Update :
Optimized whole code, added redim step var.
I had to create Excel files for my needs, but I wondered how to do it because xlsx files are not raw editable; so I searched for a way do it.
Excel can open multiple files type, and the XML is a good way to do it so here it is.
It creates an Excel XML file, with which you will be able to :
-Create Rows
-Create Cells and set it's color
-Set column width
-Set global text horizontal align
-Set XML author
-Set XML creation date
-Set XML compagny
And of course you can easily add features.
Here is an example :
#include "Excel_XML.au3"
$iRow = _ExcelXML_Row_Add()
_ExcelXML_Column_SetWidth(1, 100)
_ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Row 1, Cell 1")
_ExcelXML_Column_SetWidth(2, 200)
_ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Column width set to 200px")
$iRow = _ExcelXML_Row_Add()
$iCell = _ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Cell color red")
_ExcelXML_Cell_SetColor($iCell, 0xFF0000)
_ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Excel XML UDF")
$hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Excel_XML test.xml", 2)
FileWrite($hFile, _ExcelXML_Assemble())
_ExcelXML_Destroy() And what you are waiting for : Excel_XML.au3 (Previous : 53 downloads)
Enjoy !