CodyBarrett Posted May 2, 2009 Share Posted May 2, 2009 (edited) VERY simple.. lol i took the lazy way out.. see Unbeatable tick tack toe for a better one...X=AIO=USERUSER goes firstthis has SOMEwhat of a strategy in it... and is MUCH harder to win has custom GUI's and messages... blah blah check it out.. post some comments on how i could do it better please... and i DON'T want to make it UNBEATABLE.. cause that wouldn't be fun.. maybe nearly unbeatable.. maybe later.. EDITits more difficult now but still has a few bugs X's replace O's spot in center some times and declares a AI WIN when it should have been a TIEEDITfairly random scenarios based on a valued system.3|2|32|4|23|2|3if there isn't a spot to block\win it goes to find the most valuable, if there are multiple it randomizes it. not exactly predictable. or is it? :Sexpandcollapse popupOpt ('GuiOnEVentMode',1) Dim $GRID[3][3] Dim $row[3], $column[3],$diagonal[2] $nTieCount = 0 $nTurnCount = 0 $nLossCount = 0 $nWinCount = 0 $nAI = -1 $sAI = 'o' $nPLAYER = 1 $sPLAYER = 'x' $turn = $nPLAYER $w_h = 75 $guiw = ($w_h*3)+40 $guih = ($w_h*5) $font_s = ($w_h*2)/4 $window_hwnd = GUICreate ('tic tac toe',$guiw,$guih) GUISetOnEvent (-3,'End') $lWinCount = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('WINS:',10,40+($w_h*3),($guiw-20)/3,$w_h/2,0x0200) $lLossCount = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('LOSSES:',10+($guiw-20)/3,40+($w_h*3),($guiw-20)/3,$w_h/2,0x0200) $lTieCount = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Ties:',$guiw-($guiw-20)/3,40+($w_h*3),($guiw-20)/3,$w_h/2,0x0200) For $x = 0 To 2 For $y = 0 To 2 $GRID[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreateButton ('',10+(10*$x)+($x*$w_h),10+(10*$y)+($y*$w_h),$w_h,$w_h) GUICtrlSetOnEvent ($GRID[$x][$y],'Clicked') Next Next Dim $GRIDval2[4] $GRIDval2[0] = $GRID[0][1] $GRIDval2[1] = $GRID[2][0] $GRIDval2[2] = $GRID[2][2] $GRIDval2[3] = $GRID[2][1] Dim $GRIDval3[4] $GRIDval3[0] = $GRID[0][0] $GRIDval3[1] = $GRID[0][2] $GRIDval3[2] = $GRID[2][0] $GRIDval3[3] = $GRID[2][2] $diagonal[0] = $GRID[0][0] & '|' & $GRID[1][1] & '|' & $GRID[2][2] $diagonal[1] = $GRID[2][0] & '|' & $GRID[1][1] & '|' & $GRID[0][2] For $n = 0 To 2 $row[$n] = $GRID[$n][0] & '|' & $GRID[$n][1] & '|' & $GRID[$n][2] $column[$n] = $GRID[0][$n] & '|' & $GRID[1][$n] & '|' & $GRID[2][$n] Next GUICtrlCreateButton ('Reset',10,(3*$w_h)+$w_h+20,$guiw-20,$w_h/2) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1,'Start') GUISetState () Start () While 1 CheckStats () CheckWin () Sleep (100) WEnd Func Start () $turn = $nPLAYER $nTurnCount = 0 WinSetState ($window_hwnd,'',@SW_ENABLE) For $n = 0 To 2 For $u = 0 To 2 GUICtrlSetData ($GRID[$n][$u],'') GUICtrlSetState ($GRID[$n][$u],64) Next Next EndFunc Func CheckStats () If GUICtrlRead ($lWinCount) <> 'WINS:'&$nWinCount Then GUICtrlSetData ($lWinCount,'WINS:'&$nWinCount) If GUICtrlRead ($lLossCount) <> 'LOSSES:'&$nLossCount Then GUICtrlSetData ($lLossCount,'LOSSES:'&$nLossCount) If GUICtrlRead ($lTieCount) <> 'TIES:'&$nTieCount Then GUICtrlSetData ($lTieCount,'TIES:'&$nTieCount) EndFunc Func CheckWin () Local $eval, $n $eval = StringEval($diagonal[0]) If $eval = -3 Or $eval = 3 Then Win ($eval) $eval = StringEval($diagonal[1]) If $eval = -3 Or $eval = 3 Then Win ($eval) For $n = 0 To 2 $eval = StringEval($row[$n]) If $eval = -3 Or $eval = 3 Then Win ($eval) $eval = StringEval($column[$n]) If $eval = -3 Or $eval = 3 Then Win ($eval) Next EndFunc Func Win ($value) If $value/$nPLAYER = 3 Then MsgBox (0,'WIN','Player Has Won!',25,$window_hwnd) $nWinCount += 1 EndIf If $value/$nAI = 3 Then MsgBox (0,'WIN','Computer Has Won!',25,$window_hwnd) $nLossCount += 1 EndIf Start () EndFunc Func Check () Local $n If $nTurnCount >= 8 Then MsgBox (0,'TIE','Tie