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#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
$image = _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\test.tiff")

The above code does not work. It does not give an error, and exits the program 'normally' (console gives no errors) after about a 300 ms. So it seemed like it worked, but when I check my desktop, the file isn't there.

I used to have problems with the function crashing the program (In vista, an error message came up, not your normal console error), but that seems to have stopped now. I discovered that this line of code was causing the script to crash (found in _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx(), which is found in multiple places in the Screen Capture UDF):

$aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSaveImageToFile", "hwnd", $hImage, "wstr", $sFileName, "ptr", $pGUID, "ptr", $pParams)

Of course, the crashes don't happen anymore, I just figured the info might be helpful in finding out what is causing it.

It'd probably be good for me too mention that the Capture function does not EVER work, at least with any combination of settings I've found (unless you leave it as a handle).

Any ideas?

Thanks ahead of time.


#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
$image = _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\test.tiff")

The above code does not work. It does not give an error, and exits the program 'normally' (console gives no errors) after about a 300 ms. So it seemed like it worked, but when I check my desktop, the file isn't there.

I used to have problems with the function crashing the program (In vista, an error message came up, not your normal console error), but that seems to have stopped now. I discovered that this line of code was causing the script to crash (found in _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx(), which is found in multiple places in the Screen Capture UDF):

$aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSaveImageToFile", "hwnd", $hImage, "wstr", $sFileName, "ptr", $pGUID, "ptr", $pParams)

Of course, the crashes don't happen anymore, I just figured the info might be helpful in finding out what is causing it.

It'd probably be good for me too mention that the Capture function does not EVER work, at least with any combination of settings I've found (unless you leave it as a handle).

Any ideas?

Thanks ahead of time.

Please share with us your code.
Posted (edited)

Please share with us your code.

That's the strange thing, it's such a simple problem. I've tried using the function on many occasions, but it has never worked. So, I just wrote up a quick example, tested it (it didn't work), then posted it. It's the first codebox.

I guess I could search around for a more complex example if you wish.


Long story short, I was trying to write my own version of the CaptureScreen UDF, and it ended being pretty much the same. I had spliced this bit of code from an example I found on these forums and wrote into a UDF.


#include <GDIPlus.au3>

#include <File.au3>

Func _convert($in, $out, $format)

$timer = TimerInit ()



$image = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($in)


$create = _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($image, $out, _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID($format))

;$create = _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($image, $out)




$timerdiff = TimerDiff ($timer)

Return $create


_convert("C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\record1\pic1.bmp", "C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\record1\pic0.tif", "tif")

Now that I run the example, I find that the program crashes on the same line of code that I posted earlier.

Edited by aggixx

Strangely, everything works fine for me. If you try to replace the "tif" to, for example, "jpg"?

Nope, still doesn't work. I figured it was probably just a problem with my computer, the question is: what?

Nope, still doesn't work. I figured it was probably just a problem with my computer, the question is: what?

Perhaps the reason for the malfunction is in the CLSID, check which programs to view the images you have installed (ACDSee, etc.). This is just my opinion.

Perhaps the reason for the malfunction is in the CLSID, check which programs to view the images you have installed (ACDSee, etc.). This is just my opinion.

Well, oddly enough, TIFs are opened with Photoshop, and TIFFs are opened with MSpaint. Is that what you meant?
Posted (edited)

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
$image = _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\test.tiff")

The above code does not work. It does not give an error, and exits the program 'normally' (console gives no errors) after about a 300 ms. So it seemed like it worked, but when I check my desktop, the file isn't there.

I used to have problems with the function crashing the program (In vista, an error message came up, not your normal console error), but that seems to have stopped now. I discovered that this line of code was causing the script to crash (found in _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx(), which is found in multiple places in the Screen Capture UDF):

$aResult = DllCall($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipSaveImageToFile", "hwnd", $hImage, "wstr", $sFileName, "ptr", $pGUID, "ptr", $pParams)

Of course, the crashes don't happen anymore, I just figured the info might be helpful in finding out what is causing it.

It'd probably be good for me too mention that the Capture function does not EVER work, at least with any combination of settings I've found (unless you leave it as a handle).

Any ideas?

Thanks ahead of time.

Well, I seem to have found an alternative to _ScreenCapture_Capture, but now I need a way to convert the BMP to a TIFF (I need it for OCR). Anyway to do it that doesn't involve GDI? Edited by aggixx

Use FreeImage library.

