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water last won the day on August 8

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  1. Did you have a look at the PowerPoint UDF, function _PPT_TextFind? The link to the PPT UDF can be found in my signature.
  2. I'm glad you could solve your problem yourself RequireAdmin would also have been my first thought.
  3. Can you guess As ioa747 stated: @SW_SHOW is a macro, $SW_SHOW is a variable. Their values are the same.
  4. I had a look at the EventViewer and found the following entry. Seems to be a problem with the MSVCP140.dll. I unblocked the Scintilla.dll and lexilla.dll but got the same error.
  5. Hi Jos, Did the following steps to test the x86 version: Backup of the current SciTE directory Deleted all files in the current SciTE directory Deactivated the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen Installed the latest SciTE 5.4.0 as described in your first post Executed SciTE.exe ==> works fine Unzipped your latest 86x ZIP and copied the 3 files ( to the SciTE directory (overwriting the 5.4.0 files) Windows security tells me that the App I try to INSTALL has not been downloaded from the MS App Store and is not verified. Even when I ignore the message and select "INSTALL anyway" SciTE pops up for half a second and then closes again. As I'm rather new to Windows 11 this problem might be caused by me
  6. This bug was easy to locate (hint!). The sequence of commands was wrong. You first have to do all configuration of the new task and THEN you have to register the task. You did the settings AFTER registration - hence they were lost. Tested with: #include <TaskScheduler.au3> Global $oService = _TS_Open() ConsoleWrite("_TS_Open: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_ErrorNotify(2) ; to MsgBox If _TS_TaskExists($oService, "\Test\starttime") Then _TS_TaskDelete($oService, "\Test\starttime") ConsoleWrite("_TS_TaskDelete: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) EndIf Global $sStartTime = _DateAdd("n", 1, _NowCalc()) $sStartTime = StringReplace($sStartTime, "/", "-") $sStartTime = StringReplace($sStartTime, " ", "T") Global $sEndTime = _DateAdd("n", 2, _NowCalc()) $sEndTime = StringReplace($sEndTime, "/", "-") $sEndTime = StringReplace($sEndTime, " ", "T") Global $oTaskDefinition = _TS_Wrapper_TaskCreate($oService, "", "") ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TaskCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_PrincipalSet($oTaskDefinition, $TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_PrincipalSet: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_TriggerDateTime($oTaskDefinition, $TASK_TRIGGER_TIME, 0, 0, $sStartTime, $sEndTime) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TriggerDateTime: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_ActionCreate($oTaskDefinition, "Notepad") ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_ActionCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) If _TS_FolderExists($oService, "\Test") = 0 Then _TS_FolderCreate($oService, "\Test") ConsoleWrite("_TS_FolderCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) EndIf Global $ar = ["Settings|DeleteExpiredTaskAfter|PT20S"] _TS_TaskPropertiesSet($oTaskDefinition, $ar) ConsoleWrite("_TS_TaskPropertiesSet: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_TaskRegister($oService, "\Test", "starttime", $oTaskDefinition, Default, Default, $TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TaskRegister: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Close($oService)
  7. What are the boundaries of your task? MS states: "the amount of time that the Task Scheduler will wait before deleting the task after it expires." and "A task expires after the end boundary has been exceeded for all triggers associated with the task. The end boundary for a trigger is specified by the EndBoundary property inherited by all trigger objects." If I'm not wrong DeleteExpiredTaskAfter in your case should be "PT20S". SETTINGS or Settings or SeTTiNgS are all the same as AutoIt is not case sensitive. To check for errors I do not suggest to check the returncode. It is more save to check @error <> 0.
  8. In this case I think you need to do the date/time calculation in the started exe. The boundary when creating the task has to include the maximum possible values for all possible time zones.
  9. Why do you think this has an impact on the GUIRichEdit UDF? I do not see any VB code in the UDF. Just a link to http://www.powerbasic.com in the UDF header.
  10. I never had to deal with time zones. Maybe the _Date_Time UDF that comes with AutoIt helps. The following functions seem to be time zone related: _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime _Date_Time_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime and others.
  11. Another good source to better understand arrays is the AutoIt wiki. Two-dimensional arrays (as used in my exmple script above) are similar to MS Excel worksheets. Data is stored in cells You need two indices to access individual cells. The first for the row, the second for the column The name of the array variable is similar to the name of the MS Excel Worksheet Biggest difference between AutoIt and Excel: The indices in AutoIt start with 0 whereas they start with 1 in MS Excel Sometimes processing starts in row 1. But this is caused by the function that creates the array by using row 0 for the row and column count. This should give you an easy start with arrays
  12. Have a look at Arrays in the AutoIt help file. Move your data to a 2-dimensional array and you can loop throug the rows and columns like in Excel. The following code is syntactically correct, but untested. #include <Array.au3> ; ----------------------------------------------- Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ; ----------------------------------------------- _VerifyRegistration() ; ----------------------------------------------- Func _VerifyRegistration() ; Source data Local $iNumberOfApps = 4, $iFieldsPerApp = 5 ; Array holding the following data in columns for eaqch record: 0=Appname, 1=RegKeyname, 2=RegIndexValue, 3=RegValue, 4=RegValueString Local $aApps[$iNumberOfApps][$iFieldsPerApp] = [ _ ["Gutar Rig 5", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 5", 7], _ ["Rammfire", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Rammfire", 4], _ ["Reflektor", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Reflektor", 4], _ ["Traktors 12","HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Traktors 12", 4] _ ] Local $sMessage = "Start" & @CRLF & @CRLF For $i = 0 To $iNumberOfApps - 1 $aApps[$i][3] = RegEnumVal($aApps[$i][1], $aApps[$i][2]) $aApps[$i][4] = RegRead($aApps[$i][1], $aApps[$i][3]) If $aApps[$i][4] = "00000000000000000000000000000000" Then ; If the $String [IS 0's], then Not Good! $sMessage &= "The App... [" & $aApps[$i][0] & "] ...did not register correctly!" & @CRLF Else ; If the $String [IS NOT 0's], then Good! $sMessage &= "The App... [" & $aApps[$i][0] & "] ...did register correctly!" & @CRLF EndIf ; ----------------------------------------------- Next _ArrayDisplay($aApps) ; ----------------------------------------------- ; ----------------------------------------------- $sMessage &= @CRLF & "End" & @CRLF ; ----------------------------------------------- SplashTextOn("NOTICE!!", $sMessage, 450, 215, -1, -1, 4, "FuturaBQ-DemiBold", 14) Sleep(2000) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>_VerifyRegistration ; -----------------------------------------------
  13. I see a typo in line 2070: this => these ==> FIXED: As I am not a native speaker I can live with this small mistakes Also in 1958: _TS_TaskValidate() => _TS_TaskValidate($oService, $vTask) ==> FIXED Also in 2346: $oTriggers => $oTaskDefinition ==> Already FIXED: You mentioned this in one of your prior posts.
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