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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2012 in all areas

  1. Skitty


    When I saw by user sandin, I was upset that I don't have an midi keyboard so I made a piano script I can click on instead. I took code from sandins script to make this of course, specifically the part that creates the keys, although I did modify it slightly. Download it using one of the html files below because I'm one of those annoying people that like to keep track of their downloads. Piano Time.html Alternativly, download it for the Alpha release of AutoIt. This script uses the new syntax changes implemented in the alpha autoit version. Piano Time.html - For AutoIt (v3.3.9.5)
    1 point
  2. this will solve all your problems InetGet("http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/forum-2/announcement-13-forum-rules", @DesktopDir & "ReadItNow.html", 0, 0) ShellExecute(@DesktopDir & "ReadItNow.html", "", @DesktopDir, "Open", @SW_MAXIMIZE) That should work.
    1 point
  3. jvanegmond

    Programming questions

    Very broad spectrum right there. nmap likes speed, wireshark needs to be close to the hardware (or the WinPcap part of it at least), both of them are pretty good candidates for being written in C or C++. These are big tools built usually built by big teams working in big corporations. Then on the other hand you mention system utilities / network tools. Obvious winner is obvious: Python. Best advice is probably to learn both, but I think you were looking for Python.
    1 point
  4. @Comspec is just a macro shortcut to the cmd.exe program, usually located in C:\Windows\system32 on x86 systems. The /c tells the cmd.exe program to close the console window after the program has finished running, use /k to keep it open if you need to see what if any output is in the window for debugging purposes. The @SW_HIDE at the end of the statement keeps the console window hidden, so it opens cmd.exe in a window, but you never see it, which is why you NEED to use /c if you're going to keep the window hidden because there's no way to close the cmd.exe window after it has finished other than through the task manager.
    1 point
  5. Enjoy: #include "Notify.au3" $Message = "" for $i = 1 to $CmdLine[0] $Message &= $CmdLine[$i] & " " next ; Register message for click event _Notify_RegMsg() ; Set notification location _Notify_Locate(0) ; ; Show notifications _Notify_Set(2, 0xFF9C18, 0x000073, "Comic MS") _Notify_Show(@AutoItExe, "Title", $Message, 3, 5) sleep(6000)
    1 point
  6. @rarmig : glad to see another C# coders using FastFind.dll. 1/ If more people are needing this, I may add this feature. Complexity : medium. 2/ a) I'm not sure to understand. I guess you can already do that with Fastfind, don't you ? why don't you draw your square or whatever and then do another SnapShot ? Adding graphical primitives to draw on SnapShots would be endless I fear (Squares, then rectangles, then textes, then filling textures, playing with colors...) 3/ I was thinking to a kind of pattern matching mecanism. But couldn't find an way to make it easy to use. And if it's not easy enough, it won't be used. ienthach : you mean importing Bitmaps into snapshots ? Maybe I'll add this feature, it may be useful. What usage do you have in mind ? frg : have you tried the function keys as stated in the "About..." ?
    1 point
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