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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2013 in all areas

  1. Skype UDF v1.2 Introduction :Skype4COM represents the Skype API as objects, with :methodspropertieseventscollectionscachingSkype4COM provides an ActiveX interface to the Skype API. Develop for Skype in a familiar programming environment, such as Visual Studio or Delphi, using preferred scripting languages such as VBScript, PHP, or Javascript. Requirements : Skype 3.0+ must be installedWindows 2000, XP+ Update : Version 1.2 Fixed _Skype_ProfileGetHandle function Version 1.1 Fixed _Skype_ChatGetBookmarked function Added missing _Skype_ChatGetTopic function Version 1.0 Fixed _Skype_ChatGetAll function Version 0.9 Fixed Mute value returned by the _Skype_OnEventMute callback function Version 0.8 Error ObjEvent is set if none already set Version 0.7 Changed _Skype_GetChatActive to _Skype_GetChatAllActive Version 0.6 Added _Skype_GetCache Added _Skype_SetCache Changed Skype_Error function Minor bugs fixed Version 0.5 Fixed _Skype_ChatCreate Version 0.4 Fixed _Skype_ChatGetMessages Fixed "Skype - SciTE.au3" script Version 0.3 Minor changes Updated Skype in AutoIt example Version 0.2 Fixed _Skype_ChatAddMembers Various bugs fixed _Functions list : (346) Example GUI : Notes : Skype's access control must be accepted manually :After running the example script, click on the "Allow access" button of SkypeThis version is NOT complete If you are running on a 64 bits OS, add this line to your script : #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n Attachments :Pack (UDF + ExampleGUI)Version 1.2 : Skype-UDF_1.0.0.2.zip Examples : (put them into the "Example folder")-Answers to incomming calls even if you are already in a call : Auto Answer.au3-Shows how to use the OnMute event : Mute Event.au3 Happy coding
    1 point
  2. Mat

    GUIFinder.au3 - V2

    My old implementation of a finder control like the one in Au3Info.exe has been pretty popular, so I was having a look to see if it needed any updating... And I want to offer my sincerest apologies to anyone who has used it. The code is so bad I think someone must have hijacked it as surely I can't have been THAT bad. So anyway. Here's how to do it properly. Reasons why this one is better: * Found out how to draw the inverted frame like Au3Info does (thanks Jon ) * You can now have as many of them as you want. And they can all have different icons. * No temporary files for resources, they are loaded straight from the binary. * There is some code to make sure that you never have frames left behind or not showing. It solves 99% of issues. * No globals. * Functions are now properly named. * My last one returned a dummy which you couldn't use for anything other than events. This one returns a handle * Doesn't use GUIRegisterMsg, so you can use it with this no problem * ... The only slight downfall is that, like other UDF controls, GUIGetMsg ignores it. Instead it sends notifications by WM_COMMAND messages (We all know WM_NOTIFY is a bit more work huh?). Right now there are 4, though I can add more easily enough. My favourite example is this: #include<GUIFinder.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("_GUICtrlFinder_GetLastWnd Example", 300, 40) $hFinder = _GUICtrlFinder_Create($hGUI, 130, 4) GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "WM_COMMAND") While True $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $iMsg Case -3 ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd Func WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Switch _WinAPI_HiWord($wParam) Case $FN_WNDCHANGED WinSetTitle($hWnd, "", "Handle: " & _GUICtrlFinder_GetLastWnd($lParam)) Case $FN_STARTUSE WinSetTrans($hWnd, "", 150) Case $FN_ENDUSE WinSetTrans($hWnd, "", 255) WinSetTitle($hWnd, "", "_GUICtrlFinder_Create Example") EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>WM_COMMAND As you can see, it behaves like a custom control should. Download Includes examples + UDF. For those interested in implementation: It's a custom control, so I register my own window class, which stores information like icons and the last selected window using the "extra" window space, and the GetWindowLongPtr function. Most stuff is handled in the window proc, so GUIRegisterMsg is free for you to use for your own purposes. Mat
    1 point
  3. Hi, This is a script I was working on a while ago but never finished, it's in a working state but needs a lot doing to it but I don't have the energy to put into it anymore Basically its a silent software installer which will be useful for people who reinstall windows a lot and have a software package they install as standard. The software I have included is AVG Panda Cloud Free OpenOffice Adobe Reader VLC Media Player Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 Free Adobe Flash player Java The Ashampoo and panda currently dont run as silent installers as I cant find switches for them, also the openoffice includes the quickstarter which I couldn't seem to remove via a switch. I have added a custom tab if anyone wants to add their own software. (As a user not a dev) but some kind of feature will need creating for this. There is also a 'Clean on complete' button which will clean all event logs on vista and 7 once its installed the software (Batch file I found on the internet but cant remember where so credit to the unnamed scripter for this) and it also silently runs ccleaner with its predefined options. I have not yet implemented the cancel feature, I was thinking of using