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The other day mikeytown2 posted one post in HTTP UDF's thread that got me thinking if there is better (different) method to send requests through the HTTP protocol to HTTP servers. There is Winhttp.dll that ships with windows and that is its main purpose. I couldn't find any examples of using this dll in AutoIt, so I came up with this. Microsoft about Windows HTTP Services: Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with an HTTP client application programming interface (API) to send requests through the HTTP protocol to other HTTP servers... .. blah, blah, and so on... This is an example of getting page header: #include "WinHttp.au3" Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; Open needed handles Local $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen() Local $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, "msdn.microsoft.com") ; Specify the reguest: Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, Default, "en-us/library/aa384101(VS.85).aspx") ; Send request _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest) ; Wait for the response _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) Local $sHeader = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest) ; ...get full header ; Clean _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hConnect) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hOpen) ; Display retrieved header MsgBox(0, "Header", $sHeader)Everything you need to be able to use this UDF can be found at WinHttp site. Remember, basic understanding of the HTTP protocol is important to use this interface. ProgAndy, trancexx WinHttp.au3 is completely free and no one has right to charge you for it. That's very important. If you feel WinHttp.au3 was helpful to you and you wish to support my further work you can donate to my personal account via PayPal address: trancexx at yahoo dot com I will appreciate that very much. Thank you in advance! :kiss:1 point
MySQL UDFs using libmysql.dll functions: most functions from MySQL API all are prefixed with an underscore: _MySql... e.g.: _MySQL_Real_Query( sometimes parameters are chaged - read function descriptions in include file MySQL.au3 If you do not need the power of these UDFs and you simple want to use basic SQL commands, then have a look at not included: MySQL_Connect - This function is deprecated. Use _MySQL_Real_Connect instead. MySQL_Create_DB - This function is deprecated. Use mysql_query() to issue an SQL CREATE DATABASE statement instead. MySQL_Drop_DB - This function is deprecated. Use mysql_query() to issue an SQL DROP DATABASE statement instead. MySQL_Escape_String - You should use _mysql_real_escape_string() instead! MySQL_Kill - This function is deprecated. Use mysql_real_query() to issue an SQL KILL statement instead mysql_library_end - Called by _MySQL_EndLibrary. mysql_library_init - Called by _MySQL_InitLibrary. I included a fallback-libmysql.dll: yoou can include libMySQLDLL.au3 and set $Use_EmbeddedDLL=True when calling _MySQL_InitLibrary an example for XAMPP / cdcol is also included in ZIP. #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: Prog@ndy Script Function: MySQL-Plugin Demo Script #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <array.au3> #include "mysql.au3" ; MYSQL starten, DLL im PATH (enthält auch @ScriptDir), sont Pfad zur DLL angeben. DLL muss libmysql.dll heißen. _MySQL_InitLibrary() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', "could nit init MySQL") MsgBox(0, "DLL Version:",_MySQL_Get_Client_Version()&@CRLF& _MySQL_Get_Client_Info()) $MysqlConn = _MySQL_Init() ;Fehler