TCC is a small and fast C compiler. And the LibTCC use TCC as a backend for dynamic code generation. With LibTCC, we can add some C source to speed up the time-consuming subroutines. For example: Func Fib($n)
Local $C
$C = 'int fib(int n) ' & @LF
$C &= '{ ' & @LF
$C &= ' if (n <= 2) ' & @LF
$C &= ' return 1; ' & @LF
$C &= ' else ' & @LF
$C &= ' return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); ' & @LF
$C &= '} '
Local $TCC = TCC_New()
TCC_Compile_String($TCC, $C)
Local $Size = TCC_Relocate($TCC, 0)
Local $CodeBuffer = _MemVirtualAlloc(0, $Size, $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
TCC_Relocate($TCC, $CodeBuffer)
Local $Ptr = TCC_Get_Symbol($TCC, "fib")
Local $Ret = MemoryFuncCall("int:cdecl", $Ptr, "int", $n)
_MemVirtualFree($CodeBuffer, 0, $MEM_RELEASE)
Return $Ret[0]
EndFunc There is also an example using the C source (MD5.C) to count the MD5 in AutoIt (Include in the ZIP). Just like run the C source as script. For detail usage of the LibTCC functions. Please see libtcc.h in the TCC source. (The examples already demonstrate most functions) AutoIt x64 it not supported now. 2011/08/03 Update Note: Fix the bug in TCC_Run, thanks rchockxm.Add example for 2011/08/29 Update Note: Add some function to generated binary code that can be used in other script without LibTCC. If the C source using Windows API, then the code can't run on other system. A solution is getting the API address in AutoIt and pass it to C code by function pointer. NOTICE: These functions and examples need my