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  1. Melba23


    The Forum Rules specifically mention that "keyloggers" are a prohibited subject on this forum. Of late we have had several threads locked because they have strayed (usually unwittingly) into keylogger territory. Here is a reminder of what Jon (the site owner) has set out as the basis for acceptability: "how to check for a few keys being pressed is one thing" We are not going to define "a few" in absolute terms, but if you post any code which checks for the best part of the keyboard you can be absolutely sure that you are in breach of the rules, that your thread will be locked, and that sanctions may follow. So please do not post such scripts - we do not want to be heavy-handed, but after this announcement your excuses had better be very good ones! M23
    1 point
  2. Valik

    Latest Beta

    This is why Jon didn't want to add ternary operators. If you do not know how to use them they make the code worse. I softened him somewhat on them by using them (correctly) to write AutoIt. Seeing code like that causes me to regret giving the green light to the feature, though.
    1 point
  3. This works for me! If it doesn't for you could you possibly provide some code please of what you're looking for. #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $hGUI = GUICreate('', 500, 500) Local $iEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 0, 0, 500, 450) Local $iDisplay = GUICtrlCreateButton('Toggle', 500 - 90, 500 - 30, 85, 25) _DisplayPassword($hGUI, $iEdit) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $iDisplay _DisplayPassword($hGUI, $iEdit) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc ;==>Example Func _DisplayPassword($hHandle, $iControlID) Local Const $EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR = 0xD2, $EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR = 0xCC Local $aControlGetPos, $iPasswordCharacter, $tRect Switch GUICtrlSendMsg($iControlID, $EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0) Case 0 $iPasswordCharacter = 9679 ; GUICtrlSendMsg($iControlID, $EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0) Case Else $iPasswordCharacter = 0 EndSwitch GUICtrlSendMsg($iControlID, $EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, $iPasswordCharacter, 0) $aControlGetPos = ControlGetPos($hHandle, "", $iControlID) ; GUICtrlSetState($iControlID, $GUI_FOCUS) $tRect = DllStructGetPtr("int " & $aControlGetPos[0] & ";int " & $aControlGetPos[1] & ";int " & $aControlGetPos[0] + $aControlGetPos[2] & ";int " & $aControlGetPos[1] + $aControlGetPos[3] & ";") _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($hHandle, $tRect, False) Return Number($iPasswordCharacter = 0) EndFunc ;==>_DisplayPassword
    1 point
  4. Skitty

    Notepad Help

    Best way I'd recommend a user learn autoit is by randomly searching for cool scripts, play with them and change stuff until you mess it up. Gives you a good feel of how autoit works. I've also made a habit of saving every script that seems interesting to me in a folder called "script bank", it's already grown to be 150+ mb and it's very damn handy to use when creating new scripts because I tend to separate functions that do an intended action into categories, this way I can just do a quick search through the folder, and I'll have a working script in no-time after a few copy and paste maneuvers. I've probably got at least 30% of all the scripts in the example section separated and categorized in there.
    1 point
  5. Why do people still think they can win? Do they not pay attention to the threads where I state we block tens of thousands of addresses? Do they not notice how hollow all the threats we receive end up ringing? Oh well.
    1 point
  6. Special Note: This is an official beta release but it is not digitally signed. Only Jon has the certificate used for digital signatures and the last time I checked I was not Jon. (9th April, 2012) (Beta) NOTE: Version has been replaced with version due to an issue where scripts with icons would not compile correctly. If you are using please update immediately. (8th April, 2012) (Beta) The following changes are script breaking changes: NOTE: WinAPIEx is included in this release. The files exist but there are no documentation or examples. Filenames and functions are subject to change or removal. Functions will be moved out to other files before the final release and the file WinAPIEx.au3 will likely not exist when that happens. Report issues here. Download here.
    1 point
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