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The picture shows Rubik's Cube in the middle of a rotation, wherein the layer is rotated 90 degrees. New version for AutoIt 3.3.10 The scripts were flawed. Fixed in this update. 08-01-2013: First post In the Cubes menu there are six cubes from 2*2*2 to 7*7*7: Pocket Cube, Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Revenge, Professor's Cube, V-Cube 6 and V-Cube 7. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubik's_Cube. The Scramble menu scrambles the cube. In the input field in the statusbar you can set the number of scramble steps. The Solve menu automatically solves the cube. In this version it just plays back the undo log. The Build menu shows how the cubes are created. It also shows how the rotation of a layer is simulated. The Scramble, Solve and Build menus puts the program into a Scramble, Solve and Build mode. To leave the Scramble and Solve modes click the menu once more. To leave the Build mode uncheck the menu. The program mode or state appears in the statusbar. See the Help menu for more information about the menus. Rotating a layer in the cube Click an edge of the layer with the left mouse button and hold the button downMove the mouse in the direction you want to rotate the layerRelease the left mouse buttonThe rotating layer in the picture has probably been clicked somewhere on the blue edge. You can't rotate a layer in Scramble, Solve and Build modes. The mouse buttons can be switched in the Options. Rotating the entire cube Click in the window with the right mouse button and hold the button downMove the mouse in the direction you want the cube to rotateRelease the right mouse buttonThe description of the mouse rotations can be found in the Help menu. Using the keyboard Use the arrow keys or <A,a>, <W,w>, <S,s>, <Z,z> to rotate the cube. Use <Home> or <H,h> to place the cube in the start position. Use <Page Up> or <I,i> and <Page Down> or <O,o> to zoom in and out. Use Num 1-6 or 1-6 to show the 6 sides of the cube. The program Inspiration for the program is from this site: http://rubiksim.sourceforge.net/. The graphics is generated with old style OpenGL 1.1. Some OpenGL globals and functions are copied from this thread http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83581 by trancexx. Especially globals and functions for creating an OpenGL window and a rendering context. Zipfile The zipfile contains a number of files: RubiksCube.au3 - GUI and main loop, run this fileMenuFncs.au3 - implements the menu systemMenuWins.au3 - creates menu system windowsKeyboard.au3 - code for shortcut keysOGLconsts.au3 - OpenGL constantsOGLfuncs.au3 - OpenGL functionsCubes.au3 - creates the cubesTurnLayer.au3 - rotate a layerRotateCube.au3 - rotate the cubeScramble.au3 - scramble functionSolveCube.au3 - solve functionsBuild.au3 - build functionsUtilities.au3 - calculations(The files are edited with Notepad++ with a tabwidth of 2. This doesn't match the default settings in Scite.) 21-01-2013: Update #1 Fixed some errors in the Build menu. Added a log to see the colors of all sides at one time. See picture in post #5. RubiksCube3.3.10.7z Testet on XP 32 bit and Win 7 32/64 bit. Previous versions for AutoIt 3.3.83 points
UDF for Title Case, Initial Caps, and Sentence Case
coffeeturtle reacted to tcurran for a topic
This UDF is intended to improve on the existing _StringProper UDF by using the magic of regular expressions (don't worry, it protects the user from having to know anything about RegEx). In addition to avoiding some of the anomalies associated with _StringProper (such as a cap following each apostrophe--Susan'S Farm), it provides additional functionality: Sentence Case: Only the first word of each sentence (following a period, question mark, exclamation point or colon) is capitalized.Title Case: Initial caps for all words except articles (a, the) and some common conjunctions (and, but) and prepositions (in, on). While the actual rules for capitalizing authored works would require hundreds of lines of code and still not be perfect, this will suffice for most uses.Capitalization Exceptions: Permits user selectable exceptions to the default scheme. Mac (as in MacDonald), Mc, and O' are the defaults, but users can pass their own exceptions in an easy-to-use function parameter.I've chosen not to use the term "Proper Case" in the function at all, because a) there are varying opinions about what it means, b ) my equivalent (termed "Initial Caps") works somewhat differently (i.e. better ), and c) "Proper Case" as used in other applications (e.g. Excel) works (or doesn't work) the same as _StringProper in