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Themes for SciTE
xedaxy reacted to jaberwacky for a topic
Note: This has been deprecated by >SciTE Customization GUI. I highly recommend SCG for all of your theme needs. Thank you. and your SciTE customization knowledge too. Here is a dark theme for SciTE for all you dark theme fans. I got this theme from Notepad++ which got the theme from the Dejavu font project (http://dejavu.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page). Customized by hand because the original themese aren't perfect. They had black text on dark background. The line number margin, fold margin, editor, and console is themed! I encourage you to post your theme too. Also, if you have any knowledge that would enhance this and any other theme then I encourage you to post that too. Please post a fairly high quality screenshot too please. Instructions: (this works for me anyway. If you know a better method lemme know) 1) create the file named 'Twilight.SciTEConfig' in the 'SciTEConfig' folder found in the SciTE folder of your AutoIt installation 2) fire up SciTE and press 'Ctrl+1' 3) select the 'Color Settings' tab 4) click 'New Scheme' 5) select 'Twilight' from the drop down list 6) finally, click 'Update' Screenshot: Twilight.SciTEConfig -- Updated: November 26, 2010 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # START: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE #-#-#-#-# # Twilight -- 06/21/2011 #------------------------------------------------------------ find.close.on.find=1 proper.case=1 check.updates.scite4autoit3=1 indent.size.au3=4 highlight.current.word=1 highlight.current.word.colour=#CF6A4C highlight.current.word.by.style =1 autocomplete.*.ignorecase=1 autocomplete.*.start.characters=2 calltip.*.ignorecase=1 save.position=1 default.file.ext=au3 strip.trailing.spaces=1 ensure.final.line.end=1 ensure.consistent.line.ends=1 # Background style.au3.32=back:#141414 # Brace highlight style.au3.34=fore:#FCE94F,bold # Brace incomplete highlight style.au3.35=fore:#EF2929,bold #CaretLine Fore caret.fore=#DADADA #CaretLine Back caret.line.back=#F8F8F8 caret.line.back.alpha=0 #Selection selection.fore=#CF6A4C selection.back=#DADADA selection.alpha=25 #White Space style.au3.0=fore:#F8F8F8 #Comment line style.au3.1=fore:#5F5A60 #Comment block style.au3.2=fore:#5F5A60 #Number style.au3.3=fore:#CF6A4C #Function style.au3.4=fore:#DAD085 #Keyword style.au3.5=fore:#F9EE98 #Macro style.au3.6=fore:#DADADA #String style.au3.7=fore:#8F9D6A #Operator style.au3.8=fore:#CDA869 #Variable style.au3.9=fore:#7587A6 #Sent keys style.au3.10=fore:#DADADA #Pre-Processor style.au3.11=fore:#8996A8 #Special style.au3.12=fore:#DADADA #Abbrev-Expand style.au3.13=fore:#DADADA #Com Objects style.au3.14=fore:#DADADA #Standard UDFs style.au3.15=fore:#0080FF # Line Number Margin style.au3.33=$(font.monospaced),fore:#F8F8F8,back:#2E3436 # Fold Margin fold.margin.colour=#555753 fold.margin.highlight.colour=#2E3436 error.marker.fore=#DADADA error.marker.back=#2E3436 # Error Output style.errorlist.0=fore:#DADADA # Program Output style.errorlist.1=fore:#DADADA # Error Line style.errorlist.3=fore:#DADADA # command or return status style.errorlist.4=fore:#8F9D6A # diff changed ! style.errorlist.10=fore:#CF6A4C # # Diff addition + style.errorlist.11=fore:#7587A6 # diff deletion - style.errorlist.12=fore:#F9EE98 # Console Background style.errorlist.32=$(font.monospace),back:#141414 # END => DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEFORE THIS LINE #-#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#1 point -
AutoIt&SciTEUpdater v1.0.2.1.au3 External files are included in script. If UAC Enable, Run as Admin the first time. Previous downloads : 611 Source : AutoItAndSciTEUpdater v1.0.2.1.au3 Executable : AutoIt&SciTEUpdater.exe For never miss AutoIt (Release/Beta) and SciTE4AutoIt3 updates.1 point
FileReadToArray confusion
Mechaflash reacted to water for a topic
Why should the command do that? The help file says "Reads the specified file into an array" not "Reads the file and splits each line into separate values storing it in a 2D array". How should the command know which structure the file has? If it is a CSV format (Comma Separated Values) then the link I posted is what you need.1 point -
0xFF0000 is just a number. That's clear right? "FF0000" is hexadecimal string representation of that number. Dec() returns a numeric representation of a hexadecimal string. Therefore, if I want to turn "FF0000" into 0xFF0000 I have to Dec() it. b(Dec(Hex(BinaryMid(Dec("FF0000"), 1, 3))))1 point
http://autoitscript.com/forum/topic/140291-solved-bitwise-op/page__hl__%2Brgb+%2Bbgr1 point