Game',25,$window_hwnd) $nTieCount += 1 Start () Else CheckMove(StringEval($diagonal[0]),$diagonal[0]) CheckMove(StringEval($diagonal[1]),$diagonal[1]) For $n = 0 To 2 CheckMove(StringEval($row[$n]),$row[$n]) CheckMove(StringEval($column[$n]),$column[$n]) Next If $turn = $nAI Then If GUICtrlRead ($GRID[1][1]) == '' Then Move($GRID[1][1]) Else If MiniMaxValuing ($GRIDval3) = -1 Then If MiniMaxValuing ($GRIDval2) = -1 Then Do $r = Random (0,2,1) $c = Random (0,2,1) Until GUICtrlRead ($GRID[$r][$c]) == '' Move ($GRID[$r][$c]) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func Move ($ID) GUICtrlSetData ($ID,$sAI) GUICtrlSetState ($ID,128) $turn = $nPLAYER $nTurnCount += 1 WinSetState ($window_hwnd,'',@SW_ENABLE) EndFunc Func Clicked () $turn = $nAI $nTurnCount += 1 GUICtrlSetData (@GUI_CtrlId,$sPLAYER) GUICtrlSetState (@GUI_CtrlId,128) WinSetState ($window_hwnd,'',@SW_DISABLE) Check () EndFunc Func CheckMove ($value,$IDarray) If $value = 3 Or $value = -3 Then Win ($value) If $turn = $nAI Then If GUICtrlRead ($GRID[1][1]) == '' Then Move ($GRID[1][1]) Return EndIf If $value = 2 Or $value = -2 Then Local $guiIDarray = StringSplit ($IDarray,'|',2) Local $n = 0 For $n = 0 To UBound ($guiIDarray)-1 $guiIDarray[$n] = Number ($guiIDarray[$n]) If GUICtrlRead ($guiIDarray[$n]) == '' Then Move ($guiIDarray[$n]) Return EndIf Next EndIf Return EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func StringEval ($IDarray) Dim $guiIDarray = StringSplit ($IDarray,'|',2) Dim $valuearray[UBound ($guiIDarray)] Local $value = 0, $n = 0 For $n = 0 To UBound ($guiIDarray)-1 $guiIDarray[$n] = $guiIDarray[$n] If GUICtrlRead ($guiIDarray[$n]) == '' Then $valuearray[$n] = 0 If GUICtrlRead ($guiIDarray[$n]) == $sPLAYER Then $valuearray[$n] = $nPLAYER If GUICtrlRead ($guiIDarray[$n]) == $sAI Then $valuearray[$n] = $nAI $value += $valuearray[$n] Next Return $value EndFunc Func MiniMaxValuing ($array) Local $n, $Count = '' For $n = 0 To UBound ($array,1)-1 If GUICtrlRead ($array[$n]) == '' Then $Count &= $n & '|' Next If $Count == '' Then Return -1 $Count = StringSplit (StringTrimRight ($Count,1),'|',2) Move ($array[$Count[Random (0,UBound ($Count,1)-1,1)]]) Return 1 EndFunc Func End () Exit EndFunc Edited October 27, 2010 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mat Posted May 2, 2009 Share Posted May 2, 2009 .. post some comments on how i could do it better please... of course 1) make the x's and o's bigger, so they fill the button. 2) don't show the 2nd gui when ai is working. it looks so much better like this:Func _PC_Move () Do $i = Random (0, 9) Until GUICtrlRead ($Array[$i]) <> 'X' And GUICtrlRead ($Array[$i]) <> 'O' GUICtrlSetData ($Array[$i], 'X') GUICtrlSetState ($Array[$i], $GUI_DISABLE) $Turn += 1 _MouseTrap () EndFunc 3) For other messages, try splashtexton... Func _Tie_ () SplashTextOn ("Result!!", "You tied the game!! <>_<>", 300, 50, -1, -1) Sleep (1000) _Random_ () Sleep (1000) SplashOff () EndFunc generally, just make it better!! I had a bit of fun though. MDiesel AutoIt Project Listing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 2, 2009 Author Share Posted May 2, 2009 well thanks.... i put the "Please wait..." to make it SEEM like the copmuter is making its decision haha ill try a few more things out [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yehia Posted May 2, 2009 Share Posted May 2, 2009 lol sooooo easy to take him down it needs more work on AI but still cool GJ My Scripts:IE New UDFsElastic images moving under mouse (with a happy valentine's example)_FileRemoveLine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 2, 2009 Author Share Posted May 2, 2009 lol i made it in like.. 10 mins at school haha 7 of those minutes were googling how tic tac toe works... and i might still add a few strategies