For sure you can have two UDFs in a single script:
#include <Excel.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
Global $sExcelFile = "xxxx" ; <== Add the name of the Excel file here
Global $oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($sExcelFile)
Global $aExcelData = _ExcelReadSheetToArray($Excel)
For $iRow = 1 To $aExcelData ; Process all read Excel rows
_Process($aExcelData[$iRow][1], $aExcelData[$iRow][2], $aExcelData[$iRow][3], $aExcelData[$iRow][4])
Now you just have to pack the code from your first post into a function named _Process. The 4 parameters passed to the function are the first 4 fields of the record.
E.g: 1, 111111111, 1.00 and 07/01/2013