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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2012 in all areas

  1. Use a script that runs from the Startup folder, they're usually the last thing to be executed when the user logs in. You can have it set a flag or write a file that tells the script it has already run once on this user so don't run again (if running multiple times is an issue).
    1 point
  2. jmon

    Form Builder beta

    Excellent work! There are so many features I prefer over Koda! - I like the control states to be shown as constants - I like the way to add styles, By the way, in Koda, you cannot set the constant $BS_ICON on a button without adding a picture, and here it's possible. - So easy to copy paste the code - Resizing icons are so intuitive Features I think should be added: - Auto declare Global / Local variables. Either like this: Global $hGUI = GUICreate( "New Window", 410, 292, -1, -1) Global $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton( "Button", 140, 220, 100, 30) Global $Edit2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit( "Edit", 90, 30, 220, 180) or in one line : Global $hGUI, $Button1, $Edit2 $hGUI = GUICreate( "New Window", 410, 292, -1, -1) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton( "Button", 140, 220, 100, 30) $Edit2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit( "Edit", 90, 30, 220, 180) - maybe a slider to change the transparency of the the grid - under the button "Copy script" and "save script", you could maybe add buttons like: "copy constants", "copy Controls", in order to copy without the while / wend. - missing an input on the GUI to set the parent GUI (8th param of GuiCreate). - If I create 2 tabs, using the button to create a tab, I have 2 Tab items. Then after it's difficult or impossible to delete them. Also sometimes, If I manage to delete one tab and then the other, One tab stays written in the code. Thanks
    1 point
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