zorphnog Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 (edited) I wanted an alternate progress window for some of my scripts that didn't have progress points or involved waiting for some other process to run. So I came up with this UDF that displays a progress .gif and status text. It also allows you to display a transparency screen and progress bar if needed. I also made it customizable so you can create your own themes. I've found it very useful and thought I'd share it with the community. Enjoy!Busy.au3expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: Busy.au3 AutoIt Version: Author: zorphnog (Michael Mims) Script Function: Provides a status window with text, progress bar, and gif animation #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <WinApi.au3> #include "GIFAnimation.au3" Global Const _ $BSY_SIZE = 14, _ $BSY_MAINWIN = 0, _ $BSY_PARWIN = 1, _ $BSY_GIFOBJ = 2, _ $BSY_STATUSTEXT = 3, _ $BSY_STATUSBAR = 4, _ $BSY_SCREENWIN = 5, _ $BSY_THEME_DIR = 6, _ $BSY_THEME_BGCOLOR = 7, _ $BSY_THEME_TEXT = 8, _ $BSY_THEME_BAR = 9, _ $BSY_THEME_BGBAR = 10, _ $BSY_THEME_SCREEN = 11, _ $BSY_THEME_GIF = 12, _ $BSY_THEME_CORNERS = 13 Global Const _ $BUSY_SCREEN = 0x1, _ $BUSY_PROGRESS = 0x2, _ $BUSY_FULLSCREEN = 0x4, _ $BUSY_TOPMOST = 0x8 Global $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SIZE], $g_aBsy_GIFs, $g_aBsy_GIFs, $g_hBsy_GIFThread, $g_iBsy_Transparency, $g_tBsy_CurrentFrame ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Busy_Close ; Description ...: Closes the busy status window. ; Syntax.........: _Busy_Close() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - Returns a 0 ; Failure - Returns a -1 ; @Error - 0 = No error ; |1 = Invalid busy array ; Author ........: zorphnog ; Remarks .......: None ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Busy_Close() If Not IsArray($g_aBsy_Info) Or UBound($g_aBsy_Info) <> $BSY_SIZE Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) GUIRegisterMsg(15, "") _GUICtrlDeleteGIF($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_GIFOBJ], $g_aBsy_GIFs, $g_hBsy_GIFThread, $g_tBsy_CurrentFrame) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_PARWIN]) GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_PARWIN]) GUIDelete($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN]) If $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN] <> 0 Then GUIDelete($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN]) __Busy_Reset() Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_Busy_Close ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Busy_Create ; Description ...: Creates and displays a busy status window. ; Syntax.........: _Busy_Create([$sStatus [, $iOptions [, $iTrans [, $hGui]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sStatusText - Status text for the busy window ; $iOptions - Busy window options ; |$BUSY_PROGRESS = Creates a progress bar in the busy window ; |$BUSY_SCREEN = Create a transparent screen behind the busy window ; |$BUSY_FULLSCREEN = Center the busy window in the monitor instead of the parent gui (Default if $hGui is not specified) ; |$BUSY_TOPMOST = Give the busy window the $WS_EX_TOPMOST attribute ; $iTrans - The transparency number in the range 0 - 255 ; $hGui - Handle to a parent GUI ; Return values .: Success - Returns a 0 ; Failure - Returns a -1 ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid busy array ; Author ........: zorphnog ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Busy_Create($sStatusText = "", $iOptions = -1, $iTrans = -1, $hGui = 0) If Not IsArray($g_aBsy_Info) Or UBound($g_aBsy_Info) <> $BSY_SIZE Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not FileExists($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR]) Then _Busy_UseTheme("Default") Local $iGHeight = 85, $iGWidth = 150, $iHeight, $iWidth, $tRect, $tPoint Local $bProgress = False, $bFullScreen = False, $bTopmost = False ; Set options If $iOptions < 0 Or IsKeyword($iOptions) Then $iOptions = 0 If $iTrans < 0 Or IsKeyword($iTrans) Then $iTrans = 225 If $iTrans > 255 Then $iTrans = 255 If $hGui = 0 Or IsKeyword($hGui) Then $hGui = 0 Else $tRect = _WinAPI_GetClientRect($hGui) $tPoint = DllStructCreate("int X;int Y") _WinAPI_ClientToScreen($hGui, $tPoint) EndIf $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_PARWIN] = $hGui If BitAND($iOptions, $BUSY_PROGRESS) = $BUSY_PROGRESS Then $iGHeight += 10 $bProgress = True EndIf If BitAND($iOptions, $BUSY_FULLSCREEN) = $BUSY_FULLSCREEN Then $bFullScreen = True If BitAND($iOptions, $BUSY_TOPMOST) = $BUSY_TOPMOST Then $bTopmost = True ; Create screen window If BitAND($iOptions, $BUSY_SCREEN) = $BUSY_SCREEN Then If $bFullScreen Or $hGui = 0 Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN] = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_DISABLED), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) Else $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN] = GUICreate("", DllStructGetData($tRect, "Right"), DllStructGetData($tRect, "Bottom"), DllStructGetData($tPoint, "X"), DllStructGetData($tPoint, "Y"), BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_DISABLED), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $hGui) EndIf