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  1. Or: $Form = GUICreate("GUI", 280, 168, -1, -1)
    2 points
  2. trancexx

    AutoItObject UDF

    ^^One day there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags and no countries and the only passport will be the heart. Also, one day the Sun will explode.
    2 points
  3. czardas

    The Big Rip

    The Big Rip is the name given to a theory in physics where the expansion of the universe accelerates to the point where even atoms get ripped apart. The first signs of the big rip will be when stars start to disappear from the night sky. Believe me you will be waiting around longer than the end of the universe if you try to randomly brute force even quite a short big rip encoded message. It works using the simplest possible method of all - namely the barrel lock. While most barrel locks are one dimensional, this one is three dimensional. Is this an encryption program? It was iintended as a coding exercise more than anything else. It fails as a universal encryption program because this version only works on multiline text documents written in AscII which contain the full delimiter string @CRLF. The text does not need to be arranged in a square. Anyone thinking of trying a 'meet in the middle attack' should look at what happens when you try to encode a message where all bits are set. It simply doesn't work. Is this a weakness? Well you decide. There are no instructions and all the controls are hidden (I want you to try and figure it out). Just something to put off a would-be hacker who happens to find your lost portable storage device. It might buy you a bit of extra time to cancel your credit card pin. Thanks to Guiness for help with the muliline password control. That's one unique feature you don't see every day. LINK REMOVED Thanks for looking.
    1 point
  4. JRSmile