AutoIt. I'm posting _StringChooseCase here in hopes of getting some feedback and squashing any bugs I've missed prior to submitting it as a candidate for inclusion as a standard AutoIt UDF. UPDATE (3 Jan 2013): I removed the hack noted below using a more bullet-proof method of marking capitalization exceptions, inspired by dany's _StringRegExpSplit function. Also added the colon character as sentence punctuation, and added II, III & IV as default cap exceptions. UPDATE (9 Jan 2013): The code is a hair more efficient. #include-once and #include <array.au3> now appear where they're supposed to. "I" is now always capitalized (both as the first person pronoun and the Roman numeral one). Title Case further improved: It now has a more comprehensive list of lower-case words--mainly more prepositions--and the last word of a title will always be capitalized. #include-once #include <Array.au3> ;_ArrayToString UDF used in Return ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StringChooseCase ; Description ...: Returns a string in the selected upper & lower case format: Initial Caps, Title Case, or Sentence Case ; Syntax.........: _StringChooseCase($sMixed, $iOption[, $sCapExcepts = "Mc^|Mac^|O'^|II|III|IV"]) ;PROSPECTIVE: add param for Ignore mixed case input ; Parameters ....: $sMixed - String to change capitalization of. ; $iOption - 1: Initial Caps: Capitalize Every Word; ; 2: Title Case: Use Standard Rules for the Capitalization of Work Titles; ; 3: Sentence Case: Capitalize as in a sentence. ; $sCapExcepts - [optional] Exceptions to capitalizing set by options, delimited by | character. Use the ^ ; character to cause the next input character (whatever it is) to be capitalized ; Return values .: Success - Returns the same string, capitalized as selected. ; Failure - "" ; Author ........: Tim Curran <tim at timcurran dot com> ; Remarks .......: Option 1 is similar to standard UDF _StringProper, but avoids anomalies like capital following an apostrophe ; Related .......: _StringProper, StringUpper, StringLower ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringChooseCase(ByRef $sMixed, $iOption, $sCapExcepts = "Mc^|Mac^|O'^|I|II|III|IV") Local $asSegments, $sTrimtoAlpha, $iCapPos = 1 $sMixed = StringLower($sMixed) Switch $iOption Case 1 ;Initial Caps $asSegments = StringRegExp($sMixed, ".*?(?:\s|\Z)", 3) ;break by word Case 2 ;Title Case $asSegments = StringRegExp($sMixed, ".*?(?:\s|\Z)", 3) ;break by word Case 3 ;Sentence Case $asSegments = StringRegExp($sMixed, ".*?(?:\.\W*|\?\W*|\!\W*|\:\W*|\Z)", 3) ;break by sentence EndSwitch Local $iLastWord = UBound($asSegments) - 2 For $iIndex = 0 to $iLastWord ;Capitalize the first letter of each element in array $sTrimtoAlpha = StringRegExp($asSegments[$iIndex], "\w.*", 1) If @error = 0 Then $iCapPos = StringInStr($asSegments[$iIndex], $sTrimtoAlpha[0]) If $iOption <> 2 Or $iIndex = 0 Then ;Follow non-cap rules for Title Case if option selected (including cap last word) $asSegments[$iIndex] = StringReplace($asSegments[$iIndex], $iCapPos, StringUpper(StringMid($asSegments[$iIndex], $iCapPos, 1))) ElseIf $iIndex = $iLastWord Or StringRegExp($asSegments[$iIndex], "\band\b|\bthe\b|\ba\b|\ban\b|\bbut\b|\bfor\b|\bor\b|\bin\b|\bon\b|\bfrom\b|\bto\b|\bby\b|\bover\b|\bof\b|\bto\b|\bwith\b|\bas\b|\bat\b", 0) = 0 Then $asSegments[$iIndex] = StringReplace($asSegments[$iIndex], $iCapPos, StringUpper(StringMid($asSegments[$iIndex], $iCapPos, 1))) EndIf ;Capitalization exceptions $asSegments[$iIndex] = _CapExcept($asSegments[$iIndex], $sCapExcepts) Next Return _ArrayToString($asSegments, "") EndFunc ;==> _StringChooseCase Func _CapExcept($sSource, $sExceptions) Local $sRegExaExcept, $iMakeUCPos Local $avExcept = StringSplit($sExceptions, "|") For $iIndex = 1 to $avExcept[0] $sRegExaExcept = "(?i)\b" & $avExcept[$iIndex] $iMakeUCPos = StringInStr($avExcept[$iIndex], "^") If $iMakeUCPos <> 0 Then $sRegExaExcept = StringReplace($sRegExaExcept, "^", "") Else $sRegExaExcept &= "\b" EndIf $avExcept[$iIndex] = StringReplace($avExcept[$iIndex], "^", "") ;remove ^ from replacement text $sSource = StringRegExpReplace($sSource, $sRegExaExcept, $avExcept[$iIndex]) If $iMakeUCPos <> 0 Then Local $iNextUC = _StringRegExpPos($sSource, $sRegExaExcept) Local $iMatches = @extended Local $iCapThis = $iNextUC + $iMakeUCPos For $x = 1 to $iMatches $sSource = StringLeft($sSource, $iCapThis - 2) & StringUpper(StringMid($sSource, $iCapThis - 1, 1)) & StringMid($sSource, $iCapThis) Next EndIf Next Return $sSource EndFunc ;==> _CapExcept Func _StringRegExpPos($sTest, $sPattern, $iOcc = 1, $iStart = 1) Local $sDelim, $iHits If $iStart > StringLen($sTest) Then Return