GUISetBkColor($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_SCREEN], $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN]) WinSetTrans($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN], "", $iTrans) If $bTopmost Then WinSetOnTop($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN], "", 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN]) EndIf ; Create busy window If $bFullScreen Or $hGui = 0 Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN] = GUICreate("", $iGWidth, $iGHeight, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) Else Local $iX = (DllStructGetData($tRect, "Right") - $iGWidth) / 2 + DllStructGetData($tPoint, "X") Local $iY = (DllStructGetData($tRect, "Bottom") - $iGHeight) / 2 + DllStructGetData($tPoint, "Y") $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN] = GUICreate("", $iGWidth, $iGHeight, $iX, $iY, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $hGui) GUISetState(@SW_LOCK, $hGui) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGui) EndIf If $bTopmost Then WinSetOnTop($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN], "", 1) GUISetBkColor($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGCOLOR], $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN]) ; Add corner images If $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_CORNERS] = True Then GUISetStyle($WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_LAYERED), $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN]) GUICtrlCreatePic($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR] & "\tr.bmp", $iGWidth - 5, 0, 5, 5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR] & "\br.bmp", $iGWidth - 5, $iGHeight - 5, 5, 5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR] & "\bl.bmp", 0, $iGHeight - 5, 5, 5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreatePic($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR] & "\tl.bmp", 0, 0, 5, 5) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf __GetGifPixSize($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_GIF], $iHeight, $iWidth) $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_GIFOBJ] = _GUICtrlCreateGIF($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_GIF], Int(($iGWidth - $iWidth) / 2), 10, $g_aBsy_GIFs, $g_hBsy_GIFThread, $g_iBsy_Transparency, $g_tBsy_CurrentFrame) GUIRegisterMsg(15, "__Busy_Refresh"); WM_PAINT ; Add progress controls If $bProgress Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 15, $iHeight + 18, 120, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGBAR]) $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 15, $iHeight + 18, 120, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BAR]) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSTEXT] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sStatusText, 5, $iHeight + 25, $iGWidth - 10, 15, BitOR(0x50000000, $SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_TEXT]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, -1, "Arial") Else $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSTEXT] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sStatusText, 5, $iHeight + 15, $iGWidth - 10, 15, BitOR(0x50000000, $SS_CENTER)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_TEXT]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, -1, "Arial") EndIf GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN]) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_Busy_Create ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Busy_Update ; Description ...: Update the status text or progress of the busy window ; Syntax.........: _Busy_Update($sStatusText, $iStatusPercent) ; Parameters ....: $sStatusText - The status text for the busy window ; $iStatusPercent - A percent number for the progress bar in the range 0 - 100 ; Return values .: Success - Returns a 0 ; Failure - Returns a -1 ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid busy array ; Author ........: zorphnog ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Busy_Update($sStatusText = "", $iStatusPercent = -1) If Not IsArray($g_aBsy_Info) Or UBound($g_aBsy_Info) <> $BSY_SIZE Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If $sStatusText <> GUICtrlRead($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSTEXT]) Then GUICtrlSetData($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSTEXT], $sStatusText) If $iStatusPercent > -1 Then If $iStatusPercent > 100 Then $iStatusPercent = 100 If $iStatusPercent = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR], $GUI_HIDE) Else GUICtrlSetPos($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR], 15, 66, 120 * $iStatusPercent / 100) If BitAND(GUICtrlGetState($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR]), $GUI_HIDE) = $GUI_HIDE Then GUICtrlSetState($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR], $GUI_SHOW) EndIf EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_Busy_Update ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Busy_UseTheme ; Description ...: Use a custom theme for the busy window ; Syntax.........: _Busy_UseTheme($sThemeName) ; Parameters ....: $sThemeName - The name of the theme to use ; Return values .: Success - Returns a 0 ; Failure - Returns a -1 ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid busy array ; |2 = Theme directory does not exist ; |3 = Settings file does not exist ; Author ........: zorphnog ; Remarks .......: Themes must be created in a folder named after theme located in the Busy folder of the script directory. Each ; theme must contain a settings.ini file with color hex values for the background, text, and progress bar. The ; animated gif must be named loader.gif. Each theme can also contain four images for the corners of the busy ; window. See default theme for an example. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Busy_UseTheme($sThemeName) If Not IsArray($g_aBsy_Info) Or UBound($g_aBsy_Info) <> $BSY_SIZE Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $sDir, $sSettingsFile, $sTemp $sDir = @ScriptDir & "\Busy\" & $sThemeName If Not FileExists($sDir) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) $sSettingsFile = $sDir & "\settings.ini" If Not FileExists($sSettingsFile) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_DIR] = $sDir $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGCOLOR] = __ValidateThemeEntry(IniRead($sSettingsFile, "colors", "bg", -1)) If @error Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGCOLOR] = 0x000000 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_TEXT] = __ValidateThemeEntry(IniRead($sSettingsFile, "colors", "text", -1)) If @error Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_TEXT] = 0xFFFFFF $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BAR] = __ValidateThemeEntry(IniRead($sSettingsFile, "colors", "bar", -1)) If @error Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BAR] = 0xFFFFFF $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGBAR] = __ValidateThemeEntry(IniRead($sSettingsFile, "colors", "bgbar", -1)) If @error Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_BGBAR] = 0x000000 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_SCREEN] = __ValidateThemeEntry(IniRead($sSettingsFile, "colors", "screen", -1)) If @error Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_SCREEN] = 0xFFFFFF $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_CORNERS] = IniRead($sSettingsFile, "theme", "corners", False) If $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_CORNERS] = "true" Then $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_CORNERS] = True Else $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_CORNERS] = False EndIf $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_THEME_GIF] = $sDir & "\loader.gif" __Busy_Reset() EndFunc ;==>_Busy_UseTheme #Region internal functions Func __ValidateThemeEntry($sEntry) If $sEntry = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $aResult = StringRegExp($sEntry, "(?i)([a-f0-9]{6})", 3) If Not @error Then Return "0x" & $aResult[0] Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==__ValidateThemeEntry Func __Busy_Reset() $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_MAINWIN] = 0 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSTEXT] = 0 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_STATUSBAR] = 0 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_SCREENWIN] = 0 $g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_GIFOBJ] = 0 EndFunc ;==>__Busy_Reset Func __GetGifPixSize($s_gif, ByRef $pwidth, ByRef $pheight) If FileGetSize($s_gif) > 9 Then Local $sizes = FileRead($s_gif, 10) $pwidth = Asc(StringMid($sizes, 8, 1)) * 256 + Asc(StringMid($sizes, 7, 1)) $pheight = Asc(StringMid($sizes, 10, 1)) * 256 + Asc(StringMid($sizes, 9, 1)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__GetGifPixSize Func __Busy_Refresh($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam _RefreshGIF($g_aBsy_Info[$BSY_GIFOBJ], $g_aBsy_GIFs, $g_hBsy_GIFThread, $g_iBsy_Transparency, $g_tBsy_CurrentFrame) EndFunc ;==>_Refresh #EndRegion internal functionsUpdate 1 (31 MAR 2010)I have restructured all gif animation functions to use the GIFAnimation UDF provided by trancexx http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=96132. This means an end to having to use (register/unregister) the gif89.dll that some people reported having problems with. Also, Win7/Vista UAC prevents dll registration/unregistration so trancexx's UDF solves all of these problems (many thanks to trancexx ). As a result, _Busy_Start and _Busy_Stop functions have been removed and are no longer needed.I also updated the example script which should make figuring out all of the different options a little easier. Enjoy!Busy UDF, GIFAnimation UDF (trancexx), example themes, and example script Busy.zipBusy UDF, example themes, and example script Busy.zip Edited March 31, 2010 by zorphnog
monoceres Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Looks very professional. Good job Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
Yashied Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 zorphnog, this is exelent job. My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More...