    RTMP stream finder

    Hello Everyone, for personal usage i developed a rtmp stream finder which utilises the well programmed winpcap udf. Currently it is preconfigured to work with www.putpat.tv but the code is easily portable to any other requirement just adapt the dumprtmp function to read the traffic comming via port 80 in and out of your box. #NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=by JRSmile #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Putpat.tv downloader #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion=0.1 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=by JRSmile 2012 #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; rtmpcap derived from httpcap file capture v1.0e Copyleft GPL3 Nicolas Ricquemaque 2009-2011 #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <Winpcap.au3> $winpcap = _PcapSetup() If ($winpcap = -1) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", "WinPcap not found !") Exit EndIf $pcap_devices = _PcapGetDeviceList() If ($pcap_devices = -1) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", _PcapGetLastError()) Exit EndIf $int = SelectInterface($pcap_devices) $pcap = _PcapStartCapture($pcap_devices[$int][0], "host " & $pcap_devices[$int][7] & " and tcp port 80", 0, 65536, 2 ^ 24, 0) If IsInt($pcap) Then MsgBox(16, "Pcap error !", _PcapGetLastError()) _PcapFree() Exit EndIf Do If IsPtr($pcap) Then ; If $pcap is a Ptr, then the capture is running $time0 = TimerInit() While (TimerDiff($time0) < 500) ; Retrieve packets from queue for maximum 500ms before returning to main loop, not to "hang" the window for user $packet = _PcapGetPacket($pcap) If IsInt($packet) Then ExitLoop HttpCapture($packet[3]) WEnd EndIf Until False _PcapStopCapture($pcap) _PcapFree() Exit Func HttpCapture($data) Local $ipheaderlen = BitAND(_PcapBinaryGetVal($data, 15, 1), 0xF) * 4 Local $tcpoffset = $ipheaderlen + 14 Local $tcplen = _PcapBinaryGetVal($data, 17, 2) - $ipheaderlen ; ip total len - ip header len Local $tcpheaderlen = BitShift(_PcapBinaryGetVal($data, $tcpoffset + 13, 1), 4) * 4 Local $tcpsrcport = _PcapBinaryGetVal($data, $tcpoffset + 1, 2) Local $tcpdstport = _PcapBinaryGetVal($data, $tcpoffset + 3, 2) Local $tcpsequence = _PcapBinaryGetVal($data, $tcpoffset + 5, 4) Local $tcpflags = _PcapBinaryGetVal($data, $tcpoffset + 14, 1) Local $httpoffset = $tcpoffset + $tcpheaderlen + 1 Local $httplen = $tcplen - $tcpheaderlen If $httplen = 0 Then Return False Local $http = BinaryToString(BinaryMid($data, $httpoffset, $httplen)) dumprtmp($http) EndFunc ;==>HttpCapture Func SelectInterface($devices) ; auto selects an ethernet pcap interface or prompt user for choice Local $ipv4 = 0, $int = 0, $i, $win0, $first, $interface, $ok, $which, $msg For $i = 0 To UBound($devices) - 1 If $devices[$i][3] = "EN10MB" And StringLen($devices[$i][7]) > 6 Then ; for ethernet devices with valid ip address only ! $ipv4 += 1 $int = $i EndIf Next If $ipv4 = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "No network interface found with a valid IPv4 address !") _PcapFree() Exit EndIf If $ipv4 > 1 Then $win0 = GUICreate("Interface choice", 500, 50) $interface = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 15, 400, Default, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) $first = True For $i = 0 To UBound($devices) - 1 If $devices[$i][3] = "EN10MB" And StringLen($devices[$i][7]) > 6 Then If $first Then GUICtrlSetData(-1, $devices[$i][7] & " - " & _PcapCleanDeviceName($devices[$i][1]), $devices[$i][7] & " - " & _PcapCleanDeviceName($devices[$i][1])) $first = False Else GUICtrlSetData(-1, $devices[$i][7] & " - " & _PcapCleanDeviceName($devices[$i][1])) EndIf EndIf Next $ok = GUICtrlCreateButton(" Ok ", 430, 15, 60) GUISetState() While True $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $ok Then $which = GUICtrlRead($interface) For $i = 0 To UBound($devices) - 1 If StringLen($devices[$i][7]) > 6 And StringInStr($which, $devices[$i][7]) Then $int = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next GUIDelete($win0) ExitLoop EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit WEnd EndIf Return $int EndFunc ;==>SelectInterface Func dumprtmp($http) Local $line = StringSplit($http, @CRLF) Local $counti For $counti = 1 To $line[0] If StringInStr($line[$counti], "<medium>rtmp://") Then If StringInStr($line[$counti], "</medium>") Then $med = StringStripWS($line[$counti], 8) $med = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($med, 8), 9) call_rtmpdump($med) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>dumprtmp Func call_rtmpdump($path) $exec = 'rtmpdump.exe -r "rtmp://tvrlfs.fplive.net:1935/tvrl" -a "tvrl" -f "WIN 11,3,376,12" -W "http://files.putpat.tv/putpat_player/263/PutpatPlayer.swf" -p "http://www.putpat.tv/" -y "' & StringMid($path, 157, 37) & '?token=' & StringMid($path, 37, 120) & '" -o ' & StringMid($path, 175, 15) & '.flv' ConsoleWrite($exec & @CRLF) if not existsinqueue(StringMid($path, 175, 15) & '.flv') then FileWriteLine("queue.bat", $exec) EndFunc ;==>call_rtmpdump Func existsinqueue($name) Local $file = FileOpen("queue.bat", 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf While 1 Local $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($line, $name) Then Return True WEnd Return False FileClose($file) EndFunc ;==>existsinqueue Regards, JR rtmpcap.au3 Winpcap.au3 rtmpcap.exe rtmpdump.exe
    1 point
  5. sparker366, Less of the "her" please - I have a perfectly serviceable "Y" chromosome! M23
    1 point
  6. I like the traditional system because it allows the more important words to stand out in a title. The only reason I see for not liking this system is that the rules appear to be ambiguous and therefore hard to code for. After adding the (optional) common British English exceptions I listed previously, I'm now thinking of adding another option - common international name exceptions. I have come up with the following list: af, av, da, de, de la, de los, del, di, van de, van der, von I think this should cover most, although not all, scenarios, eg: Leonardo da Vinci. Wernher von Braun, Paco de Lucía I think many of these non English words or word combinations are generally written as lower case in titles regardless of whether they form part of a name or not. Unfortunately the above list will not cater for Vincent van Gogh because 'van' is also an English word. Are there any more I'm missing?
    1 point
  7. ahahah, you're welcome. but my name is Telmo
    1 point
  8. try something like this: $Formwidth = 280 $Formheight = 168 $Form = GUICreate("GUI", 280, 168, @DesktopWidth/2 - $Formwidth/2, @DesktopHeight/2 - $Formheight/2)
    1 point
  9. AZJIO

    problem with "if"

    jackraymund, read the help file section operators. strings are converted to numbers using "Number" The "Not" operator has a higher precedence than "="
    1 point
  10. kylomas

