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  1. you are right! I modified the script for my quick test :-) Br Kurt
  2. works for me. Maybe there are multiple instances of the script running (as you don't have a kill switch). Did you kill the running instance via task manager after every test? BTW: You can "debug" it with MsgBox like so. #include <Constants.au3> MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Bridge Tool", "Start") HotKeySet("+m", "Bridge") $bridge = False Func Bridge()     $bridge = Not $bridge     If $bridge = True Then         Send("{CTRLDOWN}")         Send("{s down}") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Bridge Tool", "bridge = True")     Else         Send("{s up}")         Send("{CTRLUP}") MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Bridge Tool", "bridge = False")     EndIf EndFunc While 1     If $bridge = True Then         Sleep(2000)         MouseClick("right")   MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Bridge Tool", "in while loop ...")     EndIf WEnd Br Kurt
  3. In any case, AutoIT will not help you in this endeavor. >He would charge about 75 dollars.... for flashing a router? Aren't there any instructions on the internet that you can use to do it yourself? Br Kurt
  4. see my explanation here https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/208800-htaccess-issue-with-autoit-code-help/?tab=comments#comment-1507291 Br Kurt
  5. >is causing this to fail with a 404 error. this indicates that the rewrite to /void.php was executed because the User-Agent or Accept-Language headers were not set properly. Try to set these headers as follows. $oHTTP.Open("GET", $Crawler_URL, False) $oHTTP.setRequestHeader('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 AU3 Script') $oHTTP.setRequestHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US') $oHTTP.Send() Br Kurt
  6. >I need to find network location of my running script please define "network location". Are you looking for the IP subnet-id and the netmask? If so, you'll get that with ipconfig or netsh interface. So either run these commands and parse their output or use some code from the following post. Br Kurt
  7. I don't know why the DEP flag is not set by Aut2Exe for 32 bit executables, but a quick-n-dirty workaround would be to create a 64-bit executeable, because the DEP flag is enabled by default for these (Windows does that). Another option, if you need 32-bit: Download Visual Studio (Community Edition) and use editbin.exe to set the DEP flag for your 32-bit executable. Beware, that this is a crazy 10 Gbyte download (you'll need the C++ build tools), just for that single file editbin.exe Path for both files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\bin\Hostx64\x86> check DEP dumpbin /headers | find "NX compatible" check ASLR  dumpbin /headers | find "Dynamic base" set DEP editbin /NXCOMPAT file.exe set ASLR editbin /DYNAMICBASE file.exe Br Kurt
  8. my understanding is that all elements have been fully loaded. HTML, CSS, images, whatever is referenced in the HTML file. See: C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\IE.au3 search for Func _IELoadWait. That function uses the DOM property ReadyState. Read also these for more explanations. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa752066(v=vs.85) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/readyState?retiredLocale=de Br Kurt
  9. >Can AutoIT capture all this and convert it to an exe file? Your description implies many steps and probably some files that need to be transferred and executed. There is really no (easy) way to combine all this into one exe file with AutoIT. Any specific reason why you want the whole "session" to be packed into an exe? Moreover: beware of "someone" who is willing to flash anyone of your devices Br Kurt
  10. O.K. let's talk about the generous budget. In what range is it? Kurt
  11. O.K, now I'm really curious! How does this make LIFE easier for yourself and your wife??? Kurt
  12. take a look at _Singleton() in Misc.au3 (AutoIT include dir)... It uses CreateMutex() and contains everything you might need. Kurt
  13. AutoHotkey is NOT HotkeyNet! You really have to ask in the HotkeyNet forum: http://www.hotkeynet.com/ Kurt
  14. you could ask in the hotkeynet forum how KillMutex is implemented and the use DllCall() to do the same, if possible. Kurt
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