Hi everybody! Here is my new super tool! It's an AutoItObject TCP Class! Very simple to use, with example and complet decumentation (Made with NaturalDocs) There are two classes: Client, and Server. - The data are encrypted! - The server can handle multiple clients - Data buffering, if you send a big amount of data, it will received as it was sent, not as many little parts of it - OOP programing! (very simple!) PS: You don't need to download AutoItObject, everything you need is in the zip. Update: 03/11/2011 +: Added, -: Deleted/Deprecated, *: Modified, !: Bug corrected
=== 1.1c === (30/10/2011)
+: ClientGetBufferLen method
+: Completed doc of ClientPropertyGet and ClientPropertySet methods (Return values)
*: Now, when calling .Shutdown, the Callback_LostClient is called for each client.
!: Corrected bug: Script error when calling .DisconnectAll befor calling at least one
time .Startup (Main socket array was not dimensioned)UDF_TCPClass.rar