    ExitLoop not exitting

    Like this #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Forsaken #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> GUICreate("Auto", 335, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Key", 8, 10) $key1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 8, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time", 8, 44) $time1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 40, 120) $startbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 190, 8, 60) guisetstate() local $start = false While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() Exit Case $msg = $startbutton if guictrlread($startbutton) = 'Start' then adlibregister('_sender',guictrlread($time1)*1000) guictrlsetdata($startbutton,'Stop') else adlibunregister('_sender') guictrlsetdata($startbutton,'Start') endif EndSelect WEnd func _sender() send(guictrlread($key1)) ConsoleWrite('Sending ' & guictrlread($key1) & @LF) endfunc kylomas
    1 point
  11. JohnOne

    ExitLoop not exitting

    Here is a different fahion #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_ExitLoop") ; Make a function to change state to true Global $ExitLoop = False ; A global variable to hold state Func _ExitLoop() ; Make a function to change state to true $ExitLoop = True EndFunc ;==>_ExitLoop GUICreate("Auto", 335, 100) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Key", 8, 10) $key1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 8, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time", 8, 44) $time1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 40, 120) $startbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 190, 8, 60) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $startbutton $send1 = GUICtrlRead($key1) $sleep1 = GUICtrlRead($time1) $ExitLoop = False ; Before entering your endless loop, set state to false While Not $ExitLoop; Only Send if state is false Sleep($sleep1) Send($send1) WEnd Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd
    1 point
  12. kylomas

    ExitLoop not exitting

    Kradon, Your script will not respond well (if at all) if you have a loop/sleep within the message loop. Also, your guisetstate() should be after you define your controls. Lastly, sleep is in millisecs so you probably want to multiply the value from your time control by 1000 to get seconds. The following will "send" a key on a second interval defined by $time1. The code is rough and there is no input validation, but, hell, you're bored anyway... #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Forsaken #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> GUICreate("Auto", 335, 100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Key", 8, 10) $key1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 8, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Time", 8, 44) $time1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 35, 40, 120) $startbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 190, 8, 60) guisetstate() local $start = false While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() Exit Case $msg = $startbutton adlibregister('_sender',guictrlread($time1)*1000) EndSelect WEnd func _sender() send(guictrlread($key1)) ConsoleWrite('Sending ' & guictrlread($key1) & @LF) endfunc kylomas edit: additional info - I almost forgot - you delete your gui and then do exitloop. this leaves your script "hanging". Use "exit" to exit the script.
    1 point
  13. JohnOne

    ExitLoop not exitting

    Use a hotkey to exit your script.
    1 point
  14. You can try capturing [Ctrl+Break] and proceed as said by JLogan3o13
    1 point
  15. czardas

    The Big Rip

    Conclusion The impression I get is that this system is very strong. I can only liken it to doing a massive Rubix cube blindfold: since a normal rubix cube has a known outcome. Considering that it took Google 30 years to crunch through all the possible solutions from all starting possitions of the rubix cube, I never much feared for my money. However encryption is not my expertise, so who knows? With this project I learned something valuable about handling complicated algorithms, yet the overall concept is in reality very simple. I wouldn't go as far to say it is impossible to crack, just that it may take forever. The original idea for this project started here:
    1 point
  16. czardas

