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  1. You sir, are WRONG! lol. Feel free to do whatever with it! Preferably keep my name somewhere but I won't cry if it disappears.
  2. You probably should replace your email password with asterisks....
  3. You can find out which program is used for which extension in the registry and then write it to an Excel spreadsheet. I think there's a UDF lying around somewhere...
  4. ignore this post. I think i was just being dumb...
  5. Sorry, forgot that I had it set up for relative coords. Try this instead. The documentation for it is at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default....mouse_event.asp if this doesn't work. Func _MouseMovePlus($X, $Y) Local $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 32769 DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", _ "long", $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, _ "long", $X, _ "long", $Y, _ "long", 0, _ "long", 0) EndFunc
  6. Try using this function instead. I wrote it when having a similar problem with BF1942. Func _MouseMovePlus($X, $Y) Local $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x1 DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", _ "long", $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, _ "long", $X, _ "long", $Y, _ "long", 0, _ "long", 0) EndFunc
  7. Turns out my problem was in the nature of the API call and not AutoIt. Using PostMessage instead of SendMessage fixes it all up.
  8. Well, I'm helping ramadash with this on another forum and I ran into a problem. When you use GUIRegisterMsg to call a function remotely from another script, the other script can't continue to run until the function(that was remotely called) ends. Maybe the scripts would explain better. Here's the script that calls the function in the other script remotely: $CMD_Msgbox_stats = 10000 $CMD_Quit = 10001 $CMDWindow = WinGetHandle("mmBotCommander") $life = 34735 $mana = 1345 RemoteFunc($CMDWindow, $CMD_Msgbox_stats, $life, $mana) MsgBox(0,"Hey","blah") RemoteFunc($CMDWindow, $CMD_Quit) Func RemoteFunc($window, $functionID, $wparam = 0, $lparam = 0) $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") DllCall($dll, "none", "SendMessage","hwnd", $window, _ "int", $functionID, "long", $wparam, "long", $lparam) EndFunc This is the main script. This is how I'd like it to be but it doesn't function like I want: #include <GUIConstants.au3> $CMD_Msgbox_stats = 10000 $CMD_Quit = 10001 Global $s = 0, $l, $m $mygui = GuiCreate("mmBotCommander",1,1) GUIRegisterMsg($CMD_Msgbox_stats, "Msgboxstats") GUIRegisterMsg($CMD_Quit, "Quit") While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func Msgboxstats($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $life, $mana) MsgBox(0,"mmBot","Health: " & Number($life) & " Mana: " & Number($mana)) EndFunc Func Quit() Exit EndFunc This is want I ended up doing to get the functionality I wanted but to have more than one function would be more than just a little sloppy: #include <GUIConstants.au3> $CMD_Msgbox_stats = 10000 $CMD_Quit = 10001 Global $s = 0, $l, $m $mygui = GuiCreate("mmBotCommander",1,1) GUIRegisterMsg($CMD_Msgbox_stats, "Msgboxstats") GUIRegisterMsg($CMD_Quit, "Quit") While 1 Sleep(10) If $s = 1 Then $s = 0 MsgBox(0,"mmBot","Health: " & Number($l) & " Mana: " & Number($m)) EndIf WEnd Func Msgboxstats($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $life, $mana) $s = 1 $l = $life $m = $mana ;MsgBox(0,"mmBot","Health: " & Number($life) & " Mana: " & Number($mana)) EndFunc Func Quit() Exit EndFunc Maybe that makes enough sense. If not, ask away. Keep in mind, this is more of a proof of concept of what we want to do, it's not a portion of the finished product.
  9. i think that if you used vb for the loops and just used AutoItX when you needed to for automation, it would be faster. Keep in mind that AutoItX doesn't have all the functions that AutoIt does. If you're really going for speed it might be better to just create the equivalent functions in vb.
  10. ummm... I feel like an idiot. The create fails... What's that mean I'm missing? I have internet explorer and it works....
  11. Am I just S.O.L. or what? I'm not a newb or anything so it's not like I made a really dumb error. Could I be missing an updated dll or something that would cause it to mess up?
  12. I'm still having the same problem.....
  13. I checked in hope that you were right but no... I just copy and pasted from my first post. It's "index" as it should be. I'll get the builder in hope that it might help somehow but as of now I still get the error.
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