variables as flags which get checked before running each installer and if the cancel button has been pressed it sets the flag as 1 for example which will then skip the next install until it gets to the end (if you know what i mean)- I think this will be best way to do it as I wouldn't want to force close a currently installing piece of software. Also I'm not sure how it reacts to 'updating' software if an older version is already found, I havn't properly tested this on a non-clean machine yet. Also it used a settings ini file to remember the software selection everytime you open it, and there is an option in the gui to save your selection (updates the values in the ini which get read during open) Here is a screenshot of the main window... and here is the code for the main script - you can download the full package at the bottom of the post if you wish - its easy enough to read and I have commented each block of code so you can see it better, you probly see a few lines of commented code which didnt work out or i didnt get chance to finish #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Aaron Marsh Application: Offline Silent Install App Version: 1 #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <TabConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #RequireAdmin Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1) msgbox(0,"","Cancel Feature not yet implemented") ;Variables Local $AVGINI, $PANDAINI, $OPENOFFICEINI, $ADOBEREADERINI, $VLCINI, $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREEINI, $FLASHINI, $JAVAINI, $REBOOTINI, $CLEANINI, $VAREXITMENU = False Local $VARABOUT = False, $VARSAVE = False, $TASKRUNNING = False, $VARSTART Local $AVGRUNNING = False, $PANDARUNNING = False, $OPENOFFICERUNNING = False, $ADOBEREADERRUNNING = False, $VLCRUNNING = False, $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREERUNNING = False Local $FLASHRUNNING = False, $JAVARUNNING = False Local $REGREADINSTALLATION, $INSTALLATIonprogress, $INSTALLATIONSTATE, $VARCANCEL ;Read VALUES OF INI FILE AND STORE AS VARIABLES HERE THEN CHECK STAtE OF VALUE AND SET CHKBOX VALUE DEPENDING On RESULT $AVGINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "AVG","") $PANDAINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "PANDA","") $OPENOFFICEINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "OPENOFFICE","") $ADOBEREADERINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ADOBEREADER","") $VLCINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "VLC","") $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREEINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREE","") $FLASHINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "FLASH","") $JAVAINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "JAVA","") $REBOOTINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "REBOOT","") $CLEANINI=IniRead("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "CLEAN","") ;Define Variables $DETECTEDOS = 0 $DETECTEDARCH = @OSArch $DETECTEDSP = @OSServicePack $OSVersion = @OSVersion ;Variables If $OSVersion = "WIN_7" Then $DETECTEDOS = "Windows 7" EndIf If $OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DETECTEDOS = "Windows Vista" EndIf If $OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Then $DETECTEDOS = "Windows XP" EndIf If $OSVersion = "" Then $DETECTEDOS = "Other" EndIf If $DETECTEDOS = "Other" Then msgbox(0,"Warning","This software has not been tested with your version of Windows and may not work properly if you choose to continue") EndIf ;Main Gui $MAIN = GUICreate("Offline Silent Installer v1", 451, 417, -1, -1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_CloseApplication") ;FILE MENU $MenuItemFile = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") $MenuSubItemSave = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save", $MenuItemFile) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($MenuSubItemSave, "_Begin_Save_Function") $MenuSubItemExit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $MenuItemFile) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($MenuSubItemExit, "_Begin_Close_Function") $MenuItemHelp = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") $MenuSubItemAbout = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $MenuItemHelp) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($MenuSubItemAbout, "_Begin_About_Function") $MenuSuItemHelp = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Help", $MenuItemHelp) ;Groups $GROUP_SYSTEMINFO = GUICtrlCreateGroup("System Info", 232, 40, 201, 89) $LABEL_OS = GUICtrlCreateLabel($DETECTEDOS, 248, 64, 87, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $LABEL_SYSTEMTYPE = GUICtrlCreateLabel($DETECTEDARCH, 248, 80, 65, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $LABEL_SP = GUICtrlCreateLabel($DETECTEDSP, 248, 96, 80, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $GROUP_OPTIONS = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Options", 16, 40, 201, 89) $CHKBOX_REBOOT = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Reboot", 32, 64, 65, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Restarts computer when all installations have completed") If $REBOOTINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_REBOOT, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $CHKBOX_CLEAN = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Clean on Completion", 32, 88, 129, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Runs portable Ccleaner upon completion") If $CLEANINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_CLEAN, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;TabSheet $Tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(16, 152, 417, 193) $TabSheet1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Security") $CHKBOX_AVG = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("AVG Anti-Virus FREE 2012", 64, 200, 153, 17) $Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\avg.jpg", 32, 192, 25, 25) If $AVGINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_AVG, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $CHKBOX_PANDA = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Panda Cloud FREE", 64, 232, 145, 17) $Pic2 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\panda.jpg", 32, 224, 25, 25) If $PANDAINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_PANDA, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $TabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Office") $CHKBOX_OPENOFFICE = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("OpenOffice", 64, 200, 97, 17) $Pic3 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\openoffice.jpg", 32, 192, 25, 25) If $OPENOFFICEINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_OPENOFFICE, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $CHKBOX_ADOBEREADER = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Adobe Reader", 64, 232, 97, 17) $Pic4 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\adobereader.jpg", 32, 227, 25, 25) If $ADOBEREADERINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_ADOBEREADER, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $TabSheet3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Media") $CHKBOX_VLC = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("VLC Media Player", 64, 200, 137, 17) $Pic5 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\vlc.jpg", 32, 192, 25, 25) If $VLCINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_VLC, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $TabSheet4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Burning") $CHKBOX_ASHAMPOO = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 Free", 64, 200, 193, 17) $Pic6 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\abs6.jpg", 32, 192, 25, 25) If $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREEINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_ASHAMPOO, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $TabSheet5 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Misc") $CHKBOX_FLASH = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Adobe Flash Player", 64, 200, 121, 17) $Pic7 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\flash.jpg", 32, 192, 25, 25) If $FLASHINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_FLASH, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $CHKBOX_JAVA = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Java", 64, 232, 97, 17) $Pic8 = GUICtrlCreatePic("images\java.jpg", 32, 224, 25, 25) If $JAVAINI = 1 then GUICtrlSetState($CHKBOX_JAVA, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $TabSheet6 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Custom") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUICtrlSetState($TabSheet1,$GUI_SHOW) ;Bottom $BUTTON_INSTALL = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 344, 352, 91, 33) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($BUTTON_INSTALL, "_BeginStartInstall") $BUTTON_CANCEL = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 344, 352, 91, 33) GUICtrlSetState($BUTTON_CANCEL,$GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($BUTTON_CANCEL, "_BeginCancelInstall") $LABEL_CREATEDBY = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Created By Aaron Marsh", 16, 368, 150, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) While 1 Sleep(0) If $VARSTART Then $VARSTART = False _StartInstall() EndIf If $VARCANCEL Then $VARCANCEL = False _CancelInstall() EndIf If $VAREXITMENU Then $VAREXITMENU = False _Exit_Command() EndIf If $VARABOUT Then $VARABOUT = False MsgBox(64, "About", "Offline Silent Software Installer v1" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Created By:" & " Aaron Marsh" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "12 April 2013") EndIf If $VARSAVE Then $VARSAVE = False ;AVG If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_AVG) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "AVG", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "AVG", 0) EndIf ;PANDA If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_PANDA) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "PANDA", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "PANDA", 0) EndIf ;OPENOFFICE If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_OPENOFFICE) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "OPENOFFICE", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "OPENOFFICE", 0) EndIf ;ADOBEREADER If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_ADOBEREADER) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ADOBEREADER", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ADOBEREADER", 0) EndIf ;VLC If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_VLC) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "VLC", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "VLC", 0) EndIf ;ASHAMPOO 2013 FREE If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_ASHAMPOO) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREE", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREE", 0) EndIf ;FLASH