Thanks guys for inputs but I'm not interesed especially to get this specific information as much to know how to get all data from this registers in a single call. If I would need just to get VendorID your code would be nice.
EDIT: I'm such an idiot, I could pass a string and add the content of registers to it.
#include <Memory.au3>
Func GetVendorID()
$Code = "0x" & _ ; use32
"55" & _ ; push ebp
"89E5" & _ ; mov ebp, esp
"60" & _ ; pushad
"B800000000" & _ ; mov eax,0
"0FA2" & _ ; cpuid
"8B7D08" & _ ; mov edi, [ebp + 08]
"891F" & _ ; mov [edi], ebx
"895704" & _ ; mov [edi + 4], edx
"894F08" & _ ; mov [edi + 8], ecx
"B000" & _ ; mov al, 0
"88470C" & _ ; mov [edi + 12], al
"61" & _ ; popad
"5D" & _ ; pop ebp
"C20400" ; ret 4
$iSize = BinaryLen($Code)
$pBuffer = _MemVirtualAlloc(0,$iSize,$MEM_COMMIT,$PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
$tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte Code[" & $iSize & "]",$pBuffer)
$aRet = DllCallAddress("int",$pBuffer,"str","")
Return $aRet[1]