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- Birthday July 26
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Polymath (5/7)
I'm fixed errors now working with latest public release without errors ( ) I'm not using AutoIt anymore ( I'm using Visual Basic .NET )
Encrypt, embeding file in jpeg thing, hard disk space monitor
Jex replied to Jex's topic in AutoIt Example Scripts
If you are asking embeding file thing then : In picture file box write your picture place ( You need select image file ) In compressed file box write your crompressed file place ( You need compressed file for embed in jpg ) And in output jpg file box write your save place ( Example C:\test.jpg ) After this image create you need extract this image for reach your compressed file. With that method you can upload your files to any image host site. ( example not allow other formats for upload, you can only upload image files but if you embed your file in jpg file then you can upload your image and later you can save this image and extract ) -
This is an Immediate Window for debugging purposes. While script is running you will pause script and see variables or can change variables. If Immediate function called, script pause and open Immediate window. Commands : ?Variable (For see variable value) Example : ?Variable123 Example 2 : ? $Variable123 Example 3 : ?$VarA * $VarB / 5 + $VarA & 3 - $VarC Result :?$VarA * $VarB / 5 + $VarA & 3 - $VarC = 790 Example 4 : ?5 + 15 * $VarC & 1 - $VarA & Test Result : ?5 + 15 * $VarC & 1 - $VarA & Test = 153796Test !Variable NewVariable (For change variable value) Example : !Variable 1234 Example 2 : !Variable $Variable2 Example 3 = !$Variable $Variable3 Function : #include <Misc.au3> Func Immediate() Local $iError, $Eval, $z, $iVar[20], $io[20], $Place[20], $Result[20] $Immediate = GUICreate("Immediate Window", 400, 325) $iEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, -1, 400, 305) $iInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 0, 304, 400, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Immediate) ControlFocus($Immediate, "", "Edit2") While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = -3 Then GUIDelete($Immediate) ExitLoop EndIf If _IsPressed("0D") And WinActive($Immediate) And ControlGetFocus($Immediate) = "Edit2" Then $iText = ControlGetText($Immediate, "", "Edit2") If $iText Then If StringLeft($iText, 1) = "?" Then $iText2 = StringTrimLeft($iText, 1) $iText2 = StringStripWS($iText2, 1) For $i = 1 To StringLen($iText2) If StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) = "+" Or StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) = "-" Or StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) = "*" Or StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) = "/" Or StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) = "&" Then $z += 1 If $z = 1 Then $iVar[$z] = StringMid($iText2, 1, $i - 1) Else $iVar[$z] = StringMid($iText2, $Place[$z - 1], $i - $Place[$z - 1]) EndIf $iVar[$z] = StringStripWS($iVar[$z], 3) $io[$z] = StringMid($iText2, $i, 1) $Place[$z] = $i + 1 If StringLeft($iVar[$z], 1) = "$" Then $iVar[$z] = Eval(StringTrimLeft($iVar[$z], 1)) EndIf Next $iVar[$z + 1] = StringStripWS(StringMid($iText2, $Place[$z], $z - $Place[$z]), 3) If