If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_FLASH) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "FLASH", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "FLASH", 0) EndIf ;JAVA If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_JAVA) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "JAVA", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "SOFTWARE", "JAVA", 0) EndIf ;REBOOT If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_REBOOT) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "REBOOT", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "REBOOT", 0) EndIf ;CLEAN If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_CLEAN) = $GUI_CHECKED Then IniWrite("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "CLEAN", 1) Else IniWrite("settings.ini", "OPTIONS", "CLEAN", 0) EndIf EndIf ;_CheckIfInstallInProgress() WEnd ;Functions Func _Begin_Close_Function() $VAREXITMENU = True EndFunc Func _Begin_About_Function() $VARABOUT = True EndFunc Func _Begin_Save_Function() $VARSAVE = True EndFunc Func _BeginStartInstall() $VARSTART = True EndFunc Func _BeginCancelInstall() $VARCANCEL = True EndFunc Func _CloseApplication() If @GUI_CTRLID = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then _Exit_Command() EndFunc Func _Exit_Command() If $TASKRUNNING = True Then $msgboxquitvalue = MsgBox(52,"Warning!","Are you sure you want to quit while an install is in progress?") If $msgboxquitvalue = 6 then ;Check if an install is currently running for specific program and wait until finished If $AVGRUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("AVGSilent.exe") Exit EndIf If $PANDARUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("CloudAntivirus") Exit EndIf If $OPENOFFICERUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("OpenOfficeSilent.exe") Exit EndIf If $ADOBEREADERRUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("AdobeReaderSilent.exe") Exit EndIf If $VLCRUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("VLCSilent.exe") Exit EndIf If $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREERUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("ashampoo_burning_studio_2013_11.0.5_12469.exe") Exit EndIf If $FLASHRUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("FlashPlayerSilent.exe") Exit EndIf If $JAVARUNNING = True then ProcessWaitClose("JavaSilent.exe") Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf If $TASKRUNNING = False then Exit EndIf EndFunc ;Func _CancelInstall() ;If $TASKRUNNING = True Then ; $msgboxquitvalue = MsgBox(52,"Warning!","Are you sure you want to cancel while an install is in progress?") ;If $msgboxquitvalue = 6 then ;Check if an install is currently running for specific program and wait until finished ;If $AVGRUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("AVGSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $PANDARUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("CloudAntivirus") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $OPENOFFICERUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("OpenOfficeSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $ADOBEREADERRUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("AdobeReaderSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $VLCRUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("VLCSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREERUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("ashampoo_burning_studio_2013_11.0.5_12469.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $FLASHRUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("FlashPlayerSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;If $JAVARUNNING = True then ; ProcessWaitClose("JavaSilent.exe") ; Exit ;EndIf ;EndIf ;EndIf ;If $TASKRUNNING = False then ; Exit ;EndIf ;EndFunc Func _StartInstall() $TASKRUNNING = True GUICtrlSetState($BUTTON_INSTALL,$GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($BUTTON_CANCEL,$GUI_SHOW) ;Security ;AVG If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_AVG) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $AVGRUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","AVG 2013 Free Edition","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\AVG\AVGSilent.exe") SplashOff() $AVGRUNNING = False EndIf ;Panda NOT YET SILENT If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_PANDA) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $PANDARUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","Panda Cloud Antivirus","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\Panda\CloudAntivirus.exe") SplashOff() $PANDARUNNING = False EndIf ;Office ;OpenOffice If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_OPENOFFICE) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $OPENOFFICERUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","OpenOffice 3.4.1","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\OpenOffice\OpenOfficeSilent.exe") SplashOff() $OPENOFFICERUNNING = False EndIf ;Adobe Reader If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_ADOBEREADER) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $ADOBEREADERRUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","Adobe Reader XI","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\AdobeReader\AdobeReaderSilent.exe") SplashOff() $ADOBEREADERRUNNING = False EndIf ;Media ;VLC Player If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_VLC) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $VLCRUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","VLC Media