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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2012 in all areas

  1. It's called forum etiquette. I suggest you learn it before you find your ability to post on this forum significantly impacted. I am not the person you want to argue with.
    1 point
  2. Sure, this is what I had. Haven't touched it since the original playing around since the GUI issues discouraged me too much and got busy with other things. This would definitely need a lot of cleaning up and more error handling, but this was a working model... I tried to take out everything except the parts that really pertain to the authorization and using it. You can piece it together depending on your application. Func Authorize($verifier_input = "") If $verifier_input = "" Then ; initial auth setup $path = "/oauth/request_token" $postdata = "oauth_consumer_key=" & $oauth_consumer_key $header = 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="' & $oauth_consumer_key & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT"' $header &= ',oauth_timestamp="' & Timestamp() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_nonce="' & Nonce() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature="' & $oauth_signature & '"' $response = MakeRequest("POST", $path, $postdata, $header) SetTokenStrings($response[1]) $path = "/oauth/authorize" $postdata = $response[1] $header = "" $link = "https://" & $host & $path & "?" & $postdata ShellExecute($link) Else ; returning setup, process verifier $oauth_verifier = $verifier_input $path = "/oauth/access_token" $postdata = "oauth_consumer_key=" & $oauth_consumer_key $header = 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="' & $oauth_consumer_key & '"' $header &= ',oauth_token="' & $oauth_token & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT"' $header &= ',oauth_timestamp="' & Timestamp() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_nonce="' & Nonce() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature="' & $oauth_signature & '"' $header &= ',oauth_verifier="' & $oauth_verifier & '"' $response = MakeRequest("POST", $path, $postdata, $header) SetTokenStrings($response[1]) IniWrite($ini, "auth", "tk", $oauth_token) IniWrite($ini, "auth", "sig", $oauth_signature) AuthStuff("HIDE") Refresh() EndIf EndFunc Func Refresh() ; make sure it isn't too recent first If Timestamp() - $last_refresh > 44 Then $last_refresh = Timestamp() $path = "/api/v1/messages.xml" $postdata = "" $header = 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="' & $oauth_consumer_key & '"' $header &= ',oauth_token="' & $oauth_token & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT"' $header &= ',oauth_timestamp="' & Timestamp() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_nonce="' & Nonce() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature="' & $oauth_signature & '"' $response = MakeRequest("GET", $path, $postdata, $header) $last_xml = $response[1] Else MsgBox(0, "", "Too soon to refresh!") EndIf _XMLLoadXML($last_xml) $nNodes = _XMLGetNodeCount("/response/messages/message") For $i = 1 To $nNodes $body = _XMLGetValue("/response/messages/message[" & $i & "]/body/plain") $text = $body[1] Next EndFunc Func Post($s) $path = "/api/v1/messages.xml" $postdata = "body=" & $s ; need to encode this $header = 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="' & $oauth_consumer_key & '"' $header &= ',oauth_token="' & $oauth_token & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT"' $header &= ',oauth_timestamp="' & Timestamp() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_nonce="' & Nonce() & '"' $header &= ',oauth_signature="' & $oauth_signature & '"' $header &= ' Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' $response = MakeRequest("POST", $path, $postdata, $header) _ArrayDisplay($response) ;~ Refresh() EndFunc Func Startup() ; see if ini file is there first If Not FileExists($ini) Then FileOpen($ini, 10) FileClose($ini) EndIf $temp_token = IniRead($ini, "auth", "tk", "") $temp_signature = IniRead($ini, "auth", "sig", "") If $temp_token = "" Then ; if blank, do initial authorization first AuthStuff("SHOW") MsgBox(16, "Initial setup required", "It appears that you have not set up authorization.") Authorize() Else $oauth_token = $temp_token $oauth_signature = $temp_signature ;~ Refresh() EndIf EndFunc Func MakeRequest($req_type, $req_path, $req_postdata, $req_header, $req_return_type = 1) ; set up connection, pass arguments and return something ... options for returning? Local $t_or_f Switch $req_return_type Case 1 ; default return type $t_or_f = "True" Case 2 $t_or_f = "False" EndSwitch Local $session = _WinHttpOpen() Local $connection = _WinHttpConnect($session, $host) Local $response = _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest($connection, $req_type, $req_path, $req_postdata, Default, $req_header, $t_or_f) _WinHttpCloseHandle($connection) _WinHttpCloseHandle($session) Return $response EndFunc Func SetTokenStrings($s) ; we need oauth_token and oauth_token_secret from string and might be out of order $aResponse = StringSplit($s, "&") For $i = 0 To UBound($aResponse) -1 If StringInStr($aResponse[$i], "oauth_token=") Then $oauth_token = StringReplace($aResponse[$i], "oauth_token=", "") ElseIf StringInStr($aResponse[$i], "oauth_token_secret=") Then $oauth_token_secret = StringReplace($aResponse[$i], "oauth_token_secret=", "") EndIf Next $oauth_signature = $oauth_consumer_secret & "%26" & $oauth_token_secret EndFunc Func Timestamp() Local $rslt = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "int:cdecl", "time", "int", 0) If @error = 0 Then Return $rslt[0] Return -1 EndFunc Func Nonce() Return Random(100000000, 999999999, 1) EndFunc
    1 point
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