Recently I had the need to split paths like _PathSplit outside of AutoIt. Regular expressions seemed to be the way to go and it was fun to learn a bit more about their power. I backported it to AutoIt and now use it instead of _PathSplit. This should match any combination of: servershare[$] | Drive
.extentionSome caveats: It only returns an array (returning strings via byref aswell seemed a tad overkill / messy) The Drive letter retains its trailing "" NOT the path (this seemed more sane as the path should be relative not anchored to the root of the drive) - Found that this was not so good for things like "C:" as the path shoud be set to "" not nothing ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _PathSplitRegEx
; Description ...: Splits a path into the drive, directory, file name and file extension parts. An empty string is set if a part is missing.
; Syntax.........: _PathSplitRegEx($sPath)
; Parameters ....: $sPath - The path to be split (Can contain a UNC server or drive letter)
; Return values .: Success - Returns an array with 5 elements where 0 = original path, 1 = drive, 2 = directory, 3 = filename, 4 = extension
; Author ........: Gibbo
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: This function does not take a command line string. It works on paths, not paths with arguments.
; This differs from _PathSplit in that the drive letter or servershare retains the "" not the path
; RegEx Built using examples from "Regular Expressions Cookbook (O’Reilly Media, 2009)"
; Related .......: _PathSplit, _PathFull, _PathMake
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _PathSplitRegEx($sPath)
if $sPath="" then Return SetError(1,0,"")
Local Const $rPathSplit = '^(?i)([a-z]:|[a-z0-9_.$]+[a-z0-9_.]+$?)?((?:[^/:*?"<>|rn]+)*)?([^/:*?"<>|rn.]*)((?:.[^./:*?"<>|rn]+)?)$'
Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sPath, $rPathSplit, 2)
Switch @error
Case 0
Return $aResult
Case 1
Return SetError(2, 0, "")
Case 2
;This should never happen!
EndFunc ;==>_PathSplitRegExAnyhow, I hope someone else finds this useful Edit: @ScriptFullPath replaced with the parameter $sPath - Thanks czardas. Should have reread before posting. Edit2: Changed regex to move the trailing "" from the "root" to the begining of the path. Edit3: Edit destroyed the regex (why??) added below as well in plain code tags just in case it happens again: Local Const $rPathSplit = '^(?i)([a-z]:|[a-z0-9_.$]+[a-z0-9_.]+$?)?((?:[^/:*?"<>|rn]+)*)?([^/:*?"<>|rn.]*)((?:.[^./:*?"<>|rn]+)?)$'