Hey, good work, sorry I didn't get to look at it.Can you or Larry do a new UDF for tail read/ write to incorporate this? (accepting the original was "badly written" anyway, and, I presume, only worked for ANSI files, if I understand correctly?) Best, randall
Probably easier to make your recursive file list to an array first (see link to _FileListToArrayNew), then just loop through your comparisons in one hit..
Best, Randall
[PS - alternatively of course, just wrap xcopy with "/d"]
_ArrayDisplay($cardsarray, "_ArrayDisplay() 2D Test", 1, 1); [2D, transposed]oÝ÷ Úf²m殶seô'&F7Æb33c¶6&G6'&ÂgV÷Cµô'&F7Æ$BFW7BgV÷C²ÂÓ²³$BÂG&ç7÷6VE, or make the itemnumber how many you want?
Best, Randall
not your array; probably arraydisplay, but not sure why it has bugged up..
maybe show your script..[though maybe arraydisplay has gone back to old version..]
Looks like a lot of hard work and it is nowhere near done; i think you would be better re-writing it from scratch, but then you would need to know its mechanism better.
I suggest you
1. read the script as a file into variable.
2. stringreplace the directories or whatever you need to change
3. write new script file and run that.
Best, Randall
Thanks again;
All work except "" from local machine, or across Internet. [where is say, currrent IP address on server; does it need a password script or something to log on acrooss the internet?]
What is wrong with that?
Best, Randall
PS I also get the blank message box before the html opens; where is that coming from?
But I seem to have a server running;
1. How do I show that it is working?
2. What can I run on it?
3. How do I set something up to see?
4. How do I connect to it from local machine?
5. How do I connect to it from other machine?
6. How do I connect to it from other location?
7. Are there any example scripts to show?
[in absolute blankness,]Best, randall
No, I don't think i can replicate it.If I put 2 LVs on different tabs with AutoiTt, the second one become "instance2", not a second "instance1" best, randall PS I have PMd the screen shots..