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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Try this: Local $sHex = '0xD790D799D79F20D79BD79ED79520D794D791D799D7AA' Local $sEscaped = StringRegExpReplace(StringMid($sHex, 3), '([[:xdigit:]]{2})', 'x$1') ConsoleWrite($sEscaped & @LF)
    2 points
  2. Update : Version Optimized whole code, added redim step var. Hi, I had to create Excel files for my needs, but I wondered how to do it because xlsx files are not raw editable; so I searched for a way do it. Excel can open multiple files type, and the XML is a good way to do it so here it is. It creates an Excel XML file, with which you will be able to : -Create Rows -Create Cells and set it's color -Set column width -Set global text horizontal align -Set XML author -Set XML creation date -Set XML compagny And of course you can easily add features. Here is an example : #include "Excel_XML.au3" $iRow = _ExcelXML_Row_Add() _ExcelXML_Column_SetWidth(1, 100) _ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Row 1, Cell 1") _ExcelXML_Column_SetWidth(2, 200) _ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Column width set to 200px") $iRow = _ExcelXML_Row_Add() $iCell = _ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Cell color red") _ExcelXML_Cell_SetColor($iCell, 0xFF0000) _ExcelXML_Cell_Add($iRow, "Excel XML UDF") $hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Excel_XML test.xml", 2) FileWrite($hFile, _ExcelXML_Assemble()) FileClose($hFile) _ExcelXML_Destroy() And what you are waiting for : Excel_XML.au3 (Previous : 53 downloads) Enjoy !
    1 point
  3. use the _IETable* functions to strip text of tables into arrays
    1 point
  4. Hi, Timmy2, welcome to the forum. We do not support requests for coding-for-hire. If you would like something like that, please check out vWorker, where you can request apss coded in AutoIt. The members on this forum take the "teach a man to fish" motto when it comes to scripting. I would sugges, as Kevinsyel does above, to start with the help file. Try some code on your own. If you run into a problem and get stuck, feel free to post your code here and we'll do our best to assist
    1 point
  5. jchd

    Question about Regex...

    Please don't take it bad. The issue here is that we can have a number of cases, the most delicate being that we need to decide if we're in a string literal, a true continuation operator or inside a comment. We may encounter the ' _' sequence everywhere, or not at all. To make things harder, a string can use single- or double-quotes delimiters ('abc' = "abc"), yet include double- or single-quotes respectively, or escaped (doubled) quote delimiter, non exclusively ("Mac'Do" = 'Mac''Do', 'Hi "folks"' = "Hi ""folks"""). That only by itself is far from completely trivial. But realize that what looks like a valid string literal with any quoting might in fact be inside a comment, as a line by itself or after a partial or final statement. The only way out is to parse the syntax from the left hand and that requires a gross-grain parser. I fully acknowledge this _can_ in theory be done in a single PCRE regexp (after all PCRE is as close to a Turing machine as one can dream). BUT --and this is a big but-- doing so is very far from elementary and would be both ugly, very large and unmaintainable.
    1 point
  6. thank you very much, it is a great job!
    1 point
  7. guinness

    Compiled exe speeds etc

    AutoIt is what it is.
    1 point
  8. Thanks! It looks useful.
    1 point
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