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Jos last won the day on March 10

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    Je maintiendrai

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  1. Are you using the x64 or x86 SciTE version?
  2. Did you check if there is another error returned by?: Local $hError = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "dword", "GetLastError") If $hError[0] = $ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS Then
  3. Open the helpfile and check for _FileListToArray or FileFindFirstFile().
  4. Sigh... Note self: Never ask 2 things in one post!!! .. I see you finally understood what I already told you in my first answer in this thread.... so have fun scripting.
  5. Give me a clear answer to my last question you quoted in your last reply but added nothing? The Ctrl-Shift-i simply shows the option to change it, but that doesn't make the change permanent. I need to have all basic info about your installation first before even thinking of the reason for what you see. So: So you ran the SciTE4AutoIt3 installer? If so then please Open SciTEConfig Click on "Other Tools" tab Click on the "Run AutoIt3/SciTE check" button. Provide me with the total output of that shown window. This output will show me all active SciTE settings.
  6. Just uploaded an updated Tidy to the Beta directory that now also has option #Tidy_ILC_Pos=-2 The -2 option will simply copy any existing Whitespace characters between the Code and InlineComment, from the existing line to the newly indented line. Try that and see if that is what you are looking for, but I thought it would be nice to make that available as well as option. 🙂
  7. ... and SciTE defaults to utf8 without BOM for while.
  8. There is also a -1 option for the Support for directive #Tidy_ILC_Pos=nn as you can see here. This is the previous Tidy behaviour, where all spaces were trimmed to one space between end of code and comment. I will update the documentation to include that info.
  9. I guess the first code should have been indented, but the tabs were removed? It is indeed the case that as default the code is properly indented and the inline comments start position is kept where possible. This is considered a feature that the inline comments stay aligned when the code indentation is changed. e.g. Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test will result in Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test Local $aVar ; Test
  10. Did you install only AutoIt3 with the installer, or did you download the separate SciTE4Autoit3 installer? .. or did you download the zip file without any installer? This all feels like you are mixing versions, and like to advise you to download the SciTE4Autoit3 installer and use that to update your installation!
  11. Thanks for the time to go through my questions: Any shortcut works for me that makes sense, it is just for convenience as that is a heavy-used function by many I guess. Is there a way to configure this, or is this hardcoded in extension? I know it is the case in the standard supplied SciTE theme, but that was never my choice, as I prefer to give them a different look to easily distinguish them. A simple example is the indentation of the next line after a single line if: If $a = 1 then $a = 2 As I mentioned somewhere: I cloned the repo and made changes to Add Tidy, Au3stripper and Add-Includes functions to the list of options with a shortcut, as that would make them available to me and also show the output properly. Also made changes to Tidy,au3Stripper and au3check to avoid the need to use AutoIt3Wrapper to run them when containing mixed encoding or special characters in their filenames. I am pretty happy with the way things work at the moment. Thanks for that!
  12. Just a wild guess: Do you have these settings in your SciTEUser.properties?: view.indentation.guides=1 tabsize=3 indent.size=4 use.tabs=0 Standard we use: tabsize=4 indent.size=4 use.tabs=1 ... but changing the first line to also use 4 should solve the Issue I guess. If not: provide me with your SciTEUser.properties so I can have a look
  13. Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. The Moderation team
  14. Not sure where the quibbling is coming from, but ........ To me it's simple: As far as I understand it, It's a design thing in the standard SciTE so in case one wants to get it resolved, post an issue/bug at their mail-list. The Full SciTE I maintain has a work-round since that is using the au3help.exe to open the helpfile at the correct selected word. (Hence to comment/advice made by @Nine)
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