rds_correia, SciTE is the editor which is installed with Autoit - but as you have not installed it...... You are missing a lot - the full version od SciTE4AutoIt3 which you can download here offers lots of extra goodies to help you code in AutoIt. But I believe you need to have both SciTE and AutoIt installed for it to give you full functionality. Try this version which only uses MsgBox dialogs: #include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
Global $sRoot = "C:surveillance"
Global $aPath[5] = [4, "580001", "000", "00", "00"]
Global $sCamera_ID = "323"
Global $sYesterday = StringReplace(_DateAdd("D", -1, @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY), "/", "-")
Global $sBefore_Yesterday = StringReplace(_DateAdd("D", -2, @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY), "/", "-")
; Find last folder
$aFolder_List = _Last_Folder($aPath)
; Work backwards through the folder list
For $i = $aFolder_List[0] To 1 Step -1
; Read the list of files in this folder
$aFile_List = _FileListToArray($aFolder_List[$i] & "", "*.xml", 1)
;_ArrayDisplay($aFile_List, $aFolder_List[$i])
If IsArray($aFile_List) Then
If _Check_Files($aFile_List, $aFolder_List[$i]) Then
; We have reached the files from 2 days ago
; There are no files to check - this should never happen
MsgBox(0, "Done", "All files from " & $sYesterday & @CRLF & "taken by camera " & $sCamera_ID & @CRLF & "have been dealt with")
Func _Check_Files($aArray, $sPath)
; Clear the "day before yesterday" flag
$fEnded = False
For $i = $aArray[0] To 1 Step -1
; Read the content of the file
$sFile_Content = FileRead($sPath & $aArray[$i])
; Is it the correct date
$aDate = StringRegExp($sFile_Content, "(?i)(?U)starttime>(.*)x20", 3)
Switch $aDate[0]
Case $sYesterday
; Is it the correct camera
$aCamera = StringRegExp($sFile_Content, "(?i)(?U)servicename>(.*)<", 3)
If $aCamera[0] = $sCamera_ID Then
; Extract the .avi name
$aAVI = StringRegExp($sFile_Content, "(?i)(?U)filename>(.*)<", 3)
; And display the data
MsgBox(0, "Action needed", _
"File: " & $sPath & $aArray[$i] & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
"Avi: " & $sPath & $aAVI[0] & @CRLF & " could now be copied")
Case $sBefore_Yesterday
; Set the flag
$fEnded = True
; No point in going back further
Return $fEnded
Func _Last_Folder($aPath)
; Create an array to hold the list of folders found
Local $aFolders[100] = [1, $sRoot & _ArrayToString($aPath, "", 1, 4) & ""]
While 1
; Add 1 to the folder and reset to 00 if needed
$aPath[4] = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($aPath[4] + 1, 100))
; If we did reset to 00 then we need to check the level above
If $aPath[4] = "00" Then
; Again we add 1 and reset to 00 if required
$aPath[3] = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($aPath[3] + 1, 100))
; And if we reset to 00 we need to check the level above
If $aPath[3] = "00" Then
; Add 1 but this time we reset to 000 if required
$aPath[2] = StringFormat("%03i", Mod($aPath[2] + 1, 1000))
; And again we move up a level if the lower folder was reset
If $aPath[2] = "000" Then
; If this one gets to 589999 then you need to restart - or add another level to this tree!
$aPath[1] = $aPath[1] + 1
; Now see if this path exists
$sNext_Path = $sRoot & _ArrayToString($aPath, "", 1, 4) & ""
If Not FileExists($sNext_Path) Then
; If the path does not exist then we return the list of folders found
ReDim $aFolders[$aFolders[0] + 1]
Return $aFolders
; The folder exists so add it to the array - resizing if necessary
$aFolders[0] += 1
If UBound($aFolders) <= $aFolders[0] Then
ReDim $aFolders[$aFolders[0] * 2]
$aFolders[$aFolders[0]] = $sNext_Path
EndFuncDo you get the results now? M23