Global Const $FIF_UNKNOWN = -1
Global Const $FIF_BMP = 0
Global Const $FIF_ICO = 1
Global Const $FIF_JPEG = 2
Global Const $FIF_JNG = 3
Global Const $FIF_KOALA = 4
Global Const $FIF_LBM = 5
Global Const $FIF_IFF = $FIF_LBM
Global Const $FIF_MNG = 6
Global Const $FIF_PBM = 7
Global Const $FIF_PBMRAW = 8
Global Const $FIF_PCD = 9
Global Const $FIF_PCX = 10
Global Const $FIF_PGM = 11
Global Const $FIF_PGMRAW = 12
Global Const $FIF_PNG = 13
Global Const $FIF_PPM = 14
Global Const $FIF_PPMRAW = 15
Global Const $FIF_RAS = 16
Global Const $FIF_TARGA = 17
Global Const $FIF_TIFF = 18
Global Const $FIF_WBMP = 19
Global Const $FIF_PSD = 20
Global Const $FIF_CUT = 21
Global Const $FIF_XBM = 22
Global Const $FIF_XPM = 23
Global Const $FIF_DDS = 24
Global Const $FIF_GIF = 25
Global Const $FIF_HDR = 26
Global Const $FIF_FAXG3 = 27
Global Const $FIF_SGI = 28

Global Const $Sourse = 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg'
Global Const $Destination = 'C:\Ascent.tif'

$Dll = DllOpen('FreeImage.dll')

$hImage = DllCall($Dll, 'ptr', '_FreeImage_LoadU@12', 'int', $FIF_JPEG, 'wstr', $Sourse, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $Destination, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_Unload@4', 'ptr', $hImage[0])


Use FreeImage library.

Global Const $FIF_UNKNOWN = -1
Global Const $FIF_BMP = 0
Global Const $FIF_ICO = 1
Global Const $FIF_JPEG = 2
Global Const $FIF_JNG = 3
Global Const $FIF_KOALA = 4
Global Const $FIF_LBM = 5
Global Const $FIF_IFF = $FIF_LBM
Global Const $FIF_MNG = 6
Global Const $FIF_PBM = 7
Global Const $FIF_PBMRAW = 8
Global Const $FIF_PCD = 9
Global Const $FIF_PCX = 10
Global Const $FIF_PGM = 11
Global Const $FIF_PGMRAW = 12
Global Const $FIF_PNG = 13
Global Const $FIF_PPM = 14
Global Const $FIF_PPMRAW = 15
Global Const $FIF_RAS = 16
Global Const $FIF_TARGA = 17
Global Const $FIF_TIFF = 18
Global Const $FIF_WBMP = 19
Global Const $FIF_PSD = 20
Global Const $FIF_CUT = 21
Global Const $FIF_XBM = 22
Global Const $FIF_XPM = 23
Global Const $FIF_DDS = 24
Global Const $FIF_GIF = 25
Global Const $FIF_HDR = 26
Global Const $FIF_FAXG3 = 27
Global Const $FIF_SGI = 28

Global Const $Sourse = 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg'
Global Const $Destination = 'C:\Ascent.tif'

$Dll = DllOpen('FreeImage.dll')

$hImage = DllCall($Dll, 'ptr', '_FreeImage_LoadU@12', 'int', $FIF_JPEG, 'wstr', $Sourse, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $Destination, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_Unload@4', 'ptr', $hImage[0])

Looks great, but:

C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\AU3 Scripts\test384.au3 (39) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $Destination, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage^ ERROR

Looks great, but:

C:\Users\aggixx\Desktop\AU3 Scripts\test384.au3 (39) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $Destination, 'int', 0)
DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $FIF_TIFF, 'ptr', $hImage^ ERROR
Change to an existing picture (JPEG). This library is used by many programs. Actually read the documentation in a lot of interesting things. It also can be downloaded on the link that I gave you. This is a pretty powerful library.

$Sourse = 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg'

Change to an existing picture (JPEG). This library is used by many programs. Actually read the documentation in a lot of interesting things. It also can be downloaded on the link that I gave you. This is a pretty powerful library.

$Sourse = 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg'
It gives me the same error even when the file exists.

If the file 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg' exists and FreeImage.dll is in the same folder where your script, then everything should work! Nonses.

Well, that seems to make it work. But the problem is, the resulting file (tiff) is broken. It is not recognized by tesseract.exe or Photoshop.

Well, that seems to make it work. But the problem is, the resulting file (tiff) is broken. It is not recognized by tesseract.exe or Photoshop.