to the AI if you didn't notice it has NO strategy.. just randomly pics out a black spot lmao [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yashied Posted May 3, 2009 Share Posted May 3, 2009 I want to play X, and go first. My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 3, 2009 Author Share Posted May 3, 2009 (edited) well... sorry haha but in the new version up at the top... i havent won once.. and your still O but you get to go firstEDITjust tested 10 times.. all 10 i started in the center.. it was a 40% WIN.. 30% TIE and 20% LOSE haha and well.. 10% glitch (would have been a win but it said TIE and restarted) Edited May 3, 2009 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinalVersion Posted May 3, 2009 Share Posted May 3, 2009 well... sorry haha but in the new version up at the top... i havent won once.. and your still O but you get to go firstLol I won first go You Choose Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Then Middle Bottom. Simple [center][+] Steam GUI [+][+] Clipboard Tool [+][+] System :: Uptime [+][+] StarCraft II Mouse Trap [+][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 3, 2009 Author Share Posted May 3, 2009 lol sometimes it does that.. xD.. but then again.. i wanna keep the player interested and not frustrated... not like "OMFG!! YOU DOU***BAG!! LEMME WIN ONCE!!! F***!!!" but more like " sweet i won!, lets play again!" hahaha... but yeah anyone know how to fix the few bugs in there? bugs i found: #1 soemtimes if you go middle.. it replaces your O with an X and freezes... SOLUTION hit TAB then ENTER to restart #2 sometimes when the AI is about to lose it calls a TIE... #3 like the post above this.. sometimes it isn't very smart...SOLUTION make it smarter LMAO but nah...this isn't a real problem [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stinson6016 Posted May 3, 2009 Share Posted May 3, 2009 he keeps placing his "x" ontop of my "o" to bet me Gnatwork Networks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 3, 2009 Author Share Posted May 3, 2009 (edited) thats my problem #1... just hit TAB ENTER and it will restart it.. because it freezes when it happens... im not sure why this is happeningEDITfixed it alittle... UPDATED AT TOP lolFIXED:*reduced the glitches now it only does it a few times..*smarter AI*harder to win*i find it more fun Edited May 3, 2009 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enaiman Posted May 3, 2009 Share Posted May 3, 2009 Very nice interface. You will need to work on the code because the game is still bugged. Here is what I've noticed so far: - sometimes the script replaces the upper corner with its own entry overwriting my own entry (work on _Find_Blank_Spot ) - sometimes the script decides it's a tie after only 2 moves - the script freeze quite often during the game and it needs to be shut down Other than that: keep up the good work SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 3, 2009 Author Share Posted May 3, 2009 (edited) thanks enaiman.. #1 ill look into.. i realized #2 when i went Middle.. bottom left... and it said tie... #3 haven't had this happen yet in the new one but if it does hit [TAB] [Enter] to reset game... EDIT enaiman yours is VIRTUALY unbeatable(i haven't beaten it yet).. but i want mine to have some mercy on the user haha... Edited May 3, 2009 by CodyBarrett [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WideBoyDixon Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 I dug out my implementation of a zero-sum game where I implemented tic-tac-toe. I've posted here for reference should anyone find that they wanted to go down the route of using a minimax algorithm for a turn-based game. Apologies to CodyBarrett in advance to a little bit of thread hijacking. Sorry