SetError(1) ;Delimiter creation snippet by dany from his version of _StringRegExpSplit For $i = 1 To 31 $sDelim &= Chr($i) If Not StringInStr($sTest, $sDelim) Then ExitLoop If 32 = StringLen($sDelim) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Next Local $aResults = StringRegExpReplace(StringMid($sTest, $iStart + (StringLen($sDelim) * ($iOcc - 1))), "(" & $sPattern & ")", $sDelim & "$1") If @error = 2 Then Return SetError(2, @extended, 0) $iHits = @extended If $iHits = 0 Then Return 0 If $iOcc > $iHits Then Return SetError(1) Local $iPos = StringInStr($aResults, $sDelim, 0, $iOcc) SetExtended($iHits) Return $iStart - 1 + $iPos EndFunc ;<== _StringRegExpPos Here's a bit of sample code: EDIT (16 Jan 2013): Corrected format of #include to use quotation marks instead of angle brackets. #Include "_StringChooseCase.au3" Global $test = "'abcdefghi now it's 'the time for all good men.' 'AND TWELVE MORE MACDONALD'S!'" & @CRLF & "The quick brown fox JUMPED over the lazy MacDonalds. The USA's Usain Bolt ran for the USA." ConsoleWrite(_StringChooseCase($test, 1, "Mc^|Mac^|O'^|USA|FBI|Barack|Obama") & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(_StringChooseCase('"and the band played on"', 2) & @CRLF) Previous downloads: 18 _StringChooseCase.au31 point -
@TheSaint I can appreciate that, in a sense, this is a matter of taste. However, there are rules for title capitalization (see The Chicago Manual of Style, Strunk & White's Elements of Style and many other reference works), and they do dictate that, in general, articles, prepositions and conjunctions are lower case (except when the first word in a title, or a meaningful, principal word). The actual rules are very complex and run to about a page in The Chicago Manual of Style. They'd be impossible to code for because they depend on context and value judgements. That's why Title Case mode in uses a subset of articles, prepositions and conjunctions that are most likely to be lower-case in a title (that follows the rules of capitalization). @czardas @TheSaint The correct British and Amercan version of the title would be: "I Went to the Market by Lofty Waters" (by Charles Smith) I think what @TheSaint was getting at was that "by Lofty Waters" was somehow ambiguous as to whether that was part of the title or the name of the author, and that all initial caps somehow clears it up. But in fact, the rules of formal English dictate that "by" is supposed to be lower case, and the ambiguity is supposed to be cleared up with the use of quotation marks (i.e. inverted commas) or italics.1 point
@czardas Wow, reading that link made my head swim. I can't imagine that there would ever be a function that will ever be able to capitalize any sentence/name without a look up table and a language reference book beside you. Just looking at how the same name sections are capitalized differently depending upon where the person is from or where you're at would make it nearly impossible to make a one-size-fits-all function.1 point
JustReidy, Re-posting code adjusting for 2D array. ; ; Func HelpTranslate() Local $strHK = IniReadSection($strINIFile, "HotKeys") If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "", "Error occured, section not found." & @LF & @LF & "You work out why.") Else _ArrayDisplay($strHK, "Before") For $i = 0 To UBound($strHK) - 1 $strHK[$i][1] = StringReplace($strHK[$i][1], '^', 'CTRL') ; this changes all "^" to "CTRL" ConsoleWrite("Testing " & $strHK[$i][1] & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($strHK, "After") Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>HelpTranslate kylomas1 point
is there a more appropriate forum for beginners?
FireFox reacted to JLogan3o13 for a topic
HAAAAAAAAAAhahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahah!!!!!1 point -
How do i get the string?
telmob reacted to michaelslamet for a topic
#include <Array.au3> Local $aTest_Array[10] = ['AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', 'EE', 'FF', 'GG', 'HH', 'II', 'JJ'] Msgbox(0,"Info",$aTest_Array[Random(1,10,1)-1])1 point -
You gave the code...just need to write into the ini. IniWrite("file.ini", "Section", "Key", "{F5}") HotKeySet(IniRead("file.ini", "Section", "Key", ""), "Function") While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Func Function() ConsoleWrite("toto" & @crlf) EndFunc1 point
Mat, You want it, you write it! Seriously, if I need user interaction I tend to use a MsgBox (or one of my own ExtMsgBox) and centre it on the app that needs the information. I use Toasts more for passing information to the user - "Indexing, please be patient", "The playing track is...." sort of stuff. M231 point