Here are the errors it gives:


Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine
name_to_image_type:Error:Unrecognized image type:captured.tiff
IMAGE::read_header:Error:Can't read this image type:captured.tiff
Tessedit:Error:Read of file failed:captured.tiff
Signal_exit 31 ABORT. LocCode: 3  AbortCode: 3

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document.

Here are the errors it gives:


Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine
name_to_image_type:Error:Unrecognized image type:captured.tiff
IMAGE::read_header:Error:Can't read this image type:captured.tiff
Tessedit:Error:Read of file failed:captured.tiff
Signal_exit 31 ABORT. LocCode: 3  AbortCode: 3

Adobe Photoshop CS3

Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document.
Give me your code (only relevant) and the image that you try to convert. I see.
Posted (edited)

Give me your code (only relevant) and the image that you try to convert. I see.

Global Const $FIF_UNKNOWN = -1
Global Const $FIF_BMP = 0
Global Const $FIF_ICO = 1
Global Const $FIF_JPEG = 2
Global Const $FIF_JPG = $FIF_JPEG
Global Const $FIF_JNG = 3
Global Const $FIF_KOALA = 4
Global Const $FIF_LBM = 5
Global Const $FIF_IFF = $FIF_LBM
Global Const $FIF_MNG = 6
Global Const $FIF_PBM = 7
Global Const $FIF_PBMRAW = 8
Global Const $FIF_PCD = 9
Global Const $FIF_PCX = 10
Global Const $FIF_PGM = 11
Global Const $FIF_PGMRAW = 12
Global Const $FIF_PNG = 13
Global Const $FIF_PPM = 14
Global Const $FIF_PPMRAW = 15
Global Const $FIF_RAS = 16
Global Const $FIF_TARGA = 17
Global Const $FIF_TIFF = 18
Global Const $FIF_TIF = $FIF_TIFF
Global Const $FIF_WBMP = 19
Global Const $FIF_PSD = 20
Global Const $FIF_CUT = 21
Global Const $FIF_XBM = 22
Global Const $FIF_XPM = 23
Global Const $FIF_DDS = 24
Global Const $FIF_GIF = 25
Global Const $FIF_HDR = 26
Global Const $FIF_FAXG3 = 27
Global Const $FIF_SGI = 28

Func GetConvID($fileid)
    $retvar = "false"
    Switch $fileid
    Case "BMP"
        $retvar = 0
    Case "JPG" or "JPEG"
        $retvar = 2
    Case "PNG"
        $retvar = 13
    Case "TIF" or "TIFF"
        $retvar = 18
    Case "GIF"
        $retvar = 25
    Return $retvar

Global Const $Source = 'C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Ascent.jpg'
Global Const $Destination = 'C:\Ascent.tif'

$dll = DllOpen('FreeImage.dll')

Func ConvertImg($in, $out)
    $inext = StringSplit( $in, ".", 1 )
    $inext = GetConvID($inext[$inext[0]])
    $outext = StringSplit( $out, ".", 1 )
    $outext = GetConvID($outext[$outext[0]])
    $hImage = DllCall($dll, 'ptr', '_FreeImage_LoadU@12', 'int', $inext, 'wstr', $in, 'int', 0)
    DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $outext, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $out, 'int', 0)
    DllCall($Dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_Unload@4', 'ptr', $hImage[0])
    Return FileExists( $out )


I modified the code a little, but you get the idea.


Edited by aggixx
Posted (edited)


Func GetConvID($fileid)
    Switch $fileid
        Case "BMP"
            Return 0
        Case "JPG", "JPEG"
            Return 2
        Case "PNG"
            Return 13
        Case "TIF", "TIFF"
            Return 18
        Case "GIF"
            Return 25
        Case Else
            Return -1
EndFunc   ;==>GetConvID
Edited by Yashied


Func GetConvID($fileid)
    Switch $fileid
        Case "BMP"
            Return 0
        Case "JPG", "JPEG"
            Return 2
        Case "PNG"
            Return 13
        Case "TIF", "TIFF"
            Return 18
        Case "GIF"
            Return 25
        Case Else
            Return -1
EndFunc   ;==>GetConvID
Well, it seems to be working relatively well now, but I'm still getting an error. It seems that the conversion is compressing the TIFF file, and Tesseract cannot support that.

Well, it seems to be working relatively well now, but I'm still getting an error. It seems that the conversion is compressing the TIFF file, and Tesseract cannot support that.

$ret = DllCall($dll, 'int', '_FreeImage_SaveU@16', 'int', $outext, 'ptr', $hImage[0], 'wstr', $out, 'int', 0x0800)

aggixx, why did you not read the documentation, everything is written?

0x0800 - TIF without compression

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