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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Something like this should work. $hFile = fileopen("test.tif") FileSetPos($hFile,-100,2) $sData = FileRead($hFile)
    2 points
  2. This UDF is now part of AutoIt since New versions of Microsoft Office have been released since the last changes were made to the Excel UDF. The new extensions (e.g. xlsx) are not (fully) supported, new functions are missing etc. The rewrite of the Excel UDF delivers changes in the following areas: Works with as many instances of Excel as you like - not just one Works with any Workbook - not just the active one Works with any Worksheet - not just the active one Only does what you tell it to do - no implicit "actions" Only one function to read from a cell or a range Only one function to write a string, an 1D or 2D array to a cell or a range Support for every file format Excel supports Speed enhancements when transferring data from/to an Excel sheet (20 - 100 times faster) 2014-03-22 - Beta 5 Known bugs None The example scripts have been tested with Excel 2010 and AutoIt on Windows 7. You need to run the scripts with the latest AutoIt production version (3.3.10.x)! Please test with Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 and post changes you need/want to see in the next beta version! Excel Rewrite Beta 5.zip has been removed as it is now part of AutoIt since (627 downloads) History.txt
    1 point
  3. Skitty

    AutoIt Unlocker

    This was made with the intention to mimic the well known unlocker.exe. Credits to Yashied, monoceres, wraithdu, Manko, Trancexx, JScript, Larry, SmOke_N, mrRevoked, Melba23 & guinness. Unlocker Source.rar - [152] Previous Downloads Alternately, download the exe from my site here, but sometimes my site is offline (a lot). Some say taking and closing handles from a process can produce unwanted side effects in the targeted process, use with caution. History
    1 point
  4. Create a vertical rebar, and add a toolbar into it helpfile for _GUICtrlRebar_Create...must include style = $CCS_VERT _GUICtrlToolbar_Create...must include style = $TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE using the _GuiCtrlRebar_create example (helpfile), change the following to: ; create the rebar control $hReBar = _GUICtrlRebar_Create($hgui, BitOR($CCS_TOP, $WS_BORDER, $RBS_VARHEIGHT, $RBS_AUTOSIZE, $RBS_BANDBORDERS,$CCS_VERT,$RBS_VARHEIGHT )) ; create a toolbar to put in the rebar $hToolbar = _GUICtrlToolbar_Create($hgui, BitOR($TBSTYLE_FLAT, $CCS_NORESIZE, $CCS_NOPARENTALIGN,$TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE)) looping through button creation can be just as easy...add the controlid's into an array, and then it's easy to see the button being pressed as well
    1 point
  5. I found in some cases a rich edit control does not recognize certain HTML switches.
    1 point
  6. You should just be able to add it to the Run func you provided. What have you tried? RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /k robocopy.exe "' & $SR1 & '" "' & $DS1 & '" ' & $PLC & ' /S /COPY:DT /R:4 /LOG+:"C:\Script.log"', @SystemDir) (untested)
    1 point
  7. Melba23

    Exe issues on windows 7

    Sparky90ful, Then what happens now will hardly come as a surprise. <click> (© Jos) M23
    1 point
  8. Yes, you just loop through it one element at a time. You could probably do it will all your file search types (ShellExecute) that way you don't have to know which program to open it with. As long as you don't need to keep track of the file once it's opened ShellExecute is best for files that you want to be opened by the default program that handles that file type, on the computer you're running it on.
    1 point
  9. Don't use _IECreate, use ShellExecute, that will launch the browser using the html file as the page it opens to. _IECreate needs a URL not an HTML text file.
    1 point
  10. I look at non-object For..In as a handy syntax when a 1D array is truly 0-based (e.g. no count at [0]) and processed as const in that loop. Granted, it's just synctatic sugar but since it's born I see no reason to leave this guy alone in the dark.
    1 point
  11. How do you think I made the images? Make a screenshot and cut each digit to make static images. Or you are telling us that there is an effect on the numbers so it's not possible to make a static image of them? Br, FireFox.
    1 point
  12. You can save each image number and search this number using an image search library like I said in my first post. Br, FireFox.
    1 point
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