Demo: MsgBox(0,"Error-demo","Error-Demo") $connected = _MySQL_Real_Connect($MysqlConn,"localhostdfdf","droot","","cdcol") If $connected = 0 Then $errno = _MySQL_errno($MysqlConn) MsgBox(0,"Error:",$errno & @LF & _MySQL_error($MysqlConn)) If $errno = $CR_UNKNOWN_HOST Then MsgBox(0,"Error:","$CR_UNKNOWN_HOST" & @LF & $CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) Endif ; XAMPP cdcol MsgBox(0, "XAMPP-Cdcol-demo", "XAMPP-Cdcol-demo") $connected = _MySQL_Real_Connect($MysqlConn, "localhost", "root", "", "cdcol") If $connected = 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, 'Connection Error', _MySQL_Error($MysqlConn)) $query = "SELECT * FROM cds" $mysql_bool = _MySQL_Real_Query($MysqlConn, $query) If $mysql_bool = $MYSQL_SUCCESS Then MsgBox(0, '', "Query OK") Else $errno = _MySQL_errno($MysqlConn) MsgBox(0,"Error:",$errno & @LF & _MySQL_error($MysqlConn)) EndIf $res = _MySQL_Store_Result($MysqlConn) $fields = _MySQL_Num_Fields($res) $rows = _MySQL_Num_Rows($res) MsgBox(0, "", $rows & "-" & $fields) ; Access2 1 MsgBox(0, '', "Access method 1- manual") Dim $array[$rows][$fields] For $k = 1 To $rows $mysqlrow = _MySQL_Fetch_Row($res,$fields) $lenthsStruct = _MySQL_Fetch_Lengths($res) For $i = 1 To $fields $length = DllStructGetData($lenthsStruct, 1, $i) $fieldPtr = DllStructGetData($mysqlrow, 1, $i) $data = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("char[" & $length & "]", $fieldPtr), 1) $array[$k - 1][$i - 1] = $data Next Next _ArrayDisplay($array) ; Access 2 MsgBox(0, '', "Access method 2 - row for row") _MySQL_Data_Seek($res, 0) ; just reset the pointer to the beginning of the result set Do $row1 = _MySQL_Fetch_Row_StringArray($res) If @error Then ExitLoop _ArrayDisplay($row1) Until @error ; Access 3 MsgBox(0, '', "Access method 3 - read whole result in 2D-Array") $array = _MySQL_Fetch_Result_StringArray($res) _ArrayDisplay($array) ; fieldinfomation MsgBox(0, '', "Access fieldinformation") Dim $arFields[$fields][3] For $i = 0 To $fields - 1 $field = _MySQL_Fetch_Field_Direct($res, $i) $arFields[$i][0] = _MySQL_Field_ReadValue($field, "name") $arFields[$i][1] = _MySQL_Field_ReadValue($field, "table") $arFields[$i][2] = _MySQL_Field_ReadValue($field, "db") Next _ArrayDisplay($arFields) ; free result _MySQL_Free_Result($res) ; Close connection _MySQL_Close($MysqlConn) ; exit MYSQL _MySQL_EndLibrary() MySQL UDf Downloads: (including x86 and x64)</array.au3>1 point
Sorry I had misled by your first line into thinking you only wanted the SZs, i left that portion commented if that indeed is needed. This should dump the key + values to a list... $Val = "" $key = "HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerDisallowRun" For $i = 1 to 999 $Val &= RegEnumVal($key , $i) & @LF if @Error <> 0 Then ExitLoop ;~ If @Extended = 1 then $type = "String" ;~ If @Extended = 2 then $type = "Expandable" ;~ If @Extended = 3 then $type = "Binary" ;~ If @Extended = 4 then $type = "Dword" ;~ If @Extended = 7 then $type = "Multi" ;~ If @Extended = 11 then $type = "Qword" ;~ $Val &= " :type: " & $type & @CRLF Next $Aval = stringsplit($Val , @LF) $GUI = GUICreate("Key Enum" , 1000 , 800 , 0 , 0) $list = GUICtrlCreateList("" , 0 , 0 , 1000 , 800) for $i = 1 to $Aval[0] - 1 If stringright($key & "" & $Aval[$i] , 1) = "" Then GuiCtrlSetData($list , $key & "" & $Aval[$i]) Else GuiCtrlSetData($list , $key & "" & $Aval[$i] & " value= " & regread($key , $Aval[$i])) Endif Next GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) sleep (6000)1 point
Decipher, No, I use a much more sophisticated algorithm than that. M231 point
2D Array's ArrayFindAll ... then results added to 2D array ArrayAdd?
