It's a multi-client TCP chat room with a lot of features. Server IP, Port, Set Pw sets the password for the admin. $Max = Max amount of users that can be connected at a time. Client IP, Port, Username. * A username can only be in use by one person. (Case-insensitive.) Normal commands .pm username,message Allows you to sent a private message to a specific user. .stats Tells you who's online. .clear Clears the history. .save Saves the chat history. .disconnect or .exit Closes the chat window, disconnects you from the server, and re-opens the Connection Settings. Admin commands .admin password, .admin lol123 Logs you in as an admin. (Only one admin can be logged in at a time.) .logout Logs you out of the admin position. .kick username, .kick John Kicks the desired user. .ip username, .ip John Gives you the IP of the desired user. .ban username, .ban John Kicks and IP bans the user. .unban ip address, .unban Removes the IP from the blocked list. .logs Opens the logs from the server. (Tells you who you've banned / un-banned, and their IP.) Red = Command, Blue = Parameter Download Link : *Includes compiled versions (32 and 64 bit) and the source. Hope this helps some! - John