to say that mine doesn't let you win expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Global $aTree[10], $iSTM = Random(1, 2, 1) $aTree[0] = "000000000" Global $hBoard = GUICreate("Tic-Tac-Toe", 234, 234) GUISetBkColor(0x000000) Global $cBoard = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(8, 8, 218, 218) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) _DrawBoard($aTree[0]) ; Make the first move if necessary If $iSTM = 2 Then _FindBestMove(0, $iSTM) $aTree[0] = $aTree[1] $iSTM = 3 - $iSTM EndIf Local $iMsg, $aCI, $x, $y, $iMove Do $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $iMsg = $cBoard Then $aCI = GUIGetCursorInfo($hBoard) $aCI[0] -= 8 $aCI[1] -= 8 $x = Int($aCI[0] / 73) $y = Int($aCI[1] / 73) $iMove = $x + ($y * 3) + 1 If StringMid($aTree[0], $iMove, 1) = "0" Then _MakeMove(0, $iMove, $iSTM) _DrawBoard(1) $aTree[0] = $aTree[1] $iSTM = 3 - $iSTM _FindBestMove(0, $iSTM) $aTree[0] = $aTree[1] $iSTM = 3 - $iSTM EndIf EndIf Sleep(10) Until $iMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Func _RandomBoard() Local $i $aTree[1] = "" For $i = 1 To 9 $aTree[1] &= String(Random(0, 2, 1)) Next _DrawBoard(1) EndFunc Func _DrawBoard($iDepth) Local $i, $x, $y GUICtrlDelete($cBoard) $cBoard = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(8, 8, 218, 218) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_PENSIZE, 3) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xffffff, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 72, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, 72, 217) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 145, 0) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, 145, 217) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 0, 72) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, 217, 72) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 0, 145) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, 217, 145) For $i = 1 To 9 $x = Mod(($i - 1), 3) * 73 + 4 $y = Int(($i - 1) / 3) * 73 + 4 Switch StringMid($aTree[$iDepth], $i, 1) Case "1" GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_ELLIPSE, $x, $y, 64, 64) Case "2" GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $x, $y) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, $x + 63, $y + 63) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_MOVE, $x + 63, $y) GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_LINE, $x, $y + 63) EndSwitch Next GUICtrlSetGraphic($cBoard, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) EndFunc Func _StaticEvaluator($iDepth) Local $s = 0 $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 1, 1) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 4, 1) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 7, 1) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 1, 3) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 2, 3) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 3, 3) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 1, 4) $s += _ScoreLine($aTree[$iDepth], 3, 2) Return $s EndFunc Func _ScoreLine(ByRef $sBoard, $a, $B) Local $s = StringMid($sBoard, $a, 1) & StringMid($sBoard, $a + $b, 1) & StringMid($sBoard, $a + $b + $b, 1) Switch $s Case "001", "010", "100" Return 1 Case "011", "101", "110" Return 10 Case "111" Return 1000 Case "002", "020", "200" Return -1 Case "022", "202", "220" Return -10 Case "222" Return -1000 Case Else Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc Func _GetLegalMoves(ByRef $iDepth, ByRef $iSideToMove) Local $s = "", $i = Random(0, 8, 1), $j For $j = 1 To 9 If (StringMid($aTree[$iDepth], $i + 1, 1) = "0") Then $s &= String($i + 1) EndIf $i = Mod($i + 1, 9) Next Return StringSplit($s, "") EndFunc Func _MakeMove($iDepth, ByRef $iMove, ByRef $iSideToMove) $aTree[$iDepth + 1] = StringLeft($aTree[$iDepth], $iMove - 1) & String($iSideToMove) & StringMid($aTree[$iDepth], $iMove + 1) EndFunc Func _FindBestMove($iDepth, $iSideToMove) Local $iScore = _StaticEvaluator($iDepth) If $iDepth > 3 Then Return $iScore If StringInStr($aTree[$iDepth], "0") = 0 Then Return $iScore ; No valid moves available If ($iScore < -100) Or ($iScore > 100) Then Return $iScore ; Game is already won ... can't move any more Local $aMoves = _GetLegalMoves($iDepth, $iSideToMove), $i Local $iBestScore = _IIf(($iSideToMove = 1), -9999, 9999), $iNewScore, $iBestMove = 0 For $i = 1 To $aMoves[0] _MakeMove($iDepth, $aMoves[$i], $iSideToMove) $iNewScore = _FindBestMove($iDepth + 1, 3 - $iSideToMove) If $iSideToMove = 1 Then If $iNewScore > $iBestScore Then $iBestScore = $iNewScore $iBestMove = $i EndIf Else If $iNewScore < $iBestScore Then $iBestScore = $iNewScore $iBestMove = $i EndIf EndIf Next If $iDepth = 0 Then _MakeMove($iDepth, $aMoves[$iBestMove], $iSideToMove) _DrawBoard($iDepth + 1) EndIf Return $iBestScore EndFunc WBD [center]Wide by name, Wide by nature and Wide by girth[u]Scripts[/u]{Hot Folders} {Screen Calipers} {Screen Crosshairs} {Cross-Process Subclassing} {GDI+ Clock} {ASCII Art Signatures}{Another GDI+ Clock} {Desktop Goldfish} {Game of Life} {3D Pie Chart} {Stock Tracker}[u]UDFs[/u]{_FileReplaceText} {_ArrayCompare} {_ToBase}~ My Scripts On Google Code ~[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 4, 2009 Author Share Posted May 4, 2009 no problem WideBoyDixon... the more unbeatable examples the better... ill eventualy fix it.. got other stuff to do though [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enaiman Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 @WideBoyDixon Very nice approach - I really like it. Your example is exactly what I would expect from a good game algorythm. It's a good algorythm and it finds always the best move. I like the way you keep the table info in a string Mine doesn't allow wins either but comparing to yours it looks like a "poor relative" Very good job SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 4, 2009 Author Share Posted May 4, 2009 ima look into each of your guys code anyway.. see if i can learn something about the algo [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WideBoyDixon Posted May 4, 2009 Share Posted May 4, 2009 [center]Wide by name, Wide by nature and Wide by girth[u]Scripts[/u]{Hot Folders} {Screen Calipers} {Screen Crosshairs} {Cross-Process Subclassing} {GDI+ Clock} {ASCII Art Signatures}{Another GDI+ Clock} {Desktop Goldfish} {Game of Life} {3D Pie Chart} {Stock Tracker}[u]UDFs[/u]{_FileReplaceText} {_ArrayCompare} {_ToBase}~ My Scripts On Google Code ~[/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted May 5, 2009 Author Share Posted May 5, 2009 lol its beyond me... can some one post a simplified version?..... i wish i was a genius [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyBarrett Posted August 28, 2010 Author Share Posted August 28, 2010 I was frustrated so i put this project aside. Now im trying it again... its still possible to win, can someone help me by showing me what i'm doin wrong? i think it doesnt have any bugs so far can you guys voice your oppinions? [size="1"][font="Tahoma"][COMPLETED]-----[FAILED]-----[ONGOING]VolumeControl|Binary Converter|CPU Usage| Mouse Wrap |WinHide|Word Scrammbler|LOCKER|SCREEN FREEZE|Decisions Decisions|Version UDF|Recast Desktop Mask|TCP Multiclient EXAMPLE|BTCP|LANCR|UDP serverless|AIOCR|OECR|Recast Messenger|AU3C|Tik-Tak-Toe|Snakes & Ladders|BattleShips|TRON|SNAKE_____________________[u]I love the Helpfile it is my best friend.[/u][/font][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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