souldjer777 reacted to czardas for a topic
Expanding on the helpfile example: #include <Array.au3> Local $avArray[5][2] = [["0","a"],["1","b"],["2","c"],["3","b"],["4","a"]] Local $avResult = _ArrayFindAll($avArray, "a", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) _ArrayDisplay($avArray, "$avArray") _ArrayDisplay($avResult, "Results of searching for 'a' in $avArray") ; The new array will have the same number of columns Local $aNewArray[UBound($avResult)][UBound($avArray, 2)] For $i = 0 To UBound($avResult) -1 ; Loop through the returned index numbers. For $j = 0 To UBound($avArray, 2) -1 ; Loop through each of the columns. $aNewArray[$i][$j] = $avArray [$avResult[$i]] [$j] ; Populate the new array. Next Next _ArrayDisplay($aNewArray, "New Array")1 point -
No need to apologize and say thankyou 10 times, twice is enough. I like helping old people. Who knows, maybe you die tomorrow. It would break my heart knowing you went not knowing how to replace bitmap resource.1 point
Run applications on specific monitors?
david1337 reacted to JLogan3o13 for a topic
Take a look at WinMove in the help file. You can launch the application and then move it to the position that suits you.1 point -
"Look In" ComboBox seems to contain a TreeView?
Edmonds reacted to Mechaflash for a topic
There's a couple of finicky things to recognize with these Combo Boxes. 1. In order to cycle through multiple items, (i.e. sending a ControlCommand($title, "", "cID", "SelectString",$s) to multiple items), it will only work if you force a "ShowDropdown" first. 2. For it to show the contents of the selected folder, you have to perform a ControlSend() with the "{ENTER}" key. 3. It will only allow you to send the "{ENTER}" key to show the contents of the selected folder if the combobox is in a 'dropped down' state. 4. [EXTRA] Some applications (like Notepad and OpenOffice) show the [CLASS] of the dropdown box as being #32770, where ClassNN = #327701, when it is actually ComboBox, where ClassNN = ComboBox1, like all the others. With that being said, I tested this on the Firefox 'Open File' dialogue. The below reproduces the issue. $sTitle = "Open" $sID = "ComboBox1" WinActivate($sTitle) ControlCommand($sTitle, "", $sID, "ShowDropdown", "") Sleep(1000) ControlCommand($sTitle, "", $sID, "SelectString", "My Network Places") Sleep(1000) ControlSend($sTitle, "", $sID, "{ENTER}") SOLUTION: The below code will allow you to do what you need (tested using the Firefox 'Open File' dialogue. $sTitle = "Open" $sID = "ComboBox1" WinActivate($sTitle) ControlCommand($sTitle, "", $sID, "ShowDropdown", "") Sleep(1000) ControlCommand($sTitle, "", $sID, "SelectString", "My Network Places") Sleep(1000) ControlCommand($sTitle, "", $sID, "ShowDropdown", "") ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Added Sleep(1000) ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Added ControlSend($sTitle, "", $sID, "{ENTER}")1 point -
I created a window to select HotKeys with the msctls_hotkey32 control. It translates the Codes to AutoIT hotkey syntax, so you can directly use it in HotKeySet Hope, someone will need it. HotKeySelect.au3 CODE#include<WinAPI.au3>#include<ButtonConstants.au3> #include<StaticConstants.au3> #include<WindowsConstants.au3> #include<GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include<SendMessage.au3> Global Const $HKM_GETHOTKEY = $WM_USER + 2 Global Const $HOTKEYF_ALT = 0x4 Global Const $HOTKEYF_CONTROL = 0x2 Global Const $HOTKEYF_SHIFT = 0x1 Global Const $HOTKEYF_EXT = 0x80 Global $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[65][2] _CreateVK() ;http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775233(VS.85).aspx ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _SelectHotkey($OldHotkey = "") ; Description:: Opens a window to select a HotKey ; Parameter(s): $OldHotKey - The Old Hotkey in HotKey Format ; Requirement(s): WinAPI.au3 ; Return Value(s): New HotKey ; Cancel, GUIClose: Hotkey given in OldHotKEy ; Author(s): Prog@ndy ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _SelectHotkey($OldHotkey = "") Local $OldEvent = Opt("GUIOnEventMode",0) Local $wKey, $OK, $hHkey, $Cancel, $msg Local $wnd = GUICreate("Set Hotkey", 220, 160) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Old Hotkey:", 2, 3, -1, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel($OldHotkey, 2, 20, 218, 22, $SS_SUNKEN + $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xCCCCCC) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, -1, "Arial") GUICtrlCreateLabel("New Hotkey:", 2, 44, -1, 20) $hHkey = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx(0, "msctls_hotkey32", "", $WS_CHILD + $WS_VISIBLE, 0, 62, 220, 22, $wnd) $wKey = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("+ WIN-Key", 10, 86) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 10, 130, 85, -1, $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, Default, 800) $Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Abbrechen", 105, 130, 85) _WinAPI_SetFocus($hHkey) GUISetState() Local $Return = $OldHotkey, $Error = 0 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $OK Local $x = _GetHotKey($hHkey) If $x = "" Then Switch MsgBox(292, 'HotKeySelect', "Do you really want to remove the HotKey?") Case 6 $Return = "" ExitLoop Case Else ContinueLoop EndSwitch EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($wKey), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $x = "#" & $x $Return = $x ExitLoop Case $Cancel, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Error = 1 ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($wnd) Opt("GUIOnEventMode",$OldEvent) Return SetError($Error,0,$Return) EndFunc ;==>_Hotkey Func _GetHotKey($hotKeyControl) If Not IsHWnd($hotKeyControl) Then Return -1 Local $Chr = "" Local $hk = _SendMessage($hotKeyControl, $HKM_GETHOTKEY, 0, 0) Local $loByte = BitAND(_WinAPI_LoWord($hk), 0xFF) Local $HiByte = BitShift(_WinAPI_LoWord($hk), 8) $hk = $loByte For $i = 0 To 64 If $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$i][0] = $hk Then $Chr = $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Chr <> "" Then Return $Chr $Chr = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "MapVirtualKey", "int", $hk, "int", 2) $Chr = StringLower(Chr(BitAND($Chr[0], 0xFFFF))) If $Chr = "!" Or $Chr = "^" Or $Chr = "+" Or $Chr = "{" Or $Chr = "}" Or $Chr = "#" Then $Chr = "{" & $Chr & "}" EndIf If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_SHIFT) = $HOTKEYF_SHIFT Then $Chr = "+" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_ALT) = $HOTKEYF_ALT Then $Chr = "!" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_CONTROL) = $HOTKEYF_CONTROL Then $Chr = "^" & $Chr If BitAND($HiByte, $HOTKEYF_EXT) = $HOTKEYF_EXT Then $Chr = "#" & $Chr Return $Chr EndFunc ;==>_GetHotKey Func _CreateVK() ;~ Global Const $VK_CTRL_BREAK = '03' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[0][0] = 0x03 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[0][1] = "{BREAK}" ;~ Global Const $VK_BACK = '08' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][0] = 0x09 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][1] = "{TAB}" ;~ Global Const $VK_TAB = '09' ;~ Global Const $VK_CLEAR = '0C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[2][0] = 0x0C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[2][1] = "{CLEAR}" ;~ Global Const $VK_ENTER = '0D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[3][0] = 0x0D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[3][1] = "{ENTER}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SHIFT = 10 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[4][0] = 0x10 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[4][1] = "+" ;~ Global Const $VK_CTRL = 11 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[5][0] = 0x11 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[5][1] = "^" ;~ Global Const $VK_ALT = 12 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[6][0] = 0x12 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[6][1] = "!" ;~ Global Const $VK_PAUSE = 13 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[7][0] = 0x13 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[7][1] = "{PAUSE}" ;~ Global Const $VK_CAPS = 14 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[8][0] = 0x14 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[8][1] = "{CAPSLOCK}" ;~ Global Const $VK_ESC = '1B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[9][0] = 0x1B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[9][1] = "{ESC}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SPACE = 20 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[10][0] = 0x20 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[10][1] = "{SPACE}" ;~ Global Const $VK_PAGE_UP = 21 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[11][0] = 0x21 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[11][1] = "{PGUP}" ;~ Global Const $VK_PADE_DOWN = 22 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[12][0] = 0x22 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[12][1] = "{PGDN}" ;~ Global Const $VK_END = 23 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[13][0] = 0x23 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[13][1] = "{END}" ;~ Global Const $VK_HOME = 24 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[14][0] = 0x24 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[14][1] = "{HOME}" ;~ Global Const $VK_LEFT = 25 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[15][0] = 0x25 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[15][1] = "{LEFT}" ;~ Global Const $VK_UP = 26 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[16][0] = 0x26 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[16][1] = "{UP}" ;~ Global Const $VK_RIGHT = 27 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[17][0] = 0x27 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[17][1] = "{RIGHT}" ;~ Global Const $VK_DOWN = 28 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[18][0] = 0x28 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[18][1] = "{DOWN}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SELECT = 29 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[19][0] = 0x29 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[19][1] = "{SELECT}" ;~ Global Const $VK_PRINT = '2A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[20][0] = 0x2A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[20][1] = "{PRINTSCREEN}" ;~ Global Const $VK_EXECUTE = '2B' ;~ $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][0]=0x20 ;~ $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[1][1]="{SPACE}" ;~ Global Const $VK_PRINT_SCR = '2C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[21][0] = 0x2C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[21][1] = "{PRINTSCREEN}" ;~ Global Const $VK_INS = '2D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[22][0] = 0x2D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[22][1] = "{INS}" ;~ Global Const $VK_DEL = '2E' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[23][0] = 0x2E $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[23][1] = "{DEL}" ;~ Global Const $VK_HELP = '2F' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[24][0] = 0x2F $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[24][1] = "{F1}" ;~ Global Const $VK_L_WIN = '5B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[25][0] = 0x5B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[25][1] = "#" ;~ Global Const $VK_R_WIN = '5C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[26][0] = 0x5C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[26][1] = "#" ;~ Global Const $VK_APP = '5D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[27][0] = 0x5D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[27][1] = "{APPSKEY}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD0 = 60 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[28][0] = 0x60 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[28][1] = "{NUMPAD0}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD1 = 61 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[29][0] = 0x61 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[29][1] = "{NUMPAD1}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD2 = 62 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[30][0] = 0x62 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[30][1] = "{NUMPAD2}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD3 = 63 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[31][0] = 0x63 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[31][1] = "{NUMPAD3}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD4 = 64 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[32][0] = 0x64 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[32][1] = "{NUMPAD4}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD5 = 65 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[33][0] = 0x65 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[33][1] = "{NUMPAD5}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD6 = 66 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[34][0] = 0x66 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[34][1] = "{NUMPAD6}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD7 = 67 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[35][0] = 0x67 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[35][1] = "{NUMPAD7}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD8 = 68 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[36][0] = 0x68 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[36][1] = "{NUMPAD8}" ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMPAD9 = 69 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[37][0] = 0x69 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[37][1] = "{NUMPAD9}" ;~ Global Const $VK_MULTIPLY = '6A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[38][0] = 0x6A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[38][1] = "{NUMPADMULT}" ;~ Global Const $VK_ADD = '6B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[39][0] = 0x6B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[39][1] = "{NUMPADADD}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SEPERATOR = '6C' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[40][0] = 0x6C $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[40][1] = "{NUMPADENTER}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SUBSTRACT = '6D' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[41][0] = 0x6D $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[41][1] = "{NUMPADSUB}" ;~ Global Const $VK_DECIMAL = '6E' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[42][0] = 0x6E $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[42][1] = "{NUMPADDOT}" ;~ Global Const $VK_DIVIDE = '6F' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[43][0] = 0x6F $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[43][1] = "{NUMPADDIV}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F1 = 70 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[44][0] = 0x70 