Description <grin> After diving into S.M.A.R.T from a previous thread... hmm, might as well take a stab at it. One thing I did find after testing - The Drive Temperature is fairly accurate! Then all I had to find out was how to calculate POH. And, it dawned on me that it turns over every 1000... or is it 200, hmm. (It's 256) Anyway it starts back at 1 and adds the total to another column. So, I figured out (if my math was correct) that my hard drive's life is about half over. (sob) There are about 20 known programs out there in cyberspace. I tested about half of them. Almost none of those would show what I really wanted to know. 1. How many hours was on the HD. 2. What is the HD life expectancy. Well, I found out both those answers after I made this script. Let me know if any problems. I'll see what I can do about it. Download Version 1.01 _WMI_GetATAPISmartData_v1.01.au3 Updated: November 26, 2012 1) changed some logic. 2) added more error handling. 3) added two additional ways to detect SSD's.