zorphnog Posted April 6, 2009 Author Posted April 6, 2009 Thanks guys. Here's a few sites for creating customized loader gifs:http://www.loadinfo.net/http://www.ajaxload.info/
AutoProgramming Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Wow, looks cool [u]My OpenSource Projects:[/u]- [BEEP] proMusiX- Search autorun.inf
zorphnog Posted April 6, 2009 Author Posted April 6, 2009 Updated original post: Added support for transparency screen color specification in themes Added theme entry validation code Added parameter to _Busy_Create for specifying parent GUI
fisofo Posted April 10, 2009 Posted April 10, 2009 Awesome awesome awesome. Thanks, this was just what I was looking for!
Prashant Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 Thx.That was what i was wanting for my New Creation Startup Style..Thank You.. >_
funkey Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Great stuff! That's fantastic! Programming today is a race between software engineers striving tobuild bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universetrying to produce bigger and better idiots.So far, the Universe is winning.
enaiman Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 (edited) For some reason your "regsvr32 /u" command from _Busy_Stop failed. I wanted to reneme the folder where I've downloaded your script and I couldn't; it kept telling me that the folder is being used. After I failed to find which app is using that folder I ran "regsvr32 /u gif98.dll" and got the success message. The folder was not locked anymore. Guess it wouldn't hurt a little debugging Thanks Edited March 25, 2010 by enaiman SNMP_UDF ... for SNMPv1 and v2c so far, GetBulk and a new example script wannabe "Unbeatable" Tic-Tac-Toe Paper-Scissor-Rock ... try to beat it anyway :)
corgano Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 How difficult would it be to make this into the format of a control (so I can place it on a window like a button)? Is it easy, or should I not even try? 0x616e2069646561206973206c696b652061206d616e20776974686f7574206120626f64792c20746f206669676874206f6e6520697320746f206e657665722077696e2e2e2e2e
zorphnog Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 How difficult would it be to make this into the format of a control (so I can place it on a window like a button)? Is it easy, or should I not even try?It wouldn't be that difficult. Basically, you would just take the relevant gui creation code from the _Busy_Create function.
zorphnog Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 [bump] New update released. See OP for info and download. Enjoy!
Fantastic Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Suggestion : an option so title bar is unlocked ( now it's locked, can't move it) and yes nice udf. [u]My current project:[/u] [size="1"]A bootable USB[/size]Webpage:*http://mylittlesoft.blogspot.com/
zorphnog Posted April 1, 2010 Author Posted April 1, 2010 (edited) Suggestion :an option so title bar is unlocked ( now it's locked, can't move it)and yes nice udf.I'll look into that. The problem is that the busy gui is a separate window so if you were to move the parent window the busy window would lose focus and not move with the window. You could register the WM_MOVING message with the parent gui, but that is assuming that it is not already registered by the calling script. Another option would be to create the busy gui as a control of the parent window, but I would have to figure out another way of creating the screen effect for that to work. Edited April 1, 2010 by zorphnog
idbirch Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 Nice update zorphnog, great to see the gif89 dependency given the boot, is was indeed a pain in the ass. I'm have a bit of trouble running scripts with the new UDF from Scite. I'm running Win7 x64 and although if I compile the script (in x86) it works fine, running directly from Scite insists on using AutoIt3_x64.exe which crashes completely whenever the Busy aninamtion is switched off. Is there any way you can resolve the x64 crashing or alternatively, suggest a way to get Scite not to use AutoIt3_x64.exe? Thanks.
Zibit Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 just what i needed ^^ gj 5 stars Creator Of Xtreme DevelopersPixel Pattern UDFTray GUI UDFMathssend & recive register scriptMouse Control via Webcam
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