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A. Percy

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About A. Percy

  • Birthday 07/18/1977

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    VW Sedan user
  • Location
    Pinheiral - RJ - Brazil
  • Interests
    Fly, aircrafts, airplanes (I'm pilot!), opengl, autoit, povray, c++, irrlicht, pizza, chocolate, beer, VW Beetle, etc

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Universalist (7/7)



  1. Good! The project is walking with its own legs (Yes, I'm alive)
  2. Perfect!
  3. Just to inform the fans ( ), the project is not dead, just hibernated for a short time while I fix some personal pendencies.
  4. Ok!
  5. 1 - using the hwnd of the browser window _IEAttach( $hWnd, "HWND" ) or 2 - using class and title. Don't forget to replace "My beautifull window" by your target window title. _IEAttach( "[CLASS:IEFrame;TITLE:My beautifull window]" )
  6. New version released. http://www.box.net/shared/qaiamxssat Now you can remove nodes. Use: Remove( $Node ) Limitation: It crashes with octree scene nodes. >_<
  7. I made this function (RemoveNode), but it didn't working properly, so I removed it. I'll work this week to ressurrect it. >_<
  8. Please, put it at examples folder and run: #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: A. Percy Script Function: Template AutoIt IrllLicht script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #include <..\IrrlichtPluginUtils.au3> AutoItSetOption( "TrayIconHide", 1 ) Opt( "WinTitleMatchMode", 3 ) ;creating the device CreateDevice( $EDT_OPENGL, 640, 480, 16, 0, 0, 0 ) ;setting window caption SetWindowCaption( "My first IrrLicht Scene" ) ;Add Light $Light = AddLightSceneNode( 0, 2000, 2000, 0, 1, 1, 1, 10000 ) ;Add Camera $Camera = AddCameraSceneNodeFPS( 0, 100, 200, 1, 0.8 ) SetPosition( $Camera, 50, 25, 50 ) ;setting position SetTarget( $Camera, 0, 25, 0 ) ;setting target ;Creating scene nodes $Node = AddSphereSceneNode( 20 ) ;Setting position SetPosition( $Node, -60, 0, 20 ) While IrrRun( ) ;BeginScene( bool backBuffer, bool zBuffer, int Alpha, int Red, int Green, int Blue ) BeginScene( true, true, 255, 100, 100, 100 ) ;gets collision from Vader SceneDraw( ) $CollCameraNode = GetSceneNodeFromCameraBB( $Camera ) If $CollCameraNode = $Node Then ToolTip ( "It's a sphere!" ) EndIf GuiDraw( ) EndScene( ) sleep( 20 ) ToolTip( "" ) Wend
  9. Atendendo a pedidos, uma nova versão Ok, new version http://www.box.net/shared/mpjzjqyzsu This is an intermediary version before I implement bullet collision functions. The size of plugin DLL growed a little, cause I'm using Bullet includes for some tests Some light functions was redesigned. I was using irrlicht 1.5, but if was incompatible with some collision functions, so, I'm using 1.4.2 again @insignia96 Now you can use AddSphereSceneNode @All I forget to include the actualized help file, so use this help instead: http://www.box.net/shared/0zgjdn5odc
  10. Try: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=70506
  11. ConsoleWrite( "my message here" )
  12. Interesting... It's disabled. Only works when I click the button.
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