With this UDF you can create own context menus with following features: - Show menu only, if an condition is TRUE (ie: number of entries in an listview must be greater than zero) - Item types: Label, Checkbox, Radio, Image (jpg,bmp,gif), Icon (from Icon file, DLL), Shape --- Image files should be (nearly) quadratic. It is scaled to 16 x 16 pixel. - The menu width is selectable. (Default 200 px) - Left margin for general and additional for each menu item can be set (Indents are thus possible) - The Items are default controls. You can Disable/Enable them, change text color, set state. But don't change background color. The background color is changed when the mouse is over the entry. - If you like an other hover color, you can change it during the menu creation. Or later with an own function. Edit: Now I've made some changes: - more speed during hover (decrease adlib time from 50 to 10 ms) - if menu is shown and you click with right: on menu - nothing happens, outside menu - menu will closed - renamed functions to _GUICtrlOwnContext_... - used funkeys tip for Bkcolor - In my Win 7 the hover color is clearly to see. If you've a problem with this, change color during creation of menu or general with changing the declaration: Global $__iMNU_DEF_HOVERCOLOR = 0xEFFFFF Edit 2: - Added: For each entry you can create an submenu (1 level depth). Important: First, create all entries to the menu. Only then can sub-menus and their entries are created. See the example. - Changed:Now the entire area of the entry is detected as an control. Also used Images. - Changed: No more Adlib function, all processing inside window- and mouse- procedures. - New Example for v0.9 (dont works with older version) Current version: v0.9 So it looks: v0.8 v0.9 OwnContext.au3 OwnContext_Example.au3 OwnContext0.9.au3 OwnContext_Example0.9.au3