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[44][1] = "{F1}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F2 = 71 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[45][0] = 0x71 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[45][1] = "{F2}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F3 = 72 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[46][0] = 0x72 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[46][1] = "{F3}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F4 = 73 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[47][0] = 0x73 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[47][1] = "{F4}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F5 = 74 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[48][0] = 0x74 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[48][1] = "{F5}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F6 = 75 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[49][0] = 0x75 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[49][1] = "{F6}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F7 = 76 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[50][0] = 0x76 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[50][1] = "{F7}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F8 = 77 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[51][0] = 0x77 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[51][1] = "{F8}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F9 = 78 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[52][0] = 0x78 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[52][1] = "{F9}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F10 = 79 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[53][0] = 0x79 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[53][1] = "{F10}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F11 = '7A' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[54][0] = 0x7A $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[54][1] = "{F11}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F12 = '7B' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[55][0] = 0x7B $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[55][1] = "{F12}" ;~ Global Const $VK_F13 = '7C' ;~ Global Const $VK_F14 = '7D' ;~ Global Const $VK_F15 = '7E' ;~ Global Const $VK_F16 = '7F' ;~ Global Const $VK_F17 = '80H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F18 = '81H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F19 = '82H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F20 = '83H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F21 = '84H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F22 = '85H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F23 = '86H' ;~ Global Const $VK_F24 = '87H' ;~ Global Const $VK_NUMLOCK = 90 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[56][0] = 0x90 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[56][1] = "{NUMLOCK}" ;~ Global Const $VK_SCROLL_LOCK = 91 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[57][0] = 0x91 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[57][1] = "{SCROLLLOCK}" ;~ Global Const $VK_L_SHIFT = 'A0' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[58][0] = 0xA0 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[58][1] = "+" ;~ Global Const $VK_R_SHIFT = 'A1' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[59][0] = 0xA1 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[59][1] = "+" ;~ Global Const $VK_L_CTRL = 'A2' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[60][0] = 0xA2 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[60][1] = "^" ;~ Global Const $VK_R_CTRL = 'A3' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[61][0] = 0xA3 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[61][1] = "^" ;~ Global Const $VK_L_MENU = 'A4' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[62][0] = 0xA4 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[62][1] = "{APPSKEY}" ;~ Global Const $VK_R_MENU = 'A5' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[63][0] = 0xA5 $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[63][1] = "{APPSKEY}" ;~ Global Const $VK_PLAY = 'FA' $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[64][0] = 0xFA $VirtualKeyCode_To_HotKey_Mapping[64][1] = "{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE}" ;~ Global Const $VK_ZOOM = 'FB' ;~ Global Const $VK_OFF = 'DF' ;~ Global Const $VK_COMMA = 'BC' ;~ Global Const $VK_POINT = 'BE' ;~ Global Const $VK_PERIOD = 'BE' ;~ Global Const $VK_PLUS = 'BB' ;~ Global Const $VK_MINUS = 'BD' ;other: ;~ Global Const $VK_COLON = 'BA' ;==> :; ;~ Global Const $VK_SLASH = 'BF' ;==> /? ;~ Global Const $VK_TILDE = 'C0' ;==> `~ ;~ Global Const $VK_OPEN_BRACKET = 'DB' ;==> [{ ;~ Global Const $VK_CLOSE_BRACKET = 'DD' ;==> ]} ;~ Global Const $VK_BACK_SLASH = 'DC' ;==> \| ;~ Global Const $VK_QUOTATION = 'DE' ;==> '" EndFunc ;==>_CreateVK Example: ;#### EXAMPLE #include <HotKeySelect.au3> MsgBox(0, 'Example',"Example for HotKeySelect.au3" & @CRLF & "Result: " & _SelectHotkey("#1"))1 point