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  1. #include <String.au3> $HTML = '<TR CLASS="LIL">Bonjour</TD>' $Temp = _StringBetween($HTML, '<TR CLASS="LIL">', '</TD>') MsgBox(0, "", $Temp[0]) Works for me.
  2. Check out the AutoIt macros here. @UserName is the one you want.
  3. Select Case $nMsg = $Save $fSave = FileOpen("stuff.txt", 2) $sText = GUICtrlRead($Stuff) FileWrite($fSave, $sText) FileClose($fSave) ; FileClose() takes the handle of the file to close, not the name. EndSelect
  4. Func ChangeValue(ByRef $inputVar) $inputVar=100 EndFunc
  5. Here's another way of doing it:Dim $Line = "" For $i = 1 To 100 $Line &= @LF & FileReadLine($File, $i) Next $Start = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Some text" & $Line, 5, 3, 200, 2000)
  6. Here's a small example: Dim $MyVar = MyFunc() MsgBox(0, "Notice", $MyVar[0] & ", " & $MyVar[1]) Func MyFunc() Local $Ret[2] $Ret[0] = 1 $Ret[1] = 2 Return $Ret EndFunc
  7. DllCall("uxtheme.dll", "none", "SetThemeAppProperties", "int", 0)
  8. Local $Pi = 16 * ATan(1 / 5) - 4 * ATan(1 / 239) MsgBox(0, "", $Pi) Fixed.
  9. A simple search of the forums lead me to this topic. As for the mouse blocks, a quick search through the help file should help you get started.
  10. Perhaps take a look at AdlibEnable in the help file.
  11. MsgBox(0, "Notice", StringRight(@ComputerName, 3))
  12. Run("notepad.exe") ; ; Wait for the window to exist ; WinWait("Untitled") ; ; Wait for the window to become visible ; Do Local $Wait = WinGetState("Untitled") Sleep(10) Until BitAND($Wait, 2) ; ; Activate the window ; WinActivate("Untitled")
  13. $PortableDrive = StringLeft(@ScriptDir, 1) ; This number should be 2, not 1. ShellExecute($PortableDrive & "\ClearFrequently\Daily- EDITOONS")oÝ÷ Ú«¨µéÚ
  14. Wow thanks Jon, I've been waiting for a full version of x64 AutoIt to come out for a while now. Tested a few API's with DllCall, and they seem to work flawlessly. So far so good, keep up the splendid work!
  15. $PortableDrive = StringLeft(@ScriptDir, 2) MsgBox(0, "Notice", $PortableDrive & "\APPS\NOTEPAD\npad\Metapad v3.51\APP- Metapad v3.51\Metapad.exe")
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