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Hello All,

Simple question?

I'm trying to get Autoit Script to select (but not open) a folder in Windows Explorer

so that I can get to the folder's ACL security properties.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi CyberSlug,


Your script works nicely but is somewhat too complex for my needs.

The script should not require any user interaction

It simply needs to open a predetermined folder in explorer and hi-light "select" a sub- folder

Say for example that I want the "C:\Documents and Settings" folder opened in explorer with the"Administrator" folder selected.


Run('explorer.exe /select, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator'"')


$path = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\"

Run('explorer.exe /select, ' & """" & $path & """")



The first of your 2 options

Run('explorer.exe /select, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"')

works nicely in an .au3 file,

I would need to translate it to an AutoitX vbscript format.

doesn't seem to like the following:

Dim oShell

Dim oAutoIt


' Initialise Variables & Objects


Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

oShell.Run 'explorer.exe /select, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"'1, FALSE


The first of your 2 options

Run('explorer.exe /select, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"')

works nicely in an .au3 file,

I would need to translate it to an AutoitX vbscript format.

doesn't seem to like the following:

Dim oShell

Dim oAutoIt


' Initialise Variables & Objects


Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

'oops misssed a comma, but problem remains

'should be:

oShell.Run 'explorer.exe /select, "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator"', 1, FALSE


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