StringLeft($iVar[$z + 1], 1) = "$" Then $iVar[$z + 1] = Eval(StringTrimLeft($iVar[$z + 1], 1)) For $i = 1 To $z If $io[$i] = "+" Then If $i = 1 Then $Result[$i] = $iVar[$i] + $iVar[$i + 1] Else $Result[$i] = $Result[$i - 1] + $iVar[$i + 1] EndIf ElseIf $io[$i] = "-" Then If $i = 1 Then $Result[$i] = $iVar[$i] - $iVar[$i + 1] Else $Result[$i] = $Result[$i - 1] - $iVar[$i + 1] EndIf ElseIf $io[$i] = "*" Then If $i = 1 Then $Result[$i] = $iVar[$i] * $iVar[$i + 1] Else $Result[$i] = $Result[$i - 1] * $iVar[$i + 1] EndIf ElseIf $io[$i] = "/" Then If $i = 1 Then $Result[$i] = $iVar[$i] / $iVar[$i + 1] Else $Result[$i] = $Result[$i - 1] / $iVar[$i + 1] EndIf ElseIf $io[$i] = "&" Then If $i = 1 Then $Result[$i] = $iVar[$i] & $iVar[$i + 1] Else $Result[$i] = $Result[$i - 1] & $iVar[$i + 1] EndIf EndIf Next If $z = "" Then If StringLeft($iText2, 1) = "$" Then $iText2 = StringTrimLeft($iText2, 1) $Eval = Eval($iText2) If @error Then $iError = 1 Else $Eval = $Result[$z] EndIf If @error Then $iError = $iText Else GUICtrlSetData($iEdit, GUICtrlRead($iEdit) & $iText & " = " & $Eval & @CRLF) EndIf ElseIf StringLeft($iText, 1) = "!" Then $iText2 = StringTrimLeft($iText, 1) $iText2 = StringStripWS($iText2, 1) $String = StringInStr($iText2, " ") If @error Then $iError = $iText $Left = StringTrimRight($iText2, StringLen($iText2) - $String + 1) If StringLeft($Left, 1) = "$" Then $Left = StringTrimLeft($Left, 1) $Right = StringTrimLeft($iText2, $String) If StringLeft($Right, 1) = "$" Then $Right = Eval(StringTrimLeft($Right, 1)) Assign($Left, $Right) If @error Or $iError Then $iError = $iText Else GUICtrlSetData($iEdit, GUICtrlRead($iEdit) & $iText & @CRLF) EndIf Else $iError = $iText EndIf If $iError Then GUICtrlSetData($iEdit, GUICtrlRead($iEdit) & "Error : " & $iError & @CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($iInput, "") $Eval = "" $iError = "" $z = "" EndIf EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd EndFunc ;==>ImmediateoÝ÷ Ù±1jje{SëzËjënëm¢wè®^¦yصì"Ú0ý¶®¶sb6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´uT6öç7FçG2æS2fwC°¢6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´Ö62æS2fwC° ¤÷D¶W6WBgV÷C·µU4WÒgV÷C²ÂgV÷C´ÖÖVFFRgV÷C²¤vÆö&Âb33cµW6P ¢b33cµf$ÒP¢b33cµf$"ÒS¢b33cµf$2Ò&æFöÒ¢b33cµf$BÒgV÷CµFW7BgV÷C°¢b33cµf$RÒÔà¢b33cµf$bÒFW6·F÷vGFfײgV÷C·gV÷C²fײFW6·F÷Vv@ ¥vÆR 6ÆVW¥tVæ@ ¤gVæ2ÖÖVFFR Æö6Âb33c¶W'&÷"Âb33c´WfÂÂb33c·¢Âb33c¶f%³#ÒÂb33c¶õ³#ÒÂb33cµÆ6U³#ÒÂb33cµ&W7VÇE³#Ð bb33cµW6RFVà &WGW&à VÇ6P b33c´ÖÖVFFRÒuT7&VFRgV÷C´ÖÖVFFRvæF÷rgV÷C²ÂCÂ3#R b33c¶VFBÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTVFBgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂÂÓÂCÂ3R b33c¶çWBÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTçWBgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂÂ3BÂCÂ# uT6WE7FFR5uõ4õrÂb33c´ÖÖVFFR 6öçG&öÄfö7W2b33c´ÖÖVFFRÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷C´VFC"gV÷C² b33cµW6RÒ VæD` vÆR buTvWD×6rÒÓ2FVà uTFVÆWFRb33c´ÖÖVFFR b33cµW6RÒ WDÆö÷ VæD` bô5&W76VBgV÷C³BgV÷C²æBvä7FfRb33c´ÖÖVFFRæB6öçG&öÄvWDfö7W2b33c´ÖÖVFFRÒgV÷C´VFC"gV÷C²FVà b33c¶FWBÒ6öçG&öÄvWEFWBb33c´ÖÖVFFRÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷C´VFC"gV÷C² bb33c¶FWBFVà b7G&ætÆVgBb33c¶FWBÂÒgV÷C³ògV÷C²FVà b33c¶FWC"Ò7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶FWB b33c¶FWC"Ò7G&æu7G&u2b33c¶FWC" f÷"b33c¶ÒFò7G&ætÆVâb33c¶FWC" b7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶ÂÒgV÷C²²gV÷C²÷"7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶ÂÒgV÷C²ÒgV÷C²÷"7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶ÂÒgV÷C²¢gV÷C²÷"7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶ÂÒgV÷C²ògV÷C²÷"7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶ÂÒgV÷C²fײgV÷C²FVà b33c·¢³Ò bb33c·¢ÒFVà b33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÒ7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"ÂÂb33c¶Ò VÇ6P b33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÒ7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33cµÆ6U²b33c·¢ÒÒÂb33c¶Òb33cµÆ6U²b33c·¢ÒÒ VæD` b33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÒ7G&æu7G&u2b33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÂ2 b33c¶õ²b33c·¥ÒÒ7G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33c¶Â b33cµÆ6U²b33c·¥ÒÒb33c¶² b7G&ætÆVgBb33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÂÒgV÷C²b33c²gV÷C²FVâb33c¶f%²b33c·¥ÒÒWfÂ7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶f%²b33c·¥Ò VæD` æW@ b33c¶f%²b33c·¢²ÒÒ7G&æu7G&u27G&ætÖBb33c¶FWC"Âb33cµÆ6U²b33c·¥ÒÂb33c·¢Òb33cµÆ6U²b33c·¥ÒÂ2 b7G&ætÆVgBb33c¶f%²b33c·¢²ÒÂÒgV÷C²b33c²gV÷C²FVâb33c¶f%²b33c·¢²ÒÒWfÂ7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶f%²b33c·¢²Ò f÷"b33c¶ÒFòb33c· bb33c¶õ²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²²gV÷C²FVà bb33c¶ÒFVà b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶Ò²b33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VÇ6P b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒ²b33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VæD` VÇ6Tbb33c¶õ²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²ÒgV÷C²FVà bb33c¶ÒFVà b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VÇ6P b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VæD` VÇ6Tbb33c¶õ²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²¢gV÷C²FVà bb33c¶ÒFVà b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶Ò¢b33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VÇ6P b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒ¢b33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VæD` VÇ6Tbb33c¶õ²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²ògV÷C²FVà bb33c¶ÒFVà b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶Òòb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VÇ6P b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒòb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VæD` VÇ6Tbb33c¶õ²b33c¶ÒÒgV÷C²fײgV÷C²FVà bb33c¶ÒFVà b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33c¶f%²b33c¶Òfײb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VÇ6P b33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c¶ÒÒfײb33c¶f%²b33c¶²Ð VæD` VæD` æW@ bb33c·¢ÒgV÷C²gV÷C²FVà b7G&ætÆVgBb33c¶FWC"ÂÒgV÷C²b33c²gV÷C²FVâb33c¶FWC"Ò7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶FWC" b33c´WfÂÒWfÂb33c¶FWC" bW'&÷"FVâb33c¶W'&÷"Ò VÇ6P b33c´WfÂÒb33cµ&W7VÇE²b33c·¥Ð VæD` bW'&÷"FVà b33c¶W'&÷"Òb33c¶FW@ VÇ6P uT7G&Å6WDFFb33c¶VFBÂuT7G&Å&VBb33c¶VFBfײb33c¶FWBfײgV÷C²ÒgV÷C²fײb33c´WfÂfײ5$Äb VæD` VÇ6Tb7G&ætÆVgBb33c¶FWBÂÒgV÷C²b333²gV÷C²FVà b33c¶FWC"Ò7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶FWB b33c¶FWC"Ò7G&æu7G&u2b33c¶FWC" b33cµ7G&ærÒ7G&ætå7G"b33c¶FWC"ÂgV÷C²gV÷C² bW'&÷"FVâb33c¶W'&÷"Òb33c¶FW@ b33c´ÆVgBÒ7G&æuG&Õ&vBb33c¶FWC"Â7G&ætÆVâb33c¶FWC"Òb33cµ7G&ær² b7G&ætÆVgBb33c´ÆVgBÂÒgV÷C²b33c²gV÷C²FVâb33c´ÆVgBÒ7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c´ÆVgB b33cµ&vBÒ7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33c¶FWC"Âb33cµ7G&ær b7G&ætÆVgBb33cµ&vBÂÒgV÷C²b33c²gV÷C²FVâb33cµ&vBÒWfÂ7G&æuG&ÔÆVgBb33cµ&vB 76vâb33c´ÆVgBÂb33cµ&vB bW'&÷"÷"b33c¶W'&÷"FVà b33c¶W'&÷"Òb33c¶FW@ VÇ6P uT7G&Å6WDFFb33c¶VFBÂuT7G&Å&VBb33c¶VFBfײb33c¶FWBfײ5$Äb VæD` VÇ6P b33c¶W'&÷"Òb33c¶FW@ VæD` bb33c¶W'&÷"FVâuT7G&Å6WDFFb33c¶VFBÂuT7G&Å&VBb33c¶VFBfײgV÷C´W'&÷"¢gV÷C²fײb33c¶W'&÷"fײ5$Äb uT7G&Å6WDFFb33c¶çWBÂgV÷C²gV÷C² b33c´WfÂÒgV÷C²gV÷C° b33c¶W'&÷"ÒgV÷C²gV÷C° b33c·¢ÒgV÷C²gV÷C° VæD` VæD` 6ÆVW tVæ@¤VæDgVæ2³ÓÒfwC´ÖÖVFFP
Calculate required size for gui item?
Jex replied to kev51773's topic in AutoIt GUI Help and Support
Very useful script for learn or test RegExp. I'm looked and for learn but need to know English language very good for learn RegExp But with this script i will try until find true results
Calculate required size for gui item?
Jex replied to kev51773's topic in AutoIt GUI Help and Support
Not clever idea but you can check text length and you can use this length for calculate required size? -
Very thanks for your help weaponx. I'm tried create more simple example : #include <GUIConstants.au3> Dim $GuiSize = 400, $LineSize = 150, $GuiCenter = $GuiSize / 2 GUICreate("GUI", $GuiSize, $GuiSize) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, $GuiSize, $GuiSize) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_ELLIPSE, $GuiCenter - $LineSize, $GuiCenter - $LineSize, $LineSize * 2, $LineSize * 2) For $i = 1 To 72 DrawLine($GuiCenter, $GuiCenter, $i * 5, $LineSize) Next GUISetState() Do Until GUIGetMsg() = -3 Func DrawLine($x1, $y1, $Angle, $Length) $x2 = $x1 + ($Length * Cos($Angle / 180 * 3.14159265358979)) $y2 = $y1 - ($Length * Sin($Angle / 180 * 3.14159265358979)) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $x1, $y1) GUICtrlSetGraphic(-1, $GUI_GR_LINE, $x2, $y2) EndFunc ;==>DrawLine
If i know x , y, ( blue dot ) angle and length can i find x2 and y2 ( green dot ) for create line ? ( I know that question answer is yes but how ? ) Example i know blue dot x : 150 y : 200 and green dot angle 45 and that line length ( hip ) 100. I'm tried that but not work #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("GDI+", 500, 500) $hWnd = WinGetHandle("GDI+") GUISetState() _GDIPlus_Startup() $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hWnd) $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate() Global $x = 150, $y = 200 $Deg = Angle($x, $y, 35, 100) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphic, $x, $y, $Deg[1], $Deg[2], $hPen) Do Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _GDIPlus_PenDispose($hPen) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Func Angle($x1, $y1, $Ang, $Length) Local $Return[3] $Return[1] = $x1 + ($Length * Sin($Ang / 180 * 3.14159265358979)) $Return[2] = $y1 + ($Length * Cos($Ang / 180 * 3.14159265358979)) Return $Return EndFunc ;==>Angle I think my angle function completely wrong but i can't figure out how can i do
$Number = InputBox("", "How many times repeat?", 1) For $i = 1 To $Number ;Script here Next You are searching this?