Player","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\VLC\VLCSilent.exe") SplashOff() $VLCRUNNING = False EndIf ;Burning ;Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_ASHAMPOO) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREERUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 Free","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\AshampooBurning2013\ashampoo_burning_studio_2013_11.0.5_12469.exe") SplashOff() $ASHAMPOOBURNINGFREERUNNING = False EndIf ;Misc ;Flash Player If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_FLASH) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $FLASHRUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","Adobe Flash Player","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\Flash\FlashPlayerSilent.exe") SplashOff() $FLASHRUNNING = False EndIf ;Java If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_JAVA) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $JAVARUNNING = True SplashTextOn("Installing Software...","Java","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\Java\JavaSilent.exe") SplashOff() $JAVARUNNING = False EndIf ;Options ;Clean If GUICtrlRead($CHKBOX_CLEAN) = $GUI_CHECKED Then FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\exes\cleanup\Clear_All_Logs.bat", @TempDir, 1) SplashTextOn("Please Wait...","Cleaning Temp Files","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\exes\cleanup\ccsetup327\CCleanerPortable.exe") SplashOff() ;Clear All Logs (NOT MY BATCH SCRIPT - FOUND ON THE INTERNET BUT CANT REMEMBER WHERE SO CREDIT DUE HERE TO THE UNNAMED SCRIPTER :) If $OSVersion = "WIN_7" Then SplashTextOn("Please Wait...","Cleaning Event Logs","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@TempDir & "\Clear_All_Logs.bat","",@SW_HIDE) SplashOff() EndIf If $OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA" Then SplashTextOn("Please Wait...","Cleaning Event Logs","300","50","-1","-1",32,"","","") RunWait(@TempDir & "\Clear_All_Logs.bat","",@SW_HIDE) SplashOff() EndIf FileDelete(@TempDir & "\Clear_All_Logs.bat") EndIf $TASKRUNNING = False GUICtrlSetState($BUTTON_CANCEL,$GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($BUTTON_INSTALL,$GUI_SHOW) EndFunc Each silent installer is its own executable so that if you want to just update 1 bit of software you dont have to recompile the main exe each time. I did it like this because I was thinking of like a plugin system where a user can add their own software package without needing to be hard-coded into the main executable I wanted to share the project as I think someone else can make it better and add more features, also im not sure about the best way to go about adding support for custom packages. I hope its of use to people and it will be good if anyone wants to contribute to the project. Here is the download for the complete package which includes the code and precompiled exe's, images used in the gui, and the form file for koda, here is also a second download which has all the above and includes all the software exe's aswell. http://www.backuputility.co.uk/SoftwareInstaller.zip other download is just uploading to mega as we speak Hope to hear and see what progress anyone can make from it Thanks
    1 point
  4. Added another example for the frog friends... See post #1 GreenCan
    1 point
  5. Use GUISwitch to make the operations act on the Child GUI, then use GUICtrlSetData to change text of the Label
    1 point
  6. Hi, sorry about that, I have just updated the link, should now be ok thanks
    1 point
  7. @mesale0077: Try to insert this code: #include <Constants.au3> Global $hDesktop = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:Progman]", "", "SysListView321") _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hGui, $GWL_HWNDPARENT, $hDesktop) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF)
    1 point
  8. hi UEZ, My laptop is W7 x64 but Aero was disabled, After I enabled it, the background disappeared. Strangely enough after I disabled it again, the original script did not show the background anymore, so by the end now the 3 versions of your example are running equally well on my laptop. I did the same test on my 32bit W7 desktop and neither there I found any issue like flickering whatsoever on any of the 3 scripts I did the test on an old XP laptop and the results are Script 1: Background Visible Script 2: Flickering Script 3: Perfect GreenCan
    1 point
  9. Hi there, Look at ClipGet and the FileWrite functions. James
    1 point
  10. It seems to be that with WinXP the graphic handle has to be recreated each time before a new frames is drawn. With this workaround it should work but the graphic is flickering -> see post#4. If somebody knows a better way on WinXP please tell me. Imho, the best is to upgrade os to Win7 I think this is the best way to be also WinXP compatible -> see post#4. Br, UEZ
    1 point
  11. The animation looks properly on my Win7 with Aero enable. As soon as I switch to basic theme then the background will not be transparent anymore. Maybe I've a closer look to trancexx' code how this can be solved for non Aero desktops. Br, UEZ
    1 point
  12. Downloaded, tested, (almost) approved. During the first test with the latest build, the script crashed with an array error but I could not replicate it afterwards. No matter what I did afterwards, I could not get the error again, so let's assume my laptop had a bug So this is your 'last' last update? My little contribution to the perforated animation world: Felix animated.au3 Thanks GreenCan
    1 point
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