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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2012 in all areas

  1. water

    Simple Script Help

    You have to set the HotKey again because you un-set it at the start of function main.
    1 point
  2. Bowmore

    Strip Tags ?

    This may be what you are looking for $test = "blablabla <b>asd</b> <img src='test.png'> testtest" $test = StringRegExpReplace($test,"<[^<]*>","") Msgbox(0,"",$test)
    1 point
  3. Khryus

    Hold Key Down

    From the help file: "To hold a key down Send("{a down}") ;Holds the A key down Send("{a up}") ;Releases the A key"
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Maybe this could help: #include <WinAPI.au3> $RESULT = _WinAPI_CreateFile(".COM3", 2, 2) If $RESULT = 0 then msgbox(16, "", "Port not available, please plug in your device") else $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[6]") _WinAPI_ReadFile($RESULT, DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer), 6, $nBytes) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($RESULT) $sText = BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1)) msgbox(64, "Reading", "This is the output of 6 bytes from COM3: " & $sText) EndIf
    1 point
  6. BrewManNH

    Set SciTE user home

    Yes, you'd have to create it. I use the AutoIt3 portable script in Example Scripts which sets this automatically, and then runs SciTE, and then as soon as the program exits, the environment variable gets destroyed.
    1 point
  7. DK12000

    Progressbar with GDIplus

    Awsome, that fixed it. Thanks for this, it is now my progress bar of choice muttley
    1 point
  8. Jon

    Forum Information and FAQs

    User Groups and Rights New Members - New members with that joined the forum within the last day. While in this group there are certain restrictions on the number of posts/PMs that can be made. This is to reduce the impact of spammers. After 24 hours members of this group will be promoted the Members group. Members - Members older than one day but with less than 20 posts. Standard access to the forum. Active Members - Members with more than 20 posts have additional rights No advertsSlightly more generous attachment and PM limitsAccess to the Chat forumAbility to upload files to the Downloads section MVPs - Members who are judged by the community to be helpful, who write and share useful code, who help the development of AutoIt. These users have the same rights as normal members but get a team icon, a little more attachment and PM space, and access to the MVP Chat forum section. Moderators - The forum police. This is not a democracy and each of the mods has their own distinct personality. They have the rights to edit posts, delete posts, ban users, delete users, IP ban, etc. Let the poster beware. Developers - A small group of users with access to the AutoIt source code and who have contributed significantly to the internal development of AutoIt. Some of them are also Moderators. Post Count and Rankings Ranks based on increasing post count are as follows: SeekerWayfarerAdventurerProdigyPolymathUniversalistThese titles are auto-generated and have no relation to actual skill level. Once you reach 300 posts you can change the title to whatever you like.
    1 point
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