    The Big Rip

    The challenge is now officially closed, with nobody having discovered the solution which I will now reveal. First the encryption from the zip file in post #3: (better to use the zip file - in case of forum code box disfunction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02D5CD88C9905B91B50327923C5939DB363C86FC215031C164AD510E1C28CA1E60BE136311D441B18959 0427D3A18DAD05FAD34A503CD69ACE1316C5D0631E06206D95DC4467B36259D4C99739713ACB59D6E8 Now the plain text: [Extract] Conventional wisdom says the universe is infinite. But it could be finite, merely giving the illusion of infinity. This possibility has plagued philosophers and scientists since the beginning of recorded history. But now modern science is starting to drag this abstract issue into the realm of the real, the tangible and the observable. How the universe got its spots looks at how science is coming up sharp against the mind- boggling idea that the universe may be finite. Such a revelation would provide the ultimate twist to the Copernican revolution, for we would find out exactly where we are in the cosmos. Its impact would be even more radical than the discovery that the Earth is round or that the Earth is expanding. Through a decade of observation and thought-experiment, we have started to chart out the universe in which we live, just as we have mapped the oceans and the continents of our planet. Now, in the dawn of the new millenium, details of this grand cosmic map are coming into focus. Through a kind of cosmic archaeolegy and without leaving Earth, we can look at the pattern of hot spots left over from the big bang and begin to trace the ‘shape of space’. Beautifully written in a colloquial style, How the Universe Got its Spots explores our aspirations to observe our universe and contemplates our deep connection with it. While relating her own personal and intellectual journey through space abd time, the author gently takes in such gravity-defying concepts as black holes, time- warps, invisible ‘strings’ and chaotic flows. It is a fantastic voyage, impressing on us the extraordinary fact that we are progeny of this universe and that our ability to understand it is an inheritance. £16.99 IN UK ONLY Janna Levin is an Advanced Fellow in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Phisics at the Universty of Cambridge. She was born in the United States and lived in Chicago and New York. She received a BA in physics and astronomy from Bernard College, Columbia University, a PHD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and subsequently worked at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, and the Center for Particle Astrophysics at the University of California, Berkly, before moving to England. Weidenfield & Nicolson The Orian Publishing Group Orion House 5 Upper Saint Martin's Lane London WC2H 9EA Author Photo by Louise Dignand ‘Janna Levin is one of the most tallented and original of the your cosmologists and her book combines a tour of the frontiers of cosmology with an intimate account of her struggles to reconcile the demands of a scientific career with the demands of the heart. No other scientist has yet had the courage to write such an honest and personal account of what it is like to live the life of a scientist’ LEE SMOLIN, AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF THE COSMOS AND THREE ROADS TO COSMIC GRAVITY ISBN 0-297-64651-6 [Extract] In the last twenty years or so, a clear pattern has emerged in the world of chess— the overall superiority and depth of the Russian chess masters. This book was prepared originally in 1947 by Irving Chernev, one of our countries leading experts, in an effort to point out the causes and factors contributing to this decisive supremacy of the Soviet aces over American and other players. Chernev has put together a remarkable anthology of games—chosen from among thousands of top-flight matches involving Russian masters. Fully annotated and dia­ grammed, they provide a unique, analytical view of the emergence of Soviet domin­ ance, while illustrating the winning styles of about 40 prominent players. There are over 50 modern, instructive games by such greats as Botvinnik, Keres, Boleslavsky, Kotov, Ragizin, Tolush,and many others. For this new edition, Chernev has included an additional section containing analysis of six games played in recent years by Smyslov, Petrosian, Taland Bronstein. Inci­ dentally, all were virtually unknown when this book was first published—indicating the continuing progress and development of Russian chess mastery. Here are examples of the artistic endgame, the brilliant queen scarifice, the extended combination (one splendid combination by Botvinnik is carried out successfully for over twenty moves!), the imaginative attack, the beautiful trap, etc. in games which help to make clear why the Russians have attained the top rank in international play. These games offer a treasure-trove of ideas in chess strategy; a study of them will be of inestimable value to chess players of every level. Enlarged version of the work first published in 1947; 6 additional games. New preface for this edition by the author. Total of 637 diagrams. viii + 215pp. 5 3/8 × 8. Dover 0-486-21165-7 And finally the password: RubinsteinsSchachpartienentdeckt ichfürmichziemlichspät.Ichwar bereitsMeisterkandidat.DerReichtum anschöpferischenIdeen,dieRubin- steinhinterließ,beeindrucktemichda- malssehrstark.
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