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Posted (edited)

Hello everybody, :P

GCS Search 1.07

(GUI Control Styles Search) - XP and Vista 32 & 64 bits.

Easy way to update old AU3 scripts downloaded from forums

Last update : 3 February 2009 - AutoIt v3.3

* Multilingual : English, French, German, Spanish (for this last one, not all !)

* Script "Convert to v3.2.12.x" of Monoceres added. Thank you Monoceres and AutoIt forum members for this excellent script. + UDF renaming + Global Const cleaning :idea:

* Find rapidly missing Includes to run old script

* Search a word (function, variable...) in all Include files

* Search a variable of GUI Control Styles easier than the AutoIt Help.

* Dynamic menu

* Tools to help development

* Good scripts added (downloaded from this forum, thank you)

* Mode "Stay on top" with Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0)

* Can be hidden in the system tray

* Links about AutoIt

* Converter Hexadecimal<>RGB<>HSL color with sliders and palettes. Here, just for fun ! :)

* All XP/Vista themes compatibility :P

* No installation, nothing in the registry :(

I used the original webpages (HTML) about the GUI Control Styles found on the differents AutoIt forums and websites. I extracted HTML datas with an other tool I made : "HTML Extractor 1.01". There is "DAT Checker 1.01" too. ;)

I put all source codes inside the archive.

Note : I know a problem about checkboxes in tab with the mode "Stay on top" : When I move an other window on it, I see black blocks. The problem is about the screen refreshing I think. No problem with others controls. So I made fake checkboxes.

For French, it's here on the AutoIt French forum.

Enjoy !

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

All AU3 source codes inside the ZIP file.

Download GCS Search 1.07

3.97 Mo

See Help video

An example of an interesting old script : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=255797

If you want help me about translation or other things, you can. It's totally free and open-source. :P

Tell me what do you think about it ! Thank you very much.

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).
Posted (edited)

Hello everybody, :(

I have more than 500 visits (old and new topic together) and I have no remark, suggestion or other things !?? :P

Do you use it ? like it ?

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).

Looks nice your screenshot, but I can't run the script.


AutoIt Error


Line 100 (File "GCS Search 1.02.au3"):

Global $tray_Exit = TrayCreateItem($lang[5] & " " & $softName)

Global $tray_Exit = TrayCreateItem($lang^ ERROR

Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.


BTW, interesting page (especially the tracking info). :P

Posted (edited)

Thank you Josbe,

Are you sure you keep the language folder ? When I delete it, I reproduce your error.

I re-tested my ZIP archive and it's allright with AutoIt

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).
Posted (edited)

New version : 1.04

* Script "Convert to v3.2.12.0" of Monoceres added. Drag and drop a *.au3 file in the second tab to use it automatically. Thank you Monoceres and AutoIt forum members for this excellent script.

* Converter Hexadecimal<>RGB colors with sliders and palettes

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thank you Zedna and UltraFine,

New version : 1.05

* Now, the scripts are updated with Monoceres script + UDF renaming + Global Const cleaning if the "Full scripts update" is checked. Else, it's only the Monoceres script used.

* Full colors converter : HEX<>RGB<>HSL

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).

Thanks, I'll give it a go when I get the time! :mellow:

Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth!
Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said.


What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut

If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment.
Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies.
If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it.
I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination.

I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)



Thank you TheSaint to test it !

My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).

Thank you very well guys :(

This is my first program (of my life). I learn this language with it. :mellow: I started this work 4 months ago.

My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).
Posted (edited)

Hi everybody,

* Updating of scripts with better performances now !

Final ? Why ? I stop to develop this tool until the next stable version of AutoIt3. :)

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).
  • 4 weeks later...

It keeps opening new firefox windows repeatedly until I close the program. I had 5ish firefoxes opened in just a few seconds at http://www.autoitscript.com/.

It then has an error when running the next time:

"Unable to find this file:


The program will close."

This happens with both the compiled exe and the script.

I'm running the latest AutoIt on XP64 SP2.

Posted (edited)

Hello adamski,

Strange ! :)

If it's only a path problem, you can change in the source.

I downloaded the ZIP archive. I re-tested it and I have no problem on XP 32 bits, Vista 32 bits and Vista 64 bits. :)

I have no tested on XP 64 bits. o:)

Re-download and say to me if you have ever the problem.

Thank you.

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).

Hi Jikoo,

I redownloaded and tested it again. I got firefox repeatedly opening as before. Tested the same file on XP x32 and it worked without problem.

I have commented out "LoadURL($info_AutoItURL)" from Select Case in the While loop which prevents it and makes the program usable.

I think it may be due to the RegRead commands. XP x64 puts "Wow6432Node" in the key for x32 apps:

If @ProcessorArch = "X64" Then

... "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AutoIt v3\AutoIt" ...


Running the script as x32 caused the "Unable to find this file" error the next time


Posted (edited)

I think it may be due to the RegRead commands. XP x64 puts "Wow6432Node" in the key for x32 apps:

If @ProcessorArch = "X64" Then

... "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AutoIt v3\AutoIt" ...


Running the script as x32 caused the "Unable to find this file" error the next time

Thank you very much Adamski for your help. I will test it and improve the ZIP source.

@Firefox, Merci

Edited by Jikoo
My projects : GCS Search 1.07 (GUI Control Styles Search)* Multilingual tool to help about the old scripts, with a dynamic menu.* Easy way to find missing Include files in old scripts downloaded from forums !* Famous Monoceres script added and improved (visual, drag and drop, automatic)* There is an interactive color converter with palettes too, for fun !The best way to start Autoit3 development (for newbies).

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