Hi Try to see if you get any errors in your commandline box: RunAsWait("TAP","greatlakesind","Ct5gLe", 0, @Comspec & " /K Copy J:KmanAA.PDF J:KmanLINXX.PDF","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) And please note the following. When using RunAs and RunAsWait you need to make sure, that the secondary logon service is running, and if you run your script from your own computer using e.g. pseexec.exe to get access to a remote computer, both computers must run the secondary logon service. And the secondary logon service needs the workstation service and netlogon service. The netlogon service only runs on domain computers, not on workgroup computers. You also needs to select a "@workingDir" for the functions, that the end user have write access to. Sincerely Jorgen Malmgren IT-Programmer Denmark - UTC+1 www.tryware.dk ;o) Your brain is like a parachute. It works best when it's1 point
Because steam is pretty cool. Makes it easier for us to spend money.1 point
script to traverse subdirs and delete if empty
dwaynek reacted to DicatoroftheUSA for a topic
#include<array.au3> #Include <Date.au3> main() Func main() Local $sParam Switch $cmdline[0] Case 0 _ScanDrives() Case 1 $sParam=$cmdline[1] If StringRight($sParam,1)="" Then $sParam=StringTrimRight($sParam,1) If FileExists ($sParam) Then _ScanRoot($sParam) Else _help() EndIf Case Else _help() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>main Func _help() ConsoleWrite("To scan all fixed and removable drives, run the script with no parameters, to scan a folder specifiy it, addeding double quotes if it contains blanks.") EndFunc Func _scanDrives() $aDrives = _getdrive() For $x = 1 To $aDrives[0] _ScanRoot($aDrives[$x]) Next EndFunc Func _ScanRoot($sDrive) Local $sDirs $sDelim = "|" Local $sPaths = $sDrive & $sDelim _log("root path",$spaths) While 1 $iPos = StringInStr($sPaths, $sDelim) ;~ _log("sting position",$iPos) If $iPos = 0 Then _log("Done Scanning", $sDrive) Return EndIf $sPath = StringLeft($sPaths, $iPos - 1) $sPaths = StringTrimLeft($sPaths, $iPos) ;~ _log("Scanning path",$sPath) _ScanDir($sPath, $sPaths, $sDelim) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_ScanDrive Func _ScanDir($sPath, ByRef $sPaths,$sDelim="|") Local $iFileCount = 0 $hFile = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & "*.*") While 1 $sFile = $sPath & "" & FileFindNextFile($hFile) If @error Then ExitLoop ;~ _log("found file",$sFile) $iFileCount += 1 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFile), "D") Then $sPaths &= $sFile & $sDelim ;~ _log("appending path",$spaths) EndIf WEnd If $iFileCount = 0 And FileExists($sPath) Then ;~ _log("appears to be empty:", $sPath) If DirRemove($spath)=0 Then _log("could not delete",$spath) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ScanDir Func _getdrive() Local $aDrives = DriveGetDrive("fixed") Local $aDriveRemovable = DriveGetDrive("removable") If UBound($aDriveRemovable) > 3 Then _ArrayConcatenate($aDrives, $aDriveRemovable, 2) $aDrives[0] = UBound($aDrives) - 1 EndIf Return ($aDrives) EndFunc ;==>_getdrive Func _log($sComment, $sValue = "") ConsoleWrite(@LF & _Now() & " -- ") If $sValue <> "" Then $sComment &= ": "& $sValue EndIf ConsoleWrite($sComment & @LF) EndFunc ;==>_log1 point -
BTW, using Send("^a^c") should work in place of all the controldown/ups you have now.1 point
A front end for the PStools Collection FROM Mark Russinovich (or any other program / system administration tool it is you want to add) it expects the pstools programs and dll to be in the same directory as the script What you see as the command line is executed this means that if you wish to change the command sent then simply edit it and hit 'Go' Uses Event mode to keep the command line updated (Well all except the last control changed) this is why there is the Click Here in the header It is easy to add your own tools to this Simply add another TAB with required parameters on itAdd a tabname change function that sets the $PSCommandLine input box to the required value Known issues Event mode works well except for changes in the last field Not all parameters for all tools are catered for (Only those I use regularly) (but you can add them manually) Validation is still a little loose so you need to know a little about PStools Does not handle things very well when the progrm being run wants an enter keypress PSloglist has not been completed (OK, not even started) Does not save previously entered values Now includes a checkbox to accept the Microsoft EULA Have a Look at this post for the most recent includes required. http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36245&view=findpost&p=646185 PSTools.au3 PSToolsAcceptEULA.au31 point