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About PaulIA

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    API Extremist

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  1. Nope, just fed up with people who lurk around until they think someone is gone and then decide they have an opinion. If you thought Auto3Lib was a piece of junk, you had plenty of time to express that view when you thought I was still here.
  2. Instead of bitching and moaning, how about reporting any bugs so that they could be fixed or asking for help when you don't understand. Nah, that would rob you of the opportunity to post crap as this.
  3. I know what's wrong. You can't read. The Auto3Lib documentation clearly says that GDI+ is only native to XP/2003. It has to be downloaded from MSDN for other OS.
  4. It's not a bug. If you'd read the Auto3Lib documentation, you'd see that GDI+ is only available natively on XP/2003. You need to download the GDI+ dll from MSDN if you're using this on other OS.
  5. Cut, paste. Cut, paste. Cut, paste. Cut, paste. I'm tired all ready.
  6. Glad I could help. I'll drop by every now and then to keep an eye on things.
  7. Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.
  8. Look at the TextWidth demo in the Auto3Lib Misc folder.
  9. Adding GUIListView to the include of A3LListView doesn't achieve anything. All of the global constants are defined in ListViewConstants.au3 which is already included in A3LListView.
  10. No problem. Let me know if you do spot something.
  11. I can not see any problems with memory leaks in these functions. Run this script in SciTE: #include <A3LLibrary.au3> GUICreate("Test", 400, 300) GUISetState() do $fFloat = _Lib_IntToFloat(1234 ) $iInt = _Lib_FloatToInt(123.4) until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Pull up task manager and watch the memory consumption for AutoIt3.exe. It doesn't budge. Can you can send me a small, working script with the original functions that causes the problems you are seeing?
  12. Thanks for reporting this. I'll fix this for the next release.
  13. From the header where the error is occurring:
  14. Not reproducable. Maybe for your 12th birthday, your mom will buy you a new computer.
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