You can sit here all day long and debate whether or not it's trivial to turn this into a malicious tool. Guess what, though, your opinions are irrelevant. This is especially true when I can rip apart every single one of your opinions and expose the flaws in logic.
This thread is not a good idea. Unlike some of you I do not underestimate what code people can abuse. I also don't see things quite so black and white with regards to why somebody would use this. I think there's a small section of people who know enough to modify the code but don't know or care to know how to obtain/use a traditional email harvester.
This thread is locked. Do not PM me to argue, debate, express your opinion on it, et cetera. I'm not the only moderator who feels this way and I have better things to do than to privately explain in nauseating detail how your logic is both irrelevant to me and fundamentally flawed.