#include <IE.au3> #include <String.au3> $oIE = _IECreate("") MsgBox("", "", "Press for start.") While 1 $oSubmit = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "attack") _IEAction($oSubmit, "click") _IELoadWait($oIE) $String = _StringBetween(_IEBodyReadHTML($oIE), '<CENTER><A href="', '">Continue Slaying Monsters</A></CENTER>') If @error Then ClipPut(_IEDocReadHTML($oIE)) MsgBox("", "", "Error") Exit EndIf _IENavigate($oIE, "" & $String[0]) WEnd I'm giving that script because will be useful for learn ie functions.
If you want use WinClose then you can use that script : If WinExists("[CLASS:MozillaUIWindowClass]") Then Do WinClose("[CLASS:MozillaUIWindowClass]") Until Not WinExists("[CLASS:MozillaUIWindowClass]") EndIf
Try that script : $Color = PixelGetColor(55, 75) $Coord = PixelSearch(35, 55, 75, 95, $Color) If @error Then MsgBox("", "", "Error") Else MouseMove($Coord[0], $Coord[1]) EndIf If MsgBox show error then have problem else you write wrong color or that color change before you do pixel search.
Strange problem about simple slot game
Jex replied to Jex's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Thanks, i think Random(1, 1) return 1 but i'm false. Working script : #include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $Input[4] $Form = GUICreate("Slot", 210, 65, 255, 147) $Input[1] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 8, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Input[2] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 56, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Input[3] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 104, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Spin", 152, 8, 45, 45, 0) ;$Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Input4", 104, 56, 89, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button $Spin = Spin() If $Spin[1] = $Spin[2] And $Spin[2] = $Spin[3] Then MsgBox("", "", "You won " & $Spin[1] * 10 & " point.") EndSwitch WEnd Func Spin() Local $Slot[4], $Cur[4] For $i = 1 To 3 $Cur[$i] = GUICtrlRead($Input[$i]) Next For $z = 1 To 50 For $i = 1 To 3 $Random = Random(1, ((70 - $z) / 3) / 5, 1) If $Random < 1 Then $Random = 1 $Cur[$i] += $Random If $Cur[$i] > 10 Then $Cur[$i] = $Cur[$i] - 10 GUICtrlSetData($Input[$i], $Cur[$i]) Next Sleep(($z / 4) * 15) Next Return $Cur EndFunc ;==>Spin -
I'm opened this topic 47 days ago but still thanks.
#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $Input[4] $Form = GUICreate("Slot", 210, 65, 255, 147) $Input[1] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 8, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Input[2] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 56, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Input[3] = GUICtrlCreateInput(Random(1, 10, 1), 104, 8, 45, 45, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 24, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $Button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Spin", 152, 8, 45, 45, 0) ;$Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Input4", 104, 56, 89, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button $Spin = Spin() If $Spin[1] = $Spin[2] And $Spin[2] = $Spin[3] Then MsgBox("", "", "You won " & $Spin[1] * 10 & " point.") EndSwitch WEnd Func Spin() Local $Slot[4], $Cur[4] For $i = 1 To 3 $Cur[$i] = GUICtrlRead($Input[$i]) Next For $z = 1 To 75 For $i = 1 To 3 $Random = Random(1, ((80 - $z) / 3) / 5, 1) $Cur[$i] += $Random If $Cur[$i] > 10 Then $Cur[$i] = $Cur[$i] - 10 TrayTip("", $z & " " & $Cur[1] & " " & $Cur[2] & " " & $Cur[3], 1) ;Debug GUICtrlSetData($Input[$i], $Cur[$i]) Next Sleep(($z / 4) * 10) Next Return $Cur EndFunc ;==>Spin I'm added TrayTip for see what is going wrong. You can see after $z = 65, TrayTip not change. I mean after $z = 65 in For Next loop. ( Line 35 to 44 ) I can't find what is wrong. I mean bug?