrite(2 & @CRLF) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Activate", 0, 350, 400, 50) $Label1 = 9999 EndIf GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $Button1 $MsgTitle = InputBox("Insert Title", "Please Insert Your Message Box Title:") $Message = InputBox("Insert Message", "Please Insert The Message:") $checked = BitAND(GUICtrlRead($ChckBox1), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED If $checked Then MsgBox(0, $MsgTitle, $Message) Else MsgBox(0, $MsgTitle, $Message) EndIf Case $msg = $Button2 $AutomationText = InputBox("Text", "Insert the text you want to type:") Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") Send($AutomationText) Sleep(2000) WinClose("Untitled - Notepad") WinWaitActive("Notepad") Send("!n") Case $msg = $Button3 $Activation = InputBox("Activate", "Insert Your Activation Key To Access Beta Features That Are Still In Development:") If $Activation = "HLodf1234" Then MsgBox(0, "Success", "Activation Succesfull!") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Product Activated: Restart Program To Take Effect.", -411, -14, 270) GUICtrlSetState($Button3, $GUI_DISABLE) RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Simple Script Generator", "Activation Key", "REG_SZ", "Activated") ; Change the controls to match activation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GUICtrlDelete($Button3) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Product is Activated", 0, 385, 100) Else MsgBox(0, "Activation Failed", "Activation Failed. Check Your Key And Try Again") EndIf EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;==>Gui Please ask if you have any questions. M231 point -
ComboBox Item Values
MadaraUchiha reacted to gruntydatsun for a topic
or write a getter $iconValue = getIconValue(GuiCtrlRead($comboName)) Func getIconValue($string) Switch $string Case "No Icon" Return 0 Case "Error Icon" Return 23434 Case "Question Icon" Return 283 Case "Warning Icon" Return 9876 Case "Information Icon" Return 4567 EndSwitch EndFunc1 point -
Then please refrain from making topics about finding a serious bug. There is no ZIP file available of the Beta version, but it is more or less the current Production version updated with all available Beta files. Why would you need the Beta ZIP version? Anyway, post a reproducer if you want me to look at anything as my crystal-ball is still at the repair-shop from the last time it didn't work and I threw it on the floor. Jos1 point
running an autoit exe from qtp with parameters
joeloyzaga reacted to Melba23 for a topic
joeloyzaga, I do not use AutoItX so this is a complete WAG. From QTP: oAutoIt.Run("C:\PWCOnlineQTP\traytip.exe param1 param2") Then in AutoIt ; Check there are the correct number of parameters If $CmdLine[0] = 2 Then ; No need to use "Call" - just name the function and pass the parameters traytipme($CmdLine[1], $CmdLine[2]) EndIf Func traytipme($param1, $param2) TrayTip($param1 & @CRLF, $param2, 5, 1) Sleep(5000) EndFunc Try that and see if it works. M23 P.S. WAG - Wild Ass Guess!1 point -
Sorry for the wrong tag, will reclaim all with the correct tag. Principal : ; **** Assistenze **** #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Variabili.au3> #include <Audio_Video.au3> dim $m , $p , $s,$Cat #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\autoit\progetti\assistenze\ricerca cat.kxf $Form1_1 = GUICreate("Ricerca Cat", 900, 500, -1,-1);598, 437, 192, 124 $MenuItem1 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") $MenuItem5 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem5", $MenuItem1) $MenuItem6 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem6", $MenuItem1) $MenuItem7 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Esci", $MenuItem1) $MenuItem2 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Modifica") $MenuItem8 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem8", $MenuItem2) $MenuItem9 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem9", $MenuItem2) $MenuItem3 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Setta") $MenuItem10 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem10", $MenuItem3) $MenuItem11 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem11", $MenuItem3) $MenuItem4 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("?") $MenuItem12 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("MenuItem12", $MenuItem4) $MenuItem13 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $MenuItem4) $marche = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 64, 56, 150, 25) GUICtrlSetData($marche,$Marchi,$Marchi_ini) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Calibri") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) $Settore = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 260, 56, 150, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($Settore,$Settori,"Audio-Video") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Calibri") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $Provincia = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 456, 56, 130, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData($Provincia,$Luogo,"Padova") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "Calibri") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Archivio aggiornato al : ", 328, 400, 136, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Calibri") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Label2", 488, 400, 40, 19) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Calibri") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x800000) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Marca", 115, 24, 80, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "Calibri") $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Settore", 300, 24, 80, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "Calibri") $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Provincia", 485, 24, 80, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "Calibri") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $marche Call ("marchio",$marche) if $m="" Then MsgBox (4096,"Attenzione !","nessun Laboratorio per il marchio : " & GUICtrlRead($marche)) EndIf Case $Settore Call ("settore",$Settore) Case $Provincia Call ("provincia",$Provincia) $m="" Call ("Visualizza", $marche,$m,$s,$p) EndSwitch WEnd Func marchio($marche) If GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Acer" Then $m=1 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Adb" Then $m=2 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Samsung" Then $m=55 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Yamaha" Then $m=32 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Informatica" Then $m=4 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Ped" Then $m=5 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Riscaldamento" Then $m=6 elseIf GUICtrlRead($marche) = "Telefonia" Then $m=7 EndIf EndFunc Func settore($Settore);,$marche,$marchi,$Marchi_ini) If GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Audio-Video" Then $s=1 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Climatizzazione" Then $s=2 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Elettrodomestici" Then $s=3 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Informatica" Then $s=4 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Ped" Then $s=5 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Riscaldamento" Then $s=6 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Settore) = "Telefonia" Then $s=7 EndIf EndFunc Func provincia($Provincia);,$marche,$marchi,$Marchi_ini) If GUICtrlRead($Provincia) = "call center" Then $p=1 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Provincia) = "Padova" Then $p=2 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Provincia) = "Rovigo" Then $p=3 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Provincia) = "Verona" Then $p=4 elseIf GUICtrlRead($Provincia) = "Vicenza" Then $p=5 EndIf ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $m = ' & $m & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $s = ' & $s & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $p = ' & $p & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console EndFunc ; Func Visualizza ($marchio,$m,$s,$p) $Separa1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("==================================================================================================================================================", 10, 120, 870, 23) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "Calibri") ;$Visua1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($MARCHIO[$m][$s][$p][1], 65, 150, 80, 23) ;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 800, 0, "Calibri") ;$Cat = $MARCHIO[$m][$s][$p][1] $Cat = StringSplit($marchio[$m][$s][$p][1],"|") For $d = 0 to $Cat[0] ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $Cat[$d] = ' & $Cat[$d] & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console Next EndFunc Include 1 : ; Audio_video.au3 ; $Call [X][0][0][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Samsung , 2 = Sony ; $Call [0][x][0][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Audio-Video , 2 = Climatizzazione , 3 = Elettrodomestici , 4 = Informatica , 5 = Riscaldamento , 6 = Telefonia ; Settori ; $Call [0][0][X][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Call Center , 2 = Padova , 3 = Rovigo , 4 = Verona , 5 =Vicenza ; Province ; $Call [0][0][0][x] 0 = "" , 1 = Laboratorio 1 , 2 = Laboratorio 2 , 3 = Laboratorio 3 Global $Call[100][100][6][5] Global $Marchio[100][100][6][5] Global $Riferimenti [100][100][6][5] Global $Spedizione [100][100][6][5] Global $Note [100][100][6][5] #region *** 2 ** Adb *** $Call[2][1][1][1] = " Numero VErde : 123456789 " $MARCHIO[2][1][1][1] = "ADB | Zap S.p.a. | Via Triumplina , 30 | 25123 | Brescia | ****-******** " $Riferimenti[2][1][1][1] = "Zimello Paolo | Chaos | 348-8.996 | 04.09.42 | mail ??? " $Spedizione[2][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[2][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " $MARCHIO[2][1][1][2] = "ADB | Zap S.p.a. | Via Triumplina , 30 | 25123 | Brescia | ****-******** " $Riferimenti[2][1][1][2] = "Pippo | Black | 456258 | 04.09.42 | mail ??? " $Spedizione[2][1][1][2] = " Sda | 199-222222 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[2][1][1][2] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Adb *** ; *********** ************************ #region *** 4 ** Akg *** $MARCHIO[4][1][1][1] = "AKG | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[4][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[4][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[4][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Akg *** ; *********************************** #region *** 6 ** Apple *** $MARCHIO[6][1][1][1] = "APPLE | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[6][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[6][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[6][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Apple *** ; *********************************** #region *** 16 ** Bose *** $MARCHIO[16][1][1][1] = "BOSE | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[16][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[16][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[16][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Bose *** ; *********************************** #region *** Beats *** $MARCHIO[5][1][1][1] = "BEATS | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[5][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[5][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[5][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Beats *** ; *********************************** #region *** Cobra *** $MARCHIO[6][1][1][1] = "COBRA | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[6][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[6][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[6][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Cobra *** ; *********************************** #region *** Easyview *** $MARCHIO[7][1][1][1] = "EASYVIEW | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[7][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[7][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[7][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Easyview *** ; *********************************** #region *** Estendo *** $MARCHIO[8][1][1][1] = "Estendo | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[8][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[8][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[8][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Estendo *** ; *********************************** #region *** Grundig *** $MARCHIO[9][1][1][1] = "Grundig | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[9][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[9][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[9][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Grundig *** ; *********************************** #region *** Go Pro *** $MARCHIO[10][1][1][1] = "Go Pro | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[10][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[10][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[10][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Go Pro *** ; *********************************** #region *** Haier *** $MARCHIO[11][1][1][1] = "Haier | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[11][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[11][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[11][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Haier *** ; *********************************** #region *** Humax *** $MARCHIO[12][1][1][1] = "Humax | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[12][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[12][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[12][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Humax *** ; *********************************** #region *** Irradio *** $MARCHIO[13][1][1][1] = "Irradio | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[13][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[13][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[13][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Irradio *** ; *********************************** #region *** JBL *** $MARCHIO[14][1][1][1] = "JBL| - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[14][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[14][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[14][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** JBL *** ; *********************************** #region *** Kenwood *** $MARCHIO[15][1][1][1] = "Kenwood | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[15][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[15][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[15][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Kenwood *** ; *********************************** #region *** Lg Electronic *** $MARCHIO[16][1][1][1] = "Lg Electronic | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[16][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[16][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[16][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Lg Electronic *** ; *********************************** #region *** Majestic *** $MARCHIO[17][1][1][1] = "Majestic | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[17][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[17][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[17][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Majestic *** ; *********************************** #region *** Meliconi *** $MARCHIO[18][1][1][1] = "Meliconi | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[18][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[18][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[18][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Meliconi *** ; *********************************** #region *** Monster *** $MARCHIO[19][1][1][1] = "Monster | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[19][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[19][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[19][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Monster *** ; *********************************** #region *** Olympus *** $MARCHIO[20][1][1][1] = "Olympus | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[20][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[20][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[20][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Olympus *** ; *********************************** #region *** One for All *** $MARCHIO[21][1][1][1] = "One for All | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[21][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[21][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[21][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** One for All *** ; *********************************** #region *** Onkyo *** $MARCHIO[22][1][1][1] = "Onkyo | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[22][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[22][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[22][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Onkyo *** ; *********************************** #region *** Panasonic *** $MARCHIO[23][1][2][1] = "Panasonic | Audio Video Service | Via Secchi , 1 | - | Padova | 049-87.14.894 | fax ****-******* | info@audiovideoservicepd.com | gfaggin@tin.it" $MARCHIO[23][1][2][2] = "Panasonic | Centro Video Hi-Fi | Via Monte Sirottolo, | - | Padova | 049-62.06.38 | fax ****-******* | centrovideohifi@centrovideohifi.it" $Riferimenti[23][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[23][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[23][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Panasonic *** ; *********************************** #region *** Philips *** $MARCHIO[24][1][1][1] = "Philips | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[24][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[24][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[24][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Philips *** ; *********************************** #region *** Pure *** $MARCHIO[25][1][1][1] = "Pure | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[25][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[25][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[25][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Pure *** ; *********************************** #region *** Samsung *** $Call[26][1][1][1] = " - " $MARCHIO[26][1][1][1] = "Samsung | A.R.E.L Srl | Via Croce Rossa , 16 | 35129 | Pd | 049-77.33.75 | 049-80.75.706 | arel@arel.191.it" $Riferimenti[26][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[26][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[26][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Samsung *** ; *********************************** #region *** Sennheiser *** $MARCHIO[27][1][1][1] = "Sennheiser | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[27][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[27][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[27][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Sennheiser *** ; *********************************** #region *** Sharp *** $MARCHIO[28][1][1][1] = "Sharp | Pierezza Carlo | Via Barroccio dal Borgo,4 | 35100 | Pd | 049-68.15.92 | 049-88.29.059 | pierezza@pierezzaservice.it" $Riferimenti[28][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[28][1][1][1] = " A cura Nostra | - | - | - " $Note[28][1][1][1] = "1- Allegare sempre Certificato Garanzia Sharp | - | - " #endregion *** Sharp *** ; *********************************** #region *** Sony *** $MARCHIO[29][1][1][1] = "Sony | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[29][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[29][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[29][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Sony *** ; *********************************** #region *** Telesystem *** $MARCHIO[30][1][1][1] = "Telesystem | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[30][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[30][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[30][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Telesystem *** ; *********************************** #region *** Toshiba *** $MARCHIO[31][1][1][1] = "Toshiba | - | - | - | - | tel ****-******** | fax ****-******* | mail ???" $Riferimenti[31][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[31][1][1][1] = " TNT - TRACO | 199-803.868 | Porto Assegnato | Reso per Sostituzione " $Note[31][1][1][1] = "1- Non spedire le scatole Originali | 2- Non spedire gli accessori | 3- Se prodotto risulta funzionante saranno addebitate le spese dell'intervento + il trasporto " #endregion *** Toshiba *** ; *********************************** #region *** Yamaha *** $MARCHIO[32][1][1][1] = "Yamaha | Pierezza Carlo | Via Barroccio dal Borgo,4 | 35100 | Pd | 049-68.15.92 | 049-88.29.059 | pierezza@pierezzaservice.it" $Riferimenti[32][1][1][1] = "- | - | - | - | mail ??? " $Spedizione[32][1][1][1] = " A cura Nostra | - | - | - " $Note[32][1][1][1] = " - | - | - " #endregion *** Yamaha *** Include 2 : ; *** Variabili.Au3 *** ; $Call [X][0][0][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Samsung , 2 = Sony ; $Call [0][x][0][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Audio-Video , 2 = Climatizzazione , 3 = Elettrodomestici , 4 = Informatica , 5 = Riscaldamento , 6 = Telefonia ; Settori ; $Call [0][0][X][0] 0 = "" , 1 = Call Center , 2 = Padova , 3 = Rovigo , 4 = Verona , 5 =Vicenza ; Province ; $Call [0][0][0][x] 0 = "" , 1 = Laboratorio 1 , 2 = Laboratorio 2 #include-once Global $call[6][7][50][5],$Marchi[8],$Marchi_ini[8],$mama[2][50],$a,$b ; | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Global $Luogo ="Call Center|Padova|Rovigo|Verona|Vicenza" ; | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Global $Settori = "Audio-Video|Climatizzazione|Elettrodomestici|Informatica|Ped|Riscaldamento|Telefonia" ; *********************************** #region *** [1] Audio-Video *** $Marchi_ini = "Acer" ;$Marchi[1] = "Adb|Akg|Apple|Bose|Brondi|Beats|Cobra|Easyview|Epson|Estendo|G&BL|Grundig|Go Pro|Haier|Humax|Irradio|Jbl|Kenwood|Lg Electronics|Majestic|Meliconi|Monster|Munari|Olympus|One For All|Onkyo|Panasonic|Philips|Prandini|Pure|Samsung|Sennheiser|Sharp|Sony|Telesystem|Toshiba|Yamaha" ; | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 |35 |36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 |54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | $Marchi = "Acer|Adb|Aeg|Akg|Alcatel|Apple|Ardes|Ardo|Argo|Ariete|Asus|Bimar|Black & Decker|Bompani|Bosch|Bose|Braun|Brondi|Beats|Cat|Candy|Canon|Comfeè|Cobra|Daikin|De Longhi|Dyson|Easyview|Epson|Estendo|Glem Gas|G&BL|Grundig|Go Pro|Haier|Hitachi|Hoover|Hotpoint Ariston|Hp|Humax|Ignis|Imetec|Indesit|Irradio|Jbl|Kenwood|Kobo|Laika|Lg Electronics|Liebherr|Lofra|Logitech|Majestic|Meliconi|Microsoft|Miele|Mitsubishi|Monster|Nokia|Olimpia|Olympus|One For All|Onkyo|Packard Bell|Panasonic|Philips|Pure|Remington|Rex|Samsung|Sennheiser|Sharp|Siemens|Sigiller|Smeg|Sony|Telesystem|Toshiba|Trust|Yamaha|Western Digital|Whirlpool|Zephir|Zoppas" #endregion *** [2] Audio-Video *** I always make the same mistake! : C:AutoItProgettiAssistenzeAssistenze.au3 (145) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: $Cat = StringSplit($marchio[$m][$s][$p][1],"|") $Cat = StringSplit($marchio^ ERROR ->23:59:56 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:11 point
Its not really much different to be honest - just takes a bit of tweaking of the connection parameters. Obviously change wlanConnectionMode to specify the relevant connection method. Then... a ) For a temporary profile (connect with an XML profile not in the store), replace the profile name with the entire XML string. b ) For discovery (OS prompts for password if using secure mode), - strprofile must be null - you need to create an PDOT11_SSID struct and set pDot11SSID to its pointer ;EXAMPLE CONNECTION PARAMETER STRUCTS ;CONNECTION MODES Local Enum $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE, $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE, _ $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_DISCOVERY_SECURE, $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_DISCOVERY_UNSECURE ;BSS Types Local Const $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE = 1, $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INDEPENDENT = 2 ;Independant for Ad Hoc networks! ;FLAGS - Use bitOR to combine if need be! Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_HIDDEN_NETWORK = 1 ;Only valid with infrastructure BSS Type Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_ADHOC_JOIN_ONLY = 2 ;Only valid with Ad Hoc BSS Type Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_IGNORE_PRIVACY_BIT = 4 ;Olny valid for infrastructure BSS Type in temporary profile mode Local Const $WLAN_CONNECTION_EAPOL_PASSTHROUGH = 8 ;Olny valid for infrastructure BSS Type in temporary profile mode with 802.1x disabled ;CONNECTION PARAMETER STRUCT $tConnParams = DllStructCreate("dword Mode; dword Profile; ptr SSID; ptr BSSID; ptr BSSType; dword Flags") ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;For a Profile Connection: ;This is the only mode supported on XP ;Ignoring optional parameters SSID and BSSID List ;When the SSID paramater is not specified, all SSIDs in the profile will be tried ;The BSSID list paramater specifies prefferd BSSIDs to connect to. It is legal with all connection modes (illeagl in XP) ;---------------------------------------------------------- ;Connection Mode [dword (4 bytes)] ;Ptr to profile name [Ptr to array of WCHARS (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [ptr (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [ptr (4 bytes)] ;BSS Type [dword (4 bytes)] ;Flags [dword (4 bytes)] $tProfile = DllStructCreate("WCHAR[512]") DllStructSetData($tProfile, 1, "Profile Name") DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Mode", $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_PROFILE) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Profile", DllStructGetPtr($tProfile)) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "BSSType", $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE) ;if not broadcasting SSID ; DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Flags", $WLAN_CONNECTION_HIDDEN_NETWORK) ;if Ad Hoc, and another computer has already created the network ; DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Flags", $WLAN_CONNECTION_ADHOC_JOIN_ONLY) ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;For a Temporary Profile Connection: ;Again ignoring optional parameters SSID and BSSID List ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;Connection Mode [dword (4 bytes)] ;Ptr to XML profile [Ptr to array of WCHARS (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [ptr (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [ptr (4 bytes)] ;BSS Type [dword (4 bytes)] ;Flags [dword (4 bytes)] $tProfile = DllStructCreate("WCHAR[512]") DllStructSetData($tProfile, 1, "<XML PROFILE GOES HERE>") DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Mode", $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_TEMPORARY_PROFILE) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Profile", DllStructGetPtr($tProfile)) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "BSSType", $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Flags", 0) ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;For a Discovery Connection: ;SSID Mandatory, Profile element is illegal - ignoring BSSID List ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;Connection Mode [dword (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [Ptr to array of WCHARS (4 bytes)] ;Ptr to SSID Struct [ptr (4 bytes)] ;Nothing! [ptr (4 bytes)] ;BSS Type [dword (4 bytes)] ;Flags [dword (4 bytes)] ; ;SSID STRUCT: ;CHAR Array Size [dword (4 bytes)] ;SSID string [CHAR array (32 bytes) (CHAR = 1 byte, Max SSID Length = 32)] $sSSID = "MySSID" $tSSID = DllStructCreate("dword; CHAR[32]") DllStructSetData($tSSID, 1, StringLen($sSSID)) DllStructSetData($tSSID, 2, $sSSID) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Mode", $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_DISCOVERY_SECURE) ;Or, for open networks: ; DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Mode", $WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE_DISCOVERY_UNSECURE) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "SSID", DllStructGetPtr($tSSID)) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "BSSType", $DOT11_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE) DllStructSetData($tConnParams, "Flags", 0)1 point
I find a lot of your recent posts ridiculous too. Should I moderate you just because you've been incredibly stupid and annoying lately? What about all the other stupid annoying bullshit that comes up everyday? Do we moderate all that, too?1 point
Hi, Something like this #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <Clipboard.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> $iNewWidth = 200 $iNewHeight = 200 $err = False $hHBITMAP = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", 0, 0, 100, 100) _GDIPlus_Startup() $hImage = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP ($hHBITMAP) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBITMAP) $hHBITMAP = _WinAPI_CreateBitmap($iNewWidth, $iNewHeight, 1, 32) $hCDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC(0) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hCDC, $hHBITMAP) $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hCDC) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hImage, 0, 0, $iNewWidth, $iNewHeight) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hImage) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hCDC) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() If Not _ClipBoard_Open(0) Then $err = @error $err_txt = "_ClipBoard_Open failed!" EndIf If Not _ClipBoard_Empty() Then $err = @error $err_txt = "_ClipBoard_Empty failed!" EndIf If Not _ClipBoard_SetDataEx($hHBITMAP, $CF_BITMAP) Then $err = @error $err_txt = "_ClipBoard_SetDataEx failed!" EndIf _ClipBoard_Close() _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBITMAP) If Not $err Then MsgBox(0, "Information", "Image put to clipboard!", 10) Else MsgBox(0, "Error", "An error has occured: " & $err_txt, 10) EndIf Cheers1 point